Becky and Jeff- 2/8/10 BW Croquet Lawn/LSS/UK Lochside- TR- Update 8/8 dessert party

Gorgeous first look pics!! How, oh how, did you get the lobby and portico (patio whatever it's called) empty for all those pics!?! We couldn't get all the strangers aka hotel guests to leave for anything!! lol!

Seriously though..I LOVE:lovestruc the picture of you guys in the kiddie chairs! That was a photo I wanted and completely forgot about on the wedding day. Looking forward to seeing more! :goodvibes
LOVED your DD gets married next May so we're getting some AMAZING ideas!! I would love your opinion of the LOVE STORY BOOK kit. How did they turn out and how much time did it take, and most importantly, did they LOOK professional?

Thanks so much and CONGRATS!!!! ;)
Glad you got the notice about the postage for the CD before you left, what a pain!

Becky, great pictures! I love how you were able to get so many great getting ready shots. That is one thing I hated about an early Epcot ceremony, we were in such a rush for everything! The first look pictures are super cute too, especially the ones in the little chairs :goodvibes

Thanks Vanessa! I was concerned that we wouldn't really get very many getting ready shots since Patricia wanted to be completely done before Becka and Nate arrived, but all worked out quite well in the end.

Gorgeous first look pics!! How, oh how, did you get the lobby and portico (patio whatever it's called) empty for all those pics!?! We couldn't get all the strangers aka hotel guests to leave for anything!! lol!

Seriously though..I LOVE:lovestruc the picture of you guys in the kiddie chairs! That was a photo I wanted and completely forgot about on the wedding day. Looking forward to seeing more! :goodvibes

That is a good question, and I'm not really sure how! It may have been the time of day, since it was around 11:30am. Some of it was probably due to our family and some DFTW people in the lobby not letting people out the doors. I don't think there was anyone stopping them from coming up the stairs though since my roommate was stalking us when we first came out on the porch and was shooed away by Nate.
I give all the credit to Becka on the kiddie chair shot!

I just love your first look pictures - charming with a very intimate feel :goodvibes

Thank you! I'm very glad we did them!

LOVED your DD gets married next May so we're getting some AMAZING ideas!! I would love your opinion of the LOVE STORY BOOK kit. How did they turn out and how much time did it take, and most importantly, did they LOOK professional?

Thanks so much and CONGRATS!!!! ;)

Thank you! I should have some pics coming up of some of the story books. They came out really well and looked pretty professional, way better than any kind of box I could have made myself. Definitely a choice I would make again.
Monday February 8th, 2010 - Part Four - The Ceremony!

As we waited in the wings inside the Boardwalk I commented on how hard it must have been to co-ordinate this stuff before blackberries and nextels. There were probably around 4 people from DFTW on site monitoring everything and Carol was getting radio calls from Tanis as to when she should send each member of the bridal party. I could faintly hear the violin playing the music for everyone before me.



programs (one thing I wished I had done different was not skimp on the glue for these. I almost cried when I saw someone fanning themselves after the ceremony and the two pieces of paper were separating! Oh well. Only half of them were like that lol )

Soon we were asked to step outside and make our way towards the archway. As we walked out I looked over and saw several people standing along the railing near the water. I recognized Linda and her husband Sheldon who were snapping pics and videotaping happily. I gave them a wave and commented to Carol about them. They would be attending Sam and Dave's wedding that evening.

Suddenly we were in place and 'When You Wish Upon a Star' started playing. I also got my first glimpse of the ceremony setup. It was spectacular! I thought it was kinda funny that they setup the little ' B/A Wedding Ceremony' sign in front of the one archway we were walking through since the bridal party would be the only ones to see it!




As we walked down the aisle I was trying to focus on the moment and listen to the music. Apparently I missed the fact that Jeff totally started tearing up. Everyone was happy to point it out to me after the fact, especially Becka.


my mommy crying



giving me away.



I love this set of pics!

The ceremony itself wasn't very long. I felt like I held my bouquet for half of it before just reaching out and shoving it into Krystin's hands lol. Pastor Luther had been very vague about when that pass off was supposed to happen at the rehearsal anyways.


Jeff's brother Chris had the rings in a Crayola Crayon box I had picked up at Michaels and Pastor Luther had him show it off to the crowd before taking out the rings. During the exchanging of the rings apparently Pastor Luther didn't think Jeff had put the ring on far enough on my finger and told him to push it on more, too bad that was already as far as it would go! We also had a few lessons on which is left and which is right lol





After a few words from Pastor Luther about Real Love and his key word of the day of 'forever' (which had me constantly wanting to say FOREVER?! ala Gonzo to Bean Bunny in Muppet Vision 3-D lol ) it was time to kiss the bride!



