Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

In response to the QOTD, please call me Lissa (yes, with "ss",...long story).
I'm in the "all of the above" category. Sometimes I can be really good for a week or two but just can't seem to string more weeks than that together.
My name is Dani and I also fit into all of the above category!

*Failing on the weekends - We get lazy with our meals and often have pizza or go out to dinner. I always eat too much when we order or go out
*Making exercise excuses - I do this all the time when it comes to the gym! I do walk about 5 days a week ranging from 30 minutes to an hour but I only get to the gym about 1-2 times per week when I plan 4 and usually only do abs and weight training on 1!
*Eating nutrient-poor calories - I have the WORST eating habits. I do eat a lot of fruit but I do not like most veggies or beans. I am a carb addict (I try for mostly whole wheat/grain) and love fried foods and cheesy foods. I also love sweets and I love to bake so even if I give most away, I still have some in the house. I did give up soda back in February but can't seem to give up my other pure sugar love, gummy candies. I try not to have them often because when I do, I finish the bag!
*Starving during the day & overeating at night - DH works late hours so the earliest we eat is 8 and when we got to the gym, it's 9:30 or 10. I don't overeat at that time but it is late night eating!
*Going off my diet for special occasions - I don't necessarily have a "diet" to go off of but I seriously overeat with all of the desserts!
*All of the above

So many obstacles to overcome...
Does anyone else think they don't truly no what "full" feels like? I think I am either hungary or so stuffed I feel sick. I need to learn when I am full.
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Can I put your first name by your user name on the participant list? Sometimes it is easier for people to learn who our participants are that way. If I can, just post or let send me a PM. I won't put your name down unless I hear from you that it is okay. :flower3:

Which "diet" dilemma do you usually struggle with?

*Failing on the weekends
*Making exercise excuses
*Eating nutrient-poor calories
*Starving during the day & overeating at night
*Going off my diet for special occasions
*All of the above
*None, I've transitioned from dieting to a healthy lifestyle.

I would have to go with "all of the above." (This was an option that I added). Even now I still feel like I have trouble doing what I should do even though I know more than enough about what to do. It is still hard at times to apply what I know -- I wish I could figure that one out!

Have a great day all!

just realized I never did say my name over the summer...It is Leslie

mine would be Failing on the weekends and Making exercise excuses. It's somewhat easier to say on track during the week with my work schedule, and then the weekend comes, and everything, sleep, eating, exercise all get off schedule. The second - making excuses, too hot, too tired, etc, is very easy to do, harder to break the habit of making excuses. I am getting better at making the time to exercise, but it still takes lot of effort!

:bday: Connie..hope your day is wonderful! :bday:

Hi Everyone,

Thought I'd pop in on this thread and realized that I have a lot of catching up to do.

My name is Christina. It's easier to go by my initials. You can add me to the list as CC. That's what my immediate family calls me. Christina is just too long. :rotfl2:

I am definitely an "all of the above." I am getting better about exercising. The first 20 or so minutes still tend to go by really slowly, but I feel so much better after a workout. Weekends are often so-so. I was down today from the weekend. That included almost an entire personal size pizza Saturday night and some homemade funnel cake last night. I guess the exercise is paying off. :confused3

Oatmeal tends to be a good choice for breakfast for me. I need to remember to add protein to it somehow. My nutrient intake varies from great to poor on a pretty much meal-by-meal basis.

Special occassions...geez, they seem to be happening a couple of times a week these days. I am helping plan my undergraduate college's reunion. I love planning it, but each time we get together it is an eating frenzy. And, because what we eat changes each time, it's not like I can plan accordingly. You know, if it's pizza, eat less carbs and save my dairy for dinner. :rolleyes1

I do eat a good breakfast and lunch, but my downfall is around 4 PM. I cannot seem to figure out how to fit an afternoon snack into my healthy lifestyle. I then tend to binge either on junk food or whatever is for dinner. I'm getting better about not bingeing, but it's been a very slow process. Still, I am getting there.

Great article Lisa. Thanks for sharing!

tigger813-It's so wonderful that DD1-or both? :confused3- is joining you in exercising! And, please do tell. What is a podcast? I may have to get into this. Using the elliptical at the gym is a big goal of mine and from what you said, it sounds like having something good to listen to really helps! TIA!


