Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

My loss is actually not as bad as it could have been. I essentially filleted the top part from the last knuckle to tip of my index finger. I can still bend it and I have full range. Didn't hit the bone or mess with nerves.

It will just be a few months before the skin heals, and I'll never grow a fingernail there again.

So while it's bad, it definitely could have been worse. There were definitely people in worse shape in the ER yesterday. So it's all a matter of perspective.

Ah. Okay.
I was wondering how you could
go through bone while sharpening.
But this I can see.

I don't particularly want to...
but I can.

But this TR is not about me, so I don't want to hijack the thread. Back to your scheduled programming!

No. You are quite wrong there.
This TR actually is about you.
And about anyone else who
would like to share a tale,
or simply vent.

I very much encourage open

That's what makes this TR.

I am very pleased when people
share their thoughts here.

I did! I think I actually first saw one in a Disney resort, if I remember correctly.

Could be.
Alison wrote about her experience
with one there.

You just had a feeling...a sixth sense, if you will. ESPN or something.

Up here it's TSN.

"Honey, pack your bags! We're going to Fort McMurray!"

Now I wonder why you picked that.
Did you know what happened last year?
Or did you just pick a point on a map?




So your next trip to the Canadian Rockies won't be for another 40 years or so. You have them memorized.

That's the real reason
I didn't take photos.

Got 'em all memorized.

Happy wife, Happy life overrules just about every other priority.


Seriously. Serving the same crap for 60 years now.

In your defense, would you trust a breakfast from a "nook"?

Then again, would you trust breakfast from McDonald's?

By hook or by crook
I wasn't going to the nook.

Well, you certainly can't say that you didn't tour the area. Glad you got to see the mountains clearly. That's always iffy.

Just go half a dozen times.
One time's gotta be good.


I hope you didn't drive angry.

Best movie ever?

It's up there.

Yep. Every time I see one, I end up waiting at least 15 minutes. Happened to me in Texas, actually.

Well, they say everything's bigger.
Maybe they meant longer.

No, no. Not at all. I was the nice font you used. Yes.

It's Verdana.

Sure makes the photos a lot less blurry. Looks like a really pretty town.

You don't like the artistic
motion blur?

And yup. Banff is one pretty place.

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Was he making engine noises and beeping an imaginary horn?

:laughing: Must admit I didn't
even notice what he was doing
when I took the photo.

Wow, that's quite the claim. And Ben & Jerry's is only 10th on the list? They won't be happy.

They've got piles of cash
to console themselves with.

Best I've ever had is the UDairy Creamery, run by the University of Delaware's Agricultural school (they have a working farm). Incredibly good ice cream.

That sounds good.
How much more fresh
can you get??

Oh, man. I'd never be able to get Julie out of this place.

Would that be so bad?
They have ice cream, ya know.

Wow. You know, you recommended the Wurst Bier Hall and their root beer, and didn't steer me wrong at all.

That being know that's snails, right? Slugs with a better publicist?

Third time I'm asking this.

Have you ever tried them?

Not a seafood guy, so I'd skip the lobster. But steak wrapped in bacon? Heaven.:thumbsup2


Traded in the best ice cream in the world for snails. Yeah, I'm not on board with that one.

You haven't had the Keg's.

You would.

I think.

Which would you prefer?
A bacon wrapped fillet mignon
that you don't even need
a steak knife to cut that's
perfectly cooked...
Or ice cream.

I know which one I'd pick.

That's quite an impressive building! Seriously, this whole area just looks beautiful.

It really is.
There's a reason it was our
first National Park.

:eek: Holy crap! I don't think I've ever done that!

Well, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Not if it's digital with AM/PM indications.

Also: BANFF!!! Yep, still fun to say.


7:00 a.m. I feel like you've spent so much time going to the Icefields that there's still some meat on the bone as far as exploring Banff goes.

Also: BANFF!!! Yep, still fun to say.


One in Banff and one in Calgary.

They announce it's closed/closing for a private event.

I'll go with Five Guys.

Banana loaf, just because it seems more unique than the others.

A Philly cheese steak from the Claymont Steak Shop
My wife's key lime pie
My mom's apple pie

Hard to choose between those.

And all very good choices.

PM on the way...

Got it!
3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we go into the practically empty restaurant?
I was going to say nothing they just seat you and take your order but then I read the next question which was dinner part II so I will have to say that they said there were closed for a private party and couldn't seat you.

