Beauty and the Beach ~ Deluxe Edition

Here's more....
Shopping last night at Target they had ALL of the Disney silly bandz!

One more thing...
Changing of the guards at the pool around 4:00.
They do Cotton Eyed Joe and Cupid Shuffle. Everyone is invited to dance along. Do the girls know them? If not, youtube!
One week from today - Thursday July 29

We will be getting up pretty early (which is typical for us) so we can enjoy the EMH at MAGIC KINGDOM!! I love doing this - we can get so many rides in! We'll take the bus from BC to MK, stop in at the Main Street Bakery for some sweet treats for breakfast unless we get up REALLY early and grab something from the BC Marketplace. (I do want to try a yogurt parfait!)



We will probably hit Fantasyland first and pick up a fastpass if necessary for Peter Pan. Or just ride whatever we feel like. Paige says her "must do" is IASW. (have to get it in before it's closed on 8/1) and Sarah's is POTC. (That will have to be later). We'll do whatever we can get done before 10:00. At 10:15 we have a very special late breakfast planned. We have never eaten at CRT. I don't want to spell it out, because the girls might read this over DH's shoulder and I don't think they know what that stands for. It is a surprise to them!! I could never pull off a whole trip as a surprise, so I've built in a few into this trip. My kids have been to WDW 5 times already at their young ages, and I want to keep showing them more magic! So after our late breakfast, we'll see how crowded it is. We are contemplating riding BTMRR - it will be my and the girls' first time. I am totally wanting to do it. We've got them about 80% convinced. We've watched videos on youtube and had lots of other kids tell them how fun it is. We shall see. We had talked about hitting Tom Sawyer's Island too.
A couple more things to do - POTC, Jungle Cruise and Hall of Presidents (A/C!) We may or may not head to Tomorrowland for Buzz and CoP (more A/C).
We don't really plan to go back to the BC this afternoon, just try to hit A/C as much as possible. We'll shop on the way out and leave by about 4. We have dinner reservations for the 5:15 Spirit of Aloha Luau dinner show at the Poly. So we will meander over there and enjoy the atmosphere before dinner.

Dinner there includes the show, and also includes select alcoholic beverages and tip! I will be enjoying that!

After dinner we thought about watching the fireworks from the Poly beach, but I think I'd like to go back to MK and see the MSEP and fireworks from there. That is the plan as of now. If we happen to go see the parade on Wednesday night, maybe we'll watch from Poly. We shall wing it!
It looks to be a long day so I'm really hoping it's not the hottest, most humid day ever! We will definitely take it slow and enjoy lots of cool drinks and snacks - like frozen lemonade and dole whips!! The good thing about MK is that there are a couple nice relaxing A/C attractions - CoP, HoP, Philharmagic, the Main Street shops!!!
DH wants to buy a Mickey watch. I'd gotten an email offer for one that I wanted to get him for Father's Day, but he said he wanted to buy one at WDW. He thinks from a store at DHS. But we will probably look at MK too. I got one from the watch/jewelry store on Main street years ago and I wear it every day, even though I have about 5 other watches!

So we will be exhausted I'm sure after that day! But what a way to get started, eh? The next day - a lot more laid back!!! And another surprise for the girls!
Here's more....
Shopping last night at Target they had ALL of the Disney silly bandz!

One more thing...
Changing of the guards at the pool around 4:00.
They do Cotton Eyed Joe and Cupid Shuffle. Everyone is invited to dance along. Do the girls know them? If not, youtube!

OOH, I haven't seen them at my Target. What section - toys? I think I'll surprise the girls with the ones I found and give them at WDW.

Sarah loves Cotton Eyed Joe. Will have to check youtube for Cupid shuffle! They would love that!!

You are a goddess!! :worship:
One week from today! WOOT!:cool1: that is so great!!!!!!! I think I would have to head right to SAB. Your arrival day plans and day 1 plans sound great!!!!!!
They are in the toy dept.
I sent fairies and princess 2. They didn't have the princess 2. So if you happen to find them don't buy the fairies!!!
Cupid Shuffle is really easy and the girls will love doing it with the guards!
I have it on my ipod and will be teaching it to 2nd grade this year as one of our get up and dance songs!
4 steps to the right, 4 to the left, 4 kicks, 4 steps to turn and repeat....:dance3:
Have you ever headed over to Tom Sawyers Island after collecting your first set of fastpasses and hunted paint brushes?
Very fun activity!
Plus you get a little prize for finding them!!
It's usually a coupon for a frozen treat or a family fast pass....:banana:
They are in the toy dept.
I sent fairies and princess 2. They didn't have the princess 2. So if you happen to find them don't buy the fairies!!!
Cupid Shuffle is really easy and the girls will love doing it with the guards!
I have it on my ipod and will be teaching it to 2nd grade this year as one of our get up and dance songs!
4 steps to the right, 4 to the left, 4 kicks, 4 steps to turn and repeat....:dance3:

Oh my gosh Thanks!!
Sarah says she knows the song, but not the dance. Sounds easy enough! They both take dance, so you'd think they could pick it up quickly!

