~ Big Brother 14 ~ we have a WINNER!

Gotta call BS on Frank as America's Favorite. I read many sites devoted to Big Brother and he rarely is mentioned as being anyone's favorite. I find it hard to believe that he has more fans than Britney.

I agree! I read a bunch of other sites during BB season, and I never see Frank mentioned as favorite.
I agree that it may have been a vote against Dan but doesn't that tell you that his game kinda sucked? Like I said earlier, if you backstab and lie to enough people, you will lose. That is a weapon that needs to be used in moderation. "Valor is the better part of discretion."

Dr. Will. Evil Dick. Mike Boogie.

Just because you backstab doesn't mean you lose and that certainly doesn't mean your game sucked. Dan went into this with a different mindset than his last game, and it got him to the final two. You don't think Ian lied and backstabbed? How does that make him better? It's a game. Dan played it. Another jury might have given him the $500k. I will go so far as to say if it was Danielle vs Dan, he had a better shot of winning. Did he make mistakes? Of course. Doesn't mean his game sucked. You have to admit, somewhere deep on the inside, Dan ran this season. They were all his puppets. Ian is just too likable.

And by the way, the reason I said that the Frank thing was rigged: Every poll I saw showed Ian winning that and Frank nowhere close. And I didn't see a whole lot of "Go Frank" posts on here or anywhere else. It's not that I didn't like him, it just seems to me that from all of the Social Media around it was going to be Ian, MAYBE Brit.

Sorry but I can't let this one go. Throw is present tense. If you're referring to past events, you need to use the past tense "threw."

I'm guessing it's a typo. Feel free to correct my spelling and grammar..........
Yeah- was not happy Frank got America's Choice, c'mon. What about when him and Boogie were saying all that stuff to Dan when Ian did them wrong. They went below the belt on that. I definitely feel like Ian was a little too cocky thinking he :ran his own game", he did what Dan and the quack pack wanted, otherwise would have been out a long time ago.
Dr. Will. Evil Dick. Mike Boogie.

Just because you backstab doesn't mean you lose and that certainly doesn't mean your game sucked. Dan went into this with a different mindset than his last game, and it got him to the final two. You don't think Ian lied and backstabbed? How does that make him better? It's a game. Dan played it. Another jury might have given him the $500k. I will go so far as to say if it was Danielle vs Dan, he had a better shot of winning. Did he make mistakes? Of course. Doesn't mean his game sucked. You have to admit, somewhere deep on the inside, Dan ran this season. They were all his puppets. Ian is just too likable.

And by the way, the reason I said that the Frank thing was rigged: Every poll I saw showed Ian winning that and Frank nowhere close. And I didn't see a whole lot of "Go Frank" posts on here or anywhere else. It's not that I didn't like him, it just seems to me that from all of the Social Media around it was going to be Ian, MAYBE Brit.

I'm guessing it's a typo. Feel free to correct my spelling and grammar..........

This one of the reasons that I don't watch Survivor anymore. Lying is a strategy. It's a game, not real life. But the bitter jury members that don't vote for the player that played better just because they're angry really tick me off.

Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they didn't play the best game.
I don't think anyone is bitter. I just think we had the distinction of seeing the game on TV and from all angles. The jurors clearly voted based on what Dan to TO (or against) them. Like a PP said, the votes seemed to be AGAINST Dan rather than for Ian. Just my opinion and observations :)

Sounds bitter to me.
I am afraid next year it will be very boring because the players will not want to do anything to upset potential jury members.

Britney said in her interview with Jeff that Dan would have lost to a ketchup bottle, good thing Danielle wasn't in F2!!
bunkkinsmom said:
Dr. Will. Evil Dick. Mike Boogie.

Just because you backstab doesn't mean you lose and that certainly doesn't mean your game sucked. Dan went into this with a different mindset than his last game, and it got him to the final two. You don't think Ian lied and backstabbed? How does that make him better? It's a game. Dan played it. Another jury might have given him the $500k. I will go so far as to say if it was Danielle vs Dan, he had a better shot of winning. Did he make mistakes? Of course. Doesn't mean his game sucked. You have to admit, somewhere deep on the inside, Dan ran this season. They were all his puppets. Ian is just too likable.

And by the way, the reason I said that the Frank thing was rigged: Every poll I saw showed Ian winning that and Frank nowhere close. And I didn't see a whole lot of "Go Frank" posts on here or anywhere else. It's not that I didn't like him, it just seems to me that from all of the Social Media around it was going to be Ian, MAYBE Brit.

I'm guessing it's a typo. Feel free to correct my spelling and grammar..........

