"But Mom, I want to come back to WDW!"

I, too, have enjoyed your trip report and the fact that you converted a daughter to Disney. The little side adventures with animals are a great extra. I will be blue when your report is over...

thanks everyone for the replies. :)

i think our next TR will be a lot better. :thumbsup2
This is a little OT, but I wonder what the big deal is with kids & swimming in thunderstorms. Last year, my 9 year old nephew pitched a huge fit b/c he wanted to swim at my mom's house. It was so obvious a storm was moving in-my dad told him no and he just about went ape. I had to take him aside and tell him how dangerous it is. Then he calmed down once he understood. :confused3

And kids taking their mom's socks! My DD is always trying to wear mine-and she's only 5. DS is constantly walking around in my shoes-it drives me nuts!

Awesome TR!! Still enjoying it! I have to get on over to your pre-trip. Buzz just showed me where it's at. Just gotta find the time now!
going to miss this TR.:guilty:

I don't think any of us are going to miss this TR, because it looks like it will never get finished. ;)

C'mon, blue, honey! I know it's hard.... you can do it! You've just a touch of TRSA (Trip Report Separation Anxiety)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thunderstorms are definitely to be respected. Lighting can strike from a thunderstorm 20 miles away even if the sky above you is clear. A football player at a local high school died last year from just such an incident. They were outside practicing and a storm was moving in, but still far enough away that it didn't concern anybody. That was until this kid got struck by lightning. Really tragic. A lot of area school districts modified policies regarding having kids outside during approaching storms.
thanks everyone for the replies. :)
i think our next TR will be a lot better.

I think this one is great so if the next one is going to be "a lot better" I can't wait to read

I've got two things to go over:

1). Had me a KFC "Big Box" for lunch last week. Grade "A" grub is all I can say. You have the option of a thigh or leg... Take the leg... the thighs have been sittin' around a while (now we know how they get rid of the dark meat... Big Box!!) :thumbsup2

3). This trippie has been eggzellent JoJo. Next trippie, I want to read all about how much fun your pets Oreo & Muttons had on vacation with you.

C). I think in late August is when the Lizard Festival starts at Epcot. Rumor has it that they issue a large club to each park guest at the entrance and you can go to work on any reptile you come across across as long as they're wearing a yellow sash around their neck.

MDF :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana:
Great job, Blue. I am still not caught up, but almost. I am sending Eren with your girls to pet the goats next time. You take so many pictures! :rotfl: Think you'll take as many even the second time around?

I don't want Eren-the-troublemaker with me on my trip

You'll have to take her yourself! :rotfl:

Yes we do take many pictures and not just when we're on vacation :banana:

I'm betting we'll take double the next time around ;)

eteranaldisneyfan said:
I, too, have enjoyed your trip report and the fact that you converted a daughter to Disney. The little side adventures with animals are a great extra. I will be blue when your report is over...

Thanks :flower3:

I haven't had a chance to catch up with yours because I've been super busy and trying to keep with my old subscribed TR's has been a job in itself but I promise to get over there soon. I'm really looking forward to hearing all about your trip :yay:

Linnie The Pooh said:
This is a little OT, but I wonder what the big deal is with kids & swimming in thunderstorms. Last year, my 9 year old nephew pitched a huge fit b/c he wanted to swim at my mom's house. It was so obvious a storm was moving in-my dad told him no and he just about went ape. I had to take him aside and tell him how dangerous it is. Then he calmed down once he understood.

And kids taking their mom's socks! My DD is always trying to wear mine-and she's only 5. DS is constantly walking around in my shoes-it drives me nuts!

Awesome TR!! Still enjoying it! I have to get on over to your pre-trip. Buzz just showed me where it's at. Just gotta find the time now!

Kids are thrill seekers most of the time :sad2:

I am terrified of being caught in a storm when we're out boating and it has happened a few times.

One time in particular last summer, DH and I ventured out in our kayaks and went a little further than we normally do. Wouldn't you know it a storm started brewing on our way back with some serious lightening going on.

We started racing for home, I passed by him, didn't look back and I kept praying that the lightening wouldn't strike our paddles. I made it to shore long before him and when he finally got back he said "Thanks for waiting for me, were you just going to leave me to die out there if something happened?"

I used the line he always gives me in times of danger "Every man for themselves honey!"

Kathy said:
I don't think any of us are going to miss this TR, because it looks like it will never get finished.

C'mon, blue, honey! I know it's hard.... you can do it! You've just a touch of TRSA (Trip Report Separation Anxiety)

Now Kathy, be patient. You know I'd never leave you hanging and I will finish it. I've just been really busy and haven't even had the time to read your new TR yet.

I must admit that I do have TRSA though :rolleyes:

See you over on yours soon :wave:

kc5grw said:
Thunderstorms are definitely to be respected. Lighting can strike from a thunderstorm 20 miles away even if the sky above you is clear. A football player at a local high school died last year from just such an incident. They were outside practicing and a storm was moving in, but still far enough away that it didn't concern anybody. That was until this kid got struck by lightning. Really tragic. A lot of area school districts modified policies regarding having kids outside during approaching storms.

That is just horrible. What a freak thing to happen.

Did you read that JoJo????? (Sometimes if kids hear it from someone else, they listen more) :confused3

Goofster said:
I think this one is great so if the next one is going to be "a lot better" I can't wait to read

:flower3: :grouphug:

What a buddy you are :)

jas_mom1 said:
Just found your trip report (through MDF's) and it's great. Can't wait for the rest.

Well I'm glad you stopped by to read mine too. It certainly isn't as funny as Buzz & Linnie's and theirs is ending too soon :sad1:

Montana_KFC_Nut said:
1). Had me a KFC "Big Box" for lunch last week. Grade "A" grub is all I can say. You have the option of a thigh or leg... Take the leg... the thighs have been sittin' around a while (now we know how they get rid of the dark meat... Big Box!!

