Can you schedule a specific time for daily room inspection?


DIS Veteran
Jul 14, 2014
Staying at BCV with a child that needs a daily nap. If we speak to desk at checkin, could we potentially schedule the room check instead of random time daily barge ins? Anyone successful with this?
Nope but you can tell them that you will have a napping child from x to x and they might be nice and do it another time.
I had a weird stay at BCV last summer. Housekeeping came by in the AM, maybe 8:30 or 9, asking if I needed anything to which I replied no and they left. Hours later I'm sitting at DHS and I get a call from BCV saying I declined the room check (???) and they asked when I planned to be back in the room that day. I assume they came back around the times I said I planned to be back.

I don't expect you to be able to pre-schedule the room check, but if you keep the "Room Occupied" sign displayed and use the swing bar when you're in the room, they'll hopefully realize the room is actually occupied and maybe give you a jingle to figure out when to come back later. Obviously YMMV and some have reported strange behavior from housekeeping/room check staff, but I like to hope for the best.
So they go in to actually search the room???? I thought it was a security check under the guise of emptying trash… they are doing searches now?
In my past October trip and again in February, I keep my DND sign on my door.
Then, housekeeping calls me to see if they can enter.
I let them know what time I will be available.
Then, I ask if they can come at whatever time each day (I've asked while on phone or if I see them in the hall).
My October stay was 2 weeks (one week GFV and next week was BWVs) and my February stay was 11 days (OKW) and it was not a problem.
Some days our trash wasn't emptied maybe because the times didn't work but that was perfecly fine with me.
Only once in several years has anyone knocked on our door when the “Room Occupied” sign is up, and when that happened, I asked them not to do it again, and they never did. Once in a while they have called our room to ask what a good time would be, but mostly they have just worked around our schedule, based upon when we have the sign up. Even if they do knock, I have never once heard of them barging into your room against your wishes, as opposed to coming back at a time that is convenient for you. Anecdotally, I get the impression that if you are a known, repeat guest, they will be more relaxed about the checks than if you are a brand new visitor.
Room checks are intended to be random for a reason. IF you were doing something illegal, clearly you would have time to hide the evidence prior to your 'scheduled' room inspection.

Its almost like I have locks I can put on doors that make it impossible for them to override if I wanted to do something illegal.

Additionally they are not searching everywhere in the room just a quick look around which is super easy to hide anything except your elephant from being witnessed.
I'm new here. Can someone tell me what these room checks are? I haven't heard of this before. I know that they empty trash on the 4th day. But I didn't know there were room checks.
You can search around and find lots of older often contentious threads on this topic. When staying at any hotel (Disney included), you are a guest of their hotel. That is a lot different from being in your own home. For obvious reasons Disney doesn't tell you exactly what they are looking for. One way to defeat any security protocol is to know their routines & procedures.

Clearly anyone who prevents them from ever entering their room would raise suspicion that something is going on that might be illegal. You can't stay at a hotel which is considered private property and then try to make your own rules for how things work.
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We just spent three weeks at WDW. The first week was at BLT and they did a great job with this, we were never inconvenienced. We would leave our room in the morning and come back in early afternoon and every time our room had been checked.

The second two weeks we were at BWVs, and they never seemed to be able to check the room when were out. By the second week I called housekeeping and explained that we did not wish to be disturbed in the afternoon, showering and napping so they came right away. The person on the phone asked me if there was a time that we would like to have our room checked each day. So, with that being said, I'm guessing you may be able to request a specific time of day especially when you have a good reason like a napping child. My suggestion to OP is call housekeeping and ask, all they can do is say no. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Bring tape, paper, and a marker and put a sign on the door that baby is napping until 3 or whatever. Disney can be very rude about this kind of thing.
edNo, because then what is the point? Good job taking the meth lab down before they get there!
That makes sense that they'd do it randomly. Yet, when we were at HHI, the front desk told me that we could schedule a time if it would be more convenient, and one day we did schedule a time, just that once. And one time, at BCV, they called and asked if I needed anything. When I said "No", she was obviously disappointed, then told me they needed to do the room check and I said OK. Next thing I knew a college student-age was knocking timidly on the door (I could all the regulars-"Let's send Joe!"). Then when I realized I did want more decaf coffee, he happily brought me enough for 6 months. Anyone want some decaf coffee? I really don't think some Disney employees dislike the room checks as much as we do.
Well whats the point of the daily inspections to begin with? Its a check box so they can't get sued later if something happens.

Argued this plenty of times that its not actually stopping someone from doing something.
While you're not wrong, allowing it to be scheduled would likely invalidate the insurance purpose.
Every day. Not optional, one of the reasons they got rid of the "Do Not Disturb" signs. Now they say "Room Occupied".

I had no idea. We were at the Grand Cali (hotel, not DVC villa) last month and we left the "room occupied" sign up on all of our days but 1 when we wanted trash taken out and a couple new towels. I just assumed no one came into our room while we were gone. How would I even know??
I had no idea. We were at the Grand Cali (hotel, not DVC villa) last month and we left the "room occupied" sign up on all of our days but 1 when we wanted trash taken out and a couple new towels. I just assumed no one came into our room while we were gone. How would I even know??
I guess the good thing is you didn't know - means they didn't disturb you! It's something we all have to learn to deal with if we're going to stay on Disney property. They do disclose it when making reservations, most of us (myself included) don't read that part!


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