Oh my, you are in for quite a treat with the podcast! I just got into listening to the podcasts that are created by the people who run the disboards! Check out the Disunplugged Podcast on the top section of the boards! It's the 2nd thread down! There are 2 shows a week that talk about Disney and some Universal stuff as well. They are totally unbiased and quite a treat to listen to each week. If you have iTunes you can download them on there and onto an ipod! Go to and look for the podcast a bit down the page! DH has been listening to them for a lot longer than me and now I listen every week!

Day has not gone as planned as DD2 started throwing up around 10:30 this morning and has gotten sick about 5-6 times! Luckily she knows when she is going to get sick and has the bucket ready! She either ate something or drank too much lake water the last two days. She's been on my bed most of the day and even slept about an hour! When she naps she is definitely sick! So, not sure who is going to soccer practice with DD1 tonight! If I stay home I will try and get another workout in. If I go I will walk the track for the whole time. I'm about to do Bob's Strength workout. I've been cleaning pretty much the whole day so far. I had Trader Joe's potstickers for lunch. I've had one big bottle of water and am having some Crystal Light right now. I will probably have a protein drink too. We're going to grill pork chops for supper with carrots and rice pilaf. Tomorrow's supper will be Turkey Hamburger Helper. I had my handful of M&Ms so I'm set with that for the day.

Gotta go, I hear someone with a bucket! UGH!!!!!!! So glad I had a great weekend!!!!!!:sick:
Which "diet" dilemma do you usually struggle with?

*Failing on the weekends
*Making exercise excuses
*Eating nutrient-poor calories
*Starving during the day & overeating at night
*Going off my diet for special occasions
*All of the above
*None, I've transitioned from dieting to a healthy lifestyle.

Hi Im Jeanette....

Lets see,
*Failing on the weekends - I fail to count my calories religiously on the weekends, but I still practice my portion control and try not to indulge so that I dont gain weight (but I dont lose weight :headache:)
*Making exercise excuses - usually happens around that time of the month, but for the most part I exercise about 4 times a week. If I dont, then I just feel wrong.
*Eating nutrient-poor calories - I LOVE sweets, especially cupcakes LOL. But because I can only consume so many calories, it kind of forces me to make healthier eating choices. So if I do have a cupcake, its a mini or half of a regular.
*Starving during the day & overeating at night - I dont really starve during the day, but I tend to eat more than I should at night. Its just easier during the day to keep my portion control because Im at work and I only take what I should eat. Theres a little less control at dinner time since more food is available.
*Going off my diet for special occasions- same answer as the weekend answer I guess Im all of the above, to some extent :rolleyes1
I haven't joined this challenge, but maybe I should. Here's my background: I have been 62 inches tall and weighed 120 lbs all my adult life, but 3 1/2 years ago, I began having a multitude of problems after my son was born, including weight gain 6 months later, after I successfully lost the entire 15 lbs I gained during my pregnancy. Turns out, I had Hashimoto's Disease (a form of hypothyroidism). My weight jumped up significantly during one year's time while my endocrinologist was trying to get things squared away because it is a slow process. Finally, she found the magic dose of Synthroid, and I felt 100 percent better. It has also meant a steady exercise routine and healthy eating habits. I have managed to lose 55 lbs so far, but I still struggle with weight, depending on how my thyroid is functioning. I managed to keep it off until mid-July, then put 8 lbs back on.:sad2: She said my TSH levels were slightly elevated which caused the weight gain, but thinks I could lose it if I keep up my exercise and eating habits. I typically run 15-25 miles per week, depending on my schedule, but I DO make time for it. I also limit my sugar, carbs, and fat because I am also at high risk of developing diabetes. Although my sugar levels are within normal range, they are on the higher end of the normal range. One thing my husband and I do is watch portion control. When we go out to eat, we split an entree, and at home I use one of my kids' child size plates instead of a large plate. I guess my short-term goal would be 10 lbs. I guess I'm guilty of just not eating enough day to day, which I've discovered recently could hinder weight loss because it causes the body to slow it's metabolism. I also realize the reality of me being 120 lbs again is not going to happen, so I've set a more realistic goal. I've also learned that even if the weight doesn't come off as long as I am changing my body shape by toning up and staying healthy I'm still going to be pleased.
Oh my, you are in for quite a treat with the podcast! I just got into listening to the podcasts that are created by the people who run the disboards! Check out the Disunplugged Podcast on the top section of the boards! It's the 2nd thread down! There are 2 shows a week that talk about Disney and some Universal stuff as well. They are totally unbiased and quite a treat to listen to each week. If you have iTunes you can download them on there and onto an ipod! Go to and look for the podcast a bit down the page! DH has been listening to them for a lot longer than me and now I listen every week!