Have you ever headed over to Tom Sawyers Island after collecting your first set of fastpasses and hunted paint brushes?
Very fun activity!
Plus you get a little prize for finding them!!
It's usually a coupon for a frozen treat or a family fast pass....:banana:
We haven't, but we have thought about it! I would like to get over there before it gets too hot, but I hear the boat doesn't go over until a bit later in the a.m. True?
Yes, it's a bit later, so you have time if you want to get breakfast...
If you are on the hunt I would split up, send one girl with Dave and take the other with you. The paint brushes will be on the path or close to it in the grass. Baylor found one close to the Mill.... Also look on the picket fence!:laughing:
The clinic that used to be there is DARK and ABANDONED!!!! I started to tear up
I bought myself a TWIX bar to make myself feel better.
I came home and am enjoying a frozen lemonade to sooth my throat.

Oh no! :hug: So glad the Twix and frozen lemonade helped you feel better! How are you feeling today?

stop in at the Main Street Bakery for some sweet treats for breakfast unless we get up REALLY early and grab something from the BC Marketplace. (I do want to try a yogurt parfait!)

Definitely try a yogurt parfait! They are so good! :lovestruc

Sounds like a great day! I'm really looking forward to hearing all about the Spirit of Aloha dinner!!!
WOOT! One week!! That is so exciting. Your plans sound great. I am the biggest ride wimp ever and I still like BTMRR. :thumbsup2
today is your last Friday!!!!!!! Yay!!! I hope her softball stuff tomorrow is fun for her, and that you get all your packing done!!!!
So I called this morning and went into the clinic. Had a strep test - negative. But, the dr. noticed my gross red eye and checked everything out. He said I have some infection in the eye (probably from the cold germs getting in there. Gave me some drops for that. Then I probably have some secondary infection from all the other crud. I have pretty congested nose and sinuses and he said the sore throat is from all the drainage (UGH!) He told me what to do to help that.
So he gave me a prescription for another antibiotic for that. Bummer is that since I'm allergic to Pennicilin and sulfa, I always have to get something else. Last time the z-pack didn't work, so he prescribed a really expensive one. Got it again today. 10 pills - my CO-PAY was over $100!!!! And I have good insurance! Luckily I have a flex spending medical expense account to cover those costs! Ouch.
Also picked up my fresh contact lenses so I should be able to wear them in a couple days.
The girls and I are taking it easy today. Sarah's first ball game of the tournament is tonight at 7, so we're resting up.
I guess I can do some :laundy: to keep up on that and do a little "pre-packing".
Then I will tell you all about Day 2!
Ooh, you're so close!! :yay::dance3::yay:

After dinner we thought about watching the fireworks from the Poly beach, but I think I'd like to go back to MK and see the MSEP and fireworks from there. That is the plan as of now. If we happen to go see the parade on Wednesday night, maybe we'll watch from Poly. We shall wing it!

If you decide to go back to MK, don't forget about the little boat that goes from the Poly dock right to the MK. Of course you could take the short monorail ride instead, but it's fun to do something different.
Yes, it's a bit later, so you have time if you want to get breakfast...
If you are on the hunt I would split up, send one girl with Dave and take the other with you. The paint brushes will be on the path or close to it in the grass. Baylor found one close to the Mill.... Also look on the picket fence!:laughing:
Cool - sounds like fun!
Oh no! :hug: So glad the Twix and frozen lemonade helped you feel better! How are you feeling today?

A little better - psychologically knowing that medicine is getting in there helps too!

Definitely try a yogurt parfait! They are so good! :lovestruc

Sounds like a great day! I'm really looking forward to hearing all about the Spirit of Aloha dinner!!!
I know at some point I will get one!
I will be sure to let you know how it is. Maybe I'll put a picture up on FB too!

WOOT! One week!! That is so exciting. Your plans sound great. I am the biggest ride wimp ever and I still like BTMRR. :thumbsup2
I'm both excited and nervous! I hope my illness is better - the dr thinks I will be fine to fly. I hadn't even thought of that until he mentioned it!! I'll take sudafed before we fly.
I'm looking forward to BTMRR - the girls think we should do it early and get it over with so they aren't worrying about it all day! I said then if they liked it we could do it again!!

today is your last Friday!!!!!!! Yay!!! I hope her softball stuff tomorrow is fun for her, and that you get all your packing done!!!!

