Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

Life with dogs, amiright?

In all seriousness, I do feel for all of you. For Luna being hurt, for Ruby and Kay for having to witness it, for you for well...everything else. And the hit to the wallet. Thoughts and prayers for speedy healing, and that the giant cone works to keep her from the patch. Have you thought about putting her on the roof to boost your cable signal?

Last year we ended up in the emergency vet with my mom's dog. Long story short, she was having trouble breathing, they thought it was cancer based on spots on her lungs, we couldn't afford the more invasive test so decided to bank on the .01% chance it was bacteria and left "only" $1500 in the hole and with antibiotics.....and it cleared right up and she's fine. Because it wasn't cancer.

I hope you get some rest in between all this craziness!
Came on here to catch up again.
I no sooner turned on the 'puter
and Kay comes running over.

"Luna can fit her foot around the cone! (of shame)"

Yep... Critters are single minded in their persistence.
A vet tried a new, improved, more comfortable soft-sided cone of shame on our house guest a while back.
Took him less then a day to determine that if he butted his head up against anything fairly solid that possessed a ridged corner the resulting impact would reverse the cone's form from over his head to back across his shoulders... device totally defeated.

The next problem came from cats not having attached collar bones; even with a switch back to solid construction, a bit of flexing and both front legs would be through the contraption forcing it halfway down his belly. Critter: 2, Vet: 0.

The only thing that would work was similar to y'all's solution, an oversized heavy duty shame cone tightened right up to the fella's throat, and regardless of the protesting, not loosened or removed for any reason until the stitches came out.

He was not a happy camper.
Sorry about the surgery and having to cancel the trip! :( Totally understand, but still a bummer!

Glad she is doing better- aside from fitting her foot in the cone and needing another one! dogs are like kids- they are unpredictable!
Oh man, I'm so sorry about your doggie and cancelled trip. Hope that she makes a full recovery.

Insurance companies should absolutely offer pet insurance.

Just have to you, I live in Canada and we do have pet insurance available...and we are the suckers that bought it. Nothing that has ever actually happened to us in real life is every covered. So it sounds great in theory...but there are so many exceptions that's not all that helpful!!
Just dropping in to add my sympathy for your situation with Luna. I hope she's doing better and staying out of her cone! And of course condolences on your trip cancellation. It's a tough choice to make, but understandable under the circumstances.
Okay, I'm caught up too. So sorry Luna got hurt. I hope she heals quickly and everything turns out well for her.

Thanks Tammie!
I'll have a bit of an update on her condition
in the next chapter.

Also sorry you had to cancel your trip. I guess there must be a reason....hopefully you can do a nice staycation and find some fun around there somewhere.

Money was the reason.
Her surgery cost almost the same as the cruise.
As for the staycation, I'll have more info in the next update.
That's great! No weight for a month was a huge pain that's for sure. And my husband couldn't help at all because he was on crutches due to knee surgery.

So you had two critters whining, huh?
Not a fun situation.

Around his belly. They told us to use a towel under his belly but that kept slipping so I came up with the belt idea because I could tighten it enough so that it didn't slip.

Ah, got it.

Somewhat. We knew his undercoat was tan thanks to the shaving from the surgery. Funny thing is we keep his tail bushy so it's black. Kind of looks like it belongs to another dog.

:laughing: You should tell people that he was born
without a tail.
So you just stuck a feather duster on him.

Nope. Mama was a purebred Schnauzer that got loose and came home pregnant. No idea what daddy was. The dogs owner turned the puppies into the local shelter where I volunteer so we brought him home from there.


Thanks! The Bark at the Park event is a lot of fun!

I just found out they have one here too!
Elle was saying that they have puppy goody bags.
All proceeds go to the Humane Society.

They even come around and sell doggy ice cream. Alex really likes the bacon peanut butter variety.

I guess!
Heck, I might like that too!
Lol if you wanna see a dog that looks like a rat you should see my little Yorkie/Maltese during bath time. She looks like a drowned rat.

:laughing: Both our dogs are the same.
Especially since they have so much hair,
they look wayyyy bigger than they really are.

Come to think of it, my husband even calls her Splinter when she's not wet so she has rat like qualities most of the time anyway! :rotfl2:


Luna looks to be in good spirits!

She seems to be. Although I don't think she's too happy
that we won't let her at her sutures.

I hope she has a speedy recovery and no discomfort (other than being bitter about her cone of shame).

Yeah. She's not impressed with that.
As soon as it goes on, she seems so down!

It stinks about your Disney trip, but our pets really are part of our family so obviously their well being comes before any fun time. Maybe you can get a trip in the books for next year when everything calms down!

I'll address that in the next chapter.

That is an odd story... Who doesn't have cell phones now a days?! Even my 85 year old grandparents have cell phones in case of emergency..

I forgot that part!
She said she was from Vancouver...
But she said she had a US phone.


Ruby said she saw her yesterday...
With the DD and the baby.
Guess things settled down.
Luna stills looks a happy (see that smile). But then again, who wouldn't with a fentanyl patch on?

Yeah... about that..... I'll talk about it in the update.

I don't know what kind of stateroom you were considering, but I can totally see this.


We've had vet bills in the thousands and there goes a cruise budget!

Yup. :sad2:
But what are you gonna do?

There's always the weekend of March 3-4th in case you want to get away from the cold. :rolleyes1

Oh, you temptress you!

I had a screw in my foot for just under six months. Once I could put weight on the foot it bothered me until they finally took it back out.

