Big Brother 8 *Spoiler* Thread

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So, the rules do say they cannot share the prize with another contestant, yet he openly says he's giving money to Dani. I wonder if they'll do anything about that. Of course, Dick can get around it by giving the money to his son, who in turn canl give it to Dani. I'd like to see if CBS tries to stop him.

There are ways around this. So he now has $550,00.00 dallars right? Well he can use his money he has from his bar business or from his savings for Danielle as that is not money from the show. Now having this new found money can allow him to be able to afford to do that.
Does anybody know if it was Mike Muir that they showed in the audience at the beginning of the final episode? was him:love:
It was fun everybody! Let's hope for a better cast next year, and see you next summer! :hug:
Thanks to everyone for keeping us updated on all the excitement this past season---I couldn't make it through without you guys posting what happens on the live feeds!
Talk to you next season, hopefully they pick a better bunch next time around!
A BIG thanks to everyone who posted and gave us extra sites to go to for updates and things that happened outside the BB8 house.

Waht a season this was. If someone wants to bet this season in what has happened, they will have to do a big number on it.

Dick outnumbers anyone to date.

I just hope he uses his money to make more and make his life better.

I, for one, am glad he won. It was almost inevitable that he would towards the end w/o a doubt.

My son, his wife and granddaughter were at Disneyland last weekend and they saw Kail and her family. I guess they were in town for the BB wrap party. I'd post a picture but I can't figure out how!

Not sure I would go so far as to call Vincent a loser, because he didn't want the dog. I would have never taken it either! Vincent might work a great deal and just doesn't have time for it, no way for us to know his reasoning.

Vincent's a loser for other reasons -- he had some blog that was widely quoted on other boards. Apparently BB wasn't too happy that he confirmed on his blog what people heard on the live feeds (that he and Dick had worked up a code for any HOH letters, which would give information on whom to trust within the house). So (per Vincent) BB was difficult and not giving him information on the final show and wrap party, and it was important they do so because he has a professional job and can't just take off work any old time.

Of course the finale for the show was well known from day one, and Vincent works in the same freakin' town. At the DMV. Where I'm sure he's Commissioner or something.

He's a loser on other various fronts but I can't recall them off the top of my head. (?Maybe license revoked for lack of paying tickets/insurance?) Let's just say "underachiever" runs in the family.
Hope those of you who find out info on the BB8 houseguests will come here and post and keep all of us up to date.

Some of you seem to have some good information and know how to get information more than others.

Here's an item from Jessica's blog on jokersupdate if you haven't seen it yet :goodvibes

BOOYAH Family, friends, and BB8 fans,

In my wildest dreams, I could never have anticipated the outpouring of love and support, compliments and good wishes you have shown for me and my family while I was on the Big Brother 8 show!


I have received literally thousands of comments, emails, art work, and tributes that are simply amazing, and I love every single one of them. Thank you to those of you who came to the airport to welcome me home, and to the Liquid Limos for the party bus, and to the Patriot Guard for the beautiful escort you gave us the night of my return.

I would love to respond to each and every one of you individually, but due to the overwhelming amount of mail I have received, that is simply not realistic at this time. I hope that you will accept my genuine heartfelt thanks in this note, and I will now try to answer the questions that I received most often:

The best thing about the experience for me was: the challenge of the game itself. I am a very competitive person, and BIG BROTHER is a once in a lifetime opportunity that very few people will ever get, and I was honored to be selected for this season and loved every minute of it.

My least favorite thing about living in the house was: the boredom. As a houseguest, you are not allowed to bring any reading or writing material with you. In the house, there is no music, television, computers, or communication of any kind with the outside world. If you sign up for this show, you need to be prepared to make your own fun and keep yourself entertained as there is quite a bit of down time when there is no structured competitions and all you have is time fill, think & talk about the game/strategy, and think about everything you are missing back at home.

Given the opportunity, I would absolutely do it again!!

I learned that I need to listen to my own instincts more; and other people less. Obviously hindsight is 20/20, but I did make my decisions based on what I believed was true at the time.

My personal bond with Eric was both amazing and strong. He was my best friend and ally in the house. I had so much fun with Eric, and loved every minute I spent with him. Now that I am back in Kansas and he is in New York, it is hard to predict what the future holds for us. We do still talk on a very regular basis, and have agreed to just take one day at a time, and see what happens. (Thank you all for your good wishes for us!) You will be able to keep updated on us if you want to, through our fan sites.

Thank you to all of you who have signed the petition for Eric & me to be considered for the next edition of The Amazing Race. (*Note from me (seahunt)- sorry I edited to remove the link since I received a warning about posting links here on the DIS, and I'm a chicken! ;)

My best advice for those of you wanting to apply for the show is to completely fill out the application forms in great detail. Do not leave anything blank. The casting crew is looking for people who are able to entertain, and have stories to tell. So don't be shy!!! Good luck to all of you ~ I'll definitely be watching for you on the show next season!

Thanks again for all the prayers, support, kind words, tributes that you sent to me! It was so awesome to come home to see it all!


