Bouncy, Trouncy, Flouncy, Pouncy-MAY PTR-*5/9 - FRUSTRATIONS & 6 days left*

In continuing the introductions of my wonderful band of traveling companions - today I have the honor of introducing the "gal" of the group ... Miss Madeleine (also affectionately called: Peanut, Princess La Pea, & Maddie)


A few Maddie Facts:
Born: Feb 19, 2002 (it's nice to be able to copy/paste this)
Weight at Birth: 2lbs 10ozs (thus the apropos nickname, "Peanut")
I vividly remember seeing how absolutely tiny this precious little girl was ... being deathly afraid of how fragile she looked ... and having the nurse say, "You're going to learn to feed her now" *GULP* ... her wee little head rested between my index and middle finger ... and her teeny-tiny legs stretched to my watch!! She was FEISTY ... the Dr's said that - even though she was quite a bit smaller than her brothers - she had a practical suite made for herself in the womb, lounging as her brothers were squished to the top and bottom. This same level of "DIVA" activity was repeated in the incubator as Maddie would kick her self all about the small space ... at one point getting her leg caught in the rubber band hanging from the top (used to hold her feeding tube).

Fave Color: Pink (of course)
Fave Movie: "Planet 51" ... unlike her brother Gavin, who waffles on his choices ... Maddie will usually tend to default to one of the last movies she's seen ... usually proclaiming each new movie she's seen as "the BEST movie ever!"

Fave Food: "Favorite Food ... hmmmmm" (looooooooooong pause) "Pancakes" (once again, we almost inexplicably default to the last good food eaten)

Fave Dis Ride: "I forget the name of it" ... followed by her brother's prompting, "What's it like?" ... Maddie's description, "It's the car, running around (as she moves her finger in circles)" ... in intuitive multiples style the boys automatically know she means (and they scream this at her with enthusiasm), "TEST TRACK!!!"

Fave Dis Memory: "Hmmm, I need to look back in time" (she's taking this question VERY seriously) ... after all that thought, we come up with this, "The fastness of test track!"

Maddie is all girl all the time. She loves pink and flowers and soft pretty things. In a word, she is "dainty". :cutie: ... she loves being dramatic and at her most recent Parent Teacher Conference, her teacher had this to say, "Maddie is THE most expressive reader I've ever had in class" ... "If I have a need for a dramatic reader, I just look to Maddie". In case you're wondering how this "drama" plays out in real life ... one night we were concerned Maddie had broken her foot ... she couldn't walk ... she had the most horrible look of gasping, inexplicable pain on her face. We were lining up childcare for the two boys as we prepared to take Maddie to the E.R. Only to walk by her room and see her ... dancing ... (UGHHHHH!) ... we walked in the room slowly and as she saw us - she went right back to "the act". Needless to say we had a loooooooooong talk about this.

One thing that makes me so proud of her is a truly non-judgmental nature. She is on a peer counseling committee at school because of the advice she offers without pre-conceived notions. As the school counselor says, "She appreciates and respects the diversity of everyone around her" (yes, I beam at this :goodvibes)

What will I be when I grow up: "A Rock Star" (yes, I'm as excited about this as most of you would be ... age 8 and seeking to emulate Demi or Miley)

What are you looking forward to most at Disney this year: "Going on all the fun rides and having special times with my family"

As she said this last line, she came up and gave her daddy a sweet little "daddy's girl" hug :cloud9:
UGH ... ok ... this is a quick, "I'm feeling bad now" post.

Maddie sat with me this morning while I posted the last info about her ... she said, "Daddy I'm so excited to hear what people say" (she's gotten into reading the Dis with daddy) ... so tonight I logged on with her before bed and she was soooooo sad to not see any replies.

If any of you could give a quick response that I can show her tomorrow to make her smile it would be really deeply appreciated.

Thanks Dis'friends.

