Boo to the Halloween on the Highs Seas Crew

I have read almost every one of your trip reports and have decided that I need to join your family - looks like you always have so much fun! Can't wait to read more!
Oh, I would have loved to see this. I really liked Aladdin at Disneyland.

It is a great show!

I don't think there is anything wrong with this. I think I have a favourite song from most Disney films.

Sometimes I have 2...or 3! LOL

I am glad that it was enjoyable.

It's a great show for sure!

I love it, too. This is my only must have dessert on DCL.

It is so good!

That is a great idea.

It was nice to get most of it done on the first day and not worry about it later.

This trip looks like so much fun!

We had a fabulous time.

Loved your updates! Glad to see a lot of the adult entertainment. Making me antsy for my trip in September!

Have fun in Florida!

I just love cruising. I toured a NCL ship last Sat....and it was parked next to the Fantasy. Let's just say I took a ton of pictures of the Fantasy while there. hahaha

I have read almost every one of your trip reports and have decided that I need to join your family - looks like you always have so much fun! Can't wait to read more!

hahaha. Thanks...we have issues at times but try to make the best of it.
I'm back from FL! What an amazing trip. I did have some downs as well as ups. Mainly, I kept losing things. Some never found.
I had a great time at Universal, both by myself and with my co-workers. We have such a fun bunch. I also spent an unexpected afternoon at the Magic Kingdom thanks to the kindness of a friend. It was super crowded but we just chatted and had such a nice time.

MKday1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

There were several highlights of the trip.
One being we got to ride one of the Mardi Gras floats in the parade at Universal Studios and throw out beads. We laughed the whole time. It was so much fun. Truly a big highlight for all of us. For those that have read some of my other probably recognize Brook.

parade1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Saturday, my co-worker Lenora and I took a trip over to Port Canaveral and toured the NCL Epic.

epic1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Of course the Fantasy was parked right next to her and we had to grab a bunch of photos of her too.

epic2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We had extremely long and busy days. Tuesday I was so tired. I was about to pass out I was so tired. I actually headed back early and skipped the last event to get packed since our Wed was going to be busy till we left according to the schedule. I also just wanted a shower. When the rest of the gals came back they met up in the patio bar area, where we had been going each night. I was so close to just skipping it, but decided I didn't want to miss the last evening together. I am so glad I did!

Not long after I got there, our friend Lisa says...there's Rick Springfield! We all screamed like teenage girls. He had put on a concert at the Hard Rock Café Sunday and heard of sightings that day at our hotel, but we assumed he had left. Nope! He was still there. I went over and asked for a picture and he grabbed my phone and said we had to take a selfie!

rick1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Yes..I am resting my chin on his shoulder!

Then his friend took a nice group picture of us too.

rick2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

One of my friends said I should lick the phone since he touched it. hahaha...I declined.

I am not sure if I will be doing a trip report. I would like to, but it depends on time...and this one has to get done first.
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I've seen Rick Springfield in concert quite a few mom is a huge fan! He really is a nice guy! I definitely vote for a report:)
Welcome back.

I also spent an unexpected afternoon at the Magic Kingdom thanks to the kindness of a friend.

How nice that you got a bonus visit to the kingdom of the mouse.

One being we got to ride one of the Mardi Gras floats in the parade at Universal Studios and throw out beads.

Wow, that sounds really cool.

Not long after I got there, our friend Lisa says...there's Rick Springfield! We all screamed like teenage girls. He had put on a concert at the Hard Rock Café Sunday and heard of sightings that day at our hotel, but we assumed he had left. Nope! He was still there. I went over and asked for a picture and he grabbed my phone and said we had to take a selfie!

That is pretty neat, too. Looks like you were able to make plenty of memories.

I've seen Rick Springfield in concert quite a few mom is a huge fan! He really is a nice guy! I definitely vote for a report:)

I have yet to see him and he comes almost yearly to play at a small venue here.

How nice that you got a bonus visit to the kingdom of the mouse.

It really was. We didn't do a whole lot but just hanging together was really nice. I had left that day open to just decide on the spur of the moment and when she said lets do this and that...I was like...OK!

Wow, that sounds really cool.

We laughed so much during the parade! A person I had met on the Princess cruise was actually at the parks that day and asked if I could meet up, but I couldn't because we were so scheduled for the day. I told him I would be on the float and he told me where he would be standing and I say him. I yelled his name...and though I didn't get to spend any time with was great to say hello and see him again!