I'm just shaking my head at ya. You really like that big box don't you? I'm not fussy on dark meat at all.

Montana_Trouble_Maker said:
3). This trippie has been eggzellent JoJo. Next trippie, I want to read all about how much fun your pets Oreo & Muttons had on vacation with you.

I'm thanking you for her cause I'm not sure when she'll get back. She's been busy with the horseys and seems to have no time for the trippies anymore :(

Stop putting ideas in her head. Once she gets onto something the kid just doesn't stop :headache:

MDF said:
C). I think in late August is when the Lizard Festival starts at Epcot. Rumor has it that they issue a large club to each park guest at the entrance and you can go to work on any reptile you come across across as long as they're wearing a yellow sash around their neck.

We'll be there!!! :thumbsup2 :laughing:

By the way - you can't count for poop :lmao:
You guys should take a HORSE with you to WDW this time!!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

You looking for trouble today Mister?

Cause I'm ready for ya!!!
wow! Okay, just read like two pages of this!
yes, i've been really busy with the horses.
But it's fun :)
annd mom.. can oreo plz come!!! i'll miss her too much!
wow! Okay, just read like two pages of this!
yes, i've been really busy with the horses.

That's okay, I'd much rather see you busy at the farm than hanging out downtown :goodvibes

JoJo said:
annd mom.. can oreo plz come!!! i'll miss her too much!

:headache: I'm blaming BUZZ for this :mad:
Day 7 - Part 3

The girls aren't very happy looking on their last night out to the parks:


As JoJo said, we headed to Epcot and stopped to show the girls the Leave a Legacy at the entrance to the park. I’m not sure I’d want to do that as it reminded me of memorial markers or something. Still it was neat to read a few of them. How would you ever find your name the next time you visited anyhow?

We took the girls over to the Living Seas and spent a good hour there checking out the marine life. I wanted the girls to talk with Crush but they would have not part of that. I thought for sure that Goofy would get a kick out of it - I know I would have. Next time, if the line up isn’t that long, I just may check it out for myself. Another thing I would definitely like to experience is swimming with the dolphins. It’s on my list of things to do before I grow too old. I think I read somewhere that at WDW, you only get to wade in with the dolphins and have your picture taken as part of the three-hour package with the trainers.


The famous shot!

We went to Coral Reef and only had a 10-minute wait to be seated. When the CM brought us to our table, I was disappointed in our location as it was far away from the view of the aquarium. I flashed him my big baby blue-eyed sad look asked him if we could be placed closer and he said he would check. :sad1:

I guess it worked because he came back and brought us to a new table one row over from the window seats!!! JoJo and Goofy had fun pointing out the sea creatures through the glass; they were amazed with the size of the sea turtle and kept bugging Prince Grumpy to get a good picture. Most of our pictures from the restaurant did not turn out very well. There was a diver in the tank and he kept coming to the window to wave at people in the restaurant. I asked DH if he’d be interested in trying that on our next trip but all I got was grunt as he continued snapping pictures.





That's one big turtle!!!!

Prince Grumpy and I had steak and the girls chose the grilled chicken. The food was delicious and we could barely finish our dessert. This was one meal we all found enjoyable. I believe the cost was a little over $200.00 – yahooty for free dining!



After dinner, the girls found themselves a lizard in the same spot that DH captured the one he brought back to the hotel for them. We stayed there a bit to let them play with it. Goofy is a bit of strange kid and let the lizard crawl around on her face! :crazy: It’s a good thing we don’t have lizards in Canada because that would just be another creature I’d have to worry about roaming around inside the house. We did find a salamander once but it’s the one and only I’ve ever seen here.





My odd little child!! :eek:

Coming Up - Touring the World
blue said:
As JoJo said, we headed to Epcot and stopped to show the girls the Leave a Legacy at the entrance to the park. I’m not sure I’d want to do that as it reminded me of memorial markers or something. Still it was neat to read a few of them. How would you ever find your name the next time you visited anyhow?

They give you a little map.

blue said:
I think I read somewhere that at WDW, you only get to wade in with the dolphins and have your picture taken as part of the three-hour package with the trainers.

The "Extreme Package" allows you to hunt and kill one with a 3' dagger. For an extra $72 you can make a Dolphin Tooth Necklace from your kill.

blue said:
I asked DH if he’d be interested in trying that on our next trip but all I got was grunt as he continued snapping pictures.

In man-speak that means "too much money".

blue said:
Goofy is a bit of strange kid and let the lizard crawl around on her face!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! :scared1: No way man. Keep them creepy-critters away from Buzz.

Great Pix! :thumbsup2
The girls aren't very happy looking on their last night out to the parks:

Man do I know that look, I still have it and we’ve been back for over four months

I’m not sure I’d want to do that as it reminded me of memorial markers or something.

We refer to them as the “Tombstones”

Another thing I would definitely like to experience is swimming with the dolphins.

Both my daughters did the “Trainer for the Day” at Sea World San Diego, they had a blast, they followed a trainer around all day and worked with the Killer Whales, Dolphins (actually got to swim with them), Sea Lions, Sea Turtles and some birds.

It’s on my list of things to do before I grow too old.

Well then you have plenty of time still :hippie:

I flashed him my big baby blue-eyed sad look

Women :headache:

they were amazed with the size of the sea turtle

That thing is huge…it’s the size of an Infant....:lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the update,

Sorry your report will be ending in a month or two..:thumbsup2
Ah, the last night.... so bittersweet! :sad2:

Isn't the Coral Reef beautiful?
The girls are definitely converted. ::yes::

Did JoJo take that lizard-on-the-face-pic?? Or was it Dad?



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