Beware of JUICE IT UP at Orlando Premium Outlets!!!!

If the OP was stating this warning due to a case of food poisoning - then yes, I would avoid it like the plague.. Perhaps irrationally so, but I have been hospitalized twice with severe cases of food poisoning and it's a road I never want to travel again.. It was simply too painful - and too expensive - and thus has left me with a terrible fear of ever having to experience it again..

However, I would not avoid a food establishment over a $3 order and an employee who may or may not have been rude - may or may not have been the manager (wouldn't be the first time an employee "claimed" to be in charge) - may or may not have been having a particularly bad day - and may or may not have just finished dealing with another customer who did in fact try to pull a scam..

I would have politely asked that they check the receipt and once it was verified that I was correct, I would have taken my food and gone on my merry way..

Bottom line is, if I had to boycott every establishment where I have ever had to deal with rudeness from the employees, I'd pretty much have to stay in the house forever! For the most part I try to save my boycotting and aggravation for serious infractions and just deal with the little annoyances as calmly and as politely as I can..

If the OP feels she was treated as badly as she has stated here, her best bet would be to write a letter to the corporate offices.. Who knows? She may end up with more than enough free breakfast sandwiches to make up for her unpleasant experience.. :flower:
C.Ann : I would have politely asked that they check the receipt and once it was verified that I was correct, I would have taken my food and gone on my merry way..
Well I believe the OP was the only one who WAS polite. Noone deserves to be treated the way she was (particularily from a manager), and for that, the establishment loses big points with me. It's difficult to be "merry" when one has been treated the way they were on their vacation no less. Just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. IMO, this incident overstepped mere rudeness. This manager actually accused the OP of lying after first ignoring her :confused3
In the OP's first post : A "woman" that was in charge gave me a blank stare and ignored me . When I told her again she told me I had never placed 2 orders I told her that I had no need to lie over a $3 dollar sandwich, that she should look over her cash register and verify the order. She told me I was lying and to prove it she was going to look over the register.
I could handle some mild rudeness, but this was a little over-the-top. I do agree with you in that the OP should write a letter. This manager should not be allowed to get away with this behavior.
kandmwedding said:
I'll be the lone dissenter who thinks it's inappropriate to post this info here. Sure this lady created a bad experience for you, and she was most definitely rude, but calling out the entire restaurant on it, when you didn't ask to speak to a manager so that they could apologize or rectify the situation, is wrong too. And, this comment certain doesn't belong on the Disney Restaurants Board, but instead should have been posted on the Orlando Area Board.

This can be posted anywhere she wants to she is sharing er experience and if you read these boards, everywhere you will find someone telling where to go or not, you can either go or not go it is up to each individual person, but if you are going to post this here then please be sure to go through each and every thread and forum on here find the messages that tell people where to not go and post your reply, i mean we do want to be fair-right
now on a positive not i am sorry this happened to the op, but you could have just gotten a rotten server for that day, it happens to many people i am sure, you should have asked for your money back but i can understand your frustrations
lovethattink said:
Whatever happened to the days when the customer was always right? All to often, I notice poor customer service and workers arguing with the customer.

Unfortunately, people have taken advantage of policies where the customer was "always right." Remember all of the complaints when the Disney Store started limiting returns? Many hotel chains have " it's to your satisfaction or it's free" policies. The catch? The hotel requests that you check out the very next day.

The OP had a bad experience and was sharing it with us. Did leaving the food stand without the missing item "teach" the employee anything, no. As many others have stated, anyone can have a bad day. Who knows, did every scheduled employee show up for work that morning, did the closer crew the night before do everything before they left? We will never know. Chalk it up as a possible bad day and move on!
HappyLawyer said:
This can be posted anywhere she wants to she is sharing er experience
Apparently a moderator agreed and moved it to a more appropriate place, since it was first under Disney Restaurants, and it isn't a Disney Restaurant. Makes more sense where it is now. No one was saying she shouldn't post it, just not where it was originally posted.
DMRick said:
Apparently a moderator agreed and moved it to a more appropriate place, since it was first under Disney Restaurants, and it isn't.

