Back to School during the pandemic ...a discussion thread

For those with children heading back to school, will that change your “bubble”? The bubble of people you can hug? I know so many grandparents are wondering if they should limit visits with their grandchildren once school goes back. The kids were in their bubble but will now be seeing so many more people, it changes the parameters. I was trying to find the FAQ I had read where the health ministers said it was ok to continue that but it doesn’t make sense.

We really only added my parents to our bubble, everyone else we see at a distance if at all. I hope we will still be able to see them, it is such a great break for both of us. The first few months of this when it was just my kiddo and I, well it was not easy! Don't get me wrong, I love my kid and spending time with him, but this was stressful on so many levels, I was still working from home, he was trying to figure out what he was allowed to do or not. As soon as we were allowed, he spent one night with my parents. It was just enough to keep us going. I think it will be different if he is able to be in school, we'll both be busy during that time of course (I still have to work) but we won't be all up in each other's faces all the time. I am not sure what the rules will be by Thanksgiving, but even if we can't all get together as a big family, we will do as we did at Easter and facetime. Christmas will be hard. Kiddo's birthday falls in there as well. Heck, even Remembrance Day, I normally go up to the school for the assembly, but I am sure that won't be held this year.

In the meantime, I hope he will spend another few sleepovers there before school starts, just in case we can't afterwards. After our hospital trip two weeks ago I was waiting until the two weeks were up. While I'm pretty sure we weren't exposed to anything there, it is the hospital so who knows what everyone was in for.
We had an outbreak in one LTC facility in my town earlier in the pandemic & just yesterday DH got the call that his uncle (his main father figure) has “pneumonia” in the LTC facility literally 4 minutes by foot from our house. He’s not expected to survive the week - he has diabetes and severe dementia. We had noticed a weird excess of cars in the last 2 weeks there. I feel like I’m living in Florida - I guess they think we’re naïve enough to believe pneumonia in Aug is a totally normal thing. None of this seems to be common knowledge (i.e. it doesn’t seem to be in the news that I’ve seen). Just a heads up.
I'm so sorry that you and your family are going through all this. (((hugs)))

For those with children heading back to school, will that change your “bubble”? The bubble of people you can hug? I know so many grandparents are wondering if they should limit visits with their grandchildren once school goes back. The kids were in their bubble but will now be seeing so many more people, it changes the parameters. I was trying to find the FAQ I had read where the health ministers said it was ok to continue that but it doesn’t make sense.
I mentioned that to my daughter-in-law. She teaches kindergarten so is at a bigger risk than high school-high numbers, wee ones can not nor will not social distance, and her mom and dad are at risk. And then it occurred to me, that we, being 66 and 70, are vulnerable as well. I am sooooo sad that we won't get to hug that little boy. :sad2::sad::sad1:
Bubble rejection is what it's called.
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My son and daughter in law are in my *Bubble*
and work from home,,their companies are saying at least until next Jan/Feb 2021.
If I go back to the school environment I am out of their *Bubble*.....:sad1:
I can't imagine Christmas without them???????????????????????????
I know, Mel, it sucks!:sad2::sad1: And our big family Christmas, too. :sad: This was the year that we'd get to have the 4 year old for Christmas. 4 at Christmas is the best. :sad1:
They have told us that it is separate and assigned seating, only same households with be sitting together. Not sure how this will happen as the bus was full before this.
Parents have to register for busing. When it is full, it is full. I hope that message has gotten through to the parents.
Like everyone else, I am tired of this, but I won't give in or give up. I'll do what it takes to be safe, and keep others safe. My sister says school will last 7 baseball games. I am praying that all goes well.
Just heard on the news that Alberta will be requiring masks. I thing grade 4 and up but I’m not sure.

Oh and there is a petition in Ontario regarding class sizes. Don’t think cause of other stuff I’ve posted that I don’t want smaller class sizes, I do. It would make me feel a lot better. Just it seems like my sons school doesn’t have the issues with large classes like others are talking about. So his class would be more likely to be in the low 20s anyway. But 15-20 max would be better for everyone.
Are other school board really that bad? My kids have never been in a class in elementary school with more then 25 kids. I found this info from our board from the 2017-2018 year. And I only hear of the odd larger class size once they hit grades 7-8. But never more then 30.

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I know my kids have been lucky to have relatively small class sizes all throughout elementary school. I don’t think they have ever been in a class larger than 23-24 even in kindergarten. My youngest just graduated from grade 8, with 22 kids in his class. There were 5 grade 8 classes at his school.

PS. Our school board shows the same stats for 2017-18, we might belong to the same school board.
Are other school board really that bad? My kids have never been in a class in elementary school with more then 25 kids. I found this info from our board from the 2017-2018 year. And I only hear of the odd larger class size once they hit grades 7-8. But never more then 30.

