Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

The pricing for the poker chips was driving me bananas! hahaha I don't understand the "all over the place" prices.. odd

I know! You'd think they'd be the same everywhere.
Or at least the same in one area!

That sucks about paying for 5 minutes of parking. You'd think they'd have signs going into parking saying the gardens was closed.

Ah, but then if you knew it was closed,
you wouldn't pay for parking.
Money out of their pockets right there.

I did toy with seeing the Japanese garden again,
but... I just wasn't feeling it.

Luna is a little rascal!! haha a little luna-tic! hahaha

::yes:: She most certainly is!
She's evil! Evil I say!

AWW YAY!!!! Glad to hear you still get a Disney trip in!!!!

Me too! :goodvibes

I want to solo sometime, but never have been able to yet. My family loves Disney just as much if not more than me, so... no solo trips allotted yet..

Well, both DDs want to come with me.
But a) If I took one or both... then I can't afford it.
b) They're both in school and can't really afford to miss school.

My friend and I had thought about a quick 3 day trip in November, but money became a factor on her end, then on my end, so that's a tabled idea for now.. we both love Disney and want a girls trip anyways... someday.

That's what it always comes down to, isn't it?
Hopefully you'll be able to pull it off in the future.
Whenever we drive distances, Fran and I stop at whatever Harley stores are along the way, but we don't collect the poker chips.

Cool! Do you guys get anything in particular?
Shirts? Mugs? Other?
Or do you just like to look around?

That must be sort of new as we only heard of them for the first time two years ago on our Midwestern road trip.

Well, I'm sort of new to it myself
so I couldn't say.

Luna sounds like a crazy dog! She doesn't know what's good for her. I hope she doesn't reinjure herself!

Oh, man. She's an absolute nut-ball.
Probably why we love her so much.

Nice that you get a solo trip to Disney. Looking forward to hearing all about it!

And you will!

As far as the cruise goes, you may possibly be better off with another company besides Disney. It would certainly be cheaper. And with Ruby not being a fan, she might like not having the characters and kids to deal with.

The characters, she can definitely do without.
As for the kids...

As far as the cruise goes, you may possibly be better off with another company besides Disney. It would certainly be cheaper. And with Ruby not being a fan, she might like not having the characters and kids to deal with.
However this was an interesting fact from our Alaskan cruise. One of the excursion hosts was talking about the various cruise lines that come through his town. When he was asked by friends which line he would recommend, he said "Disney, hands down". He said that they are the most organized when it comes to shore excursions. The passengers are always happy and smiling. And from what he can tell, the Disney ships have more "child free" areas than the other ships, as the other ships just assume there won't really be many kids, so they don't bother to cater to the adult only market.

... That's pretty much the way I thought it might be.
It's why I thought a Disney cruise might be the way to go.

Glad to hear I'm not alone in that aspect.

And you would appreciate this. Fran found a Voyager trike on Craigslist. She has to go try it out and see if she can swing her leg over it. I've told her she can't buy any more motorcycles unless she can get on them.

Good for her! I hope she "swing" it.
I told you! I told you!!!

Seriously, I thought of just skipping that entire day.

Update! Montreal day 2!
Nothing happened.
Stay tuned for day 3!

Well, like Alison said, you writing about going to the grocery store would be good. So I'll stick with you.

But now I can see about that "N" drink for you.
That's the only reason I'm going, ya know.

But, you know it would have been more fun to look for one together, right?
And I had two donuts!!!

Why didn't you ask me what to see in Montreal? I'd have told you St. Joseph Basilica. No, they weren't trying to convert me. They knew that I was a firm Protestant. Also, my grandfather's name was Joseph so that's the other reason they wanted to go. Honestly I'd have thought you would have known about it if not already been there yourself. Next time you should go though, it's really something to see! Well, I assume, it was 1984 when I went.

So, really you're not taking the wife or daughters to Disney because you're taking me right? Right? Please? :(
Where are you staying?
That Luna! I'm thinking you will have an interesting next couple of years with her :P

I was wondering why they didn't have a notice about the closed garden before you paid for parking?

Well at least you know the price of Harley chips at six (?) Stores in the Montreal area.