Wow, it's the weekend already! I remember thinking a while ago that this was the big weekend to get packed, finish laundry, wash sheets, all that. And it's HERE!!! YIKES! The weather is supposed to be pretty good and I fully expect to spend most of tomorrow at the ball park, so I probably should do some stuff around here today. My cleaning lady came yesterday, so all the big cleaning is done. We'll see if it lasts until we leave!
He said I have some infection in the eye (probably from the cold germs getting in there.
Also picked up my fresh contact lenses so I should be able to wear them in a couple days.

Good thing you got new contacts. Don't want to be putting infected lenses back in your eye! :thumbsup2
Good thing you got new contacts. Don't want to be putting infected lenses back in your eye! :thumbsup2

I had needed to order more anyway because I had run out of lenses for my right eye. I must have ripped more of them than the left! I always like to bring a couple extra pair on vacation so I was stocking up. Good thing I guess!
You need to do some serious resting up to get over your illness before you leave!
No feeling lousy in Disney or at the beach!
Great news ! Sarah won her game tonight!! So now she plays again tomorrow at 11:30. At least we don't have the 9:00 game!

Okay, on with the show!

We're heading to EPCOT today!!!
We will be waking up and grabbing some breakfast at the BC Marketplace OR Sunshine Seasons. We may or may not hit rope drop - we will go through the IG. I am fairly confident that we can get there by the opening at 9.
We will either grab fastpasses or ride Soarn'. I'm also hoping to hit Test Track, Journey into Imagination (I can't remember ever doin gthat), maybe tour the Land (especially if we're hot) and maybe Captain EO, and Spaceship Earth. Even though Paige says she doesn't like it - I think the backwards part freaks her out.

We'll be having lunch at the Coral Reef so I'm sure we'll have to ride The Seas w/Nemo and Friends too.
If we've done all we want at Future World, then we will head to World Showcase!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE World Showcase. I really want to explore the pavillions a little more deeply (also to enjoy the air conditioning!). We are definitely hitting Japan - I got the carraige necklaces and want to do the PaP with the girls. They have no idea so this will be another surprise for them.
Not sure how long we'll last at WS but I'm thinking we'll head back to BC (love that private entrance!) and hit the pool for a bit. We will go back to Epcot and enjoy dinner at Les Chefs de France.

Unfortunately, our ADR is for a bit too late to catch an appearance by Remy. So I didn't tell the girls about him (good thing I found out about his schedule first).
I'd love to spend a lot of time exploring WS. We haven't seen American Adventure show in forever, and I'd like the girls to see that. Maybe I can talk them into riding Maelstrom too. We usually ride the Gran Fiesta with the three Caballeros as well.
I know, even though we're eating two big meals at Epcot, I'm going to need to snack a bit. Maybe a Grey Goose Slushie, maybe some other goodies...I was thinking about buying some candy from each country. I will definitely be shopping!!
At some point we will have to find a good spot for Illuminations. Usually we watch from the area next to the Mexico CS (after I pick up a margarita!). Not sure if this would be an option this year with the construction. Plus I'd probably rather be closer to International Gateway since that will put us close to "home". I'd love to have a spot on the bridge between UK and France - is that a good viewing area?
Either way, we will watch Illuminations and take our nice, short walk back to the Beach Club!
Another fun day!!

And now - I must go to bed. Wigd said I need to rest.
I was reading about how you were looking for books for your girls to bring on the trip. I'm sure it's too late for this trip since you are LESS THAN A WEEK AWAYYY!! :banana::banana::banana:

BUT, there used to be this series called The Disney Girls by Gabrielle Charbonnet and it was about these six girls who had a "connection" with a Disney princess. They're about 3rd to 5th grade age level. I LOVED them when I was a kid. Unfortunately my mom gave them all to a friend after I outgrew them, and I don't think they're published anymore. Amazon has a ton though, and they're just such a fun read. I'm sure your girls would love them! They even have a special book where they all get to go to WDW together. Maybe you can get them for your next trip!

Here's an Amazon link for the first book:
I was reading about how you were looking for books for your girls to bring on the trip. I'm sure it's too late for this trip since you are LESS THAN A WEEK AWAYYY!! :banana::banana::banana:

BUT, there used to be this series called The Disney Girls by Gabrielle Charbonnet and it was about these six girls who had a "connection" with a Disney princess. They're about 3rd to 5th grade age level. I LOVED them when I was a kid. Unfortunately my mom gave them all to a friend after I outgrew them, and I don't think they're published anymore. Amazon has a ton though, and they're just such a fun read. I'm sure your girls would love them! They even have a special book where they all get to go to WDW together. Maybe you can get them for your next trip!

Here's an Amazon link for the first book:

I don't know, maybe you could have a couple of the books sent to the Beach Club, then have them for the beach part of the vacation...


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