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Yes, sadly, it is true. You're very fortunate that your school doesn't have the numbers in the photo above. FDK of 30, 31 kids are not uncommon. The numbers are sent to the Ministry September 30th and then the caps don't matter anymore. Grades 4-8 have taken the brunt of lowered class sizes in primary and high school, like they don't matter, and, as Lecce (aka the Leech), likes to tout FDK has TWO educators. Yeah that's just two more bodies. 3-5 year olds do not social distance.
Yes, our school board regularly sees those numbers. My son was never in a class in elementary with less than 25 kids . Our JK/SK classes are blended and over 30 children,

Maybe it’s because our area has multiple elementary schools but not a huge population of families (it’s a mix). One year my son had 18 in his class. Last year it was 21

Actually thinking about it. My daughter was in an weird situation where there weren’t many kids in her year. Her grade 6 class only had 16 kids. Because it was the final year at that school they didn’t want to mix grades.
Just heard on the news that Alberta will be requiring masks. I thing grade 4 and up but I’m not sure.

Oh and there is a petition in Ontario regarding class sizes. Don’t think cause of other stuff I’ve posted that I don’t want smaller class sizes, I do. It would make me feel a lot better. Just it seems like my sons school doesn’t have the issues with large classes like others are talking about. So his class would be more likely to be in the low 20s anyway. But 15-20 max would be better for everyone.

My son't classes have been the same. Except when full day kinder started, his class was about 30 kids then, a mix of JK & SK, with a teacher and an ECE. Since then though his classes have all bee less than 20 except last year it was 23. I expect it will be similar or smaller this year as well. I am not sure what it will be like when he goes to grade 7 in the high school next year, as they combine so many elementary schools. It is odd though, his grade is much smaller than the grade above and below him, it's like there were just many fewer kids born that year. But the classes above and below simply have more classes. His grade has been 2 classes, more kids have joined the school as the area has some new builds and such going in. I would be happy with smaller classes as well. It's funny too, there are a few empty classrooms in his school. They added on two new kinder classrooms to the school (not portables) when the full days rolled out and one of them was used as part of the daycare for the first two years before they needed it. Down in the portapack (which is attached to the school but not air conditioned) they have at least 3 empty rooms, two were used by the daycare for before/after care. He was actually quite lucky, they used to have the grade 5/6 kids down there but last year they moved them into the a/c part of the school and put the littles down there because "they are better able to handle the heat". Any way. They could easily add 5 or 6 classes and have the space for them if they have the money for the teachers. The catchment area is smaller I guess, there are so many catholic elementary schools in this area.
Hi Hon
You will need time to exit ,,even if it's to your car and take a break away,,walk around the block.
Remember your health and well being is important so that you can be strong to support the kids.
It is not going to be easy,,talk to your co workers and lean on them for support.

Hugs to you
This probably won't be possible in the primary grades. The teacher is supposed to be cohorted with the class throughout the day, and students MUST be supervised at all times. You can't have others coming into the classroom randomly to spell off the teacher; that becomes a cross-infection route. I assume bathroom breaks for teachers will even pose a challenge.
For those with children heading back to school, will that change your “bubble”? The bubble of people you can hug? I know so many grandparents are wondering if they should limit visits with their grandchildren once school goes back. The kids were in their bubble but will now be seeing so many more people, it changes the parameters. I was trying to find the FAQ I had read where the health ministers said it was ok to continue that but it doesn’t make sense.
Well with my wife heading back to school we have already discussed plans with our family. I am a caretaker/support for my mom (92) who lives a couple of hours away. I have warned her that I will continue to do exterior maintenance on the house every couple of weeks or so, but will no longer enter her home. I have told my two children who live with my former spouse that I will be cutting off face-to-face contact (back to zoom once a week). DW is in Toronto now for a final visit with her parents.
So effectively on September 4 we plan to cut our bubble to just the 2 of us, except that DW's bubble will be approximately 250 people assuming that 25 students are all following the rules and only have a bubble of 10 each (probability is probably low that that is true).
Both of my kids are in post secondary, with 100% online learning. They are going to get pretty tired of the same four walls (again), but all for the greater good! I can't imagine them both taking rapid transit to their campuses every day.
Bubble rejection is what it's called.
View attachment 515770

My son and daughter in law are in my *Bubble*
and work from home,,their companies are saying at least until next Jan/Feb 2021.

If I go back to the school environment I am out of their *Bubble*.....:sad1:
I can't imagine Christmas without them???????????????????????????
Oh come on!
My general feeling is that schooling will be in full outbreak by late October. With shutdown, and a couple of weeks of isolation, assuming we all avoid contracting it ourselves, Christmas should be entirely doable.

Which I guess is another one of those random questions. How long does everyone feel this return to school thing will last before they have to shut it down? After what I just said, I actually think that 8 weeks is pretty optimistic.