Day has not gone as planned as DD2 started throwing up around 10:30 this morning and has gotten sick about 5-6 times! Luckily she knows when she is going to get sick and has the bucket ready! She either ate something or drank too much lake water the last two days. She's been on my bed most of the day and even slept about an hour! When she naps she is definitely sick! So, not sure who is going to soccer practice with DD1 tonight! If I stay home I will try and get another workout in. If I go I will walk the track for the whole time. I'm about to do Bob's Strength workout. I've been cleaning pretty much the whole day so far. I had Trader Joe's potstickers for lunch. I've had one big bottle of water and am having some Crystal Light right now. I will probably have a protein drink too. We're going to grill pork chops for supper with carrots and rice pilaf. Tomorrow's supper will be Turkey Hamburger Helper. I had my handful of M&Ms so I'm set with that for the day.

Gotta go, I hear someone with a bucket! UGH!!!!!!! So glad I had a great weekend!!!!!!:sick:

Thank you so so so much! I am about to go to bed now and will check out the podcasts tomorrow-first thing. I want to go to the gym tomorrow, so this will be perfect! :banana:

Hope DD2 is feeling better! :goodvibes

Welcome grafxgirl, Jeanette, Leslie, Dani, Lissa, Melanie, Susan, and Cam!

I can't wait to see the results tomorrow and am also looking forward to starting the next challenge. I am still thinking about my goal for the challenge. I want to make it reaching goal, but I haven't decided what that is yet. Plus, that could be 30 pounds. Doable, but probably too quickly for me and would be hard to maintain. I know I'm going to be asking for lots of wisdom from our maintainers regardless of how quickly I lose. I just want to lose the weight safely.

Have a great night!

Just a quick post to answer the non-QOTD! ;)

Yes, feel free to add my name Lisa!
Failing on the weekends
*Making exercise excuses
*Eating nutrient-poor calories
*Starving during the day & overeating at night
*Going off my diet for special occasions
*All of the above
*None, I've transitioned from dieting to a healthy lifestyle

80% of the time, I could say I have transitioned to healthy lifestyle. However, I am very suseptible to having a terrible week. Falling off the wagon, getting run over by it, and the horse that pulled it.

The catalyst is usually not having good food in the house. Then I get busy and don't exercise, then I eat the "bad"stuff, then every moment becomes a special occasion!

I have definitely learned to eat more in the day, and night usually isn't an issue. I am usually very careful about the calories I consume, and what they are comprised of. I typically run 3 days a week, and strength 2-3 days. Special occasions? Well, depends. We won't talk about my WDW massive DXDP trip. But I did so well for 5 months, 1 bad week, another good month, then the last week and a half have been really, really, really bad. I have been processing all of this, and I just have to gain back the resolve I had in January. Any ideas? My willpower seems to have left the building. Back in the stress eating mode again. I know I need to get back to tracking on sparkpeople. I haven't in several weeks, probably close to a month. Maybe that will help.

Sorry for the book. To all the newcomers, I am famous for them! ;)
My name is Ann.

My biggest problem is staying committed to my exercise routine. When I exercise, the healthy eating seems to fall into place without a problem. I was almost to my goal weight a year ago and I have put almost 20 pounds back on:sad2::sad2:
I need something like this to get me back on track. I look forward to getting to know everyone.