I have changed my mind and would like to go with my first pick - I think that nothing happens except they take your order and you sit and wait for it while eating the free peanuts.
I actually have heard of them! My dad travels a lot for work, and I guess they're pretty prevalent in Europe. He said they suck because since its only once machine you can only do one load at a time from start to finish before starting the next one. Takes twice as long.

Yes! Someone else mentioned just that.
Here I thought it might be worth looking into.




Rocket surgery.. that's a new one.

Easy enough to figure out.
It's not brain science.

:rotfl: I guess she should be more specific!

Well..... but then
she wouldn't have
gotten her Egg McMuffin.

Maybe that was her plan
all along...

Hate those things.

I wonder why!

No idea!

Except that time I guessed she would eat chicken, and she got a burger.

To clarify.
If her only choice is a burger
or chicken burger...
She'll go burger.

But in a sit down place.
Every time.

Questions, next round:

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)


2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?

b. 2

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty

The power goes out.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?

c. Five Guys

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?

c. cup cakes

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

Potatoes. Any form. French Fries, tater tots, mashed, baked, fried :thumbsup2


How about twice baked?

I didn't!! I searched and searched and couldn't find it :(

You're not the only one.
Don't feel bad. :)
Yes, they have them in Central Asia as well, imported from Germany. Nice for small places.

Did you use one there?

I hope she went somewhere super nice- tropical or Mediterranean.

Hey! Who's side are you on???

Well... yeah... I see your point.
If I was stupid enough to give
her my password in the first place...

Our TRs are staring to be eerily alike. ;)

And yet, they still removed
the Twilight Zone TOT from DL.

Practice makes perfect. You oughtta be just about there.

It sure didn't take long!

So glad you have your priorities straight!


Never gotten to "do fondue" yet. Would sure love to someday!

Love fondue.
I make it a few times a year.



1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)


2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none.


3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty

It starts to fill up.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys
d. Burger King


5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

Banana loaf. Because you don't know any better.

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

A meal at Victoria and Albert's. ( My motto: Aim High!)

You really liked it there,
didn't you?

PM coming....

Got it!
Right!!! I remember reading that!
But I had it in my head that
you put them back in the washer.
As in a separate machine.

All one machine, button on the left makes wet. Button on the right makes dry. I chose poorly.

Two others have mentioned
that they read about it on your TR
and I was wondering if I'd somehow
missed an update or something.

I was amazed at how many people remembered that from my TR!

So... not a fan of breakfast in bed?

Honestly the few times I've had it, I got dressed, fed the cats, made it, (usually muffins and bacon or sausage) and brought it to Fran in the bedroom. Then I took off my shoes and got back in bed. The only times I've ever had a meal served to me in my own home, it has involved me having to do some serious cleaning in the aftermath, so I now discourage that.

And yes. They do have muffins up here.
I take it they don't down there?

Not at McDonald's. They have Egg McMuffins, but nothing like blueberry, chocolate, bran or such like that. For a while they had pastries, but I think that was a limited time only thing.

But she was much happier
with what I got her.

Let me put it this way...

Ruby: "Can you get me a muffin?"
Me: "How about an Egg McMuffin instead?"
Ruby: "Yes!!!"

See I have to be in the right mood for eggs. Normally I'll get the Egg White Delight as I don't like hard cooked yolks. The Sausage McMuffin is also OK, but strangely unsatisfying. When I order the sausage McMuffin with egg, I have to "do surgery" on the egg and I remove the yolk from the sandwich. I put the yolk into the hash brown holder to prepare it for the trash can.
Most of the time I just get a yogurt parfait and a hash brown, but if I were on vacation I might consider the Hotcakes and sausage. The Big Breakfast used to be a favorite of mine, but the last time I ate one, the egg and sausage sat in the pit of my stomach and I felt gross.


Alison!!! That implies that he could
see that poor man's privates!

I, being the pure, angelic person that I am,
never even considered that!


Love fondue.
But haven't had cheese fondue in decades.

They have premade packets of fondue in our grocery stores. I bought it a few times to make dinner easy. Fran asked if we could make it in the future since we bought a cookbook at a fancy fondue place. So much for easy. :faint:

I seriously only took that shot
for the TR.

Did you plan at the time how it would be used?