Afterwords I took back my bouquet and we walked back up the aisle to 'Ever, Ever After'


Then Tanis and Carol handed out our bubbles and lined everyone up behind the pinwheels to do our staged exit, which really was a staged entrance as we walked back down the aisle lol.



Up Next: Photo Time!
Love it! We were just assigned to Tanis as our planner. Sounds like you had a great experience with her! I love all of your details! Makes me confident that she will work well with my details too!:goodvibes
What a beautiful ceremony, Becky!! You and Jeff looked fabulous! And now that I've been out to Disney World and stayed at the Boardwalk, I think your venue kicked major butt! Just gorgeous -everything, that is! :thumbsup2
I just love everything about your wedding! I am now looking into pinwheels for my wedding:goodvibes
Love it! We were just assigned to Tanis as our planner. Sounds like you had a great experience with her! I love all of your details! Makes me confident that she will work well with my details too!:goodvibes

Tanis was actually just helping out during the ceremony. Our planner was Carol. Tanis was the one who ultimately got me all bustled up for pics after the ceremony though!

What a beautiful ceremony, Becky!! You and Jeff looked fabulous! And now that I've been out to Disney World and stayed at the Boardwalk, I think your venue kicked major butt! Just gorgeous -everything, that is! :thumbsup2

Thanks! Wasn't the Boardwalk awesome! I floated by our ceremony site on your wedding day and thought of you haha!

Wow- your ceremony was beautiful! I really like the hanging lanterns!

Can't wait to read more :goodvibes

Thanks! I'm so happy we got to keep the lanterns and I can't wait to string them up somewhere once we buy a house.

What a fun and beautiful ceremony. I love the pinwheels.

Thanks! I was happy there was just enough wind to have the pinwheels spin a bit, but nothing too crazy.

Your ceremony was beautiful! I love how well you coordinated everything! Can't wait to see more!

Thank you!

I just love everything about your wedding! I am now looking into pinwheels for my wedding:goodvibes

Thanks! I was amazed at how cheap it was to have the pinwheels custom made in our colors, hopefully they'll work out for you too :thumbsup2

So I'm soo excited! I finally got around to making a photobook. When we registered at Target we got a $20 credit for Shutterly and they were also having a sale of 30% off all photobooks which ended last week. So I put one together and only ended up paying $17 for the book and got free shipping! I finally got it today and it is awesome. I was amazed that it actually looked exactly like how they showed it on the website and it's just a really awesome hardcover book. It seams a bit thin especially since I added an additional 10 pages to the standard 20 that comes with it, but I think it's just the kind of book it is. Anyways here's some pics of the book:


Front cover


title page


I included some of our engagement pics because I hadn't done anything at all with them yet.







back cover, group shot of all our guests
Totally beautiful pictures Becky! I seriously was almost crying looking at the ones during the ceremony, there's one that i really loved and now i've forgotten it lol, i wish i could see the pages while typing. Honestly though everything came out perfect!
Your photos are gorgeous and I love your photo book, too. I think you two had your e-photos before ours with Nate and Becka back in January. It was so cold!!
so so pretty! I love the photo book it came out great!

Thank you! It was so fun to make. I can't wait to do another!

Totally beautiful pictures Becky! I seriously was almost crying looking at the ones during the ceremony, there's one that i really loved and now i've forgotten it lol, i wish i could see the pages while typing. Honestly though everything came out perfect!

Thanks Ashley! It was a great day and I love having all these pictures to look at and remember it by.

Your photos are gorgeous and I love your photo book, too. I think you two had your e-photos before ours with Nate and Becka back in January. It was so cold!!

Hi! Thanks! Yes we did have our pics before you, I saw you had started a TR and I was going to say something, but you beat me to it! Yes, it was soo cold I went out and bought a coat and scarf the day before to wear for the pics. Becka and Nate told us they were meeting you guys later, we started to give directions to the resort, but Nate just wanted to know where the closet Chipotle was lol. He had an app for that though :rotfl:
Monday February 8th, 2010 - Part Five - Post Ceremony Pics.

When we met with Carol for our second planning session she told us she had done a wedding the day before where they held everyone back for photos and then sent them all on one trip on the bus. We decided this sounded like a good idea especially since I wanted a photo with everyone in it. So after our staged exit everyone hung out while we had our family photos taken.
Here are a few of our family photos.