Dr. Will and Boogie weren't swearing on bibles, their wives, and handing out their grandfather's crosses. That crosses a line and the rest of the jury agreed. What we think really doesn't matter and it won't change anything. Ian won fair and square and is a great winner of BB. Hope they have an all-star season so we can see him again.

And no it was not a typo. I have seen that poster do that in the past.
My husband had a good point: it's good that Dan didn't win. If he had, future BB players would have utilized Dan's method of playing the game. As much as I liked Dan, I wouldn't want the lying and back-stabbing to become the norm in the future of Big Brother.

But that IS the game. Every single one of those players lied and backstabbed. The difference is that Dan was on his own and didn't depend on anyone else. He made happen what he wanted to happen. Deceit, lying,etc has always been part of the game.

I agree that it may have been a vote against Dan but doesn't that tell you that his game kinda sucked? Like I said earlier, if you backstab and lie to enough people, you will lose. That is a weapon that needs to be used in moderation. "Valor is the better part of discretion."
Not really. It just tells me that the jury isn't voting to the spirit of the game. I actually find them a bit hypocritical. The object of the game is to get to the end. The jury needs to own up to the fact that "they got got". Personally, I think that because it was a previous winner, it worked against Dan.

This one of the reasons that I don't watch Survivor anymore. Lying is a strategy. It's a game, not real life. But the bitter jury members that don't vote for the player that played better just because they're angry really tick me off.

Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they didn't play the best game.

I just don't get the idea that people expect to go into the BB house and be "nice and polite". Dan , actually, is one that didn't bad mouth anyone or personally attack anyone's character, family, etc. He listened, asked questions and figured out how to "game" each person. He wanted to win and did what he needed to do within the confines of the game. This dirty/clean thing is silly.

I do think he should have handled his speech differently. I would have just done like Dr Will. Own it, laugh and roll with it. I would have said, yep, I lied , I backstabbed and I can't believe how you all just let me do it! I thought for sure I'd get caught somewhere, but I guess I did it really well!!
BOO BOO BOO. Nothing worse then when a floater wins. Bitter Bitter Bitter jury.:mad::mad::mad:

He was far from a floater, your bias is showing.

They were by far the two best players in the game and both deserved to be in the final. I thought Dan's game was slightly better but I don't get to vote.
Dr. Will and Boogie weren't swearing on bibles, their wives, and handing out their grandfather's crosses. That crosses a line and the rest of the jury agreed. What we think really doesn't matter and it won't change anything. Ian won fair and square and is a great winner of BB. Hope they have an all-star season so we can see him again.

And no it was not a typo. I have seen that poster do that in the past.

That is exactly what turned me off to Dan.

I was pulling for Ian and he did win fair and square. Good for him!
Dr. Will and Boogie weren't swearing on bibles, their wives, and handing out their grandfather's crosses. That crosses a line and the rest of the jury agreed. What we think really doesn't matter and it won't change anything. Ian won fair and square and is a great winner of BB. Hope they have an all-star season so we can see him again.

And no it was not a typo. I have seen that poster do that in the past.

Meh. Again, it's a game show. I can't imagine caring what they swear on.

He was far from a floater, your bias is showing.
They were by far the two best players in the game and both deserved to be in the final. I thought Dan's game was slightly better but I don't get to vote.

I agree that it may have been a vote against Dan but doesn't that tell you that his game kinda sucked? Like I said earlier, if you backstab and lie to enough people, you will lose. That is a weapon that needs to be used in moderation. "Valor is the better part of discretion."

Dan should have said to the jury, "Every single one of you lied in this game, are you angry just because my lies were better?"

Dan owned this season. He manipulated everyone, did what he had to do in each and every circumstance and Wil was right in saying it was their fault for letting him do it.

His only mistake: He should not have thrown the last HOH. If he won, he should have cut Ian out and taken Danielle to the finals. He would have won hands down.

While I'm not totally upset that Ian won, I do think the jury were bitter little munchkins. Dan's strategies were light years beyond what anyone else came up with.

Dan's BB funeral will go down in infamy as the best moment of the season. To be able to manipulate people into tears is a talent.

I also still don't know how Ian thinks he formed the Quack Pack and glad Dan pointed out Britt had brought him in on a dog leash and told him he was the 5th vote. :lmao:
Dan owned this season. He manipulated everyone, did what he had to do in each and every circumstance and Wil was right in saying it was their fault for letting him do it.

His only mistake: He should not have thrown the last HOH. If he won, he should have cut Ian out and taken Danielle to the finals. He would have won hands down.

While I'm not totally upset that Ian won, I do think the jury were bitter little munchkins. Dan's strategies were light years beyond what anyone else came up with.