Hey! I've been off the DIS for a few I love the stories of your past trips. So funny. :rotfl:
What are you looking forward to most at Disney this year: "I am looking forward to most ... buying you and momma something"
What a sweetie!
Maddie is so cute with her stuffed animals. Feisty will go a long way in life, and to have a respect for diversity makes her a truly special little girl. :cloud9: It is something that is need more and more in this world. You have every right to be proud of her. :thumbsup2
I had to laugh at the drama. My oldest DD was quite dramatic as a young child, once at about 5 she and her younger sister knocked each other over and skinned there knees. DD limped and whined for about three hours until her younger sister told her to "knock it off!" :rotfl:
Hi Maddie!! I see you're reading along with Daddy :)

Sorry, I couldn't post sooner, we are WAY ahead of you in time, and it was already the Easter weekend, when your daddy posted this. But I am back on this Monday morning, and wanted to just tell you how much I can tell that your dad loves you by the way he writes about you.

We had a preemie baby too, and it was so wonderful to see him grow and get stronger everyday. Now he's a strong young man, and I can see you are becoming a very beautiful young lady. I love the way you sense people's needs around you, and that you love to sing and dance!!

I like Test Track too, but I think I like the Land ride more. I also like ToT and EE. But my favorite ride for sure is the Pirate ride.

Hope you had a nice Easter, Sweetie!!

Your DISFriend, Liesa
Poor Maddie, I am sorry, Easter weekend just meant less time on the DIS for me (as for everyone else, it seems!).

I love the introductions for the kids, they sound like they are great kids! And Test Track is a great ride - but really not very girly! :thumbsup2
We logged on this morning before school and I SWEAR she had her little fingers crossed!!

Hey! I've been off the DIS for a few I love the stories of your past trips. So funny. :rotfl:

What a sweetie!
Maddie is so cute with her stuffed animals. Feisty will go a long way in life, and to have a respect for diversity makes her a truly special little girl. :cloud9: It is something that is need more and more in this world. You have every right to be proud of her. :thumbsup2
I had to laugh at the drama. My oldest DD was quite dramatic as a young child, once at about 5 she and her younger sister knocked each other over and skinned there knees. DD limped and whined for about three hours until her younger sister told her to "knock it off!" :rotfl:

Thank You SOOO much ... we just had a fun conversation about what feisty really means and how it will take her places ;) ... Maddie giggled about the tale of your 5 yr old and (without prompting mind you) squeezed my arm to say, "Daddy that sounds like me sometimes :rotfl2:

Hi Maddie!! I see you're reading along with Daddy :)

Sorry, I couldn't post sooner, we are WAY ahead of you in time, and it was already the Easter weekend, when your daddy posted this. But I am back on this Monday morning, and wanted to just tell you how much I can tell that your dad loves you by the way he writes about you.

We had a preemie baby too, and it was so wonderful to see him grow and get stronger everyday. Now he's a strong young man, and I can see you are becoming a very beautiful young lady. I love the way you sense people's needs around you, and that you love to sing and dance!!

I like Test Track too, but I think I like the Land ride more. I also like ToT and EE. But my favorite ride for sure is the Pirate ride.

Hope you had a nice Easter, Sweetie!!

Your DISFriend, Liesa

Liesa ... in a very simple sincere way, thank you!! Maddie read this and just got sort of quiet and squeezed my arm tight ... a tiny bit tearful as she read it again ... then composed herself and said, "I have DISfriends now too!!!"


This PTR has now officially gone from being daddy's venture to bringing another entire facet to "the MAGIC" of our trip.
Aw, Gavin seems like the sweetest boy ever! (so far anyway :)) And it sounds like me might be as excellent a writer as his daddy is!


You are a peanut!! Cute and funny, too! :goodvibes
Isn't Testrack fun? I love the fastness of it, too!

That is a wonderful reason to look forward to Disney, you are such a sweetie!

Sorry we were all away for Easter. I hope you won't be mad at us!

P.S. I think you will make an excellent rock star! :thumbsup2

one night we were concerned Maddie had broken her foot ... she couldn't walk ... she had the most horrible look of gasping, inexplicable pain on her face. We were lining up childcare for the two boys as we prepared to take Maddie to the E.R. Only to walk by her room and see her ... dancing ... (UGHHHHH!) ... we walked in the room slowly and as she saw us - she went right back to "the act". Needless to say we had a loooooooooong talk about this.

