Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

Luna- still adorable!

So sorry about your trip, but you gotta do what you gotta do for family.

That is weird about your neighbor's mother. Don't think I would count on borrowing a cup of sugar from them

That's what my BIL brought over. Widmer maybe? Miss you, Tammie!

Awe, thanks. I will be back soon. Having another crazy time at work with training and a way too busy schedule. I think everyone has moved here and wants to see a doctor ASAP! I have been putting in some 10-12 hr days. On top of that, we were notified we have to move out of our rental because the owners want to sell. So we are packing up and moving to an apartment until I know whether I have a job or not. And I started a new home business, am studying for my coding cert, and doing some travel agent stuff. Ellen connected me with Mouse World travel, so now I'm a co-worker with Brook!

We will be in Salem Aug 5th! Hope to catch you for coffee for a little bit when I'm there! Maybe it will need to be for lunch you working gal.
Okay, I'm caught up too. So sorry Luna got hurt. I hope she heals quickly and everything turns out well for her. Also sorry you had to cancel your trip. I guess there must be a reason....hopefully you can do a nice staycation and find some fun around there somewhere.
Our instructions are no running or stairs or jumping.
But she can walk a bit to do her "business".

That's great! No weight for a month was a huge pain that's for sure. And my husband couldn't help at all because he was on crutches due to knee surgery.

I'm not quite sure I follow.
Did you use the belt around his leg to keep it off the ground?
Or was the belt around the belly to support the whole dog?

Around his belly. They told us to use a towel under his belly but that kept slipping so I came up with the belt idea because I could tighten it enough so that it didn't slip.

Were you surprised?

Somewhat. We knew his undercoat was tan thanks to the shaving from the surgery. Funny thing is we keep his tail bushy so it's black. Kind of looks like it belongs to another dog.

I thought he was a purebred Schnauzer.

Nope. Mama was a purebred Schnauzer that got loose and came home pregnant. No idea what daddy was. The dogs owner turned the puppies into the local shelter where I volunteer so we brought him home from there.

1. I think it's cool that they have that.
2. Really nice pic of the two of you!

Thanks! The Bark at the Park event is a lot of fun! They even come around and sell doggy ice cream. Alex really likes the bacon peanut butter variety.
Behind her leg, you see that pink thing?
That's her other leg.
She has a fentanyl patch on it.
So not only do we have to keep her from licking the stitches
(yes, she wears the cone of shame when not being watched)
but also from getting at that patch.
Eating that would be seriously dangerous.
It comes off in four days.
I'm hoping that leg wasn't shaved too much.
She looks like a rat where she's shaved.
I don't tell her that, though.
Don't want to make her self-conscious.
Lol if you wanna see a dog that looks like a rat you should see my little Yorkie/Maltese during bath time. She looks like a drowned rat. Come to think of it, my husband even calls her Splinter when she's not wet so she has rat like qualities most of the time anyway! :rotfl2:

Luna looks to be in good spirits! I hope she has a speedy recovery and no discomfort (other than being bitter about her cone of shame).

It stinks about your Disney trip, but our pets really are part of our family so obviously their well being comes before any fun time. Maybe you can get a trip in the books for next year when everything calms down!

Weirdest thing happened tonight.
I took her out around 10pm,
just before heading off to work.
Kay came with me, in case I needed help.
(Nice of her. Didn't even ask.)
There was a woman, maybe in her 60s,
standing outside in the street, with a suitcase.
Weird, but.... okay....

She calls out to me and asks.
"Can you call me a taxi?"

Right away, my guard is up.
Is this some kind of scam?
Is she going to be asking for cab money next?

I called the cab.

It turned out (supposedly)
that she had flown in from Vancouver
to help her daughter with her baby.
They got into an argument over hiring a nanny
and her daughter kicked her out of the house.
In the middle of the night.
In a strange city.

Who does that?

I kept an eye on her until the cab came.