It's good to know that she enjoyed the experience - I still think if she wouldn't have been so influenced by Eric she might have made it further. ;)

There's also an interesting interview with Amber over on jokers - she blames editing for being one of the least liked HG. :cutie:

can you give us the link re: Amber

Sometimes I can't seem to find the right material that I want.

Thanks a heap
Kay, I couldn't agree more. I have such a hard time trying to find anything over at Jokers.
Here's an item from Jessica's blog on jokersupdate if you haven't seen it yet :goodvibes

BOOYAH Family, friends, and BB8 fans,

In my wildest dreams, I could never have anticipated the outpouring of love and support, compliments and good wishes you have shown for me and my family while I was on the Big Brother 8 show!


I have received literally thousands of comments, emails, art work, and tributes that are simply amazing, and I love every single one of them. Thank you to those of you who came to the airport to welcome me home, and to the Liquid Limos for the party bus, and to the Patriot Guard for the beautiful escort you gave us the night of my return.

I would love to respond to each and every one of you individually, but due to the overwhelming amount of mail I have received, that is simply not realistic at this time. I hope that you will accept my genuine heartfelt thanks in this note, and I will now try to answer the questions that I received most often:

The best thing about the experience for me was: the challenge of the game itself. I am a very competitive person, and BIG BROTHER is a once in a lifetime opportunity that very few people will ever get, and I was honored to be selected for this season and loved every minute of it.

My least favorite thing about living in the house was: the boredom. As a houseguest, you are not allowed to bring any reading or writing material with you. In the house, there is no music, television, computers, or communication of any kind with the outside world. If you sign up for this show, you need to be prepared to make your own fun and keep yourself entertained as there is quite a bit of down time when there is no structured competitions and all you have is time fill, think & talk about the game/strategy, and think about everything you are missing back at home.

Given the opportunity, I would absolutely do it again!!

I learned that I need to listen to my own instincts more; and other people less. Obviously hindsight is 20/20, but I did make my decisions based on what I believed was true at the time.

My personal bond with Eric was both amazing and strong. He was my best friend and ally in the house. I had so much fun with Eric, and loved every minute I spent with him. Now that I am back in Kansas and he is in New York, it is hard to predict what the future holds for us. We do still talk on a very regular basis, and have agreed to just take one day at a time, and see what happens. (Thank you all for your good wishes for us!) You will be able to keep updated on us if you want to, through our fan sites.

Thank you to all of you who have signed the petition for Eric & me to be considered for the next edition of The Amazing Race. (*Note from me (seahunt)- sorry I edited to remove the link since I received a warning about posting links here on the DIS, and I'm a chicken! ;)

My best advice for those of you wanting to apply for the show is to completely fill out the application forms in great detail. Do not leave anything blank. The casting crew is looking for people who are able to entertain, and have stories to tell. So don't be shy!!! Good luck to all of you ~ I'll definitely be watching for you on the show next season!

Thanks again for all the prayers, support, kind words, tributes that you sent to me! It was so awesome to come home to see it all!


It's good to know that she enjoyed the experience - I still think if she wouldn't have been so influenced by Eric she might have made it further. ;)

There's also an interesting interview with Amber over on jokers - she blames editing for being one of the least liked HG. :cutie:

Thank you for the update.:goodvibes
Thanks Aimee for those links. They were very interesting. Here is a snippet I had to pull from the first interview:

RNO: Why were you so upset with Eric about the personal secret you told him when you said it in a house filled with cameras and microphones linked to the outside world?

Amber: When I told Eric the situation, I honestly just got caught up in the moment and was talking about things I’ve done in my life and how I’ve changed. I didn’t have my microphone on and I was in the pool, I didn’t think about the fact that there’s microphones above my head and this is going to be aired. It’s something I definitely regret.

As far as him using that, he was like, “I’m really proud of you,” and was really nice and genuine. I wouldn’t expect somebody to use my personal information against me in the game. So when he went and tried to use it against me, I was really upset about it. It was my fault I just forgot – it’s your home. It was more so the actual principal that Eric would use that against me if need be. I trusted Eric and he betrayed my trust in a sense.

As far as Eric using personal information against Amber in the game, isn't that exactly what she did to Daniele with that crazy question she asked her during the finale? The question about Daniele's treatment of her boyfriend: "My question is for Daniele, why should I give you a vote considering what you did to your boyfriend on national television with Nick? Honestly you're a very pathetic person for what you did to him. Why should I respect you as a person?"
What a nutjob!

RNO: Speaking of Eric, what do you think of the America’s Player twist?

Amber: The America’s Player twist was really unfair to me. The game would have gone in a completely different direction. Eric would have done a lot of different things in the house and would have played his own game. Me and Eric were really close for a long time, but I always felt there was something wrong, and now I see what it was. A lot of decisions he made were done for America and not for himself, and I feel like he got shorted because he couldn’t make up his own decisions.

Yeah. She just doesn't get it does she. She was in the game for so long, because of America's player. She probably would have been out in the first week if it weren't for us.
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