Us and my parents


Me and my mom


Us and Jeff's parents


Jeff and his mom


We even took a pic with all of our Magic Kingdom Guest Relations friends

When we were done Pastor Luther took us aside and gave us a certicicate that he had our MOH and Best Man sign.




Here are a few pics that were taken with my camera while our portraits were being taken.




This is my MOH and her 'date' Oni. I had some drama with her saying last minute that she was bringing a date. It all worked out though with me having so many family members who couldn't make it due to weather and Oni took some great pictures with my camera during the ceremony and part of the reception. Also these two lovely ladies both came up pregnant not too soon after the wedding!

After we were done we all filed back through the hotel and out to the main grassy area behind the front lobby of the Boardwalk so we could get a group pic.


winding through the halls of the hotel.


almost there!



it cracks me up how you can see my cousins punching each other in one of the shots. Kevin is always beating up his older sister which amuses me since she has a blackbelt!

Then it was time to place everyone on the bus. However Jeff grabbed his groomsmen and ran to get some arcade shots and I realized I didn't have any shots with my bridesmaids.




fun with video games




shots with my girls. You can see in the bottom one that my dress wasn't bustled yet. We attempted to do this afterwords and the button search was just not turning out well. They found 1 out of the 5 and then sent the girls off to the bus while Tanis tried to find the remaining buttons. She was just calling Carol for backup when she found the last one! Carol went on the bus with all the guests and Tanis stayed behind to follow us around during our photos.



Our guests boarding the bus and seated on their way to Epcot and the Living Seas! (you can see Carol on her radio with Tanis in the top photo lol)

Up next:

Portraits around the Boardwalk!
The portraits look fantastic Becky love that Jeff was able to tag along! haha

Keep em coming per the usual of course :goodvibes I seriously don't think your photos could have turned out any more perfect! They are gorgeous! The green just looks spectacular!
The portraits look fantastic Becky love that Jeff was able to tag along! haha

Keep em coming per the usual of course :goodvibes I seriously don't think your photos could have turned out any more perfect! They are gorgeous! The green just looks spectacular!

Thanks! I'm so happy we went with Studio 222, definitely no regrets there!
Monday February 8th, 2010 - Part 6 - Portraits around the Boardwalk

After the bus left and I got all bustled up we headed over to the bicycle rental desk because Jeff wanted to get a shot with one of the surrey bikes. We asked the CM if we could hop in the green one for some pics and then got to posing.


Then we decided to head towards the Swan and Dolphin. We stopped for various photos along the way.


a friend pointed out that the placement of my foot and the boards make me look like I am levitating lol


We then paused by Jellyrolls for a few pics



this is one of my favs, aside from the somewhat odd face I am making.

We then thought it would be fun to try to pose like the couple on the sign for ADH


this was the best shot we got lol

Becka and Nate asked us to hop up on the benches


I think it turned out nice

Then we headed over towards the Swan and Dolphin, we were running out of time though so we didn't get very far before Tanis told us we needed to head back to catch out towncar


I wanted a pic with this Boardwalk sign near ADH



as we were posing my veil blew off! We just tucked it away in Jeff's jacket since I wasn't planning on keeping it on for the reception anyways.


I like this shot of the shadows of the roofline as we walk back past Jellyrolls

As we were exiting I asked for a few last shots on the giant sofa.



I'm glad I did because I really like how they turned out.

Then we headed into our towncar and had to say goodbye to Becka and Nate. I was so sad we couldn't bring them with us to LSS

They took a few pics of us as we got into the car




Then we were off to Epcot. We chatted the whole ride backstage, pretending we were impressed haha. It's not nearly as exciting when you've driven yourself back there before. We talked about how excited our guests probably were though.
The driver pulled up behind the Living Seas and a woman was there to meet us and escort us to LSS. I will say it was quite fun to walk for the little bit on stage in my dress carrying my bouquet.

When we entered the pavilion she took us to the elevator and when we got off Carol and Julian were waiting for us. Before we got in the car at the Boardwalk Tanis had asked what kind of drinks we wanted and Carol had them waiting for us. Julian went and got us a plate of some of the cheese and other food we had at our pre-reception so we could have a taste.
Carol grabbed my bouquet to place it on the cake table and told Jeff's brother Chris to get ready to announce us and play our first dance song.

Coming Up : Reception begins!


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