Canadian DISer's Weight Loss Get In Shape Thread

Can I join in????

At the end of the summer I decided it was time to get back on track, had gained a few pounds since last year (and I need to be losing lots not gaining) and my blood pressure is high.

So I have stopped drinking pop, starting drinking water, back to packing healthy lunch and snacks for most of the week ( I still have a lunch out 1 or 2 times every 2 weeks) and I started swimming 3x per week. Just laps..and only for 1/2 hour as that is all I can do right now.

But it is making a difference and the scale is starting to move in the right direction!
:goodvibes Well hello ladies! I can't believe I have never come across this tread before. But, I am very happy to have found it!

I would like to join! :wizard:

I need some serious support. I am 240 lbs. and have been trying to lose weight ever since 160 lbs. (8 years ago, age 16) Obviously, I'm not very good at it... I don't have a hard time doing it, but I have a hard time sticking to it, and everytime I fail... I add more weight. This is a bad habit. I am a fairly active person, but I rely heavily on take-out and also have a problem with treating myself when I do something good, I like the "reward" and I also overeat when I am stressed. So, pretty much all the time...

I am a CAA TA (Disney Specialist), I have only been at this job for a year, but I have gained 25 lbs. doing it! I need to move more, but I live about 45 mins from work, and by the time I get home... I feel too tired and lazy to cook and work out. I need to get outta this horrible rut!

I've also been married for about a year, my husband works a lot, so I spend a lotta time watching TV, sitting on the computer and snacking.

Has anyone else had this same "stick to" problem?

Also, ChisJo, I love your idea of a marathon. Nothing motivates me more than a trip :banana: I would love to brag about going to do a half-marathon or something... but I have never been a runner! How do I start??? Being so heavy, I feel like I look weird jogging... and have no treadmill. :confused: Any suggestions? :sad2:
Also, ChisJo, I love your idea of a marathon. Nothing motivates me more than a trip :banana: I would love to brag about going to do a half-marathon or something... but I have never been a runner! How do I start??? Being so heavy, I feel like I look weird jogging... and have no treadmill. :confused: Any suggestions? :sad2:

I would suggest starting softly....go for a walk and aim to walk 30 minutes minimum everyday. Then, when you are comfortable with this, aim to walk a little more, OR try to jog - routine is start your jog with a walk for 5 minutes, jog for 1 minute, walk for 5 minutes, jog for 1 minute - repeat this 3 more times. Then finish off with a 5 minute cool down walk. Do this a minimum of 4 days a week (goal is 4-6). Always take ONE day off a week - when I started off, I didn't, and it got to me, so be careful. If you have a dog, it's a great way to start, but if you don't, I would suggest joining a local Running Room - they have running clubs for ALL types of runners and they also have a free run clinic twice a week (days varies per city). If you don't have one, and you are like me, and winter is coming and the thought of running outside when it's -40 degrees literally makes you sick to your stomach, then go to the gym. When I started running, it was winter, and seriously, there were days when I didn't leave my house for anything....but I started going to the gym every day and it felt SO good to be outside, and it helped me to stay warm!

Anyways, after a week or two of the 5:1 run intervals, try one of two things. Increase your run to 5 minutes walking and a 2 minute run, OR 4 minutes walking with a 1 minute run. Of course, you would start with your 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down - these are essential for your muscles as your muscles build up lactic acid once they start a work out and when you abruptly stop your workout, those muscles will get sore from the acid build up. That is why you stretch and do a cool down after a workout as it helps the body to dispurse and excrete that lactic acid better.

Anyways, goal for running after a month is 3 minutes walk and 1 minute run, with warm up and cool down, for no less than 30 minutes (including the warm up and cool down).

You will be able to gauge from there when you are ready for a 2 minute walk and a 1 minute run, to a one minute walk to a two minute run, to a 5 minute run and a one minute walk, to a 10 minute run and a 1 minute walk.

