Calena's quest for healthy living - advice welcome!

Sorry I haven't been here lately, calena. Hope you did well on the run. A little late but GOOD LUCK!!! I'm behind you too!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I'm glad you're wogging for an important cause!
I've posted this on the main Wish board, but also wanted to add it here so I could reflect back on it for my next 5k!
Well, I did my 5k yesterday. I finished in 40 minutes, which was WAY back from the runners in the group, but it was a great way to start and it was a great achievement for me. It also gives me a great boost to work on my next 5k!
It was a very low structure run/walk/stroll for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. You could walk/run 2k, 5k or 10k. I aimed to run/walk 5k and I did it. I wanted to do this run to raise funds for the Brain Tumour Foundation because my sister, Kathryn died of a brain tumour. She was 43 when she was diagnosed and died less than 5 years later. She had a tumour called glioblastoma, which is a real killer. Her original diagnosis was 9-18 months. What sparked my interest in doing this was a news report this winter about a "breakthrough" in brain tumour research. It turns out doctors now give people an extra three months to live if they do chemo and radiation at the same time instead of either/or or one after the other. That really upset me because three months is LOUSY. Even five years is lousy for a young mom to die. There has to be a cure for this terrible plague. Unfortunately, for people like Kathryn who were diagnosed with glioblastoma, there is little hope. I want that to change, so I signed up to raise funds for the Brain Tumour Foundation which provides funding for research and support for those diagnosed. So... this was an emotional undertaking.
I also want to get healthy and having the goal of running a 5k was great. These boards and the exercise challenge have been so encouraging as I trained for this. I upped my exercise from walking 30 minutes to walk/running for 40 minutes four or five times a week. I plan on continuing to improve this!
The weather in Ottawa was great for the event. A little cloudy, not too hot - 21C (about 69 F) and it was a nice setting in a park with the course by the canal, so lots of ducks to look at and pretty scenery. They asked the runners to go first and the walkers would start later. I figured I might as well go with the runners, since I wanted to run/jog 10 minutes and walk 2 for the race. So... we took off. I kept up with the pack, even going up a slight incline at the beginning until the 1k mark and then I started to slow down... but I kept going. When I stopped for my walk after going 12 minutes jog (longer than usual!) they kept going! That was ok though. I ended up running/walking on my own in my own pace and that was good. I took along my MP3, which I usually don't when I am training and listened to some songs I like. I especially like the James Taylor Fire and Rain because it makes me think of the loss I felt when Kathryn died and sometimes you want someone to talk to and she is gone. I still miss her very much. So, yes, there were tears on the run and that was the nice part about being on my own. It also made me feel good to know I was doing something healthy for me and to help others with brain tumours. Kathryn would have liked both those reasons.
So... I ran to the finish line. Crossed it on my own. I was tired, but I could have kept going which made me feel good. Received my water and orange (didn't take the hot dog) and then DH took us all out to supper. My DD, 10, painted a picture for me as a prize for finishing. It shows me running and the sun is shining and there is a finish sign. It is priceless.
Thanks for the encouragement from the runners in this group. I know 40 minutes for a 5k is just a beginning and I will do better but this is so major for me. When I was reaching the 2.5 k turnaround the runners were coming back. The first two guys (both very fit looking) said "keep going. Good for you." That was a real encouragement! Then as I passed the walkers when I was running back many made nice comments and I tried to huff something back too. It was a great experience.
I did learn I need to train more... when I saw the runners going on as I slowed down, I thought... next time that will be me!!!! I will keep going. So... next race will be the Terry Fox Run in September... proceeds for cancer research. I would love to run the whole thing and improve my time.
THANKS SO MUCH for your encouragement all. It made me feel so good reading my journal and knowing many of you were thinking of me yesterday and supporting me. As my treat I bought myself a new pair of "real" running shorts and a running top so I can keep going when it gets hot. I also bought a pair of running pants and jacket that "wick" away sweat.
The great thing is that even though I am finished with my 5k I am excited about going on and running and improving my time/endurance. :goodvibes Thanks for all your support.
I read the South Beach Diet book this weekend. I think this will work for me. It looks to me like Phase 3 is DASH (fruit/veggies/lowfat dairy/lean meat/complex carbs) and that is my long term goal, so if Phase 1 and 2 will help with some weight loss along the way, this may be it. So... working on my shopping list tonight and will be starting the plan later in the week. Need to get some of the junk out of the house first!!!!
Went for a 20 minute walk at lunch... thighs are sore from my 5k for some reason... plan on going for a jog/wog tonight probably 30 minutes or maybe T-Tapp. Want to get my 1000 minutes in for May!!!
Sounds like your 5K was AWESOME!!! Congrats!!

Your food and exercise are both looking good!

I know your sister would be very proud of your motives, your perseverence and the results!
Great job on your 5K! It may have been emotional for you, but sometimes that is the best motivator for making a difference in people's lives. Our neighbor lost her husband to brain cancer almost 2 years ago. She took care of him at home the entire time, which made me realize how strong she is. Unfortunately, he also left behind two children who had not yet graduated HS. I really admire the determination that you have to help with the research as much as possible.

