Beauty and the Beach ~ Deluxe Edition

Love the camping pics; too bad you didn't get any around the fire.

I was thinking it would be good to skip the first MSEP, watch the fireworks and then it wouldn't be so crowded for the second MSEP.

I was just listening to the DIS Unplugged podcast where they talked about the MSEP, and they suggested that very thing. Sort of like the parties where the second parade is less crowded. They said there is always a mass exodus after the fireworks. :thumbsup2
I did! That's so nice of you to notice! :goodvibes LOVE that movie!!! I got teary eyed at the beginning when she died, but totally lost it when he finally looked through the journal and saw the message she left.

Me too! But, after the first sad part it all just went downhill for me! Like, when she couldnt have a baby and took her little chair to sit in the sun.....Major sobbing right there!!! I almost had to get up and leave,... I just got really sad at the first and couldn't shake it. There was even a little bitty girl behind us that cried the whole time too!! in fact,my son( the 14 yo)--the kid who repeats EVERY funny part the whole movie and makes you have to say, be QUIET!!!! Didn't say a word thru the whole thing...when it got really sad with the journal,...he just goes"Dang.". If he was speechless, it was terribly sad!!!!
Sheree~ yep...2nd parade should be better....try and get on that little sidewalk over there to the right of the castle...the one that goes toward the Tomorrowland area....then you can see fireworks....after that if MS is clear move over there...if not, you should still be able to see the parade. Or, over in FL or AL...where the shooting gallery and all that stuff is---that is not as crowded for the favorite spot is at the little hub right when you come in MS....where they put the Christmas tree....we did the Christmas party parade there one was fabulous!!!!! And a 'one week from today' thing!!!!! How fun!!!!
Very cool camping pictures!!!!! Like the one of the fish!!!!
Thanks! The girls are funny about the fish. They get so excited to catch one, and then they're afraid of it!

yay for single digits!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::dance3: :dance3: :banana::banana::banana:
Thank you for dancing with me!

I did! That's so nice of you to notice! :goodvibes LOVE that movie!!! I got teary eyed at the beginning when she died, but totally lost it when he finally looked through the journal and saw the message she left.
Up is such a sweet and funny movie. I need to watch it again.
Love the camping pics; too bad you didn't get any around the fire.

I was just listening to the DIS Unplugged podcast where they talked about the MSEP, and they suggested that very thing. Sort of like the parties where the second parade is less crowded. They said there is always a mass exodus after the fireworks. :thumbsup2
I know how dumb not to take campfire pictures while camping!!
That's what I thought about the second parade. My only concern is getting a good spot to watch the fireworks if the people from the first parade are still sitting there. I'm sure the second parade from Frontierland would be great. Hope we can stay up that late! I'm planning for a rather long day!

Me too! But, after the first sad part it all just went downhill for me! Like, when she couldnt have a baby and took her little chair to sit in the sun.....Major sobbing right there!!! I almost had to get up and leave,... I just got really sad at the first and couldn't shake it. There was even a little bitty girl behind us that cried the whole time too!! in fact,my son( the 14 yo)--the kid who repeats EVERY funny part the whole movie and makes you have to say, be QUIET!!!! Didn't say a word thru the whole thing...when it got really sad with the journal,...he just goes"Dang.". If he was speechless, it was terribly sad!!!!
Sheree~ yep...2nd parade should be better....try and get on that little sidewalk over there to the right of the castle...the one that goes toward the Tomorrowland area....then you can see fireworks....after that if MS is clear move over there...if not, you should still be able to see the parade. Or, over in FL or AL...where the shooting gallery and all that stuff is---that is not as crowded for the favorite spot is at the little hub right when you come in MS....where they put the Christmas tree....we did the Christmas party parade there one was fabulous!!!!! And a 'one week from today' thing!!!!! How fun!!!!

Oh Shawna - you are one of my very sappy friends!! It is very sweet.
What do you think about the problem of watching the fireworks from the hub? I am guessing there will be tons of people there left after the first parade and once the fireworks are over then they leave. So will I get a chance for a spot in the hub if I don't watch the first parade there?
How long does this parade last anyway? I am hoping that people will get up and move around, but they might just sit for the fireworks too.

I got a little bit of Disney at work today!!! I'm sitting in court, listening to these boring eviction proceedings. And there's a lady who represents a landlord on a few cases. She comes up to the bench and she is wearing on her casual plaid button down shirt...

A DISNEY PIN!!!! It was Mickey Mouse in front of the EPCOT Spaceship Earth. I think I have that one too. I couldn't help but smile at her! My colleague on the other side of the room shot me a knowing glance. She spotted it too and knew I would be giggling inside!
It's the little things, you know?