Pretty sure she wasn't lying.
I don't know if the people across the street have a baby.
Could be. We don't see them much.
But she did know what my neighbour did for a living.
That is an odd story... Who doesn't have cell phones now a days?! Even my 85 year old grandparents have cell phones in case of emergency..
Awe, thanks. I will be back soon. Having another crazy time at work with training and a way too busy schedule. I think everyone has moved here and wants to see a doctor ASAP! I have been putting in some 10-12 hr days. On top of that, we were notified we have to move out of our rental because the owners want to sell. So we are packing up and moving to an apartment until I know whether I have a job or not. And I started a new home business, am studying for my coding cert, and doing some travel agent stuff. Ellen connected me with Mouse World travel, so now I'm a co-worker with Brook!

We will be in Salem Aug 5th! Hope to catch you for coffee for a little bit when I'm there! Maybe it will need to be for lunch you working gal.
You sound incredibly busy!! Costs mg is tough- my hat' off to you!

I will definitely make sure to be available on the 5th! I can take the day off but if not I'm almost always done by 2:00. It'll be wonderful to catch up!!
Needless to say,
or maybe it's needed...

I told Ruby that I'm cancelling our Disney trip.

Aw, man. As painful as that is to read, it must have been so much worse to type.

You can see the stitches on her leg.
(and doesn't it look like she's wearing a puffy slipper? :laughing:)

It does! :rotfl2:

There was a woman, maybe in her 60s,
standing outside in the street, with a suitcase.
Weird, but.... okay....

She calls out to me and asks.
"Can you call me a taxi?"


They got into an argument over hiring a nanny
and her daughter kicked her out of the house.
In the middle of the night.
In a strange city.

Who does that?

Wow. That must have been quite the fight.
Yeah. The vet bills already surpassed the cost of the cruise.

I don't know what kind of stateroom you were considering, but I can totally see this. We've had vet bills in the thousands and there goes a cruise budget!

Oh, man. I have no idea.
Maybe I can squeeze in a solo trip again some time.
But it's not even on the radar right now.

There's always the weekend of March 3-4th in case you want to get away from the cold. :rolleyes1

Ruby had screws put in her ankle about 15 years ago...
Still bothers her sometimes.

I had a screw in my foot for just under six months. Once I could put weight on the foot it bothered me until they finally took it back out. Ten years later it began to bother me whenever I walked more than a mile or two. :sad2:

Okay! All caught up here.
I'm calling it a day.

You made it later than I did!

Luna looks happy. Probably because she's all jacked up on Fentanyl! :lmao:
I was a few days behind so I just read about your little Luna's injury, I'm sorry that happened to her. Hope she heals up quickly, glad surgery went well. She looks pretty happy in the pic you posted, I guess she would be, on Fentanyl, that's good stuff, LOL.

Sorry you had to cancel your plans, I know how that feels.

Looking forward to hearing more about Montreal.
Sorry about Luna. Saw this picture and thought of you


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You sound incredibly busy!! Costs mg is tough- my hat' off to you!

I will definitely make sure to be available on the 5th! I can take the day off but if not I'm almost always done by 2:00. It'll be wonderful to catch up!!

Yay! Let's make it happen. The 5th is actually our travel day, so don't take that day. I will message you and we can figure out a time!
Came on here to catch up again.
I no sooner turned on the 'puter
and Kay comes running over.

"Luna can fit her foot around the cone! (of shame)"

Sure enough.
Even though the vet stepped her up to a bigger cone,
she figured out how to get her foot in it.
(The one with the fentanyl patch.)

So... 10:30pm back to the vet we go.
New! Bigger! Better! Giant cone!
Honestly, this thing's bigger than she is.

She gets the patch off on Saturday.
Then we'll switch back to a smaller cone
since she can't reach her stitches with that one.

I think.

Now I'm beat and will have to catch up another time.
Night all.
Came on here to catch up again.
I no sooner turned on the 'puter
and Kay comes running over.

"Luna can fit her foot around the cone! (of shame)"

Sure enough.
Even though the vet stepped her up to a bigger cone,
she figured out how to get her foot in it.
(The one with the fentanyl patch.)

So... 10:30pm back to the vet we go.
New! Bigger! Better! Giant cone!
Honestly, this thing's bigger than she is.

She gets the patch off on Saturday.
Then we'll switch back to a smaller cone
since she can't reach her stitches with that one.

I think.

Now I'm beat and will have to catch up another time.
Night all.

G' nite. :)


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