I'm glad you will get a trip with Ruby. I remember a little of our visit to Banff when I was a kid. I think it was really beautiful! And a bonus Dusney weekend with meets is great, too!
Well, the obvious reason is that I collect them.
It's something to do, so... there ya go.
It’s nice to have a collection of something. At least yours doesn’t take up much space! (And are cheaper than my Survivor buff collection)

Yeah. Okay. I'm an idiot.
(Would you please stop nodding in agreement!!)
Oh, sorry! I thought you weren’t looking!

Imposing, no?
I dunno. I just kinda liked it.
It does look pretty cool, for a train station. Kind of like an old fortress or something.

Hmmm... "Boston a lérable"
or Maple Boston.
I think I’ve had one of those before. I can’t remember where. Possibly in Nova Scotia, I think during one of those “special flavours” promotions they have sometimes. But I’m pretty sure I liked it. I don’t go to Tim’s a lot but the last promotion I remember they got on a Nutella kick. It sounded good, but the one I tried fell a bit flat. The three “beignes” on the top row of your picture look different. I’ve never seen those before, especially the donut sandwich with whipped cream. It must be a Quebec thing.

As I approached the ticket booth,
my eye fell upon this sign.
I picked it up, put it back in its socket
and then read the sign.
(English translation at the bottom.)
Hopefully their Garden of Light will be more successful than Rivers of Light. :rotfl2:

I think I had the prime rib.
Always delish.
The Keg is pretty much my go to place. It’s fancy enough to feel like a “night out” but not so frou-frou that I feel out of place. I’ve always enjoyed the food there. I particularly like the prime rib as well.

I fly out on September 14th, arriving that afternoon.
Spend a few days in Disney.
Fly home on the 18th.
It's all booked.
Disney and Banff. You are a lucky guy!
Well, like Alison said, you writing about going to the grocery store would be good. So I'll stick with you.

:laughing: Okay, thanks Liesa.

But, you know it would have been more fun to look for one together, right?

Yes, I do know that.
But there's no way I could swing October.

Why do I have the feeling that regardless of when I go,
there'll be a harem member unhappy with the decision?

And I had two donuts!!!

Well, you can't have just one!

Why didn't you ask me what to see in Montreal? I'd have told you St. Joseph Basilica.

Because when I think of things to see in Canada,
I seldom think to ask my American friends! :laughing:

Seriously, though. I didn't look very hard for things to do.
Like I said, I was too burned out to really care.

Still.... wish I'd gone to see it.

No, they weren't trying to convert me. They knew that I was a firm Protestant. Also, my grandfather's name was Joseph so that's the other reason they wanted to go.

I kind of figured.
But... my MIL and my Mom "subtly" try.

Honestly I'd have thought you would have known about it if not already been there yourself. Next time you should go though, it's really something to see! Well, I assume, it was 1984 when I went.

I've already made a mental note to do so.

So, really you're not taking the wife or daughters to Disney because you're taking me right? Right? Please? :(

I'll meet you there.

Where are you staying?


I shan't say.
May make it a contest question.
That Luna! I'm thinking you will have an interesting next couple of years with her :P

Oh, man.... no kidding!
She's a nut... but a happy nut, so I don't mind one bit.

I was wondering why they didn't have a notice about the closed garden before you paid for parking?

Because then I wouldn't have paid for parking.
Devious sons of guns.

Well at least you know the price of Harley chips at six (?) Stores in the Montreal area.

Five. And... I knew the price of the chips.... at that time.
As summer has arrived, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to hear
they're more expensive now.

I'm glad you will get a trip with Ruby.


I remember a little of our visit to Banff when I was a kid. I think it was really beautiful!

First time I visited, I think I was 7?
Second time I was in my late 40s.

It's almost insane how beautiful it is.

And a bonus Dusney weekend with meets is great, too!

::yes:: ::yes::

And with that many you could actually get a pretty accurate statistical mean, mode and average.

Oh, dear Lord.

And there you go! A very useful research project! :snooty:

Don't encourage her!!!
Oh, dear Lord.