One thing that makes me so proud of her is a truly non-judgmental nature. She is on a peer counseling committee at school because of the advice she offers without pre-conceived notions. As the school counselor says, "She appreciates and respects the diversity of everyone around her" (yes, I beam at this :goodvibes)[/I]

Hmm, sounds like Miss Maddie is quite the little actress. Hopefully she uses her powers for good instead of evil in the future!

How great that she is on the peer counseling committee - maybe she has a future career as a Supreme Court Justice?
:thumbsup2 So now times here at my house have gone from Daddy looking for "down time" to continue his PTR ... to Daddy being begged by his kiddos to hold off on adding to the PTR till they can join in and read. Maddie kept saying, "Daddy are they REALLY talking to me" ... and I left her read your comments ... she is officially hooked ... and now ETHAN is sitting here just pining for his turn in a few moments. THANK YOU ALL!! :worship:

Poor Maddie, I am sorry, Easter weekend just meant less time on the DIS for me (as for everyone else, it seems!).

I love the introductions for the kids, they sound like they are great kids! And Test Track is a great ride - but really not very girly! :thumbsup2

Maddie asked, "Is it ok that I'm a girl who likes to move fast" .... UMMMMMMM .... ERRRRRRRR ..... UGH!!! Daddy's stumped on that one!!

Aw, Gavin seems like the sweetest boy ever! (so far anyway :)) And it sounds like me might be as excellent a writer as his daddy is!


You are a peanut!! Cute and funny, too! :goodvibes
Isn't Testrack fun? I love the fastness of it, too!

That is a wonderful reason to look forward to Disney, you are such a sweetie!

Sorry we were all away for Easter. I hope you won't be mad at us!

P.S. I think you will make an excellent rock star! :thumbsup2

:cutie:Maddie is laughing and smiling ... giddy as can be over your comments ... ESP the "rock star" affirmation!! As for Gavin, I think he is destined - indeed - to be a writer:yay:

Hmm, sounds like Miss Maddie is quite the little actress. Hopefully she uses her powers for good instead of evil in the future!

How great that she is on the peer counseling committee - maybe she has a future career as a Supreme Court Justice?

:rolleyes1 I'll have to make sure I exploit her powers for positive gain
Time to wrap things up ... and last but far from least is the final child in my quiver ... ETHAN (also answers to "ET", and "Nee-Nee").


A few Ethan Facts:
Born: Feb 19, 2002 (I will never miss a birthday)
Weight at Birth: 3lbs 4ozs
During the early days of "realization" (the term given to the ultra-sound visits that kept revealing more and more heartbeats), the Doc said this little embryo wouldn't make it. His heartbeat was there ... but just barely. As the visits continued - the faint rhythm strengthened till the Doc finally said, "are you ready to welcome triplets into your life?" We named him Ethan - "strong, firm, a survivor". When he was extracted from the womb - this little guy was snugged far up ... hanging onto a rib ... fighting for his survival ... and now he thrives!!

Fave Color: Light Blue (this reflects his nature as you'll see)
Fave Movie: "Race to Witch Mountain ... because I like the 'super kids'." (This surprised me --- we'd seen this movie together at the beach last summer and I didn't know it left an impression ... Ethan is good at "surprising" like that).

Fave Food: Hamburgers ... from Five Guys (this is an awesome sort of fast foodish burger joint that grew out of the DC Metro area).

Fave Dis Ride: "TEST TRACK!!" (spoken without hesitation) ... "I like how fast it is"

Fave Dis Memory: "Clams ... seafood" ... Yes, of ALL the memories Ethan has at Disney World, his favorite is eating the clams at the Cape May Seafood Buffet.

What to say about Ethan ... he is the most introspective little boy I've ever encountered. He has an intuitive nature and is constantly surprising me with the astute word choice he makes and with his genuine sensitivities. He is very in touch with his emotions and makes choices that connect on that level. When he chooses a stuffed animal, Ethan usually seeks out the one with "sad eyes". He recently heard the oboe at a school concert and proclaimed it to be the instrument he wants to play, because he said it "sounded like someone's feelings". :confused3

I'm proud of the way he extends his "helping" nature into other's lives. He always seems to be looking for a way to lend a hand to someone else and I can see in his eyes that when someone else is hurting, he feels it.

