Memphis married Ashley in 2012, had a baby and divorced in 2015.
He's been with Amanda since 2016, but not married
I was just listening to Rob Has a Podcast and Taran Armstrong who does daily recaps said he doesn't think they kissed. He said it sounded like they were whispering in each other ears and the smacking people heard was the microphones hitting each other or hitting something. He said it wasn't really clear, but that was his take on it. I guess we need to see the video tape lol
I was just listening to Rob Has a Podcast and Taran Armstrong who does daily recaps said he doesn't think they kissed. He said it sounded like they were whispering in each other ears and the smacking people heard was the microphones hitting each other or hitting something. He said it wasn't really clear, but that was his take on it. I guess we need to see the video tape lol

Where is the night vision camera?? I just watched, can't tell.
Where is the night vision camera?? I just watched, can't tell.

Don't know. I have only seem this supposed kiss talked about on Joker's, which is known to lie sometimes to cause trouble. Not saying they didn't kiss, but would like to see the video to judge for myself.
Don't know. I have only seem this supposed kiss talked about on Joker's, which is known to lie sometimes to cause trouble. Not saying they didn't kiss, but would like to see the video to judge for myself.

I guess they only use the night vision when its televised :rolleyes:
not sure they will air it.

**Just google Memphis and Christmas kiss bb22, it's there.
The fact that Memphis held the blanket up blocking his face; makes it seem like they probably did kiss... also the body language to me would fit. I don't know for sure, but if I was the SO of one of them; it'd be pretty hard for me to not think they did.
I guess they only use the night vision when its televised :rolleyes:
not sure they will air it.

**Just google Memphis and Christmas kiss bb22, it's there.

I watched it and it seems like she told him a joke. The cover is in the way, so no way to really tell, but she says to him, do you need me to say it again and he said no I got it. Then Memphis says, she's got jokes people, she got jokes. So I think she told him a joke. Maybe it was a controversial one and wanted to make sure she wasn't heard, who knows.
Apparently Nicole had a melt down after reading her letter from Victor, which of course they didn't show on the show. He never said he was proud of her, which she translated to mean, he wasn't proud of her lol. She's been on the show 3 times, she knows the producers pretty much write the letters to make sure no one leaves any clues in them.
Apparently Nicole had a melt down after reading her letter from Victor, which of course they didn't show on the show. He never said he was proud of her, which she translated to mean, he wasn't proud of her lol. She's been on the show 3 times, she knows the producers pretty much write the letters to make sure no one leaves any clues in them.
And they write them at the beginning. Only need to get new letters for those who win HoH more than once. She should know that.
Maybe "I am proud of you" was a code in the letter to mean: "America likes you and your getting all kinds of new sponsors on Social Media." which we all know is quite the opposite...... :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Or code are on the right track so keep going. Now she is wondering what changes she needs to make.

But I read that they get the letters from family at the beginning. Before the family watches any of the shows so they can't do secret messages.
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Or code are on the right track so keep going. Now she is wondering what changes she needs to make.

But I read that they get the letters from family at the beginning. Before the family watches any of the shows so they can't do secret messages.

Then I guess she is just trying to keep up with Christmas with all her boo-hooing. :rolleyes1


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