I have found a C25K app for my iPod touch. So excited to get back to the gym and losing some weight before my cruise in November!! :yay:

Here is a link to C25K if anyone is interested in looking at what it entails.
Go ahead and use my first name! Its Kelli

I guess these three are the ones I struggle with:

*Failing on the weekends - Failing to exercise. My work schedule combined with any social activities make it difficult to do one or both of my exercises.
*Making exercise excuses - its not starting to exercise, but following the routine through to the end I struggle with. So far, I succeed most of the time, but the excuses run through my head the whole time.
*Eating nutrient-poor calories - I am following a calorie budget with the help of an ipod touch app. I am always within my allowance, but I am still trying to learn which are the better calories.

As for special occasions, I have three planned off diet occasions: Thanksgiving, Christmas and my week at WDW. No calorie counting those days!

My exercise, by the way, is walking every day- I am almost up to a mile and a half. I am also struggling through P90x. I am 4 weeks in, and it is getting easier, but there are some things I absolutely can't do! (It took me 4 weeks to do some of those Yoga moves. I have absolutely no balance!)
I am thinking about trying C25K in a week or two, but I have always had a problem with running, so we will see how it goes.
Hi Everyone! :wave2: My name is Jen (Lisa - feel free to put it on the list).

QOTD: Which "diet" dilemma do you usually struggle with?

*Failing on the weekends - Yep, I sometimes do this. It is more of the fact that I was raised with having a "good" meal on Sundays. To me, a good meal meant a big meal with lots of special dishes, fresh bread and a dessert. I have been working on learning that a good meal can be a healthy balanced meal but still find that weekends are a struggle.

*Making exercise excuses - Again, sometimes. The good thing about this is that even though I may give an excuse one day, I tend to get right back at it. I have many races on my calendar so I know I have to keep on exercising. I think that I am in the best shape of my adult life and I know I can run a half marathon whenever I want (like yesterday! :rotfl2:)

*Eating nutrient-poor calories - Oh yeah! This is totally me. Since I have been journaling my food more again, I discover that I eat really well most of the time so that I can justify my bad choices. While this may be good for something here or there...I do it WAY to much. This will be one of my goals in the upcoming challenge.

*Starving during the day & overeating at night - Yep I do this too. I get a little worried about eating too much during the day and not being able to have a treat at night. Then I discover I have not eaten enough points (WW) and have ice cream for snack. Bad choices all around. Again, another thing to work on this fall.

*Going off my diet for special occasions - I don't really do this. I have been tested several times and while there are not always great choices, I tend to still make good choices.

*All of the above - I see many but thank goodness I do fine with special occasions!

*None, I've transitioned from dieting to a healthy lifestyle. - While I still have all those problems, I think I have made the transition from the diet mentality. I have finally realized that this is the way my life is and I like it better this way. I don't think of it as dieting at all any longer. I know that I may possibly always struggle to keep my weight down, control the urges to eat the wrong things and need to exercise almost daily.

Taryn - Don't worry about your book...I just wrote one as well! :lmao:

It is great getting to know a bit about everyone and I am excited for this next challenge!

Which app is that? I was looking at some yesterday, and I couldn't decide which one to buy.

I will post which one I used in a bit...I have to find which one it was.

When I started the challenge in January, I was NOT a runner. Many people from the old challenges know my start but the new people do not....I cried running 1 block! I thought I was going to die each time I had to go out and run the first few weeks. I did stick the C25K through though and loved the app I found - I felt it was perfect. I am now TOTALLY a runner! I won't say that I love running all the time but I can run and I now run about 30 miles a week. I will post the app I used when I hunt down my iPod in just a bit.
i'm natale.

My biggest problem that most people don't understand is I have always been all or nothing.
When I'm exercising and eating right it's mostly easy for me to stay on track... but the second I stop I mess up. I can't eat just one cooking or one piece of candy, if I eat one the whole bag disappears.
My friends think I'm crazy but I have to go off all sweets but the cool part about it is that in about a week you no longer crave them. I wish I could figure out a middle ground but so far I can't.

My first run yesterday went great!! The only problem was that when I finished my 45 minute run/walk I was still about 25 minutes from my house. :laughing: oops! Oh well, it was a beautiful morning & all it meant was I had a longer workout!