What will I be when I grow up: "Ummm ... a tennis player". Ethan decided over a year ago that tennis would be his sport of choice.

What are you looking forward to most at Disney this year: "Probably the pools ... I like swimming"

As I submit this, Ethan is feeling a little embarrassed as he asks, "Will other people read about me?" ... yes buddy, and they'll probably smile ;)

:cool1: Allright! Seafood is usually involved in my favorite memories, too! :rotfl: MMMMmmmm. Isn't swimming great? You're a really sweet kid :thumbsup2

Are you as excited for Disney as I am?!?!?
Ethan!!! You sound like a sweet little man- all ready to grow up and be a tennis player who might consider going into the ministry like us. :confused3:confused3 Connecting with people on an emotional or spiritual level is important work!!! (I'll let you explain that best you can, Rob)

My favorite seafood is scallops, but I LOVE clam chowder. When we live in America, we are from Oregon, we get lots of that! Yum, yum!

Swimming is super fun. When I was your age (that was far too long ago) I grew up with a pool in my yard, and we'd spend all day swimming all summer long! It was really fun.
She was FEISTY ... the Dr's said that - even though she was quite a bit smaller than her brothers - she had a practical suite made for herself in the womb, lounging as her brothers were squished to the top and bottom.
Thatta girl! :thumbsup2

Fave Dis Ride: "I forget the name of it" ... followed by her brother's prompting, "What's it like?" ... Maddie's description, "It's the car, running around (as she moves her finger in circles)" ...
:rotfl: Hee hee - that's about how my son describes things, too - I knew exactly what she meant!

Maddie sat with me this morning while I posted the last info about her ... she said, "Daddy I'm so excited to hear what people say" (she's gotten into reading the Dis with daddy) ... so tonight I logged on with her before bed and she was soooooo sad to not see any replies.
Aw, hi Maddie! :wave: I never have time on the computer at home and have to sneak in here once in a while at work. Sorry I'm late!

Fave Movie: "Race to Witch Mountain ... because I like the 'super kids'."
Ooo, I liked that one, too!

Fave Dis Ride: "TEST TRACK!!" (spoken without hesitation) ... "I like how fast it is"
Hmmm, I foresee many trips around the Track in this family's future! :drive:
ETHAN (also answers to "ET", and "Nee-Nee").

We named him Ethan - "strong, firm, a survivor". When he was extracted from the womb - this little guy was snugged far up ... hanging onto a rib ... fighting for his survival ... and now he thrives!!

As I submit this, Ethan is feeling a little embarrassed as he asks, "Will other people read about me?" ... yes buddy, and they'll probably smile ;)

Aww, Ethan did make me smile! :goodvibes His name sounds so appropriate for him - and love the nick-name "ET"!

To Pluto - You really have a great bunch of kids, so you must be doing something right! :thumbsup2 I hope my son grows up to be as kind and sensitive as your kids!

:cool1: Allright! Seafood is usually involved in my favorite memories, too! :rotfl: MMMMmmmm. Isn't swimming great? You're a really sweet kid :thumbsup2

Are you as excited for Disney as I am?!?!?

Ethan said, "I don't know how excited she is ... but she sounds like a lot of fun!"

Thanks Katy for more special contacts ... Ethan also wants you to know he likes the way your name "sparkles" and wants to know why I don't do that?

Ethan!!! You sound like a sweet little man- all ready to grow up and be a tennis player who might consider going into the ministry like us. :confused3:confused3 Connecting with people on an emotional or spiritual level is important work!!! (I'll let you explain that best you can, Rob)

My favorite seafood is scallops, but I LOVE clam chowder. When we live in America, we are from Oregon, we get lots of that! Yum, yum!

Swimming is super fun. When I was your age (that was far too long ago) I grew up with a pool in my yard, and we'd spend all day swimming all summer long! It was really fun.

Ethan said I should let you taste my clam chowder sometime (it's his favorite) ... hmm, not quite sure how that would get worked out.