And the proof's loooong gone.

Well that's good. It would be covered in fuzzy green mold by now.

I need another Keg meal.
It's been....
At least a couple weeks.

I need to get there. At least Canada is a safe place to travel.

Gotta pick up your game, girlie!

I'm trying! You have no idea how much research I did on my contest answers this round!!!!!!

No wonder you and Kay got along.
She's crazy about noodles.

Yeah and the day that I wrote this I couldn't get noodles out of my mind. I ended up with a big bowl of Beef Pho for lunch.
I have heard of them! They are intriguing to me, but I don't trust them. And with all the comments about laundry taking even longer, I think I'll just keep my separate appliances for now.

That seems to be the
running trend.
I'll pass too.

Oh, lovely! My cousin was on staff there and was married there

So we both have relatives
who've worked there.

and got the entire family amazing room rates for the stay - honestly I think paid less than $100 per night, and our basic rooms were pretty swanky.

Nice score!

DD who was 2 at the time called it The Castle!


It was also a memorable place for her to trip on the marble threshold to the bathroom and break her little nose by face planting into the toilet bowl. Luckily her nose was so small she just ended up with a couple of lightly bruised eyes.

Oh no! The poor thing!



Someone comes in and asks you for directions.

Five Guys, mmmmm....

Cookies, by george!

Well, I only have thoughts of Cows ice cream at the moment, but I am an equal opportunity ice cream eater.

Got your PM, too.
Well, that's good. If not, your TR would have a really sucky ending.

And they all died. The end.

Wait... who's writing that?

Actually stumbled across it last fall when we had to get a new washer and dryer. I found one of those and it was like no way.

Other than capacity,
what else did you not like?

In any case, seems like a great way to save space, but our family has way too much laundry for one of those.

And.... after reading the above posts...
Double your time doing it too.

YES! Another chance to beat your best time!!!!

::yes:: Everything's a contest.

And it is always at least 15 minutes, anyway.

:headache: I know!

Definitely had it right the first time.

Somehow I knew you'd see it that way.


Well... maybe not too early...
Just too close to Keg time.

Ain't nuttin' messin' wit' 'dat!

8:00 am


It gets crowded

B - Seems like there's always a Wendy's visit in your trips


Buffalo wings. I don't like chicken, but you slather it in buffalo sauce and I'm all over it. Otherwise, beef wins every time.

I'm not sure I've had Buffalo wings!!!
How is this possible???
I've seen them, but....

Must rectify this oversight asap.
I just realized, I'm pretty sure the entire US calls them Buffalo wings, EXCEPT for us here IN Buffalo, NY. :laughing:
So they're just wings, right?

But if you don't specify how do you know the difference between traditional buffalo and the thousands of other sauces that people who are wrong want to use on wings?
They're all just chicken wings lol then you just specify how you want them sauced. Hot, medium, mild, BBQ, chiavettas, etc..

I swear. I always just thought Buffalo wings
was an expression.
As in "our wings are so big...
they're like not off a chicken...
but a buffalo sized chicken!"

Reminds me of another joke.

A skeleton walks into a bar, and asks for a beer and a mop.

I didn't say the joke was funny

:laughing: Well I think it's funny.
I had to think about it for a second or two.

Ah, the plight of a dance-loving dad! There's just never quite enough pkondz to go around, it seems! We'll wait.

:laughing: Thanks for waiting!
1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)


2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none.

B. 2

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty

You get up and leave? Or a tour bus full of people comes in.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys
d. Burger King

C. five guys

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

A. cookies

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

lately it's parmesan garlic wings from wingstop.

Parmesan garlic wings?
Not Buffalo wings???


Not yet. going to have to go back and look.

Got your PM.
And you even originally said
you'd let it ride.

Shoulda stuck with your gut!

I only took it off the table b/c I figured the nice Canadian guy wouldn't try to trick someone. I'm pretty sure you broke some Canadian law.

YOU DID WHAT!?!?!?!?

Are you okay?
How bad?

I was sharpening a big knife in preparation for cutting into a brisket that I had spent 12 hours carefully smoking to perfection. The sharpener I was using is the kind you hold against your knuckles and has a hand guard. On the 4th swipe, the knife slipped out of the the sharpening groove and went sideways. I guess my index finger was extended b/c the knife essentially filleted the last part of my finger. No more finger nail ever. Kitchen looked like a murder scene. Luckily I had some friends over that remained calm, since my wife was about to lose it. Kids were still in the swimming pool, so none of them got freaked out at all.