Keep up the good work and glad to see you have found a food program that might work for you. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I started the South Beach Diet today! After reading the books, it just made sense. I think I do need to "reset" my blood chemistry to deal with these crazzy sugar cravings!!!! So, eggs with veggies for breakfast this a.m.!
I am really pleased with my exercise progress, but need to work on my eating habits now so after looking into the different plans, I think South Beach will work for me. I also like the fact that the Phase 3 is very similar to DASH, which I KNOW is the eating plan I need to follow for life so here we go... with a lot better understanding of sugar and its effects on my body.
Yesterday I did T-Tapp for 55 minutes and on Tuesday I ran for 45 so I am doing well with exercise this week. Legs are sore, but that is ok.
Good work on the exercise! Keep going...the soreness will pass and you'll be feeling great!

Have a great day!
Glad to hear you settled on an eating plan that will work for you. South Beach always seemed like a good, sensible plan.

Good job keeping up with your exercise! You can do it! :cheer2:
Made it through day one of South Beach and felt good. I like the structure of knowing what I can and can't eat.... no bad cravings yet!!!! Also talked to DH about it and he may do Phase 2/3 with me so that would be great support.
Walked yesterday 50 minutes and then swam at night with the kids 30 minutes. Today will be hot too so I think it is swimming time for exercise - maybe a run around 8 p.m. or so.
Wow, Calena! You are starting so strong on SB. The first day had to be the hardest. Now you know you can do that again and again. Kudos to you on so much activity yesterday -- 80 minutes is awesome! Hope you get to swim today. Have a great one!
Glad that you found a plan that you can live with. I am very impressed with your exercise. I can no more run than fly. Where is Tink when you need her?? Have a great day today.
Hi Calena!

You are doing a great job with your exercise! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Congratulations on finishing day 1 of South Beach! :Pinkbounc

Have a great weekend! :flower:
Finished day 3 of South Beach. I was feeling pretty light headed today, so I took a nap while the three kiddies played (loudly) so it is amazing I slept. I think it is the sugar withdrawal. I feel much better tonight. Went for a swim this afternoon at my in-law's pool. I swim laps while the kids play, then we all have playtime and rest time.
Yesterday I went for a long swim and short jog... but I managed to jog the whole time so that was good... 20 minutes. The bugs are wild out right now... the weather is warm so hopefully they will burn off. They kept me going on the home stretch when I was running!
I'll need to do some more creative menu planning for the next 10 days with South Beach. Enjoying reading the book and cookbook over and over for more encouragement. It still makes sense in terms of how my body responds to food... several of my favorites were on the high GI list so...
Tommorrow is lunch at the in-laws. We always get together for lunch on Sunday. I am briging dessert so that way I won't feel bad if I don't eat any or feel like I would offend someone! Of course, I will also have to pass on the potatoes, but that will not be a hardship for me.
Feeling hungry... time for water and bed.
Congratulations on makin' it through SBDd1-3! (South Beach Diet days 1-3) I'm so glad you found something that works for you!

A cheer: :cheer2: GO CALENA! :cheer2:
Souds like you're off to a strong start. Keep up the great work!!!
Not feeling great today. DS,5, had a fall yesterday at the pool so I took him into the ER to see if he needed stitches. He didn't, which is great, but the doc told me it could have been so much worse, and I felt so bad! I just get all worked up about stuff. I checked my blood pressure and it was up and that upsets me because I have been working to get it down. Then I get upset about that and I know my blood pressure goes up some more!
I also had two cups of coffee yesterday and after going caffeine free for awhile, it made me way too jittery!
Went for a jog last night. It was hot so I was just dying and ended up walking more than jogging, but that was ok.... it was still energetic movement! :flower:
Continuing with South Beach. Yesterday was tough at in-laws, especially when they had served red wine for everyone and DH put potatoes on my plate... which I did not eat!
I need to continue with my South Beach plan. The cravings are not as bad so that is great. I also need to continue with my exercise program and need to learn some relaxation techniques! :guilty:
I had a peek at the scale and am down 2 lbs since starting South Beach, but will wait till the end of my South Beach two weeks to do the final count!
this is GREAT news (DOWN 2LBS)...I hope SB works for you...I for one could NEVER do it, but everyone has to find what will work for them and go for it! :)

just popping in to say hi and wish you a wonderful weight loss day!

Jen :flower:
Great job sticking to SB at the family's hard to escape the pressure to eat what other want you to eat at those gatherings.

Don't you love swimming laps when it's hot outside? I love my's in the neighborhood, and always has some lanes open.

Have a good week! :)
Hi Calena,

I'm so sorry to hear DS fell at the pool. That happened to my DS last summer and he did need stitches. It scared us to death.

I'm glad SBD is working for you. I know I need to get my food more towards the protein and complex carbs and away from the simple sugars. Good luck!

Sorry to hear about your DS Calena.........I think sometimes we hurt more than they do.

Congrats on deciding on a new plan and sticking to it. Family functions can be killer and I often fall victim to it. You did fabulously!

Keep up the great work!!!


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