"Can I still call it baby weight when she's IS 4?" - comments welcome

Hi there, Amy! Look at you go - you're really getting in a groove now! It is great to see how you talked yourself around to being fully OP. I have just recently re-started WW as well and getting back on that horse is definitely a process. I'm not sure at what point "baby weight" just becomes "weight" but I'm thinking 4 might be the outer edge of that limit. ;) I love the title, though!

So I have an observation and I hope it makes sense - Just from reading through your plans and your goals, it seems like you're very enthusiastic and also very ambitious. I'm a little concerned that your plan of losing 3 lbs a week might set you up for discouragement if you don't end up losing at that rate. I've you've lost at that rate before, more power to you, but for me, I know that a 3 lb week is more the exception than the rule. You know yourself best, of course!

The other concern I have is your plan to Walk to Cinderella Castle, which is awesome and a really motivating goal, but wow! - 12K a day without rest days sounds like a LOT. Even at a good walking pace, you're looking at almost 2 hours of walking a day!!! That's a lot to take on all at once. Like I said, it's a BEAUTIFUL goal - and if you're doing a lot of biking, I take it all back - biking adds up a lot faster than walking or running. :)

Congratulations on a couple of good days in a row! You're on your way now. And it sounds like you were doing a great job of keeping track even on the days when you were over on your points. That can be tough, too. Hang in there - you can do it!
Yeah, I think it is time to say it is MY weight and NOT hers:lmao:
You're cracking me up! :laughing:

I thank you very much for this. I am going to start with this and re-evaluate as I proceed. My bigger problem is that after the first 20 lbs, I think I am going to slow down (this is what I have done before), so I realize this goal needs to be watched and evaluated :) Thank you!!

Sounds like a good plan. I hate how it slows down after the first 20. It's good you're dreaming big and also have the foresight to be realistic.

Umm yeah, I think I am going to have to change this one a bit :rotfl: OOPS!! Well, as they say, it is better to have big dreams than no dreams at all!!

Absolutely it is! Don't give up on this one - it's a great idea. You can do it - absolutely! It's just going to take a little longer than flying to Cinderella Castle in 47 weeks, that's all! I can't wait to see how close you've gotten by that time, though.

Thank you!! Thank you!! I am clicking the link to read your journal now. We all need supporters :)

I have been off and on neglectful of my journal, but it does make it more fun when there's someone else to write to. Thanks!
Hey Amy! Great job - your new plan looks great and I love your different workout options. They seem like really fun choices!

I don't have any idea about how to get up to 10,000 steps in a day. Are you wearing a pedometer? - I have read a couple of articles about the pedometer and tried it myself for, like a week, but I kept messing the darned thing up! I bet you will think of places to take those extra steps, and probably it's another of those changes that you have to build into your life slowly, right?

What kind of snacks do you like? Are you actually hungry for snacks or is it more recreational eating? I'm working on cutting back the snacking to a reasonable level as well. :)

I bet you'll do well this weekend. You have a good attitude about it - the biggest danger with that sort of thing is just going completely overboard and telling yourself you'll start over on Monday, I think. You're so smart to realize that you're going to have weekends like this even after you get to goal and you are finding a sane way to enjoy them. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

Great job hanging in there, Amy! You're doing fantastic!

P.S. When is your weigh in day?

P.P.S. Have a great weekend!
Great job on the walking this weekend - that always helps. And you're right that sometimes splurges happen. The timing of this one was not what you would have chosen, but the important thing is not what happened on those two days, it's what happens over the next days and weeks and months. :thumbsup2 It is frustrating when the scale is higher than it was just a few days before, but they say that your weight can vary so much, I bet you will fluctuate back down before very long at all, so long as you keep on going with your regular plan.

How about hot chocolate after dinner? I always like something warm for a snack. But not if it has me up in the middle of the night, I guess. Your mileage may vary. :)

Have a great start to a great new week!
Great work yesterday! I love the feeling of being on a roll as well. Keep on going! :)

I am loving your method of "losing" another 10lbs from the future. :rotfl: And it sounds like a wise choice as well.

Great to hear those 2 lbs have gone away again. I never had any doubt that they would. :hug: Are you weighing in at a meeting on Mondays? Monday sounds like a TOUGH weigh in day! I suppose it all works out in the end, though.

Thank YOU Amy for sharing your journey! It's SO nice to have found a WW buddy.
Hey Amy! Thanks for stopping by my neglected journal. One of these days I'll be back there again on a regular basis. I have met some truly wonderful people on these WISH journals.

I love your Monday weigh-in day. I did the same thing (and do, when I'm focused). It definitely keeps me accountable over the weekend...which is when I tend to lose control with the food.

You're really doing great and I know your success will continue! Honesty is one of the most important parts of this whole deal. You can't hide things or fib on your journal because in the end, the scale never lies. :headache: Been there, done that. :rolleyes1

Keep up the great work! :thumbsup2
Congrats on the great day, Amy! I love swimming, it's such a great workout, but so relaxing. I'm shooting for 135 too, I'm giving myself about a year now. I think I'm actually at 11 months, but oh well. You're doing great though. Having a good day always means that I'll have several in a row, they're very motivating.
Be careful about the alcohol though, I think it actually dehydrates you. It's salt that causes water retention. I read that in fitness I think. But despite that, it's still two pounds which is great!



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