Long story short, they couldn't attach the missing piece, and just said to let the skin grow back and see how it does. The hand specialist I saw said this type of cut is very uncommon. Most people cut the whole finger off or the pad side, so he couldn't really suggest anything with real certainty -- other than to say the body fixes itself most of the time. He thinks I should get all the skin back within 6 weeks that's good news. I thought it would be 3 or 4 months.

I didn't hit bone or nerves, so it should be fine long term. It's just painful now if I hit it on anything. And typing takes forever. It could have been much worse though -- so I'm fortunate in that respect.
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And I have seen the single load washer/dryer combos before -- don't remember where. They'd be good if you're single and they could switch automatically from wash to dry -- but if you have multiple loads, it would take longer since you can't be washing while the other load is drying. I'm assuming you'd only see them where space is at a premium.
In answer to your questions, no I have never tried escargot. The horror! Jim loves them. It is really hard to watch him eat them. I'm not sure why because I love steamer clams in the shell - same thing pretty much - but I don't see clams crawling around in the garden sliming all over everything. :snail:
I only took it off the table b/c I figured the nice Canadian guy wouldn't try to trick someone. I'm pretty sure you broke some Canadian law.

I was sharpening a big knife in preparation for cutting into a brisket that I had spent 12 hours carefully smoking to perfection. The sharpener I was using is the kind you hold against your knuckles and has a hand guard. On the 4th swipe, the knife slipped out of the the sharpening groove and went sideways. I guess my index finger was extended b/c the knife essentially filleted the last part of my finger. No more finger nail ever. Kitchen looked like a murder scene. Luckily I had some friends over that remained calm, since my wife was about to lose it. Kids were still in the swimming pool, so none of them got freaked out at all.

Long story short, they couldn't attach the missing piece, and just said to let the skin grow back and see how it does. The hand specialist I saw said this type of cut is very uncommon. Most people cut the whole finger off or the pad side, so he couldn't really suggest anything with real certainty -- other than to say the body fixes itself most of the time. He thinks I should get all the skin back within 6 weeks that's good news. I thought it would be 3 or 4 months.

I didn't hit bone or nerves, so it should be fine long term. It's just painful now if I hit it on anything. And typing takes forever. It could have been much worse though -- so I'm fortunate in that respect.

That sounds so painful! It is making my toes hurt! Not sure why it's my toes. Hope it heals well for you.
Brisket? Are you in Texas?
I’m back!
Of course coming back to reality after time at Disney can be a mite on the depressing side, but still…

But how was your trip???

At least I’ve got some good TRs to help divert my attentions away from the more insidious mood altering and sole crushing aspects of the return (like going back to work). But unfortunately I’ve also missed another update.

I'm glad to hear that
you've got some good TRs
to take your mind off things.

So... why are you here, then?

Believe the contest is somewhat “pointless” from here on but commentary is always in order.

Always fun to see if you beat
that other guy.

As said by both George Michael and George Donner…
Needless to say, your results may vary.

I had to Google.
I know of the Donner party of course,
but I thought you were
possibly meaning someone else.
(Never knew his first name.)

Not to worry…
You identity will be hacked by someone at some point in the near.
It’s unavoidable.

Vigilance is the only option.

Hasn't happened often, luckily.

The hotel didn’t have a note pad and pen parked beside the Gideon?

But I’m old enough to be considered antiquated.

If I write it on a piece of paper,
it's too easy for me to lose it.

With my iPod I always.....


And I'd be curious to know
which one of us is more...

And while on vacation, eventually is a mighty fine time to be getting up.


They’re more common outside of North America though.
(where space is at more of a premium)

A few folks have mentioned that.

Persistence is a virtue.

Or is that patience?
Maybe petulance?


Proving once again why cats are the second most important reason for the existence of the internet.

What's the first??


That’s the answer to everything so I’m going with 42.

Funny. About 2 days ago,
Kay asked if I had a copy
of that book.

Imagine my surprise
(horror, really)
when I realized I didn't.

You gott’a have faith.

Or stupidity.

It helps if you don’t have the most recent or hottest model of a particular device.
(those don’t get returned)

Ah. True.
An iPod is not an iPhone.

