Bit of PD please for Doctor P (and me)....


<font color=orange>WDW Antenna Topper Queen</font>
Aug 25, 1999
He's finally asleep but I think only because he's been dopped up on Morphine but if you could spare a bit of hurry and get well PD for Doctor P tonight and tomorrow - I'd appreciate it.

I thought my days for asking for this were a bit over for a while but today I found I needed it again.

Mike went in this morning for another Lithitropsy on the right kidney (he had one on the left one last May). All seemed to go well, he tolerated the hour ride home and the stop at the store to get some soup. We got home, he started suddenly experiencing pain - severly. Took his pain meds and 10 min later got sick. Within an hour he couldn't even keep water down. So off to the ER we went and after two doses of Morphine, some antinausea meds (same type they use with chemo patients to cut the nausea) and an anti-inflammatory and 4 hours later we arrived back home. Right now he's sleeping (I think and hope) but I will be up in 2 hours to make sure he gets up to take his pain meds and every 4 hours through tomorrow at least.

The last time he was hardly in any pain, didn't use pain pills at all. This time they put him totally under which they hadn't done and something he runs high risk of because of his severe sleep apnea. I told him he needs to talk to his doc about what they did because they potentially risked his life and did something they should not have done without his prior approval.

I'll try to report in tomorrow to let you know how he's doing. I'm emotionally and mentally drained - the last time someone in my family went in the hospital - they didn't come back and that rode heavy on my mind shouldn't have but it did. Thanks!
Major PD and prayers for both of you! How scary!:( I would definitely talk to the doctor and address your concerns with him!

Please try and get some rest, yourself. I know it will be hard - but it sounds as though you were really put through the wringer today!:(

Oh Chris, big hugs for Mike & you.
Get some sleep and try to keep good thoughts.
Prayers and pixie dust on the way Chris, for both of you.
Hoping all goes well through the night, Chris. My best wushes are with Mike and you both. Looking for a good report tomorrow.
Sorry to read this Chris. (btw I read your PM first so, I didn't know the severity) :(

I sure hope Mike is much improved in the morning. {{HUGS}} for both of you and, if you need a wake-up call in 2 hours, just let me know! :p ;)
My thoughts and prayers are with Mike this morning Chris. I hope he's feeling better.
Originally posted by Big V
My thoughts and prayers are with Mike this morning Chris. I hope he's feeling better.

Me too.
I am so sorry to hear that Mike is feeling so bad, Chris. Prayers and major PD headed his way. I hope he is feeling much better today
Good thoughts & ~~**PD**~~ are on their way!
Yikes, how scary!

I'll keep you both in my prayers, 99.
Awww, that sounds like a real rough time. I hope you both are doing better this morning. :)
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys today...

Let us know how Mike is doing, would you, Chris?


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