That is pretty neat, too. Looks like you were able to make plenty of memories.

We did make a lot of memories. And learned a lot too. I really work with some amazing people too and that really makes these kind of trips even more enjoyable.
Oct. 24, 2016, Monday, Day 6

Today was a Sea Day.

I slept in as long as I could and then I went off to explore. I took a lot less pictures today.

The pumpkin tree had grown pumpkins now…probably because today was the Halloween on the High Seas day.

hallowtree2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

halloweentree3 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I went to check out my pictures and finally they were showing up. Some were missing and I had to get them added and it took several days for those to show up.

mouse10 by Jenseib, on Flickr

This is the photo studio if you want to make an appointment to get a photoshoot.

mouse11 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse12 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse13 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I checked out some of the art.

mouse14 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse15 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse16 by Jenseib, on Flickr

This is one of the magical pictures that interacts with the Detectives game. Claire and Alexis loved this game and did it several times.

mouse17 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I did have one thing scheduled today…..Palo brunch.

Mom and I were going. I am not a big fan of Palo dinner, but I do love the brunch so we made a reservation to do that. We got ready and headed up early and were seated almost immediately.

I can’t remember our server, but he was really good. He showed us around the buffet area and we also ordered some food as well.

Not our table.

mouse30 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We were seated near the window.

They have now started serving you at the buffet though and I found that awkward. I realize they are doing this to prevent germ spreading, but it was just weird to have them spoon up what I want.

mouse18 by Jenseib, on Flickr

All meals must start and end with chocolate covered strawberries at Palo.

mouse19 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I went back up then when fewer servers were around and took some pictures.

mouse20 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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mouse22 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I was annoyed though because these people were able to serve themselves. Maybe I look germy?

mouse23 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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mouse34 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We ordered a pizza and a calzone to share.

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mouse26 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse27 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Both were delicious.

I think Mom got the lasagna and I got the chicken parmesan.

mouse28 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse29 by Jenseib, on Flickr

It was all so good.

Dessert time.

mouse35 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse36 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Mom paid for the meal. I told her it wasn’t necessary but she insisted. It was a nice meal and we were very full when we left.

So they do this on DCL as well now. We fell for this on Ovation of the Seas last May. I loved the photos from that session, but when I was quoted $110 per photo based on a package of 5, I politely declined. That is just daylight robbery.

They have now started serving you at the buffet though and I found that awkward. I realize they are doing this to prevent germ spreading, but it was just weird to have them spoon up what I want.

What a shame. I wonder if this is a permanent change or if they had some concerns on your particular cruise.

I got the chicken parmesan.

I love that dish.

That's good you had a great trip to Florida. Glad you got to at least spend some time at MK.

Awesome that you met Rick Springfield!! LOVE him! I loved him on General Hospital back in the day, he was also on more recently too (in 2012-13).

Looks like a nice brunch at Palo, all the food looked awesome! That's one of the main reasons why I really want to try a DCL cruise someday.
Just checking in as a first time reader of your TR, which I am enjoying very much! I have never been on a Disney cruise (or any cruise for that matter). The idea just never appealed to me much. But after seeing all your beautiful pictures, I can now say "Oohhh, now I get it!" And now I'm thinking that this is truly something I may need to do! Thanks for writing and sharing!
I loved the photos from that session, but when I was quoted $110 per photo based on a package of 5, I politely declined. That is just daylight robbery.

Holy cow!!!!

What a shame. I wonder if this is a permanent change or if they had some concerns on your particular cruise.

I don't know if it is permanent but I had read about them doing it for a while now. I don't know if they are still doing it or not.

I love that dish.

It is soooo good!

That's good you had a great trip to Florida. Glad you got to at least spend some time at MK.

It was a nice bonus!

Awesome that you met Rick Springfield!! LOVE him! I loved him on General Hospital back in the day, he was also on more recently too (in 2012-13).

It was so cool! I never watched GH really but I would sometimes tune it in to see him. I didn't get home from school till after it was over and we didn't have a VCR till I was a senior in highschool.

Looks like a nice brunch at Palo, all the food looked awesome! That's one of the main reasons why I really want to try a DCL cruise someday.

The brunch is awesome.