Make sure you are taking at least 1 week between every increase in intensity. The biggest mistake most people make when learning to run is trying to go too fast to quickly, or too far too quickly. Take your time and let your muscles adjust to the work out. Remember to stay super hydrated - drink at least 8 cups of water a day (that's a full cup of water, about 2 litres). Once you start, you will realize just how dehydrated you really are!

And secondly, if you plan on training for anything, I strongly suggest learning to do light weights....doing weights while running helps to prevent injuries better than any thing else. And, doing more core and balance exercises is one of the best things you can do (yoga, for instance, is an amazing form of exercise that helps to stregthen).

There are a couple of books that I recommend, if you are interested in reading any of them.

1) "running start to finish" by John Statton - I believe you can only buy this at the running room.
2) "5 factor fitness" by Harley Pasternak. Great book for simple and quick daily exercises.
3) "The GI diet" by Rick Gallop - this book is great if you were like me and you just don't really understand how to eat, balancing food, and recognizing good from bad food. It's good to get a good base understanding - I lived it for 8 months and lost tons of weight - I have since learned how to balance food and live more healthily.

I am proud of everyone....I hope everyone is continuing on their path to success. Cheers - Jo
I am new to this thread too. Its funny you sound so much like me with the dieting, failing and then gaining more weight. I found a FREE website that saved my life. I have been 80 lb overweight for 12 years and in the last 6 months I have lost 40 lbs. Tonight I put on my jeans and squealed, my son thought I got scared by a spider. My jeans are way too big. I can fit both my arms inside the waist into the legs....amazing.:woohoo: I haven't had them on since the spring. I love buying new close in smaller sizes. has a calorie counter, nutritional education and motivation and so much more. You receive daily emails of things of interest as well as recipes. The biggest thing I have learned is that a DIET doesn't work. It is a new healthy lifestyle that I have to do for the rest of my life so that means occassionally cheating to keep me happy its okay.

Take a look at the site. Its amazing. I have tried everything and this is the only thing that worked. They even have teams that you can join and there is one from DIS called disboards disney aholics. Let me know what you think!!! I am mickeysgirl on sparkpeople.:thumbsup2
Misslissa, I'm not on this thread, but I read that you'd like to do the Half. Let me tell you that you can do it without running, but it is at a fast (aim for 13.5 minute mile!) walking. My three sisters and I did it in 2005 and we were all overweight (some by lots-that would be me) when we started to train. When we did the Half, we were not skinny by any means, but certainly had the conditioning from daily walks and training to do it. I had lost @ 70 pounds. That Half Marathon is one of the major accomplishments of my life. I gained almost all of my weight back :( , so I'm slowly trying to get back in shape again. :banana: What I am saying is you don't have to jog or run! Get out there, and like Jo said, start walking. Add to it slowly as you gain, and before you know're going to Disney World!
Thanks so much guys! For the motivation and the website...

This was the most amazing thread to read first thing when I woke up this morning 'cause it put me in a great place for the whole day! I think I am going to add this to my daily routine. :wizard: I find that I usually remember that I should be cutting back on calories when I am out the door and already gone to Starbucks, then it become a matter of "tomorrow".

I think I'm definitely going to do that half marathon then!!! Sounds like so much fun. I just spoke to DH about it and he said he'll "watch". :rotfl:
Firstly to ChrisJo:

Great tips! That's almost exactly what I was going to suggest, must be an Alberta thing! I am a HUGE advocate of the GI Diet, DW and I got on it and have pretty well stuck to it since January 2006. Well....we were really hardcore in early 2006 but have become more lenient since then. Just to put it in perspective I started at 235 lbs in February 2005, tried WW and lost 15 lbs by January 2006. Then I started doing some workouts at home; Body for Life and the Biggest Loser workout DVD.

OT: The Biggest Loser DVD (both volumes) are incredible! The newest one (volume 2) is very user friendly as you can completely tailor your workout to yourself.

Sorry...from January 2006 to March 2006 I had dropped 20 lbs and was super close to getting into the 100's (ie: 199) but then in May 2006 I graduated from University, decided it was time to quit smoking and went to WDW for the first time. I called this trip my Disney Detox because I had only been quit smoking for 3 days when we arrived. Now that is a way to kick an addiction. After we returned from my Disney Detox I decided to join the gym that DW had been going to since October 2005.