I must have not read the response correctly then i read it as saying the op should not have posted at all, my mistake if that was not correct.
epcotfan said:
I don't doubt the OP at all, but I just find it sad that people are ready to write this establishment off based on one person's incident.

This true i think most will judge for themselves and other won't, sometimes negative comments even bring more popularity to a place, i cannot say if i will or will not visit the place, just depends on the day,
DMRick said:
I agree. It's not like this incident caused undue hardship, or an expensive night to be ruined at Disney. Sounds like it was a 5 minute blip on a day. I'm disappointed that people don't see that we are only seeing one side, and that we have no idea what happened that morning to the server..just ready to wash a business down the drain..or at least hoping it will go down the drain. This place always has a line, which if this was normal behavior, I can't imagine why it would. It's a shame there can be no forgiveness of what might be an isolated incident. Not everyone is perfect, and if you want to believe it or not, not everyone's day runs perfectly smooth, and while rudeness is never right, I'm not going to judge this person, having no idea what went before this incident.

Rude CM's are always posted on this board..and you don't see people saying.."hey, beware of Disney..boycot them!". It's reported and then you can do with the info what you want. In this case, we're being told to beware of the establishment...a place that might be used to feed several worker's children. So say "we" were able to make it go under (isn't going to happen), would that be something to be proud of, because of one incident?

As soem of you know, our room was robbed at Disney, and although the first person we talked to said to claim it under our homeowners with very little sympathy (with the deductible, no point in that), we went to the next person up, and did get back what we lost. So rather than turn everyone off from this place, perhaps the OP should go to the next higher step. I certainly won't tell anyone to not go to Disney because of what happened to us. It was one bad employee out of thousands. I'm assuming it's not an everyday thing.

I don't really think it matters what happened to the server that morning, if a person is in the service industry the customers should be treated like GOLD no matter what, it is the business they are in, if a customer pisses you off, wait until they leave go in the bathroom and vent, yell and scream, we only heard one side of this story but there is still no excuse for the treatment, the op should have escalated it to the next level by calling corporate and dealing with the district manager.
MiaSRN62 said:
I agree we all have to go with our gut Rick. I sit and think what if this was my child or mom who the manager at Juice It Up treated like this and I KNOW this would make me not go back. I have a feeling that if Juice It Up were the only place to get something to drink in a 5 mile radius, I'd probably patron there. But if there are other places close by that I know won't treat customers the way the OP was treated, then that's where I'm going personally. A place like Juice is a dime a dozen and this is why I feel I can make this decision and take my business to a nearby competitor. WDW, otoh, is one of a kind so I think I'd be a little more judicial if I heard something isolated about a rude CM. There are literally thousands of CM's at WDW, while this store at the outlet mall is quite the contrary. For me, this impacts my decision. And particularily, that this was a manager at the juice place sinks it home with me. I know if a WDW CM manager talked or treated me the way this one did to the OP I would follow it up with a complaint. After all, I'm spending a whole lot more $$ at WDW.

It's a personal decision as to whether any of us use anyone's suggestions/advice/experience here on the boards. But I know I come here to listen/learn from other's experience (as well as share my own). If I didn't heed advice that I deemed reasonable or believable here, then why waste my time with the DIS ? It's seems pretty split here on this thread as to who would use the company and who wouldn't and that's fine. This is the beauty of free choice. We're able to listen to what people have to say here, digest/analyze it if we wish, and then draw our own conclusions. :flower:

Well Stated
I had no idea this place existed until I read the thread. But I have to say, the next time I'm in Orlando I'm going to give "Juice it Up" a try. I can't help myself. With all this discussion I have become very curious about the place.

Of course I'll be on my guard, looking out for low paid servers who are having a bad day.
If you think this story is bad, just read about an experience I had not to long ago.

