Big Brother 8 *Spoiler* Thread

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Oops, I forgot to add stuff about the Dani/boyfriend/Nick issue :lmao: Julie Chen asked her this morning (on the Early Show) about the whole situation and Dani said she really didn't know what was going on with Kris (her BF) because she was so busy last night that she didn't get a chance to call anyone and ask what was up w/ them. Of course, 10 seconds before, Dick said Dani & Nick were on the phone all night :rotfl: She really kept skating around answering the question (imagine that) and her response to everything was their lease was up anyway and Kris had moved back with his folks. Dani also said she never likes hurting anyones feelings (hahahahaha) but she didn't expect to go into the house and find someone she had real feelings for. I also remember her talking to Dick in the house about who they wanted at the finale & wrap party and Dani said she wanted her Grandmother, her best friend Lindsay and Lindsays mention of Kris. Plus, the first thing Dani did when she got out of the house was run right to Nick and jump in his arms LOL.

IIRC, once it became clear what was going on with Nick and Dani on BB, her boyfriend removed their picture from his MySpace and made his quote something about loving someone and trust. IMHO, he is looooong gone and rightfully so. :thumbsup2

Didn't he do something similar to his last girlfriend - started seeing Dani before breking up with the girlfriend. I thought someone posted that earlier.
IIRC, once it became clear what was going on with Nick and Dani on BB, her boyfriend removed their picture from his MySpace and made his quote something about loving someone and trust. IMHO, he is looooong gone and rightfully so. :thumbsup2

Could you please post a link to his myspace? thanks!

also here is the link to Dani's journal incase anyone missed it:
After reading this, I don't think that is her real mom that she mentions in her live journal. She said before that her best friend is named Lindsey and that she considers Lindsey's family her own family. She mentions Lindsey as her "sister" at the beginning of this entry. I wonder if the mom and brothers she also mentions are really Lindsey's??

There is another entry around that time though that she says her mom and step-father and little brothers and not sure. She also says her mom and grandma (the nice one) in another entry.
It was a fiancee. Not a girlfriend. I posted a few days ago not to feel too sorry for him for what Daniele did. Because, kharma is biting him on the ***.
While looking for any wrap party info I found this:

It's hilarious! Anyone who loved last season will enjoy it (unless you hated Dr. Will and Boogie!).

Made me realize/remember how awesome BB7 was! It was by far my favorite year of BB ever!
Thank you for that! I have seen that video before. But, it was still funny enough to make tears come out of my eyes.

I love Chilltown Mountain! With special guest Marcellus Reynolds. LOL!!
i found this interview with dick and notice when he starts to talk about trying out for BB before (i think thats what he said the audio wasn't the greatest) then he asks if he is allowed to talk about it and then it if BB said NO lol
Big Brother' finalists talk about the experience
Dick Donato, who won the show's eighth season, and daughter Daniele both say they are happy with the outcome.
The Orange County Register

One day after coming in second to her father on the finale of CBS's "Big Brother 8," Daniele Donato was in a terrific mood.

The Huntington Beach waitress missed the $500,000 grand prize on the reality series, but came away with $50,000 – and a reconciled relationship with her father Dick, with whom she hadn't spoken for about two years.

"I wish I could say everyone was a sucker and we actually got along the whole time," Donato, 21, said Wednesday. "But everything you saw was true. We didn't talk, and now we do."

After some awkward moments and tears, Dick and Daniele Donato proved to be a formidable team on the program, which put 14 people from various backgrounds together in one house for 70 days. Daniele won several challenges, while Dick intimidated people and cunningly strategized his way to the top.

"Of course it would have been nice to come in first," said Daniele, who works in Costa Mesa. "We wanted to be first and second in the final two, and that's what happened. So for us, honestly, we did win. We both won."

Dick, 44, a tattooed bar owner who also lived in Huntington Beach for three years, said he wouldn't have cried if his daughter had won, but was thrilled that he was the ultimate champion.

"I won, my daughter came in second, what could be better?" said the Long Beach resident.

Dick said he plans to use a portion of the $500,000 to pay for his daughter's college education. The rest will go toward purchasing a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle, taking a trip to Dublin, and embarking on a trip around the world.

