Calling All 8/19/06 Special Western Cruisers! AKA "The Cruisin' Castaways"

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Rotty: Welcome to our group :grouphug:

Darlene: Sorry to hear Stan is not feeling well. Hopefully after a little rest eveything will be fine.

Andy: I know I missed you but have a great trip.

Ginny: Hope everything goes well with the interview. :banana:

Bobby & Cindy: Glad to see you back on the boards! We would love to join you in October but finances will not permit two cruises this year.

Doreen: I think you have had your share of sickness this year and it is time for you to get better. :crazy: Maybe you need a vacation.

Terry: The 24th is best for us since Bob works on Saturdays.

To everyone that is sick or has sick loved ones hope everyone gets better soon.

Hopefully I didn't miss anyone, there was a whole lot to read today.


Has any snow melted yet up your way.
Our is gone and now they are calling for Rain and wet snow for morning

But then 49 degrees later in the day, You gotta love these spring storms. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Hi Bob and Cindy :wave:
I'm one of the new ones that have join in the last month or two,

Me - Ed, dw Beth and dd Caitlin.
Hailing from Ct. Came aboard on Pg 147.
Just popped on to say goodnight.

Bobby, I can't remember how to get to the other site. Hey, don't stay away so long. I'd love to join your Oct cruise but it's not going to happen. Too bad. You are still booked for next year, right? Tell the kids and Cindy we said "hello".

Yes, I am still alive. We had a wonderful time on the cruise but it has been non-stop since we got home. I woke up the first morning back to my daughter having pink eye, and so on, and so on, ect. I am too tired to write anything else tonight but I didn't want you to think that I fell off the ship.

Prayers & Pixie Dust to all who still need it :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: . Hopefully, with Spring will come better health for all of us.

I took some nice pictures of the Magic before we left and someday I will figure how to post them on here. Talk to everybody soon.

:banana: Welcome Rotty from a very warm 80 degree night in Florida. We had to turn the AC on as soon as we got here tonight!!!

Hi everybody :wave2: What a day we had, let me tell you!!!

Maybe I'll tell you about it later today, as it is 12:15am and we just arrived here at my mom's about 15 minutes ago. Today's trip was an adventure to say the least, but we made it here safe and sound, and that's the important part!!! We are all very tired and just want to get some shut eye. We might be going to De Leon Springs on Wednesday for some "RELAXATION" and "SWIMMING!!!!!"

I miss my cable service already, this dial up is a monster to deal with!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

O.K., that's all for tonight folks, my eye lids are closing on me as I type. Talk to you later,

:sad2: :sad1: :sad: Morning all!

Andy, glad you made it there safely. Hope you got some rest last night/this morning :rolleyes:

Oh yes the snow has melted a GREAT deal. It is much safer now. Driveways and a corner to get to my Mom's house had been tricky with the high snowbanks. We did get some snow last night, just a very little! :banana:

Talked with my father last night at length. He is having his surgery on Friday for his shoulder. His foot is STILL too swollen to cast it. I will be picking my Grnadmother up around 7 AM so we can meet my father and SM to follow them down. I live about 45 mins. from Gram. she lives about 45 mins from my father and they live about 1 hour from the hospital!! Other's closer but he insisted on going to this one. A long day coming up on Friday.

Then he is talking about where to find his will and living will and such. I told him it is only shoulder surgery!! His comments were things can still go wrong.

Oopss, sorry I am an only child and as my parents are getting older it is really hitting me much will be on MY shoulders!! I shall stop running on and on now :)

To all those whose loved ones are ill, my prayers go out to you.

Headed off to :teacher: to see what my children there are up to. I have a few who are just :angel: 's and lift ones spirits easily.

Have a superb day all, Mary
Good Morning Fellow Castaways from Stormy Central Florida,

I was awakened (is that a word?) at 6am to the sounds of a severe thunderstorm passing directly over my mom's place. The pounding of the rain on the roof was quite relaxing, but I don't know how everyone else but me slept through the crashing thunder. Anyhow, I'll take this any day compared to having to be in NJ and going to work, LOL!!!

Unless the weather improves we might not be going swimming later today. It is still quite overcast, but those who have been to Florida knows how the weather can change in just 15 minutes time.

My tummy is growling, so I'm going to see what my mom has for us to eat. I'll check in with y'all later.

Andy :wave2:
Good morning everyone,

Rotty - welcome to our group. It's a great group of people.