We were in another city (which will remain nameless) when my wife and I decided to visit a restaurant call McDonalds. Both my wife and I had been to this establishment before, but in another location.

Anyway, we were taking advantage of their convenient “Drive Thru” feature and were about to pick up our food. After I was handed our order, I checked to make sure that everything was included. Well, wouldn’t you know it. I had specifically asked for 3 ketchups, yet there were only two in the bag.

I pointed this out to the young woman who was at the window and she got me another ketchup without any apparent complaint. But get this, she gave me what I consider a snarky look when she handed over the ketchup packet.

I didn’t say anything, but believe me I got out of there as quickly as possible. I’m not used to being treated in this manner. When we got home I realized that there were in fact three ketchups in the bag and I had made a mistake in asking for another packet of ketchup.

But that’s not the point. The point is that I was on the receiving end of a look that I took to be less than satisfactory. Thus I urge all of you who read this never to visit this restaurant again. I think it is fair to say that the actions of this one employee reflects the attitude of the entire McDonalds corporation. Do yourself a favor and stay clear of this place.
MossMan said:
If you think this story is bad, just read about an experience I had not to long ago.

We were in another city (which will remain nameless) when my wife and I decided to visit a restaurant call McDonalds. Both my wife and I had been to this establishment before, but in another location.

Anyway, we were taking advantage of their convenient “Drive Thru” feature and were about to pick up our food. After I was handed our order, I checked to make sure that everything was included. Well, wouldn’t you know it. I had specifically asked for 3 ketchups, yet there were only two in the bag.

I pointed this out to the young woman who was at the window and she got me another ketchup without any apparent complaint. But get this, she gave me what I consider a snarky look when she handed over the ketchup packet.

I didn’t say anything, but believe me I got out of there as quickly as possible. I’m not used to being treated in this manner. When we got home I realized that there were in fact three ketchups in the bag and I had made a mistake in asking for another packet of ketchup.

But that’s not the point. The point is that I was on the receiving end of a look that I took to be less than satisfactory. Thus I urge all of you who read this never to visit this restaurant again. I think it is fair to say that the actions of this one employee reflects the attitude of the entire McDonalds corporation. Do yourself a favor and stay clear of this place.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Have to admit I'm curious now though.. The next time I get to the Outlets, I'll have to stop by Juice It Up and give them a try.. ;)
HappyLawyer said:
if a person is in the service industry the customers should be treated like GOLD no matter what, it is the business they are in
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
yep, no matter what their attitude, I'll treat them like gold :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
MossMan says : she gave me what I consider a snarky look when she handed over the ketchup packet.
Well, at least she didn't ignore you or, better yet, call you a liar :rolleyes:
I think if all the OP got was a "snarky" look, she never would have taken the time to post here.

MossMan says : When we got home I realized that there were in fact three ketchups in the bag and I had made a mistake
In the case of the OP, she was indeed in the right if you read here :
When she checked over the register she found my order

As for staying away......again, McDonald's is right up there with disney in how big they are. Juice It Up is a hole-in-the wall compared to giants like these. I think they need to do a little better (customer service wise) than what the OP experienced.
Cute story though MossMan ;) :banana:
DMRick said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
yep, no matter what their attitude, I'll treat them like gold :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Are you in customer service? I'm just curious... because I'm not sure I'd go as far as gold but I read this thread and you sure do make a LOT of excuses for poor behavior of those working in any industry where they deal with customers. It is not our fault if they are having a bad day, had a mean customer before us, etc. They shouldn't be taking it out on us- PERIOD. WE are doing them a favor to be a patron of their establishment and we are paying their paychecks by continuing to go to their restaurant/etc.

Ps. I worked in fast food and restaurant mgmt for over 15yrs... so this is not just a "customer" talking. Sure you put up with rude customers at times- but it's no excuse to take it out on the next customer. Neither is having a bad day/etc.
BibbidyBobbidyBoo said:
It is not our fault if they are having a bad day, had a mean customer before us, etc. They shouldn't be taking it out on us- PERIOD.

