Unfortunately he is probably right. By the time this show ends Cody and Jess will have been out of the house for about a month. Fans do not have a long attention span. I'm hoping Mark can last in there long enough for people to vote for him for AFP or even Kevin. Paul is starting to turn everyone against Kevin now. Probably because he knows Kevin is probably the only one who has a shot at beating him.
I dunno I think people will remember Cody and vote for him. I know he'll get my votes
I dunno I think people will remember Cody and vote for him. I know he'll get my votes

I would love to see Cody win too, but being out of the house for so long, I just don't see him getting enough votes. The only way he will win is if people want to stick it to those inside the house. Also, remember CBS controls the vote and can give it to whoever they please. So if Paul say gets voted out 3rd he'll get AFP whether he really got the votes or not.
Now the group is trying to decide if there going to confront Cody for in their minds using his daughter as a weapon in the game. He only told Kevin and asked Kevin to keep it between.them. Just let him be he's leaving why not just let him. enjoy his time left in the house?
The best part of this season will be when they all go home and see what America thinks of them.........
I wish we could see their faces.
America's Favorite Player.... Pfffttttttt......... I can't think of one I would vote for.
I'd vote for Mark, but honestly I can't think of another I'd even consider.
Yes, Raven they are ignoring you. Maybe you should take that as a hint:

414-Raven (negative tone): I haven't been in the DR in 2 days. I still live in this house. I havent been in the DR in like 2 days! -Tigrress Less...
(Raven slaps hands.)
Paul: What happened?
Raven: I'm still here! Or am I?!
Cmas: Definitely still here.
Raven: Definitely still here. Okay, production, love you too!
Cmas: They are probably just getting the fight from the other day.
Raven: Then in my DR, like 2 days ago, I DR'd for an hour an thirty minutes.
Paul: They are still talking abt veto, so.
Raven: Yeah. I know, I'm just being facetious.
Production: You not allowed to talk abt production.
Raven: Okay, cool! You know I'm still here!
And if CBS is going to start letting the game "play" out that way, by letting returning guests dictate how they want it played and to win, then I'm done watching. I think there is enough set up on some of the other reality shows, I don't need it on this one! I feel they should let the players duke it out over the three months as a society and, unless something happens that requires them to intervene, stay the heck out of it!!!!!
I agree. However, it was obvious last year too with Nicole.
Alex is going on the rampage over pillows attacking Mark. Then go HOH and saying got them see I.told you I was bored
Regarding AFP convo........ I am WORRIED that it will be Paul just because many people who watch the show do not get the live feeds or belong to a forum like this one with people who do watch the feeds. The general public just sees the slanted production broadcast on CBS. At work, my manager's sister and son watch the show and they are all in on team Paul because they think he is funny and they have no idea about the drama not aired on TV. I just HOPE that the voting masses are more informed.

I too am in the Mark camp if Cody is voted out this week. And who cares if Mark is a flip-flopper? That happens every season by 95% of the players. At some point, everyone turns to the alliance that advances their game depending on the current drama in the house. He seems to have a good moral compass and actually thinks for himself instead of gulping the cool-aid.

On another note, I am leaving for Disney tomorrow. YAY!!!!! It is going to be hard not signing on and reading this thread. We are most likely not going to watch BB while on vacation UNLESS we have a lot of downtime from rain/thunderstorms. I may be binge-reading on Aug 27 when we get back home.
Sad when there are that many brains playing but only one uses his brain.....Paul. What a waste of a season. All are Paul's puppets and they don't see it. Wait till they get home and it finally hits them, a little too late.

Wait until they all get home and watch the show -- I think many will be embarrassed by their behavior and obvious inability to (for the most part) think on their own. I would love to know what Josh's family thinks about his crazy and childish behavior!