Yeah, I can see that.
Not a lot of room in a foot for extra hardware.

Ten years later it began to bother me whenever I walked more than a mile or two. :sad2:

Oh! You mentioned that in the New Orleans TR, I think.

You made it later than I did!

A midnight shift will do that.
I still had to stay up,
but I was getting bleary eyed
staring at the 'puter.

Luna looks happy. Probably because she's all jacked up on Fentanyl! :lmao:

I'll be mentioning that in the next update.
I was a few days behind so I just read about your little Luna's injury, I'm sorry that happened to her.

Thanks Danielle!

Hope she heals up quickly, glad surgery went well.

She seems (to my untrained eye) to be doing better
than I expected her to be doing.

She looks pretty happy in the pic you posted, I guess she would be, on Fentanyl, that's good stuff, LOL.

:laughing: Yeah, people keep saying that.
I'll post more on that in the update.

Sorry you had to cancel your plans, I know how that feels.

If you mean it totally and completely sucks...
Then yes, you know how it feels.

Looking forward to hearing more about Montreal.


Luna stills looks a happy (see that smile). But then again, who wouldn't with a fentanyl patch on?

Haven't we met before?

Bummer on the surgery and having to not do your trip. Sending more healing wishes to Luna...

Thanks Irene!

Sorry about Luna. Saw this picture and thought of you

Thanks! And ::yes:: that pretty much covers it.

Oh Luna! Sounds like a pistol!

Oh she is all right!
Total goof ball.
She's lucky she's so cute.

What is a fentanyl patch?

It's a patch that slowly releases fentanyl over time.
Fentanyl is a strong pain killer (and narcotic.)
We'll see how she does once it's off.
When I left for work, she was still okay,
but I don't know how long until it wears off.
(She had the patch removed today.)
Life with dogs, amiright?

You ain't lyin'!

In all seriousness, I do feel for all of you. For Luna being hurt, for Ruby and Kay for having to witness it, for you for well...everything else. And the hit to the wallet. Thoughts and prayers for speedy healing, and that the giant cone works to keep her from the patch.

Thanks Annie!

Have you thought about putting her on the roof to boost your cable signal?

OMG! :lmao: Great idea!

Last year we ended up in the emergency vet with my mom's dog. Long story short, she was having trouble breathing, they thought it was cancer based on spots on her lungs, we couldn't afford the more invasive test so decided to bank on the .01% chance it was bacteria and left "only" $1500 in the hole and with antibiotics.....and it cleared right up and she's fine. Because it wasn't cancer.

Glad that it cleared up!
We had a similar issue with Piper (our other pup.)
For quite a while she was having blood in her stool.
The vet finally decided that it was either cancer
or some kind of irritation,
with the only way to decide being expensive.
We decided to wait and see (and change her food.)
And now she's fine. It was the food after all.

I hope you get some rest in between all this craziness!

Well, yes and no.
Been busy, but...
Also being forced to dog sit on the couch.
She naps. I watch Netflix.
Yep... Critters are single minded in their persistence.

Oh, man... No kidding!

A vet tried a new, improved, more comfortable soft-sided cone of shame on our house guest a while back.
Took him less then a day to determine that if he butted his head up against anything fairly solid that possessed a ridged corner the resulting impact would reverse the cone's form from over his head to back across his shoulders... device totally defeated.

That just sounds.... dumb.
I wonder who came up with that design?

The next problem came from cats not having attached collar bones; even with a switch back to solid construction, a bit of flexing and both front legs would be through the contraption forcing it halfway down his belly. Critter: 2, Vet: 0.

Then again... cats. Not surprised.
They're like... land eels.

The only thing that would work was similar to y'all's solution, an oversized heavy duty shame cone tightened right up to the fella's throat, and regardless of the protesting, not loosened or removed for any reason until the stitches came out.

He was not a happy camper.

:laughing: No, I suppose not!
Too bad you can't just tell them.
"Oh, BTW. You can't lick or pick at the wound, okay?"
So sorry about your puppy and the Disney trip! I am glad to hear she's doing better!

Thanks Caitlin!

Sorry about the surgery and having to cancel the trip! :( Totally understand, but still a bummer!

Thanks Mary!

Yeah... bummer. That describes it all right.

Glad she is doing better- aside from fitting her foot in the cone and needing another one! dogs are like kids- they are unpredictable!

Oh, man! No kidding!

Oh man, I'm so sorry about your doggie and cancelled trip. Hope that she makes a full recovery.

Thanks Kathy!

Just have to you, I live in Canada and we do have pet insurance available...and we are the suckers that bought it. Nothing that has ever actually happened to us in real life is every covered. So it sounds great in theory...but there are so many exceptions that's not all that helpful!!

Oh! Okay, this makes me feel better.
Here I thought I was a horrible person
for not getting the insurance.

Glad to see I'm a horrible person for other reasons.

Just dropping in to add my sympathy for your situation with Luna.

Thanks Jeff!

I hope she's doing better and staying out of her cone!

Seems to be.
Today we took her to the vet to get
the fentanyl patch removed.
Also got her smaller cone back.
Now she's not swimming in it.

And of course condolences on your trip cancellation. It's a tough choice to make, but understandable under the circumstances.

Yeah... totally sucks.
I'll have more details in the update.
Okay! Caught up again!
(Well, here at least.)

But if I missed a shout-out, let me know!

Now I can get back to writing the update.


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