Dan's BB funeral will go down in infamy as the best moment of the season. To be able to manipulate people into tears is a talent.

I also still don't know how Ian thinks he formed the Quack Pack and glad Dan pointed out Britt had brought him in on a dog leash and told him he was the 5th vote. :lmao:

Totally agree! When Janelle said that Dan not winning would be a travesty was true! The other players are just upset he played them so well.
It's a game that's what you do!
And it's not like Ian never lied , please!

That was my last Big Brother.
:confused3I didn't see any proof that Dan threw the 3rd part of the competition, in fact, he said to Ian "How did you know the Brittany question?" and Ian said "I guessed, I guessed all"

Again, where is the proof that Dan threw the 3rd part?
:confused3I didn't see any proof that Dan threw the 3rd part of the competition, in fact, he said to Ian "How did you know the Brittany question?" and Ian said "I guessed, I guessed all"

Again, where is the proof that Dan threw the 3rd part?

I think he even said he tried to win. Would not have mattered anyway, the jury would have voted for Danielle as well.
:confused3I didn't see any proof that Dan threw the 3rd part of the competition, in fact, he said to Ian "How did you know the Brittany question?" and Ian said "I guessed, I guessed all"

Again, where is the proof that Dan threw the 3rd part?

I haven't read any of the BB thread this summer because I didn't want to read spoilers, but now that it's over, I do want to comment.

I don't believe for a second that Dan threw the 3rd part of the competition. You could tell by his facial expressions and body language that he was upset that he was missing the questions. Also, he would never put his fate into someone else's hands. While he trusted that Ian would choose him, it's not like he knew with 100% certainty that he would.

Dan . . . He played everyone like a fiddle (bravo for Dan :rolleyes:), especially Danielle -- even to the very end she was suckered by him by being the ONLY person to vote for him (such an idiot), but the thing that kills me about him is what a pathological liar he is. I never recall him in the diary room ever showing remorse for what he was doing -- in fact, he seemed to get off on it. I think I would've understand him more if in the diary room he would've acted a little guilty or badly for how he was playing, but he always had that s**t-eating grin on his face with everything he did. In that game, you can only plan to be diabolical to extent, much of it has to be on the fly, and to me, anyone who is capable of of being that cunning and manipulative on a moment's notice (or for that matter, can plan some of what he did), is just a compulsive liar by nature. Still blowing smoke up the jury's butt to the very end and they saw right through it.

I think anyone who has already won $500K should be able to have more than 2 t-shirts in his rotation and probably doesn't deserve to win another $500K. :rotfl:

Lastly, Ian hit the nail on the head that for the first few weeks, Dan was never in any danger of getting kicked off since the coaches couldn't be voted out, and then after that, he had people (namely Danielle) acting as his puppet. Ian didn't have that luxury.

From reading the last couple of pages, I see there are a lot of Dan fans, but I really can't stand the guy and had to get that off my chest. Ahhh, feels good to finally post about BB after 2.5 months!
I haven't read any of the BB thread this summer because I didn't want to read spoilers, but now that it's over, I do want to comment.

I don't believe for a second that Dan threw the 3rd part of the competition. You could tell by his facial expressions and body language that he was upset that he was missing the questions. Also, he would never put his fate into someone else's hands. While he trusted that Ian would choose him, it's not like he knew with 100% certainty that he would.

Dan . . . He played everyone like a fiddle (bravo for Dan :rolleyes:), especially Danielle -- even to the very end she was suckered by him by being the ONLY person to vote for him (such an idiot), but the thing that kills me about him is what a pathological liar he is. I never recall him in the diary room ever showing remorse for what he was doing -- in fact, he seemed to get off on it. I think I would've understand him more if in the diary room he would've acted a little guilty or badly for how he was playing, but he always had that s**t-eating grin on his face with everything he did. In that game, you can only plan to be diabolical to extent, much of it has to be on the fly, and to me, anyone who is capable of of being that cunning and manipulative on a moment's notice (or for that matter, can plan some of what he did), is just a compulsive liar by nature. Still blowing smoke up the jury's butt to the very end and they saw right through it.

I think anyone who has already won $500K should be able to have more than 2 t-shirts in his rotation and probably doesn't deserve to win another $500K. :rotfl:

Lastly, Ian hit the nail on the head that for the first few weeks, Dan was never in any danger of getting kicked off since the coaches couldn't be voted out, and then after that, he had people (namely Danielle) acting as his puppet. Ian didn't have that luxury.

From reading the last couple of pages, I see there are a lot of Dan fans, but I really can't stand the guy and had to get that off my chest. Ahhh, feels good to finally post about BB after 2.5 months!

Or just really smart. Don't forget that the people in the house were mostly morons.


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