I like Alex because she seems to be the only one who has her own agenda about how she wants eliminations to go and is always thinking game. I know Paul wanted to get her out and I think it's because she thinks a lot like him!
I was just reading somewhere else and this is a rundown of how she feels about the houseguests. Love her take...........
Josh is Cuban...and I was so excited to have someone to root for as I am Cuban...but NO! He's the most totally obnoxious HG ever on BB. He's an embarrassment! Will probably get dragged to the end by Paul. Raven...WOW! She's shameless. As the mother of a child born with a life threatening congenital heart defect, her begging for pity and money by exploiting her health issues....disgusting. No class. Wannabe southern bell.
Matt...what a disappointment. What the heck he's doing with Raven I'll never understand. Why he's not even playing the game....what a waste of potential. He's gonna look at himself in there soon and realize what a waste!
Mark...a lot smarter, kinder and sensitive than I ever expected him to be. Has completely over exceeded my expectations. His one flaw...Obsessed with Elena...UGH. Hope he finds Dominique after the season and explores that relationship.
Elena...self esteem issues. Smart, but way too concerned about all the superficial stuff. Pretty, but way too much makeup, and not too much class. She's in there to maximize her exposure in order to advance her career... exposure is nothing if nobody likes you.
Jason...I like him a lot. Needs to decide whether he wants to stick it out with Alex and LOSE TO PAUL. Sticking with Alex and not forcing her to make a choices between him and Paul will get him evicted sooner than later.
Alex...great competitor...needs to blindside Paul soon if she wants to have any hope of winning...Cody is 100% right on his plan. Really dumb for Alex not to listen to reason and make a bold move...Paul will discard her as soon as he doesn't need her anymore.
Kevin...nice guy...what's up with Xmas? Way too cozy for a married man! His bags will be packed and out the door if his wife is watching and has a jealous streak
Paul...don't like him. Never will. Inflated ego. Arrogant. Is getting a lot of undeserved idolatry...getting too much credit for basically being handed the game. Ruthless...has zero real connections with anybody...willing to play dirty...hope somebody in there acquires some guts and opposes him soon.
Xmas...thinks she's all that...brags about her 'accomplishments'...toots her own horn. Wish she'd stuck with the blindside Paul plan and send Elena home instead of letting Paul rule and use her veto power. DUMB and GUTLESS.
Cody...has his ex Marine flaws of the alpha male variety...don't expect help from anybody...take care of things yourself...see things in black and white...stay loyal to your team regardless of the consequences on yourself...socially awkward...introverted...
Not a hypocrite...straight shooter...great competitor...100% in love with Jessica.

Whose opinion is this?
@Grace&Carolinesmom have a great vacation!! We're heading down there when you get back. :D

@RedSox68 - I can't wait for Raven to find out she has not been America's a long shot.

Despite the HORRENDOUS game play, I am still all in on this season. But now it's more in a can they top the latest dumb move and how badly do they want Paul to win. Just this weekend...
  1. Alex put her closest ally on the block
  2. Cody messed up trying to lose a comp
  3. Elena won the Veto comp while on the block and chose $5,000 instead of the veto.
  4. Matt, also on the block, uses the veto on someone else.
It scares me a little to see what else they can do here. ha!
Last edited:
What happened to the Have Nots? I have not seen a single competition to decide who is a have not since the second week!

Remember when America would vote for the one item the have nots could have besides slop?

I don't know -- this season seems to be nothing but ways to ensure certain players stay by having either the den of temptation or another competition to win not being put up or being the third nominee. Seems like they are dragging this out more than the past seasons? :confused3 I know it goes until September anyway, but it just seems like this season is stuck in a groove and nothing new or exciting is happening, just new comps to determine houseguests positions or who can screw up someone else's game.
Basically, the HOH has been selecting the have nots. Sometimes people volunteer, some people picked the first people who were out of the HOH comp or just picked people they didn't like. CBS used America's voting for temptation recipients. This week they can have hot dogs made by Alex as part of her punishment from the veto comp.
Basically, the HOH has been selecting the have nots. Sometimes people volunteer, some people picked the first people who were out of the HOH comp or just picked people they didn't like. CBS used America's voting for temptation recipients. This week they can have hot dogs made by Alex as part of her punishment from the veto comp.

Oh yeah, I forgot that America got to "vote" for the temptation recipient (yeah, right LOL). Thanks.
@Grace&Carolinesmom have a great vacation!! We're heading down there when you get back. :D

@RedSox68 - I can't wait for Raven to find out she has not been America's a long shot.

Despite the HORRENDOUS game play, I am still all in on this season. But now it's more in a can they top the latest dumb move and how badly do they want Paul to win. Just this weekend...
  1. Alex put her closest ally on the block
  2. Cody messed up trying to lose a comp
  3. Elena won the Veto comp while on the block and chose $5,000 instead of the veto.
  4. Mark, also on the block, uses the veto on someone else.
It scares me a little to see what else they can do here. ha!
I think you mean Matt, not Mark. Mark has safety this week.
I wonder if their applications ask if they use the f and mf words every other word. It seems to be a requirement this year and in years past.


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