Rick Springfield!!! :love:

It was a highlight for sure.
Just checking in as a first time reader of your TR, which I am enjoying very much! I have never been on a Disney cruise (or any cruise for that matter). The idea just never appealed to me much. But after seeing all your beautiful pictures, I can now say "Oohhh, now I get it!" And now I'm thinking that this is truly something I may need to do! Thanks for writing and sharing!

Thanks for joining! I love cruising! But Disney just has so many neat things with it as well that you can't get on other lines.
Claire was with Alexis swimming so I decided to go on my phone and get online with some of my free time….but it was all gone. I knew something happened and it must have not signed out on that first day after I set it up so I went off to the internet help desk.

Today there were 2 Halloween parties going on and we were going to the 2nd one but they had all the stuff set up.

mouse1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

The internet help lady tried to tell me that the free package wasn’t even enough to open it up one time so that is probably how it got used. I am not a techy but I knew that wasn’t true. I had used that free amount over 4 days in Feb and still had time left over. I just would peek in at email or facebook and maybe post a picture or 2. I told her that this was not the case as I have used it before and I needed it reset. I even showed her I had all the important things turned off on my phone. She did end up resetting it for me but she acted annoyed. I am sure her job is full of annoyance though because if you don’t have things turned off on your phone it eats through the time super fast and people complain all the time about it.

mouse37 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I then found the kids swimming and watching a movie.

mouse38 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Then it was time for ice-cream.

trick10 by Jenseib, on Flickr

At 3 there was Disney Tunes Trivia in La Piazza so we all headed there. That place was so crowded and we had to make the kids stand. We worked as teams and you needed to get the song name and movie. Some we had no clue for all, or only knew one part and not the other and others we just got totally wrong. They only would play a snippet and it was pretty hard. Abby was actually pretty good at this and helped with some of them. We didn’t even come close to winning, but it was a lot of fun.

After the game we waited for it to clear out and we got some motorcycle pictures.

gail15 by Jenseib, on Flickr

ride2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We then used the cool bathrooms in the area.

mouse39 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We then chilled out some more and then it was time to get ready for the party. Claire was not going to wear the wig and there was no way I could make her…that’s fine….grumpy!

mouse2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse3 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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mouse41 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We saw Gail and kids and went to go by them.

mouse42 by Jenseib, on Flickr

This was one of Claire’s old dresses.

gail16 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse43 by Jenseib, on Flickr

They had characters in costume and trick or treat stations….and it was insanely busy and unorganized.

mouse44 by Jenseib, on Flickr

This was the only station that was fairly easy to get to because most people didn’t realize there was one up here.

mouse45 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse46 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse47 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Little Violet was Snow White and just so adorable.

trick1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We found this trick or treat station a little less busy too.

trick2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

trick3 by Jenseib, on Flickr

trick4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I totally cracked up at this guy’s costume.

mouse48 by Jenseib, on Flickr

See the madness! This is how the atrium area was the whole time.

mouse49 by Jenseib, on Flickr
When we sailed the Fantasy in 2015 they were serving at Palo as well, it turned me off but the food is so delicious!
so I decided to go on my phone and get online with some of my free time….but it was all gone. I knew something happened and it must have not signed out on that first day after I set it up so I went off to the internet help desk.

What a pain!

The internet help lady tried to tell me that the free package wasn’t even enough to open it up one time so that is probably how it got used.

That is not cool that she was trying to spin you a tale.

She did end up resetting it for me but she acted annoyed.

I am glad that she reset it for you, but there is no excuse for acting annoyed.

At 3 there was Disney Tunes Trivia in La Piazza so we all headed there. That place was so crowded and we had to make the kids stand. We worked as teams and you needed to get the song name and movie. Some we had no clue for all, or only knew one part and not the other and others we just got totally wrong. They only would play a snippet and it was pretty hard.

We did that on one of our cruises and had much the same experience. This was so difficult.

See the madness! This is how the atrium area was the whole time.

mouse49 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Wow, that does look crazy.

Great updates and photos! That Palo brunch :lovestruc

It was good!

When we sailed the Fantasy in 2015 they were serving at Palo as well, it turned me off but the food is so delicious!

I really hate that but they do it when there is more sickness happening across the ships. I understand, but it annoys me even more when so many people don't bother to wash their hands either.

What a pain!

It was, but this happens often. Really Disney needs to offer a social media package like so many other lines now do. Or a length of stay package for one price.

That is not cool that she was trying to spin you a tale.