Awww, I'm not taking the fun out of collecting Harley chips, am I? BTW, if you ever come over here, we have 3 places in mind to take you. That is, if you ride your bike here. Well, even if you don't, I think it'd be fun for you to hang out there.
It’s nice to have a collection of something. At least yours doesn’t take up much space! (And are cheaper than my Survivor buff collection)

All of them (hmmm... maybe 20 so far?) are all in a wine glass.
With plenty of room for more.

Oh, sorry! I thought you weren’t looking!

I'm always looking.

And stop scratching there.
There are ladies present.

It does look pretty cool, for a train station. Kind of like an old fortress or something.


I think I’ve had one of those before. I can’t remember where. Possibly in Nova Scotia, I think during one of those “special flavours” promotions they have sometimes. But I’m pretty sure I liked it.

Yep. Wasn't half bad.

I don’t go to Tim’s a lot but the last promotion I remember they got on a Nutella kick. It sounded good, but the one I tried fell a bit flat. The three “beignes” on the top row of your picture look different. I’ve never seen those before, especially the donut sandwich with whipped cream. It must be a Quebec thing.

The raspberry one I've had in Winnipeg.
But you're right.
I've never seen the other two before.

Hopefully their Garden of Light will be more successful than Rivers of Light. :rotfl2:

Oh? Haven't heard.
What's going on with the Rivers of Light?

The Keg is pretty much my go to place.

Ours too. Our favourite place to go.

It’s fancy enough to feel like a “night out” but not so frou-frou that I feel out of place.

Yes! Exactly!

I’ve always enjoyed the food there. I particularly like the prime rib as well.

I pretty much switch back and forth between prime rib and lobster tail
and filet mignon and lobster tail.

Disney and Banff. You are a lucky guy!

I ain't complainin'.
I am interrupting to make a BIG announcement - I did an update. That is all. Thank you

I saw that. May (or may not) be a bit
before I get over there, though.

I'll come back and comment later, but just had to party:on your new Disney trip!

:laughing: Thanks!

Inherent danger of having one, I guess. ;)

Yes, I suppose.
Although the benefits outweigh the negatives.

Awww, I'm not taking the fun out of collecting Harley chips, am I?


BTW, if you ever come over here, we have 3 places in mind to take you. That is, if you ride your bike here. Well, even if you don't, I think it'd be fun for you to hang out there.

Colour me intrigued.
And I'd love to get out that way.
The closest I've been was Yellowstone
when I was about 7 or so.

As opposed to...

Oh, sorry. Thanks for the heads-up.

Actually, it makes writing the rest of the TR easy.
If everyone stops reading,
then I can stop writing, right?

This sounds like a chicken-and-egg argument to me.

No, today I decided... to drive around
and pick up poker chips at Harley dealerships.

Well, God gives you only so many hours on this earth. How you choose to spend them is up to you.

Well, the obvious reason is that I collect them.
It's something to do, so... there ya go.

Ok. There's a reason.

It was located on Stanley street.
I remember thinking "What an odd name for a street."

Yeah. Okay. I'm an idiot.
(Would you please stop nodding in agreement!!)

Whoa, you saw that? Guess I'd better behave here.

Stanley street runs pretty much right up to
the Bell Centre.
Where the Montreal Canadians play.
Hockey, that is.
And they play for... the Stanley Cup.
Just one of the oldest trophies in the world.

Ah, yes. I support Philadelphia sports teams. We don't get to see very many trophies here.

I snapped this picture of a train station.
Just for you.

Cool building.

I made a game of it.
Sometimes Betty would tell me to go one way,
and Floyd (it was shiny and new... pink cheek like)
would tell me to go another.
Sometimes I'd pick one, sometimes the other.
I still got to where I wanted to go, so it all worked out.

I did this over our summer trip, too. My dashboard GPS would disagree with Google Maps. I found that Google tended to be a bit more trustworthy (read: up-to-date).

It took an hour.
So... a two hour round trip for a poker chip.

That must be some poker chip. Like, when you play it, it guarantees that the roulette ball stops on your number.

(I warned you... I warned you!
Have your eyes glazed over yet?)

It's just like listening to my kids talk about their Minecraft projects.


I punched "Tim Hortons" into the GPS
(I don't remember which one.)
and there was one just a couple of blocks away.