Thanks for the nod toward ministry ... we talked about "spiritual" connection ... wow, can't believe such a deep convo can be had with an 8 yr old.

Thatta girl! :thumbsup2

:rotfl: Hee hee - that's about how my son describes things, too - I knew exactly what she meant!

Aw, hi Maddie! :wave: I never have time on the computer at home and have to sneak in here once in a while at work. Sorry I'm late!

Ooo, I liked that one, too!

Hmmm, I foresee many trips around the Track in this family's future! :drive:

Thank you for connecting Princess ... Maddie said, "wave back daddy" ... so from Maddie, :wave: ... and yes, I will have the dialogue on TT memorized before this trip is over!!

Aww, Ethan did make me smile! :goodvibes His name sounds so appropriate for him - and love the nick-name "ET"!

To Pluto - You really have a great bunch of kids, so you must be doing something right! :thumbsup2 I hope my son grows up to be as kind and sensitive as your kids!

THANK you so much for that compliment Pollito ... Ethan loved reading the comments and now wants to know, "What are you gonna write about us next Daddy?"

Ethan said, "I don't know how excited she is ... but she sounds like a lot of fun!"

Thanks Katy for more special contacts ... Ethan also wants you to know he likes the way your name "sparkles" and wants to know why I don't do that?

:rotfl: How cute!! Thank you! And I am VERY excited, because Disney is next month!!
As of tomorrow our Disney trip is just 5 (FIVE ... count'em ... 1-2-3-4-5) weeks away :tigger:

It seems like the "right time" to start pulling back the curtain on this trip to let you all see what each day might hold (if you followed this thread a bit earlier, you may remember that our plans can change on a whim - but that doesn't mean there aren't SOME concretes!).

SO where does it all begin ... Friday, May 14th ... the kids will be in school, Daddy will be at work (I'm a human resource professional for a local behavioral health organization ... today I interviewed for a new position in the company as a Director of Professional Development and Community Outreach :thumbsup2).

I'll be leaving work by noon that Friday ... going home to "buckle down" the house ... then picking the kids up at school at 3:30pm with plans to be ON THE ROAD immediately.

We'll be traveling about 2 1/2 hours from Lebanon, PA to the Dulles Airport where we have an overnight (with shuttle service and parking for the week) at the Hilton Place.:banana:

QUESTION: How do your kids do with the travel thing? My kiddos have always been decent but occasionally Ethan will get some pretty fast-moving bouts of car sickness:sick: ... anybody have any tried and true solutions to avoid this?

Our flight on Saturday morning leaves at a wonderfully early 6:37am (you'll find my love for the morning hours comes into play a lot during this trip :cool2:) ... this departure time should get us to the POFQ by 10:30am.

Sooooo ... we're in Disney World ::MickeyMopluto::tigger: ... we've jumped on the beds :rolleyes1 ... and MAYBE we've even shared an order of Beignets already :lmao: ... what might be next???

We'll make a beeline for the:

And make plans to grab lunch at:

My kids are hyped up for ... of all things .. their PB & J :confused3

After we've gorged and felt that initial tug of Disney infusion ... we'll probably head back to the resort where Daddy will grab some poolside time getting intimate with beer & beignets :drinking1 while the kiddos swim!

As the days rolls on my parents should arrive (btw - my brother and his family are on the same flight as us ... but we tend to stay fairly autonomous ... they might join us at Downtown Disney - they might not). We have 5:30pm ADR's at the Cape May Buffet (if you read about Ethan you'd understand that this night represents the climax of the trip for him :sad2:)

We'll head back to POFQ at night ... I'd imagine my brother and I ... or heck, even just me alone ... will end up in the hot tub - or just hanging in the lounge to soak in the reality ... I'm in DISNEY and life ... is ... good!!

Thanks for reading yet another post ... I've started doing some online writing for the Examiner that's "Disney related" in content. I'd love it if you'd read the articles, comment if inclined, and subscribe for future content??
I really appreciate how attentive you are to always interact, comment, reply, and just all out keep things fun!!

Someone once said, "Replies are like crack to a poster." It's so true!!! :lmao:


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