ETA: 3 quick posts in a row there. Just trying to be everyone's ray of sunshine on a rainy day here in Ottawa :) 🌧
Oh come on!
My general feeling is that schooling will be in full outbreak by late October. With shutdown, and a couple of weeks of isolation, assuming we all avoid contracting it ourselves, Christmas should be entirely doable.

Which I guess is another one of those random questions. How long does everyone feel this return to school thing will last before they have to shut it down? After what I just said, I actually think that 8 weeks is pretty optimistic.

ETA: 3 quick posts in a row there. Just trying to be everyone's ray of sunshine on a rainy day here in Ottawa :) 🌧

It would be great if they didn't have to shut it down again but I'm guessing by Thanksgiving-ish. If not before then I'm sure shortly after. People are having a hard time staying the course, getting worn out I guess. Thanksgiving is the next big holiday, those little groups of up to 10 will be hard to maintain.
My money is on early November for the school related outbreaks to be really prevalent. I don’t see another large scale school shutdown though. I think it will be just a “putting out fires“ approach with closing schools with high positive numbers. I think it would take USA type numbers to start shutting down en masse again .
This probably won't be possible in the primary grades. The teacher is supposed to be cohorted with the class throughout the day, and students MUST be supervised at all times. You can't have others coming into the classroom randomly to spell off the teacher; that becomes a cross-infection route. I assume bathroom breaks for teachers will even pose a challenge.

My understanding is the rules of common labour still exist.
for myself as an E.A.
15 minute break
1/2- hr lunch,_c._986/index.html&
Teacher lunches are usually longer at my school, 1 hr.
then there are teacher planning times that will have to happen.

Staff will be floating around through classrooms covering for people.
I am not sure at this point if lunchroom supervisors will be back next year,,goodness knows we never had enough consistent supervision at lunchtime.
This is in a elementary school.

And my school is going to a 2- 40 min nutrition break system next year,,,so all this may change as we have never done the Nutrition Break system. (Fun something new during Covid 19).......................
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My understanding is the rules of common labour still exist.
for myself as an E.A.
15 minute break
1/2- hr lunch,_c._986/index.html&
Teacher lunches are usually longer at my school, 1 hr.
then there are teacher planning times that will have to happen.

Staff will be floating around through classrooms covering for people.
I am not sure at this point if lunchroom supervisors will be back next year,,goodness knows we never had enough consistent supervision at lunchtime.
This is in a elementary school.

And my school is going to a 2- 40 min nutrition break system next year,,,so all this may change as we have never done the Nutrition Break system. (Fun something new during Covid 19).......................

I know my son's school has had little lunch time supervision, the few time's I've gone to pick him at that time there is no teacher or adult around his class, apparently one teacher is in the hall near a block of classes. I know they only get a few minutes to eat in any case, like 15 or something? Then it's outside. I imagine it will be harder to manage if they have to stagger the lunch breaks though, I believe they are restricting volunteers and such so not sure how that works. I am sure they will have some sort of plan in place. To maintain social distancing but still provide supervision.

I wonder if the balanced day would be easier to manage with supervision, though I've never understood if it is then just two recess breaks? He gets two short ones and one long one at lunch time now. And of course that is the most important "class". I believe the public board here in Ottawa does balanced day while the Catholic has, so far any way, done two short and a longer lunch time break.
Staff will be floating around through classrooms covering for people.

And my school is going to a 2- 40 min nutrition break system next year,,,so all this may change as we have never done the Nutrition Break system. (Fun something new during Covid 19).......................

And I don't see how this can happen. The idea is not to cross contaminate, so having any kind of "floater" strikes me as counter to the entire gist of the thing.

The Ontario Principal's Association recently published a very detailed response to the government, Although the tone started supportive, they raised a bunch of good points; the real eye opener for me was their questioning about what we do about substitutes? We all know more will be required; DW usually works through everything unless she literally can't get up out of bed in the morning. But now she also has to call in for a sniffle. But Subs can't be floating from school to school. The principals are asking that substitute teachers be assigned to a single school for safety. That makes a lot of sense for reducing the spread, but will it happen?

And DW's school went to double nutrition break a couple of years ago. Takes a bit of adjustment, but it works pretty well. I haven't heard any of her crowd opining on whether it has improved student attention/performance or not. It works really well for her personally as she is one of those people who thrives on a few really small meals over 3 large ones.
We are doing away with the traditional 1 hr lunch and 2 15 minute breaks at our school.

It will be
11:05-11:25 20 minutes to eat
11:25-11:45 20 minutes for outside activities

The afternoon will be the same with 2, 20 minute breaks.
(20 to eat and 20 outside).

Not that this something that happens at all schools,, but at my school many kids don't eat breakfast ,,,so them having to wait till 11:05 is going to be quite the change.
I hope parents/kids pack lots of food as we will not be allowed to supplement food this year,(no budget).
You would not believe how many grade 6/7/8 turn up everyday without lunches.
Our school LRS (Lunchroom supervisors are paid by the board).


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