Did you really need the GPS for that? I figured you could randomly point the car anywhere in Canada and find a Tim Horton's.

'Cause I'm not a big maple syrup fan.
Pancakes? I'll have jam on mine, thanks.
Waffles? Honey, whipped cream and fruit.

Interesting. I love it on breakfast food, but I find it makes other things sickeningly sweet.

What is wrong with you????
And please.... please get a towel and wipe off your screen.

I'd never do that! I mean, I just sneezed all over it.

Ya know what?
You're sick of Harley stores, aren't you.
That's not a question.
I know you're sick of them.

No, no. They're all so different and unique.

Insert card... <grumble... $12... highway robbery... grumble>
Confirm amount <grumble.... fine... push>
Confirm amount <I did that already... push>
Confirm amount <Stupid machine... push>
Confirm amount...
Oh for the love of Pete!
There are two machines and I have to pick the broken one!

<more grumbling... perhaps some mild cursing...>

<probably some mild cursing>

Press here for English and ici pour le Français.
Insert card... <$12... grumble>
Confirm amount <push>
Confirm amount <not again!... push>
Confirm amount...

At this point, we're thinking: how likely is it that a cop will check on my car in the next hour or two, anyway?

That's the Olympic Stadium in the background.
Well... part of it.
Actually, what you can see,
is the tallest inclined tower in the world.

Cool, huh?

Yes! I remember watching Expos games way back when.

Are. You. Frickin'. Kidding. Me?????

I turned around.
Walked back to the car.
And drove off.

It cost me $12 to park my car for 5 minutes.

Can you confirm that payment?

But seriously: :faint:

I stopped being really annoyed
and became only mildly annoyed.
Until I reached for my iced lemonade.
The one that I'd had maybe a quarter of.
The one that I left on top of the #$&^#* ticket machine!!!


Gah! This is approaching migraine-level.

Well, too bad! We're off to another Harley store!

Hey, wait? Why are you punishing us for this?

Apparently, in Montreal, rush hour means
every man (or woman... or uber... or Tesla...)
for himself (or herself.)

Oh, so it's like New Jersey, but in French.

I don't remember what we rented,
only that we couldn't watch it.
The TV had so much static,
that it rendered the movie un-watchable.

It was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, wasn't it? I bet the static was an improvement.

Still reading?

I told you it was going to be boring!
I didn't lie, did I.

Truth in advertising. I have to hand it to you there.

She gets that giant cone on her head and she's pretty much
restricted from doing anything.
What's a pup to do?
Sleep of course.
Don't worry about the human you're using as a pillow.

Well, that sure looks comfortable. For the dog.



Is this a dog issue or a caregiver issue?

I was really, really looking forward to this one.
Several reasons.
In no particular order.
1. It's not every day that Ruby agrees to go to Disney!
2. A cruise! We've always wanted to try it.
3. I was meeting some very special people.

I seriously can't tell you which one disappointed me the most.
That I wasn't going to be able to meet
some "friends-I've-never-met".
That I couldn't do F&W with Ruby.
That we wouldn't be going on a cruise.

Dang. This still hurts to read about.

I know what you mean about the meets, too. It still bugs me that Fargo didn't work out. Would have loved to shake your hand. I really love my online friendships and I think it's cool to "know" people around the world, but there's something about meeting up IRL that solidifies it, you know?

Ruby tried to cheer me up.
"Well, maybe we can do something around here?" She said.
"Maybe Banff?"

Banff would be cool. I'd love to get up there someday.

Ruby even said "To be honest, I'd rather do that than Disney."

Which you knew. It still sounds weird, though.

Ruby said do it.
"You've been working so much. You need this."

It was like the skies parted
and the hand of God reached out.


That's a good woman, right there. A keeper!


I fly out on September 14th, arriving that afternoon.
Spend a few days in Disney.
Fly home on the 18th.
It's all booked.

Ah, yes. I support Philadelphia sports teams. We don't get to see very many trophies here.

It's ok. I live near Chicago, and I still didn't think of that! Of course, I only get to watch my hockey fan friends talk about it, since I'm not really into hockey. But, yeah, the Stanley Cup has done plenty of tours throughout Chicago in recent years...


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