Linda - welcome back. I can't wait to hear all about the Glory. I'm going in August and getting excited. There's 7 of us going - my family of 4 and one of my co-workers who has never been on a cruise :boat: and her two teens who have never flown or been on a cruise. It will be very interesting. :Pinkbounc

Andy - glad you had a safe trip. I flew Southwest before and enjoyed it. We had "A" boarding passes and were the first on the plane. I found the flight attendants older and nicer than the other airlines. They really made the trip fun with telling jokes and singing on the flight. For our cruise, if I book it early enough to get a good price, I'll probably take Spirit. Never flew Spirit before.

Mary - sending PD for your father. :wizard: Good luck with his surgery. I understand what you are saying with "having alot on your shoulders". Sometimes we take people for granted and it's hard to realize when someone you love gets sick, that things might change. My mom's 87 and I guess I still think she'll be around forever and still be there for me ( and she is here for me). A few weeks ago, when she passed out and was rushed to the hospital, I realized that, for me, things will change. I have to be there for her and it's hard for me to face that she's getting older. (Especially since I'm still only 25. LOL) It's hard being part of the "sandwich generation" - taking care of children and parents. With you being an only child, I can imagine how hard it is for you. But somehow we get the strength to do what we have to do. We're all here for you. :grouphug:

Terry - whenever you decide for the meet, will be fine with us (except 4/21 since I'll be at Atlantic City. Just looking forward to meeting everyone -old and new . Oops, I don't mean age wise LOL. Just looking forward to meeting my DISfriends.

Hope everyone has a sunny day. :sunny: It's :umbrella: in Philly.

Bev ::MickeyMo
Good Morning all

Well No snow yet, but now they are calling for 4 -7 inches of the wet snow for overnight. 12-14 upstate, I hope they are wrong :sad2:

Andy : Glad you finnaly arrived. Sounds like you have a story to tell.
I know what you mean about having to use dialup after having a cable modem.
Just type real slow and you will be ok :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :teeth:

Linda: Welcome back. :wave:

Mary - More pixie dust :wizard: for your father.

:grouphug: To the group, warm wishes for all

Well its back to work :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc:
Andy: Glad you made it to Fla. o.k I hope the sun comes out for you soon. :sunny:

Linda: Welcome back !! :wave: I want to hear all about your cruise. I have been waiting :rolleyes1 I hope your DD gets over pink eye quickly and nobody else gets it. :wizard: Not fun stuff :faint:

Mary: Sending you more pixie dust and good vibes for your dad. :wizard: :goodvibes :wizard: :goodvibes Hang in there.

Denise: How is your dad and bil doing? Did you get a hold of your DH? :grouphug:

Doreen: First foot now this? Oh my......Please get some rest and take care of yourself. Hope your better soon. :wizard:

Have a great day everyone..........Tina :wizard:

Well the :hourglass time has come for me to go to the hospital (outpatient) for an endoscopy. :scared1: I'm scared because I always panic and think the worse will happen. Thanks for my DISfriends for keeping me sane in a :crazy: way.

Bev :grouphug:
Don't be worried. Everything will be fine. Let us know how you are later. I'll be thinking of you.
MARY your father is very wise and it is a kindness on his part to discuss important matters with you. He loves you very much. Many men refuse to discuss life matters because that makes them feel that they really are not invincible. Kudos to your dad! You are in a tough spot and my thoughts are with you. Remember to take care of yourself also. We tend to run ourselves down while taking care of others. Let us know how everything goes with surgery.

Darlene :grouphug:
A rainy day :umbrella: in Florida is better than a rainy day :umbrella: in NJ! Here's some ***PD*** for lots of sun :sunny: tomorrow.
More bad news for little Nicholas. He has a hemotoma and will need surgery again! This family truly needs a break. I am amazed at how strong some people are, I wish I had half there strength.

Denise - Your father and bil continue to be in our prayers. I hope you and your family receive good news soon. :wizard:

Mary - We will try and send some spring your way. I am sure everything will go well for your dad on Fri. Is there anyway a friend can keep you company also? This is one reason I want a sibling for my daughter. But, remember, you are not alone. All of us are here for you from a distance.

Doreen - Oh my! I am so sorry to hear you have Pnemonia. You are another that deserves a break! :wizard: I'm glad tha Karen is back and was able to stay and help you.

Bev - Good luck with the endoscopy. I have had that, it can be a little uncomfortable. I understand your fear, I think we all are afraid, even for the simplist procedures. Here is some :wizard: to reassure you.

Ginny - Any work on the job?

Linda - Glad you had a great time. When everything settles down, let us in on more details.

Andy - Glad to hear you made it to FL, bur sorry you had such a difficult time getting there...12:00 am :sad2: Sending some :sunny: your way. It is raining here. At least it is not snow :cold: .