I bought a few sessions with a personal trainer so that I could get on track and learn what I was supposed to be doing. The weird thing was that I wasn't losing any weight while going to the gym 5 times a week but I was DEFINITELY shedding inches. It wasn't until the end of September 2006 that I had seemingly dropped 10 lbs in a month; almost out of nowhere. I was now at 190 lbs and decided that it was time to change directions. I began doing a BodyFlow class at my gym (GoodLife). BodyFlow is a mix of Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates; it is absolutely incredible and has changed me as a person. It totally relaxes me and rejuvenates my soul. Around this time I also started running and found that I quite enjoy it. Between October 2006 and February 2007 I had dropped another 10 lbs and was now at 180 lbs. I continued to head to the gym and seemed to be maintaing nicely but, again, it seemed that even if I worked harder I didn't get anywhere.

Come June 2007 I was still hovering around the 180 lbs mark and starting to get frustrated so I bought some more personal trainer time. I worked out with the guy a couple times, he taught me some new things and then somehow I dropped 10 lbs in a month. I had no idea how it happened because I hadn't been at the gym much due to the new family addition (puppy) and working on our new house (fence, deck, stone patio, etc). We went to Vegas at the beginning of September this year and I put on a few pounds there that I'm still trying to work off but it's coming along.

To make the SUPER long story (sorry!!!) short it is all about perseverence. Once I started working out at the gym I envisioned everything that I was eating as fuel for my workouts. My weight routine was moderate weight and high reps (~15). I have since increased my weight and dropped my reps so that I can build more muscle. The GI Diet is an awesome book to read and the best part is that if you follow the diet you'll almost always feel satisfied. It's tough to explain but the book does a great job of that.

Sorry for this being so long!

One more thing though...DW started her journey at 240 lbs back in October 2005 and had dropped to 180 lbs by May 2006 (8 months!). Everyone asks her what her secret was and we can honestly say that eating right and working out was the way we did it. You'll be surprised how addictive it becomes once you start seeing results!
Hi My name is Kathy, and it's time to get my but in gear....Well, my DD's are 10 & 7 and the baby fat is still there and then some extra too! I love how I once looked, and realize I need to keep realistic goals. I'm 41, 5'2, and think 130ish should be good. What do you guys think? I need to get back to the gym, but have a lot less time to do it! I drive limousine and my boss has just taken on another job full time, and he's graciously given me his corporate day time runs, as well as my evening night outs and my weekend weddings, etc. This is great, but when I'm out driving, I miss meals regularly, so it's which ever fast food joint pops up first! I always make sure to put something in the oven or the crockpot for hubby and the girls, but forget me! Then the worse thing, after I hit McD's, I get back in the car, and drive for a few more hours, sitting right on that double cheeseburger and fries. I know diets don't work, it's time to make a lifestyle change! I think I'm going to look for the GI book that everyone has spoke of!
So count me in! We are going to Fort Wilderness for Halloween, and I'd like to drop 10lbs before we go! Do you think that's realistic!
Sending pixie dust and :grouphug: to all!
Good night!
Could you plan ahead and pack a lunch for you? Maybe a small cooler bag in the front seat with a wrap, yogurt, fruit and cut up veggies and maybe some trail mix. If you can't keep it with you could you put it in the trunk?? Just think of the money you could save up for disney!!!:cool1:
Thanks, yeah, some times when I know it's a night out, I'll pack a cooler with just that, carrots, cheese stick, yogurt, sandwich. I think I'm going to have to get in the mind set most days to just pack a lunch, like I'm going to work even if it's only for a few hours, just to get in the habit, and stop the ritual of hitting a fast food place. Thanks for the idea!
Any extra $ for Disney is always a good thing!:cool1:
I know all about changing the mindset. I was a big time fast food junkie. But now that I have been clean from it for a 6 months I have realized that there are other choices I could have made. Now if my kids want to go (which I try only be once a month instead of once a week) I find healthy choices like grilled chicken burger and potatoe or salad (wendy's), turkey BLT no mayo (mcdonalds),veggie burger and a salad (harveys). It takes a bit of will power in the beginning (sometimes I steal 2 fries from the kids) but it is worth it in the end. I think of it as a constant battle...I won't let them get the better of my...I WILL SUCCEED!!! Good luck. The other thing that I really had to change was thinking that I failed when I screw up. The quicker you get up and brush yourself off the better. If you don't then it leads to binging on the wrong food for the rest of the day and sometimes longer..."what the heck I already screwed up today??" Been there done that!!!