I am sure she can get away with it with some people, but I know better. Heck even the paper listing the packages says how much you can do with each amount.

I am glad that she reset it for you, but there is no excuse for acting annoyed.

I do agree, but all I cared about was getting it reset. After that I just walked away and was happy to be done with her.

We did that on one of our cruises and had much the same experience. This was so difficult.

The trivia can be hard. I know quite a few Disney songs, but some I just had no clue, especially with the small snipit.

Wow, that does look crazy.

The party was a madhouse. People were everywhere and Disney really needs to figure a way to do it more orderly.
After the trick or treating we went back and got changed and soon it was time to head to the show. Tonight it was Wishes. I thought this show was pretty corny, not one of the better ones. But I had to laugh each time Amanda recognized the guy who played Aladdin the night before…and she would get all excited.

The music and songs were good, but the actual story line was not impressive to me. I could have skipped that part and just went on to the dancing and singing….oh I love this song…it’s one of my favorites! LOL.

Again at the end I took a few pictures with my cell phone.

mouse4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse5 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse6 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse7 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Back to the room where we had a bat waiting for us tonight.

mouse8 by Jenseib, on Flickr

And Claire chose to sleep in the murphy bed tonight and that was set up for her.

mouse50 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Just a note…those rounded legs at the end…..kills your shins when you try to go out to the balcony when the bed is down. I hit it several times over the next few days as I would go out late in the evening or early in the morning. I spewed a few not so Disney words a time or 2.

mouse51 by Jenseib, on Flickr

trick5 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Tonight’s dinner was at Animators Palette and we were having the Crush show tonight.

mouse52 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse53 by Jenseib, on Flickr

mouse54 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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mouse56 by Jenseib, on Flickr

My favorite…I actually ordered this as my main course.

mouse57 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Crush came around and talked to people and he talked to Rob. Rob hates to be the center of attention and I could tell he was sweating pretty hard and trying to not faint. LOL.

The photographers came around tonight too and Claire quickly noted that this was our 2 pictures for the day. LOL.

025 by Jenseib, on Flickr

024 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Alexis, who was just across the table and down a bit, messaged Claire and told her to skip dessert so they could go get ice-cream cones. LOL

ap1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

ap2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

ap3 by Jenseib, on Flickr

ap4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I don’t remember what I got for dessert as again I failed at picture taking. I am sure it was good.

Tonight was Ricky Kalmon’s adult show in the Tube, so Gail, Amanda, Geoff and I all headed to the tube right after dinner. The place was packed and we kind of got separated so that we could either find a seat or a place to see the stage.

mouse9 by Jenseib, on Flickr

ap5 by Jenseib, on Flickr

ricky1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

He called for volunteers and he asked for them to please use the stairs. Well word must have gotten out about him and tons of people went running up. Geoff walked up calmly but people were jumping up on the stage without using the stairs and grabbing chairs. Geoff literally took the last seat available and several were turned away.

I took video and pictures of it. They might not be in the right order.

trick6 by Jenseib, on Flickr

trick7 by Jenseib, on Flickr

trick8 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Video 1

Video 2

Geoff said he did not smell anything. He did say he felt like he was starting to go under but never did all the way. He is kind of a guarded person, so we figured he just couldn’t let himself totally go relaxed and not be in control.

Video 3

Eventually Geoff was told to go back to his seat. He said it was a fun experience but he wasn’t about to lie or pretend he was under.

There was a part where they were supposed to imagine the audience naked and we prayed that Geoff wasn’t under then. Hahaha.

The guy with the black shirt with a circle on it….HILARIOUS!!!!!! He was totally under. The final thing they did was to pretend their hand was a puppet and the puppet would sing along with music. They had about 4 people do it and they were funny but you sometimes wondered if they were totally under as they would sometimes drop the hand puppet. The black shirt guy never dropped his down when watching. He would even clap still keeping his puppet hand up. It was like he was totally oblivious that it was there. So Ricky says he is done and black shirt guy is still up there….. We are all like what!!!!????

He laughs and says he saved the best for last and he has him do his puppet song and it was just so funny. He was so into it. I swear we had tears coming down our eyes watching it.

If you get a chance to ever see Ricky, please do it. He is a lot of fun.

After the show it was time to go get my nightly drink up on deck and collect my daughter once again. Tomorrow we would be arriving in Tortola!


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