Ed - Speaking of snow....I hope you don't get that much! :earseek: You need to notify someone that it is spring up there. I think someone forgot. :sad2:

Darlene - I did not know of a nice place in Newark. I can add it to my list. I think a WDW wedding would be great, but I would not want it in the wdding chapel. Although..... the point at the Poly looking at the castle would be cool......or maybe at or infront of the castle......or...Hey I guess I am forgetting that it will be HER wedding! :confused3 Anyway you are right, we have plenty of time....I hope.

Sue - What a surprise! :cheer2: I think that is the coolest thing when it is for no reason. To think of that level of service is cool. I was begining to think that Disney had lost alot of the magic. You have regained my awe and I thank you.

Hope all is well with everyone else! :wave:
Hi All - just wanted to say thanks for all your positive thoughts and pixie dust for Bob. He had the interview yesterday afternoon and thought it went pretty well. He said it was a little hard to judge the person interviewing him over the phone but he felt he did well. He spent alot of time preparing on Monday and was able to respond to all his questions. From what we understand its down to Bob and 3 others and Bob is the only out of town candidate they are considering. We should hear something next week as to whether they are going to fly him down and go over the logistics.

Please keep your fingers crossed. I can tell Bob was very excited when he got off the call... but he's trying not to think about it too much since its still very up in the air.
Thoughts and prayers coming from Florida for all those who are suffering, or who has family members who are ill.

I had Friday March 25 for the date we hit 200 pages, come on people, we can make it on Friday, can't we??? :confused3

My mom and I just arrived back to her place aftrer running errands in Deland this morning. Upon arriving home, I received an e-mail from a DIS'er friend that lives about an hour drive from my mom. I was asked if we were O.K., because she had heard on the news that tornados had been reported in Deland. My mom lives about 10 miles outside of the town of Deland. I did see some trees knocked over from the storms that went through this morning, but I didn't know about the tornados being spotted. We did have some hail this morning with the storms that came through. Still, all in all, it's better then being in chilly rainy NJ!!!

On the way back from Deland, we stopped and made ressies to go on a paddle boat and all you can eat buffet lunch ride for Saturday. We're hoping to get to De Leon Springs either this afternoon or on Thursday, that's the only thing that Angelina requested that we do during this trip.

O.K., it's now lunchtime, so I'm going to fix myself a sandwich and see what's on tap for this afternoon.

Bye All, will report back in when I can!!!!!

Ok here are the date selections for pg 200 that I have,
Sorry if I missed anyone.

Heather : 3/14
Ed : 3/18
Tina : 3/21
Andy : 3/25
Darlene : 3/27
Sue : 3/31
late entry Bev dd Lindz - 3/24
Verandah Man said:
Thoughts and prayers coming from Florida for all those who are suffering, or who has family members who are ill.

I had Friday March 25 for the date we hit 200 pages, come on people, we can make it on Friday, can't we??? :confused3

My mom and I just arrived back to her place aftrer running errands in Deland this morning. Upon arriving home, I received an e-mail from a DIS'er friend that lives about an hour drive from my mom. I was asked if we were O.K., because she had heard on the news that tornados had been reported in Deland. My mom lives about 10 miles outside of the town of Deland. I did see some trees knocked over from the storms that went through this morning, but I didn't know about the tornados being spotted. We did have some hail this morning with the storms that came through. Still, all in all, it's better then being in chilly rainy NJ!!!

On the way back from Deland, we stopped and made ressies to go on a paddle boat and all you can eat buffet lunch ride for Saturday. We're hoping to get to De Leon Springs either this afternoon or on Thursday, that's the only thing that Angelina requested that we do during this trip.


I was checking the weather undergound site for Fl this morning and saw the

Tornado Warning posted, Didnt know it was in your area.

Here is what is posted now.

This mornings Tornado Watch has been allowed to expire... but isolated severe thunderstorms are still possible later this afternoon. At 11 am this morning...a shrinking line of showers and thunderstorms was located from Holopaw to Sebring moving east-northeast at 35 to 40 mph. Fortunately...the threat of severe weather has recently diminished as storms within the line have shown a recent decreasing trend in intensity. However...a few strong storms are still possible mainly over Okeechobee County near Basinger and the town of Okeechobee. Through 1 PM...showers and thunderstorms are expected to occur mainly south of a line from Kissimmee to Cape Canaveral. Storms are expected to be more numerous over Okeechobee...Saint Lucie... and Martin counties...from Basinger to Fort Pierce and Stuart. Strong storms remain possible in this area with local wind gusts to 40 mph and small hail. Again...the thunderstorms will move to the east-northeast at 35 to 40 mph. Importantly...the threat for isolated severe storms still exists for this afternoon...and push offshore from Fort Pierce southward.
Forecast for Inland Volusia County

Stay dry, this to shall pass.

Doing my part to hit 200 by tomorrow night :rotfl2: :goodvibes :rotfl2:
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