Baloo is finding his Bare Necessities of life (Comments Welcome)

I really needed all those kind words and thoughts! Thank you! For the past two days I have been watching the temps in New York come up. Currently showing a high on Sunday of 75… It was showing mid 60’s a week ago and I was thinking that was hot enough!

I know that is not very hot, but as a bigger guy I run so much better in cool and cold weather. So I am not changing my goals or anything yet, but am going to go without the long sleeve undershirt I was planning and I will go with a lighter weight hat and running shorts.

I have a 10:20 start so heat will be an issue. Will really hydrate the next few days. And I am sure obsess about weather. But at least it is showing cloudy skies, that will help!
Good luck! I think you're right to worry about the temperature. Make even more contingency plans. I hope it all goes well so that you enjoy it.
I'm very jealous and can't wait to hear about your experience! I lived in NYC a few years and it is a really great city. I hope you get to enjoy it some.
Good luck! I think you're right to worry about the temperature. Make even more contingency plans. I hope it all goes well so that you enjoy it.
Thanks! I am going to slow down some. Just makes since. It was pretty warm here today and that was just walking around Times Square and the Empire State Building!

Go Baloo!!!
Thank you, very appreactied!

I'm very jealous and can't wait to hear about your experience! I lived in NYC a few years and it is a really great city. I hope you get to enjoy it some.
This is such a cool city! I am just constantly take back by the history and the incredible buildings! Looking forward to more exploring after the marathon.
Last prerace update - it is going to be hot! The race officials sent out warning notices this afternoon warning about heat and humidity…. I am gong to slow down. I have decided to back off my original plans, basically shooting for a 10:00/mile average. I am going to go out and back it off a little, I think 10:30 to 11:00. I will assess as I go. It will be a 10:20 start for me and with the time change it is more like 11:20 (as far as the heat of the day and sun). Given all this I will need to really stay on top of my hydration and pay attention to signs. But one way or another I will finish!

Here is my flat me, I have pulled the undershirt out of course, otherwise this is my plan.

Rearly liked the expo, but wow was the merch area insane! Grabbed a picture right after and now all that is left is to run the race!
For some reason I was reminded of this Welcome to New York video by Glove & Boots' Johnny T:
It's all in good fun and Enjoy your visit!
I will put together a longer race report later, in short - hotter than I had hoped, hillier than I knew (not just the bridges there are LONG minor inclines that kind of add up. I loved the crowd support! Never experienced anything like it. Imagine Main Street during the full or half, but more people and much louder. And it would go on like that for hours.

I did not hit goal times or even my adjusted goal times. But in the end I was just 30 seconds off my current PR based on my post injury/old man PR’s that I decided to reset. Given the challenges of today, I am happy with that. My time was 5:15:39, my PR is 5:14:16. So I was close. New York is an incredible city! And now it is off to one of my new favorite things in New York, Pizza!

Thanks again for all the support!
Love it! Yeah people think New York is flat but it definitely isn't. Lots of neighborhood names like Washington Heights, Murray Hill, etc. that really do reflect those inclines! And my understanding is that the bridges are no joke when you are running over them as opposed to driving. Congratulations what a wonderful experience. And it was a hot one. The men's leader collapsed, I don't know if you saw that.


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