Melanie--I remember the crying for no reason! One time I just started crying on the drive home from work, on the interstate. Not good. It does get better. I still get weepy occasionally, but there's almost always a reason. Our DS is 500 miles away, not quite as far as yours, but we had a different experience than some of our friends whose kids could come home on the weekend if they wanted. I must say, that it was the best thing for DS, and he is extremely independant and becoming very self sufficient. It's a year of transitions, but a good year!

And, how long have you been a vegan. I am a vegetarian, I do eat eggs and dairy, but I have toyed with the vegan idea.

As for the question yesterday, I started to reply and comment on each of the categories last night, but realized the key for me in all this is moderation. At the end of the day, week, month, I want to be able to say I ate healthy the majority of the time and got my exercise in. There are some foods I don't touch--anything with artificial sweeteners, HFCS or caffeine. But other than that, I try make good choices everyday, while still having a bit of my favorite treats--french fries and ice cream. The biggest difference from before I lost the weight is that exercise is a number one priority and my favorite treats are just that--treats, not staples of my diet. Having said all that, I have been having a hard week food wise, not even sure why, I think poor planning on my part, so I'm looking forward to the new challenge!

Have a great day everyone! I need to get going or I will be late for work!:goodvibes
I guess I'm going to be the chatty newbie.

Last night I baked cookies for the family. I wanted one really bad, so I decided I would do an extra workout so it wouldn't be so bad. By the time I was done on the elipticle, I didn't want the cookie anymore. :yay:
I guess I'm going to be the chatty newbie.

Last night I baked cookies for the family. I wanted one really bad, so I decided I would do an extra workout so it wouldn't be so bad. By the time I was done on the elipticle, I didn't want the cookie anymore. :yay:
Susan, that's amazing! I could not have that much control when baking. I love to bake, but can't help but lick the spoon afterwards! :eek:
Just a quick check in to say hi! :wave2:

My name is Bree (feel free to post, Lisa!). My first BL challenge was the summer challenge and I would like to continue (and step it up!) with the fall challenge as a loser.

Which "diet" dilemma do you usually struggle with?
*Making exercise excuses
*Eating nutrient-poor calories
I started the C25K about six weeks ago and I love it! But, I know that my body also needs some strength/cross training, which is what I make excuses for a lot. I run in the late afternoon or evening, which has been working well. I *really* enjoy sleeping :rolleyes1 and that usually takes precedent over getting up early to do a workout. I really need to figure out a better solution to that.

I stay pretty consistent with my calories (but I do need to get back to journaling - I let that slip over the past few weeks) but I know I should eat more fruits and veggies.

Welcome to all the newcomers and hello again to everyone from the summer challenge! Talk to you guys more soon!

okay wow - I'm just jumping in here. I need to get back to some accountabilty with my eating! I have just been eating whatever whenever. Yesterday I noticed my tink pj bottoms are tight :( so today I've been paying attention to what I'm eating. I have NOT EATEN since 3:00 when I had a snack. I've wanted to at least 5 times but haven't. Small victory. Making fish for dinner...yumm and healthy. Today has been a struggle, I haven't been feeling good and have been doing things 15 minutes at a time then resting for 45 :) got a lot done though! I even walked the dogs for just over 15 minutes...that wiped me out.

Hello to all my long time (didn't want to say "old") friends and my soon-to-be friends. :grouphug:
Thanks Ann for posting the link for the C25K program. I have heard about it, but never knew what it was. I ran across something similar over in the Runners World website. They have some good running schedules for beginners. For example, learning how to run, training for 5k, etc.

I have never really ran before, but I learned to run in a weird way. I have this hiking trail by my house. It's a 5 mile trail that inclines for 2.5 miles then declines to come back down. After weeks and weeks trying to conquer the whole 5 miles I finally was able to. Eventually I tried running on the decline. Over weeks I gained endurance. Next thing you know I was on the treadmill and running a half hour straight. I have never done that in my life, let alone even run 2 minutes straight. Im headed back to that trail today after a month and a half off of it...its been really hot. So hopefully I will get back my endurance and start to run the whole decline down, perhaps even up the hill. Now that fall is around, I will probably have to start going before work- which Im dreading since Im not a morning person.


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