Went to Walgreens on my lunch and picked up a Disney word search book for a dollar. Sarah found her puzzle book from last time and it still has plenty left in it to do, so now they will each have a book.
Oh, I forgot one other thing! Today I got an email from Disney Destinations. "Your Disney Vacation is almost here!"
It had an offer to pre-order the photopass for $99!!! Regular price is $149! Might do what we did last time, share with SIL. Hopefully she won't lose her cards this time!
I think I will do it. I believe that if you decide you don't want it (not enough pictures or whatever), you can get your money back.

As soon as you SIL gets a card, take a picture of it with your camera. Then if she loses the card you can still register the number to capture the pictures she had. Of course if you are extra cautious you can then write the number down in your material in case you lose your camera.

I’m just taking my experience from MSEP from DL, but I bet is quite similar at MK. You are right that the crowds will just stick around after the parade to watch the fireworks from the hub. The fireworks generally start pretty quickly after the parade is off the street. Just remember that for the second parade the floats will start on Main Street and go towards the castle so if you are planning on staying in the park after that parade, you want to be somewhere you will have an easy exit, because everyone will be mobbing Main Street as the parade passes.
I am not sure... I think there will be lots of people for sure! But, if you could maybe stake out a good spot around Tonys for the 2nd parade I bet it would be great! But...for the fireworks, one year we watched from the benches between Dumbo and the Carousel and it was pretty neat. It's a totally different view...not as great as being on MS, but we didn't have a crowd!!! Maybe you will do best to just kinda feel it out once you are closer to fireworks time that day...I think summer crowds kinda fluctuate....people with crabby babies who planned to stay, for example, might just give up and leave...I know I have seen that at firework/parade time even when the weather was great. Hopefully they will all go home and you can pick what you want!! Ha!! I need to check our Walgreens for that crossword book....ds11 would love it!
How funny that the lady has on the Mickey pin!!!!! I love it!!! What a great boost for you today!
Thanks for all the advice and tips on the parade/fireworks issue!

Crossed off another thing on my list today - Got my summer short haircut! Of course, I always have short hair, but now it's really short and off my neck - I hate having sweaty hair on my neck!

Yay, no hair sticking to your neck! Not going to promise no sweat though if it's really hot...
The best thing?
Another day closer!!:banana:
Found silly bandz today on my way to PT at CVS! They had a sign out front. Had princess and TS3 ones for $4.99.
Waiting for PT now.
Will post my ONE WEEK FROM TODAY later.
Found silly bandz today on my way to PT at CVS! They had a sign out front. Had princess and TS3 ones for $4.99.
Waiting for PT now.
Will post my ONE WEEK FROM TODAY later.

What series of the princess did you get?
Also did you find fairies?
What series of the princess did you get?
Also did you find fairies?
Only found the Princess 1 series. They did not have Fairies. I didn't know there were more than one series of some of these. I'll have to pay closer attention. They had Toy Story 3 ones - I only know that because they had ones with Lotso and some of those characters, Robo I think.

You've gotten a lot of things checked off that list Sheree. It seems so "real" now, I bet. Yay!! :)

I'm getting pretty excited! It's getting more real every day when I see how much laundry there is to do!! HA!
Not too many things left on the list - not counting packing - just little things, like clearing memory cards, charging electronics, order photopass, stop paper, get books, - gosh, that still seems like a lot!!

Just found out Sarah's softball schedule. First game at 7 on Friday night. Then it depends on if they win or lose what time on Saturday. Could be as early as 9. I have a feeling I will have to write off most of Saturday as being at the ball park. Note to self - throw in laundry early and run home every couple hours. At least the fields are all close by!
WOOT!! For getting so close Sheree!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!

I just love getting my hair cut before going to Disney!!!!! Makes me feel special LOL (Yes I'm weird)!! LOL...either way yay for a great haircut!!!

We will be boarding a 9:00 a.m. flight to MCO

Hopping on board Magical Express

Enjoying a little movie on the way to

Disney's Beach Club Resort!!!
We hope to arrive by 3 p.m., hope our room is ready, and that it has a full balcony like I requested! We will have our swimsuits and probably explore the resort a bit, maybe hop in Stormalong Bay!

for a dip!!
We are just going to wing it until our 6:15 reservation for dinner at Captain's Grille.

We have not planned what we're going to do after dinner. It will depend on how tired we are. We might check out the movie on the beach, or maybe go see the MK Summer Nightastic parade/fireworks, or maybe go to DTD? We will also play it by ear depending on the weather. We have a 5 day ticket and only have plans for certain for 3 days. So we might use one Wed. night. But I am leaning toward using it on Sunday and then using one on a day we come back from the beach. (See below*)
Then we will sink down into our comfy beds in our standard room and get enough rest for our big day on Thursday!!! LOTS planned for that day!! Stay tuned!