Hard to tell the difference, though.

Interestingly, we had a lost phone similarly returned to us once during a trip to Williamsburg.

And then again on a trip to Disney (of all places to lose a phone).

On that Disney trip, the same phone was lost twice by the same young’en during the trip.
And got found and returned both times.
I’m still stunned by that.

Ya gotta have faith.

I think most people are decent.

As an open wheel racing enthusiast…
I’m sure you were pumped.
(even if you didn’t let on)


An act of self-preservation

Apparently.... not so much.

Not Tim’s?

Not really a fan of their
breakfast sammies.

Either that or there are a lot of ID-10-T candidates at the average McDonalds.

Had no idea.
Had to Google.

As soon as I saw it
without the hyphens....

...I filled out the form

So much for self-preservation.
That was a true act of faith.

Sure.... let's go with that.

Just imagine the adjectives that could therefore be applied to this sortie.

Colourful! Descriptive!

Déjà take two

Like that one.

True, but they are better than having someone set out a “Next Window Please” sign just as you finally reach the front of the line.

Never had that happen...
But yeah, that'd be worse.


The thought never crossed my mind.

Phew! A true fan!!!


Like we’d know the difference.
(or even question it)

Actually, I usually say when
I'm fibbing.
Or make it really obvious.

Déjà View


So, what stock should we be buying today, then?

Oh, that's easy.
The one that's going up.

Mission: Space…
The Orange side.

If you’ve not done it, you need to.

I have.
Never again.

Felt sick for at least 30 minutes.

Now that is simply gorgeous.

It really is a beautiful town.

At least he is on the correct side of the road. :rolleyes:

It's Canada, not Britain!

Is that possible?

It is when you're just
about to eat at the Keg.

Déjà Moo


And that is an even better endorsement then the pictures would have been

Good point!

I believe you.
Ten years ago, I’d have given you Harrumph!
But now I know better.

Of course it’s all about the sauce.
(and I’d never order it unless I had faith in the kitchen staff)

Very correct.
I had escargot in Paris...
And it was a sad shade
of the Keg's.

Good... but...

As well they should.
An illustration of why nearly all South’rn meals come with biscuits.
Never waste the drippings, people.


Read it. Learn it. Live it.

I almost always get either that
or their Prime Rib... which
is equally amazing.

That’s why you should’a gotten it earlier.
Life’s uncertain; eat dessert first.

I ain't gonna risk not
having room for the Keg.

Well... maybe pie...

Was it moooooved…
Or more like waaaaaddled

Possibly the latter.

Those were the days.

Boy the way Glenn Miller played
Songs that made the Hit Parade.

Eh, what the heck…
Futility and I are on a first name bases.

8:00; 2; Tour bus disgorgement; 5-Guys; cookies; “pie”


I’ll have to look over the pictures later on when I have access to a decent monitor.

Got the PM.
I can't guarantee that they don't close for the off-season, but it'll be summer-ish and tourist season again by the time you get here, so that should be irrelevant.

I've seen two sites.
One says "closed for the season"
the other says "open".

I'm pretty sure they'll be open in June!

They better be......

...You're coming to Halifax.

If you happen to have any spare time and are interested, I can probably arrange to meet and say a quick hello! Absolutely no pressure if your plans don't allow for it though. ...or if you just don't find me an appealing person. :P

Not appealing... :sad2:
A real Disney Princess...

I'd love to meet!
Not sure if it's possible,
but we could try.
Should be okay with Elle, I think.
Would Nathan be there too?

I'll send you a PM. :)

And just in case you've never been to it, I've noticed when I'm out running errands that there appears to be a Harley Davidson store in Halifax in Bayers Lake Business Park.

As a matter of fact,
I just happened to wear
the T-shirt I got from there
just yesterday. :)
Okay I better post my answers first then come back and comment. I am getting so close to the top I don't want to lose points.

Pitter patter
better get at 'er.

Washing machine - we had one of those at our condo we rented in Edinburgh - good thing I didn't have to use it but my brother and nephew did and ended up washing the clothes again by mistake.

How long were you in Edinburgh?
Tell me about that!