The last few days I had a bit of stress eating sneak up on me and I realized how tired I felt eating the simple carbs and how I craved more. If you can stay away from snackie type food unless they have 3g of fiber I think you will find that helpful. I think the food industry puts something in it to make us crave more. I find it helpful to have a treat (little bag of cookie 100 cal) after dinner. That way I don't feel deprived. When I eat it with dinner I don't get that tired feeling.


Kathy I had trouble putting me first, as alot of mom's do. But now that I am up front I am feeling better about being a good mom. I didn't realize how my unhealthy eating was affecting my family. Now I am teaching my kids about healthy choices. I don't want them to run into this problem later in life. My oldest asked me if I was on a diet. I said no that I was just learning to eat healthy again. Sometimes we still have chinese food (less than once a month) my fav., or pizza but the rest of the time we are on track. Trying to teach the boys that if they are hungery to get a healthy snack first then cookies etc after if they still want it.
Thanks NeoNurse for your words of encouragement. I do need to be a little selfish right now and put myself first, and the rest will fall in place! I am ordering the GI Book tonight on line as I checked and it's not available down in the Windsor area. So, hubby just left for work, I'm taking the girls for Chinese, my favourite too, and sort of a treat to reward myself for finally realizing, it's time!! I've always looked at it as "starting a diet", but this time like I said last night, it's a lifestyle change. Before we going, I'm cleaning out the fridge, and then going for groceries, with the appropriate foods in mind.
I'm ready, and tomorrow's Oct.1st, a good time to start! Wish me luck, short term goal is 10 lbs before we leave Oct. 25th, long term goal is 60 lbs overall. I'm not going to set a date for the overall loss, just work at it the best I can everyday, and occasionally allow myself to be human if I screw up! That's the best way I can look at it right now!
Thanks again!
Kathy, The biggest piece of advice I can give you is don't get too caught up in numbers. Weight yourself once a week, and measure your neck, chest, waist and hips. I remember thinking I can eat crap and not gain...why am I not losing faster, I have plenty of weight it should be falling off. My weight took its own sweet time coming off. Most weeks losing 0.5-1.5 a week. They recommend for healthy long term weight loss that you lose 1-2 lb per week. I think if you lose it slow it also helps your skin not to hang...more of a gradual loss. The numbers all add up in then. DON'T get frustrated. I know you can do this!!! If I can ANYONE CAN!:cheer2:

PS. watch the inches fall off. I lost 1" from my neck. YIKES!! 5" from my waist, 4" from my hips. When I went shopping for a wedding outfit the girl asked me my size and I couldn't believe it when she said she thought I was 4 sizes smaller than normal and they fit!!!YAHOOO!!
Great work NeoNurse!! 4 sizes smaller, that's amazing!! Isn't that an awesome feeling! I will try not to get caught up in the numbers, and I always only weigh in once a week! I need to buy a new scale this week.
Well I'm proud of myself. The girls & I went for our Chinese food tonight. The line up was out the door! So we left went to another restaurant we love for Fish N Chips. We split 2 dinners between the 3 of us. I had the smallest piece of fish there was, no FF, 1/3 of my coleslaw, and water with lemon to drink! And I felt great , not stuffed, but comfortable! We went and got groceries, no munchies(Chips, Nachos, etc). Instead, Rice Cakes, Thinsation Shortbreads, lots of fruits, veggies, no fat turkey breast, bagged salad! I felt good leaving there, cleaned out the fridge and pantry of less healthy snacks. And I'm ready for the week. Made hubbies lunch with all the same snacks, wraps, etc. I'll see what he says tomorrow!
I was so bummed when I went on, GI book ships in 4-6weeks. We'll be in Disney when it would ship!:confused3 I'm going to try to find it in Detroit this week when I make one of my many trips to the Airport! Just really in the mindset to start it tomorrow though! :cool1: I'll just make good decisions, and drink my water, and try to get in a walk before the kids get home from school. Thanks for your support this w/e! I feel like I have my own personal coach! If I can ever return the favour...just let me know!
Time for the girls to get to bed, lunches(healthy ones for all) already done!
Thanks again NeoNurse!
Anytime Kathy.:thumbsup2
Believe it or not you are helping me too. Talking about weigh loss helps keep me on the right track. Have you thought of signing up with until your book comes in? It is free. It gives you a range of calories to stay between and you can track different nutrients ie fibre, calcium, sodium. Just by logging in your food every bite, every day makes such a huge difference. That way you can start today. The informational emails are fabulous. You get a recipe, one on stategies and mind sets and also pick the healthiest item (quiz) It is hard to believe that they can offer all of this for nothing. I work with several people who have lost all sorts of weight on it. That is why I decided to try it. The lifestyle change happens a little at a time with sparkpeople. They are all different stages. I think first they just want you to get your water in and log your food. Then next week it is something else. Let me know what you think.:thumbsup2

When are you going to WDW? I am going nov 8-21.:woohoo:
Thanks NeoNurse, I'm going to check them out right after this! Sounds great! I thought I'd start with baby steps too until I can get the book in hand. Making sure to get my water in, will be a good start, along with a journal.
And by the way, I checked out Chapter's web site, and the book ships in 1-2 weeks, and should be here by the 9th they said, so I ordered it! We leave for Disney Oct. 25th, we're driving down with our trailer and staying at Fort Wilderness from Oct 28th-Nov3rd.We'll just miss each other. Where are you staying? We're going down for Halloween, and going to MNSSHP on Oct.30th. We're all dressing up as Wizard of Oz characters.
Thanks again, I'll e-mail you after I check out the website!
Hey there NeoNurse, I just joined SparkPeople! My user name is LimoLady! (go figure) You'll have to let me know your username, so we can chat there too! Thanks for the info re: this site! I need to catch a quick nap, was out at work at 2 am this morning, need to refuel before the kids get home! Talk to you tonight!
PS. watch the inches fall off. I lost 1" from my neck. YIKES!! 5" from my waist, 4" from my hips. When I went shopping for a wedding outfit the girl asked me my size and I couldn't believe it when she said she thought I was 4 sizes smaller than normal and they fit!!!YAHOOO!!

I had to go into the jewelers to get my wedding ring resized on the weekend. Before it got resized they checked and it was an 8.25 and I needed to get it sized down to a 6.5!!! I had no idea that I could lose inches off my fingers too!!! When I was standing at the display looking at some other bands (just for kicks!) a guy beside me clocked in at a 12!!! His finger was almost twice the size of mine!
Well I am finally back......Am happy to say that I have not gained any weight but have not lost any either.... Great week in Disney. Lots of yummy food and lots of walking to make up for it. Back to the schedule... Curves and proper meals. Still working on inches and 20 lbs for March.:thumbsup2
kg66- Good for you!! I am sure you will be impressed with the wealth of info and support avail. I am mickeysgirl on sp. We have a dis team if you look under travel/hobbies I think its called disboards disney aholics. Its best if you find a team because they have weekly weigh ins and challenges. I don't think I would have made it this far without my team-mates. Good luck. See ya around

Disney Mama- Good for you. That is almost the best you could hope for. I am going in Nov and that is all I am hoping for. I am just afraid to get out of control with the desserts etc and gain weight. You should be very proud of yourself especially with the free dining. I'd say you are AMAZING!!:cool1:


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