*The place where we are staying at the beach is right near where the cruise ships leave from Port Canaveral. We found out last night that the Disney Wonder leaves on Tuesday for a 5 night cruise. We had previously thought it would leave on Sunday for a 4 night, like it does in the winter. (No, we're not going on it! I wish!) The plan was to get there Sunday p.m. to see the ship go out, but now we don't have to rush. SO, we MIGHT go to a park on Sunday as well!!! No plan as to which one, perhaps AK since we didn't have that in our original plans. Who knows??? Again, stay tuned.

One more thing - I'm hoping to update on Facebook during the trip - now that I know how to do it with pictures and all. If you're not my friend on FB and want to be, PM me your Facebook info and I'll "friend" you.

IF the girls are really into collecting them, I'd get the Toy Story series at home. In the parks they only have the series 1 set with the main characters. You are describing the series 2 and 3 sets. They don't have them at Disney yet. Just a FYI!
Your package is on it's way!
Oh, it!!! You are gonna just love the BC!!! Besides the Contemporary it's my favorite resort!!! CR is great for the MK feel, BC is awesome for Epcot...especially eating at the WS and walking home at night. Can't wait for you to tell us all about Capts Grille.....I bet it's gonna be wonderful...and quiet.The resort and the SAB area has so much to walk around and look at--you will enjoy just being there on Wed. Don't forget y'all have to get an ice cream at Beaches and Cream!!!!! Its a MUST-DO! I love that little place...gets crowded, but it's just so neat. I like your Sat plan of rushing home to launder!!! Sounds like me....but I have to stay on top of it when a trip is coming.I hate waiting for clothes to be dryed, so I can finish a suitcase!!!! Can't wait for tomorrows installment!
About Storm Along, if you want to be in the thick of things, get a seat in front of the "sinking sands" area. The DJ should be sat up there, so much fun!
I can hardly wait to read all about BC. We're staying at the Villas in October.

The next week will just fly by!
Sounds like a good first day! The movies on the beach are a lot of fun; we did that a couple times. DH and I would grab a swing seat and the kids sat up closer to watch. :goodvibes
IF the girls are really into collecting them, I'd get the Toy Story series at home. In the parks they only have the series 1 set with the main characters. You are describing the series 2 and 3 sets. They don't have them at Disney yet. Just a FYI!
Your package is on it's way!

Thanks for the tip!! You are a fountain of knowledge!! Especially shopping knowledge! :laughing:

Oh, it!!! You are gonna just love the BC!!! Besides the Contemporary it's my favorite resort!!! CR is great for the MK feel, BC is awesome for Epcot...especially eating at the WS and walking home at night. Can't wait for you to tell us all about Capts Grille.....I bet it's gonna be wonderful...and quiet.The resort and the SAB area has so much to walk around and look at--you will enjoy just being there on Wed. Don't forget y'all have to get an ice cream at Beaches and Cream!!!!! Its a MUST-DO! I love that little place...gets crowded, but it's just so neat. I like your Sat plan of rushing home to launder!!! Sounds like me....but I have to stay on top of it when a trip is coming.I hate waiting for clothes to be dryed, so I can finish a suitcase!!!! Can't wait for tomorrows installment!

Oh yeah - we're going to try to hit B&C at some point. Just don't have a clue when!
Next installment coming up tonight - it was too busy at work to get it done!

About Storm Along, if you want to be in the thick of things, get a seat in front of the "sinking sands" area. The DJ should be sat up there, so much fun!
Another good tip!! Thanks!

I can hardly wait to read all about BC. We're staying at the Villas in October.

The next week will just fly by!
I do plan on doing a TR when we get back. Boy, do I wish we had bought DVC back when ... I didn't have any money then, but what's the difference now?? HA! I just figure - I'll take advantage of all the great discounts. It would be tough for us to go more than once a year anyway. It's just too far and expensive to fly!
I hope the week doesn't go faster than I do!!

Sounds like a good first day! The movies on the beach are a lot of fun; we did that a couple times. DH and I would grab a swing seat and the kids sat up closer to watch. :goodvibes

I hope we can do that! I would love to sit on a swing and watch a Disney movie!

I have to tell you guys a funny/ironic/sad story. Today my throat was really hurting. I wanted to take a nap all day at work (didn't happen!) I vowed I would go to the minute clinic tonight and get to bed early too. So I came home, was miserable, fussed for a while, skipped dinner and headed to the grocery store (the clinic is inside) because I needed a few things. I go in, walk to the end of the store by the pharmacy. The clinic that used to be there is DARK and ABANDONED!!!! I started to tear up - it had taken all my energy to go and deal with this stupid thing (which I'm still pretty sure is a dumb virus anyway) and IT WASN'T THERE!!!!! :headache::mad:
So I collected myself and went about my grocery shopping. I bought myself a TWIX bar to make myself feel better. No trouble swallowing that yumminess!! HA! I came home and am enjoying a frozen lemonade to sooth my throat. If it's still hurting tomorrow I'll try to get in to the clinic. WHAT A PAIN!!!
OKAY - next day coming up.


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