Contest rules state that two participants may not split the final prize, to limit the amount of deal making and conspiring.

The broadcast of the "Big Brother 8" finale was Tuesday's second most-watched prime time program, according to

Previously ousted contestants were present at the finale, along with a studio audience that included Dick's mother and son (Daniele's grandmother and brother).

"It was interesting and amazing and unbelievable," Dick said. "We could hear those cheers (from the inside of the house). It was really good to see both of them."

Father and daughter said they have both been longtime fans of the "Big Brother" series, and they both applied to be on the sixth incarnation of the program.

"I guess I was too young back then," Daniele said.

They applied again for season eight, and during casting calls, they saw each other but did not speak.

"I didn't know he was going to be on it, but I kinda had a weird feeling," Daniele said. "I just had a weird feeling. But at that time, I didn't know."

Daniele said she wanted to be on the program for the "excitement" and "to escape from reality."

"Coming into it, it was absolutely everything I never thought it would be," she said.

The waitress hasn't quit her job, but her future plans include going back to school and becoming a second grade teacher.
So, the rules do say they cannot share the prize with another contestant, yet he openly says he's giving money to Dani. I wonder if they'll do anything about that. Of course, Dick can get around it by giving the money to his son, who in turn canl give it to Dani. I'd like to see if CBS tries to stop him.
So, the rules do say they cannot share the prize with another contestant, yet he openly says he's giving money to Dani. I wonder if they'll do anything about that. Of course, Dick can get around it by giving the money to his son, who in turn canl give it to Dani. I'd like to see if CBS tries to stop him.

I'm betting there is a difference between giving her the money and buying her a gift.
Last year Boogie openly planned to share his winnings with his alliance and they never even told him to stop talking about it. Of course, I don't know if he kept his promises - wouldn't surprise me if he didn't.

Daniele knew it was over with the boyfriend -- at one point last month she was wondering where her dog was... but not really hard. She "supposed" it was with her girlfriend, who she wanted to be aware would have to keep the dog another couple of months after she got out of the house, because she was going to need some "me time."

Some people don't deserve to have pets.

(For the record, the boyfriend moved out of the apartment and back in with his parents and gave her dog to her brother, who dumped it on their grandmother, who reportedly wasn't happy with it. But then she's got to be used to the losers she raised by now)
(For the record, the boyfriend moved out of the apartment and back in with his parents and gave her dog to her brother, who dumped it on their grandmother, who reportedly wasn't happy with it. But then she's got to be used to the losers she raised by now)

Not sure I would go so far as to call Vincent a loser, because he didn't want the dog. I would have never taken it either! Vincent might work a great deal and just doesn't have time for it, no way for us to know his reasoning.
Not sure I would go so far as to call Vincent a loser, because he didn't want the dog. I would have never taken it either! Vincent might work a great deal and just doesn't have time for it, no way for us to know his reasoning.

Atleast he didn't winde up at the shelter.
:wave2: See ya guys all next summer for BB9, it was great to get all the updates here! :grouphug:
Danielle looks so much better as a blond.

I always miss BB when it ends. I don't watch much TV. It is one of the only shows I watch all summer. At least some new ones are starting. Bye
Bye everyone! :)
Thanks for the good times....the bad haha and everything. See you next summer!
I usually have withdrawals after the show ends, wanting to see my favorite guests but not this year.

Last year I had major withdrawals, missing Janelle, Dr. Will and Howie. So great to see them in the audience the other day! At least I get to see Dr. Will on Dr. 90210!

Thanks everyone who kept us up-to-date with the live feeds, spoilers, and Showtime! :thumbsup2

See you all next year! :wave:
I usually have withdrawals after the show ends, wanting to see my favorite guests but not this year.

Last year I had major withdrawals, missing Janelle, Dr. Will and Howie. So great to see them in the audience the other day! At least I get to see Dr. Will on Dr. 90210!

Thanks everyone who kept us up-to-date with the live feeds, spoilers, and Showtime! :thumbsup2

See you all next year! :wave:

Same here, but all this show did was have me craving Survivor!

Bye everyone! I'll check in here once in a while, so let's try to keep up to date if we ever hear anything about -- oh, let's say an Amber meltdown. :rotfl2: I keep hoping to find out her reaction to how she was perceived.
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