Sure you put up with rude customers at times- but it's no excuse to take it out on the next customer. Neither is having a bad day/etc.

I'm curious.. Have you never had "a bad day" and was less than pleasant to your DH - or snapped at your children? Have you never had a "bad day" and been less than pleasant to someone who was performing a service for you? Have you never had a "bad day" and been short with a co-worker - a teacher at your childrens school - your next-door-neighbor? Have you never had a "bad day" and been less than gracious to an annoying relative?

If you can honestly answer no - you have never had a "bad day" and have never been short, irritable or unpleasant with anyone, then you simply must share your secret.. Everyone has a "bad day" at some point in their lives.. This may or may not have been the problem with this particular employee, but either way, I would be reluctant to write off an entire establishment based on the actions of one employee who may or may not even be employed there anymore.. :confused3
BibbidyBobbidyBoo said:
Are you in customer service? I'm just curious... because I'm not sure I'd go as far as gold but I read this thread and you sure do make a LOT of excuses for poor behavior of those working in any industry where they deal with customers. .
I have not made a lot of excuses..reread my answers. I simply said she may have had a bad day. However, the way a lot of people's attitudes are (have you never stood in line behind a rude customer..a really rude customer and you still thought they deserved the old "customer is always right"? I have sometimes thought they did not deserve the "customer is always right", and sometimes right at Disney, and sometimes they get the manager or security to deal with it, and no sometimes the worker is not always "ever so sweet", and I don't blame them.) I do not believe no matter what you should be so sweet and nice to them. Maybe 20 years ago things were like that, but it seems nowadays, some customers (I'm talking general, not the OP) seem they are always entitled. I've seen my share of rude customers, and until you give them the store, they will not be happy..and it often has nothing to do with the workers attitude, but that the customer had a bad day, and decided to take it on on the lowly server (nope, I have my own business, this is what I see when I am out, and I'm always amazed the servers do as well as they do..believe me, it's a good thing I'm not working out in the "real" world with some of the attitudes I see just as a customer).
So good for you that you have never had a less than perfect day. Wow, what a different place this would be, if people on the other side of the counter were as nice as most workers are (spend some time even in my post office..I can't believe the abuse they have to take when someone thinks the rules of mailing don't apply to them. Go to our Walmart, in the exchange line and watch the person returing that old stroller from 1970, and thinks Walmart should be ever so sweet to her while she swears, because they won't take her stroller back, stand in line to check in at POR, and watch the abuse the girl behind the counter had to take (yep, they called security and voices were raised on both sides), when someone wanted a king bed, (insisted on it), and yet they hadn't reserved it, and their wasn't one available. I guess those people on the servers sides had no right to be upset, and should have just given the customer whatever they wanted. The time of "the customer is always right" has outlived it's usefulness. But back to the Juice I said several times (and we did not know it was the manager in the first posting, and I only assumed she asked if she was the manager, since it's not on her name tag..or wasn't last week) I wasn't there, I didn't hear the exchange, and I have no idea what went on in the servers life this morning. Because I can have empathy, and I've never had a problem there, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
BibbidyBobbidyBoo said:
Are you in customer service? I'm just curious... because I'm not sure I'd go as far as gold but I read this thread and you sure do make a LOT of excuses for poor behavior of those working in any industry where they deal with customers.
As much as I wanted to keep my response here, I realize it's not the place.

I'll just say..well, nothing..time to keep my mouth shut.
This kinda thing happens everywhere in fast-food. People who feel like they arent paid enough to care. Well, I dont make too big a deal out of a messed up order, but I promise you my family will never spend our bucks there. Why? Because the only way to change a stores' thinking is to have consequences for their own actions. In this case I will simply adhere to the advice I got on this board concerning that establishment. Thanks for the info, and sorry to hear that the manager was so rude to you.


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