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up? 7:30
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)

2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
b. 2

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we go into the practically empty restaurant?
I was going to say nothing they just seat you and take your order but then I read the next question which was dinner part II so I will have to say that they said there were closed for a private party and couldn't seat you.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
c. Five Guys

5. What treat did we eat in the airport?
c. cup cakes

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?
Well when I want something good to eat I make up a package of Kraft Dinner. I love the stuff and to tell the truth I prefer it over homemade mac & cheese.

I love it too.
And have never found
a Mac n Cheese recipe
that I prefer it to.

KD is the bomb.

Did you see it?
PM sent.

Got it!

Good thing I decided to check out the Disboards before my day of AutoRacing - we get up and watch the F1 Monaco Race, then have friends and family over for the Indy 500 and Coca Cola 600 races. All day car racing - can't get any better. :car: :happytv: and now we get to watch the local boy race - James Hinchcliffe.

Perfect day!
I'm not a huge Nascar fan,
so I didn't watch the last one.

I watched Monaco on PVR delay
(actually just finished
watching it yesterday.)

And... did your heart sink
when Dixon crashed?
Holy crap that was scary.

We tried Cows ice cream in PEI when I was there in 2010 and thought it was good.

Not bad, right?

They also produce a nice cheese and we buy it at the local Sobey's store in Ajax.

Oh! Didn't know that.
We don't get that here.
At least, not that I've seen
and I shop at Sobeys.

We really like Kawartha Dairy ice cream made just down the road from our cottage in Minden.


Love the Keg -we ate there as well when we went to Banff - maybe I should use my gift card from my retirement gifts and go eat at our local one soon.


We stayed at the Banff Springs hotel when we went there and took the tour of the hotel. I think the tour guide had been their for many many years and knew everything about the hotel.

You got to stay there too?

Am I the only one who hasn't???


always sad to have to go home from a vacation.
I know - I have had to come home this year from Disneyland and Jamaica. Oh well back to the real world.

I know. Back to the grind... bleh.
Can't get the quote thingy to work on my IPad but a little note to prevent the iPod tragedy, take a picture with a phone contact (and possibly your pic) and use it as your wallpaper on lock screen. My phone has my sisters and DHs phone numbers. (There are apps to help you do this)
:lmao: followed closely by the wait in a line 20+ people deep with one person helping - as soon as you are being helped, 2-3 additional windows/registers open up.

I hate that!
Where were you people
20 minutes ago????

Dumb & Dumber - Jim Carrey/Jeff Daniels trying to look up the name of the gal to return a generic black suitcase to (Mary Swansen)- they then look at the suitcase and it has the company logo on it - Samsonite and one of them says 'I was way off' - or something like that.

D'oh! <smacks head>
Of course!

I've not tried oil based. We used to order broth with a citrus twist to it. We would have cheese, a salad, entree, and chocolate as part of the 4 course meal our local place shows on their menu......and we would be stuffed sausages. We were looking for the experience one night and knew we really didn't want an entree. We ordered 2 different cheese courses, a salad, and chocolate....yum yum yum. Now when we go - that's what we do.

Just to clarify.
You ordered a broth fondue
with cheese (not melted)
or a cheese fondue?

Either way.... God that sounds good.

sorry - bit of a long winded reply.

That's the kind I like! :)

(I prefer to think of them as detailed,
not "long winded".) and I never will. I'm very odd with my food - I'm one of those people that looks at it, smells it, picks at it if I'm just not sure about it. I have issues with texture as well. As a kid, I would eat clam chowder and there was always something rubbery that I couldn't stand - but the rest was ok. When I was older, I found out those rubbery things were clams - well I just don't eat clam chowder anymore - I'll stick with potato soup. :-)

Hmmm... then it probably wouldn't
be for you.
They do have a bit of that kind
of texture.

The ones I have enjoyed typically have a mashed type potato placed inside a corn tortilla and fried (yes, the whole thing with the potato filling) - once the shell is crispy - it is drained and then cheese, lettuce, tomato and sauce (the sauce is key - and I have not mastered this at home). Yummy. If I want to make it at home, I will lightly fry a corn tortilla and drain - use whatever leftover potato I have (worked well with leftover German fried taters), and toppings.

I'd try that!
Colour me intrigued.

I like to think so. If there is something he can do to make my day easier, brighter, happier, he usually will. I like to do the same for him. :love:

Match made in Heaven.

Aww....who knew I would get all sappy. Although it may not always be that way, it is on most days and we really can't ask for more than that.



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