Baloo is finding his Bare Necessities of life (Comments Welcome)

Not really, we got them at Costco. They are more condensed/thicker.
Here is a screen grab.
View attachment 713311
I guess they are actually fruit bars, but honestly more like a fruit stick as they are pretty small to be called a bar - imo. Very tasty and they each have 60 calories.
I love those, they are so tasty. I have also been thinking of trying Wallaby red licorice (its Australian so it is a bit different than US licorice) to mix up fueling on long runs, so I don't have to take just gels. 3 pieces are 90 calories and 22 g of carbs.
Review of Week 18 of NYC/Dopey Plan and Taper Week 1
10/24: Rest Day.
10/25: 4 miles - completed 4 miles, walked after work. Took Kai and went at his “been in the house all day” pace. That dog moves!
10/26: 4 miles - completed 3.53 miles. Late at work and ran out of day light. Cut it down to 3 miles. Tempo work: 11:15, 9:36 & 9:12 and cool down. Felt pretty good. In new shoes going to use these for the Marathon.
10/27: 4 miles - completed 5.09 miles. Went easy pace, had to keep pulling back. Felt very good today.
10/28: OFF
10/29: 6 miles - completed 6.51 miles. Plan: easy pace mile, 4 at marathon pace and last mile at easy pace. Planned marathon pace: 10:00/miles. Mile 2: 9:40, mile 3: 9:57, mile 4: 9:31, & Mile 5: 9:42. A bit disappointed in my pacing, too fast. I was on a pretty hilly route today but still I would have liked to be more consistent.
10/30: 6 miles - completed 6.21 miles. Took it very easy today,

It was a good week. To be totally honest I am getting very nervous about NYC. I have been watching YouTube bloggers and read everything I can find. I feel like I have a good idea of the course, I have a plan set - nutrition, pacing, mantra and go to music, But regardless everytime I think about it my heart rate goes up a little! I just want to get out there and run the race. I will share my plan later this week.

Side note - I will have to book our ADR’s at the airport before the flight to New York as our first day to book will kick off an hour before we are supposed to board the plane - should make for a fun morning!

This next week I will be keeping it easy, with short runs, and one more at marathon pace. The rest will be chill. One thing I need to be careful about is not walking my legs off on Friday and Saturday. We have lots of ideas for things to do in New York - this is the first time we have ever been there.

Week 19 NYC/Dopey Plan & Taper Week 2
10/31: Rest Day
11/1: 3 miles - easy Pace
11/2: 4-5 mile walk
11/3: 3 miles - marathon pace
11/4: 4 miles - easy pace
11/5: Rest Day (will be touristing in New York, going to have to watch time on feet…)
I'm usually not a fan of bus tours, but one of those hop on/hop off buses are a great way to see the sights without all the walking.

Best of luck with the race!
Goals for the New York Marathon:

Most important - come out of the event injury free and ready (after a short recovery period) to step back into Dopey Training.

A Goal: Sub 4:30
B Goal: Sub 4:45
C Goal: Sub 5:00

Nutrition: Banana & bagel with peanut butter and a small cup of coffee pre-race. 3 shot bloks 20 minutes prior to race, then three more at the 3 mile marker. From there I am transitioning to fruit bars, one every 3 miles. Going to bring one extra pack of shot bloks in case I feel I need to trade out with three shot blocks = one fruit bar. Plus water and gatorade/powerade at each water station.

Interval plan and pacing: I will stick with my 4:00/:30 right from the start. Planning to run out from the back of my corral for a little extra elbow room to feel better about doing intervals around (I am assuming) a lot of constant runners. I will be focused on 10:00 minute miles, but do plan to start out a little slow and not get to caught up in the hype at the beginning or the back side of the first bridge towards the end of mile one. If I am smart and consistent I think I can maintain 10:00’s and the will get me in under my A-goal. But ask me again at like mile 17 and we will have to see what I think!

Ever since my ankle injury (which was 2018-19) I have struggled with the Marathon. The last three have all been over 5 hours. But this training period has gone very well and I believe 4:30 is doable. My nutrition plan is set, my interval plan is set and my outfit is set. I even went to Walmart and bought some tossable clothes to stay warm during the long morning wait. The last piece is how I will carry everything. I have multiple hydration vests and backpacks and one running belt. I don’t like the vest or backpack unless really necessary during an ultra or trail race, so that leave the running belt. But I may use a fanny pack I got at work. I did a couple long runs and tried it out I think it works better than my old running belt.

So I am running out of the Blue wave in corral 3 at around 10:20am. And I have a much too early ferry ride over to Staten Island. I blame runDisney for this. When I first saw the available Ferry times I grab the earliest I could…. This is long before I learned I would be starting at 10:20am! I am bring my phone and a light charger so it is ready to go at the start. I plan to get there early, find a good place to chill out, spread out my space blanket and relax (as best I can). I will make it work.

Bottom line on this is I will likely not get the chance to run the New York Marathon again so I am going to enjoy the experience and give it my best effort. I feel ready - a bit nervous - but ready. Thanks for reading!
Goals for the New York Marathon:

Most important - come out of the event injury free and ready (after a short recovery period) to step back into Dopey Training.

A Goal: Sub 4:30
B Goal: Sub 4:45
C Goal: Sub 5:00

Nutrition: Banana & bagel with peanut butter and a small cup of coffee pre-race. 3 shot bloks 20 minutes prior to race, then three more at the 3 mile marker. From there I am transitioning to fruit bars, one every 3 miles. Going to bring one extra pack of shot bloks in case I feel I need to trade out with three shot blocks = one fruit bar. Plus water and gatorade/powerade at each water station.

Interval plan and pacing: I will stick with my 4:00/:30 right from the start. Planning to run out from the back of my corral for a little extra elbow room to feel better about doing intervals around (I am assuming) a lot of constant runners. I will be focused on 10:00 minute miles, but do plan to start out a little slow and not get to caught up in the hype at the beginning or the back side of the first bridge towards the end of mile one. If I am smart and consistent I think I can maintain 10:00’s and the will get me in under my A-goal. But ask me again at like mile 17 and we will have to see what I think!

Ever since my ankle injury (which was 2018-19) I have struggled with the Marathon. The last three have all been over 5 hours. But this training period has gone very well and I believe 4:30 is doable. My nutrition plan is set, my interval plan is set and my outfit is set. I even went to Walmart and bought some tossable clothes to stay warm during the long morning wait. The last piece is how I will carry everything. I have multiple hydration vests and backpacks and one running belt. I don’t like the vest or backpack unless really necessary during an ultra or trail race, so that leave the running belt. But I may use a fanny pack I got at work. I did a couple long runs and tried it out I think it works better than my old running belt.

So I am running out of the Blue wave in corral 3 at around 10:20am. And I have a much too early ferry ride over to Staten Island. I blame runDisney for this. When I first saw the available Ferry times I grab the earliest I could…. This is long before I learned I would be starting at 10:20am! I am bring my phone and a light charger so it is ready to go at the start. I plan to get there early, find a good place to chill out, spread out my space blanket and relax (as best I can). I will make it work.

Bottom line on this is I will likely not get the chance to run the New York Marathon again so I am going to enjoy the experience and give it my best effort. I feel ready - a bit nervous - but ready. Thanks for reading!
Good luck! We'll all be rooting for you.


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