Celebrities who love WDW?

i rode the tram with Evander Holyfield when leaving MK back in 1998....I had no clue who he was, my MOM pointed him out!
I'm not sure if this has been posted on here already, but Joey Fatone is a huge WDW fan! He has a premium annual pass and is seen mostly at the Magic Kingdom and Pleasure Island.
Yes, I was going to mention Joey Fatone, too. I was reading in some magazine interview with him raving about Disney World. That was recently, but I can't remember which mag...
Joey Fatone is a big fan... can be seen alot... can also at times be spotted at Howl at the Moon on I-Drive joining in with the pianos.

Uma Thurman, Melissa Joan Hart, and Terri Hatcher have been seen alot. Harrison Ford comes often as he is involved with Disney's Wildlife Conservation Fund.

Neil Patrick Harris and Gary Sinise are big time Disney fans and are around almost every year for Candlelight - Sinise so much that he is part of an attraction (Mission:Space).

Jane Goodall is a BIG fan - though it may be cuz her foundation is one of the top recipients of grants from the DWCF.

I have personally met Ronde Barber from the Tampa Bay Bucs and Steve Harvey of Original Kings of Comedy fame while at Disney.
On 2/12/08 we were standing by the rail on the Boardwalk looking at Crescent Lake and saw 2 bass boats trolling along the edge fishing. One boat had Jimmy Houston(fisherman) and Kerry Earnhardt(Nascar Driver). I did not recognize the people on the other boat, but both boats had a cameraman filming them. They were friendly and talking with anyone that was standing along the rail.
Mick Foley is a wrestler, not sure if he still is. His wrestling name was Mankind for quite some time.

Now I know who Mick Foley is! Y'all use that name next time. ;)

I did see Kevin Bacon at WDW with his family, so mark that as two sightings for him. This was back in 98, though. Sheesh, long time.

How did this thread get bumped back up? Let me know because you're better at the search button than I am!
I've seen Jon bon Jovi ( huge fan:love: ) ,Ron Howard, and The Rock:goodvibes obviously not all at once

If I saw Jovi down there, they'd have to get paramedics b/c I'd probably pass out from excitement! :worship:
Now I know who Mick Foley is! Y'all use that name next time. ;)

I did see Kevin Bacon at WDW with his family, so mark that as two sightings for him. This was back in 98, though. Sheesh, long time.

How did this thread get bumped back up? Let me know because you're better at the search button than I am!

I bumped it back up by just looking at some of my old subscribed threads.
I meant to post this when my family returned from a visit in Oct 05. I wanted to post asap when we returned to check if anyone had seen Kathy Ireland at MK. I forgot about posting it back then. We were walking down the pathway from Cinderella Castle towards Belle's Garden and my DH swears it was Kathy Ireland we passed. By the time I turned to look all I could see was one of the CM in the navy slacks with the vest (I think the vest was plaid or some kind of design) and the back of a woman. Did anyone see her then??
When I was there for a business trip this past summer, I parked at the Beach Club resort being a DVC member. As I was waiting for my car, I asked one of the CMs there if they had seen anyone famous lately. Kind of just to make conversation. The CM told me she actually just got done helping Chris Rock and his family pack up their vehicle to head to the airport about 5-10 minutes earlier. She said apparently he likes to bring his family down every so often.

A couple of weeks ago during Presidents week while we were there I saw an unusually large number of the CM tour guides escorting people around, but no one looked familiar. Not being a sports fan they could all have been some major league something or other and I wouldn't have known.

I did happen to see Mary Lou Retten (sp?) being escorted around by a CM with her family in Animal Kingdom about 8 yrs ago.

That's about it. Like others now a days I'm usually concentrating on chasing my kids around to notice anything else around me.
we saw Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick and their kids at DHS a few years ago
our friends saw the Rock and his family at CRT
OK, this wasn't at WDW, but when we were on the Disney Cruise the summer before last, Slash from Guns and Roses was also aboard. We didn't find our who he was until midweek, so we kept wondering who this guy thought he was. He walked around without a shirt, long black hair, pierced nipples and this big metal chain around his waist! :scared1: We assume he was with his family, two women and three kids!
When my girl scout troop went to the MK in 1988 we saw Michael Landon and his family headed to Space Mountain with a guide. I remember that his littlest girl was dressed in a snow white costume. This was really late at night near closing time.

A couple of years ago we saw Kathy Najimy (sp.) in Mousegears at EPCOT doing the same thing the rest of us were doing...frantically searching for that perfect gift to take home. There were no guides with her or any kind of entourage. She appeared to be speaking to anyone who stopped her to speak to her.
I was on the Disney Cruise in about 1999 and Stewart Scott from ESPN was onboard. He was hilarious singing karaoke to his wife at 1:00 am drunk on the ship!!

He even signed an autograph for my students about staying in school that is hanging on the wall in my classroom right now!
we were there easter week 07 and sat two tables away from the brother on everybody loves raymond..i cant think of his name but you know who im talking about he played rays brother..we were eating in the cp having a pooh breakfast
I've never seen famous people at WDW. However when I lived in So. CA we went to DL during Soap Opera weekend and a bunch of soap stars were there. I recognized some of them but honestly couldn't remember a name to save my life.

We tend to end up on airplanes with famous people. While traveling to D.C. back in 1993, I was on an airplane with Jerry Springer. DH was on a plane with Pat Sajak, DH & I were on a plane from LAX to Indy with Hilary Duff on board (she was going to hang out with her then boyfriend Joel Madden who was playing a concert in my hometown). My sister has been on a plane from LAX to Indy after visiting me. She headed home the weekend of Indy 500 and the celebrities flock to the Indy 500.

I'll have to be on the lookout for celebs at the end of April when I'm there.
If I saw Jovi down there, they'd have to get paramedics b/c I'd probably pass out from excitement! :worship:

I can relate to that! :thumbsup2

I've never really seen any celebs at WDW, except for this past November when I was there for Soap Weekend. The last day of the Soap thing, my friends & I were at GF and when we came out of the ladies room there was David Canary (Adam Chandler on All My Children & he was on Bonanza YEARS ago) right in front of me. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared. (He really is kind of handsome for an older guy). :) He was with his wife and a couple of CMs so I didn't bother them. Then, as we were about to move (yeah we were blocking the restrooms) :cutie: out comes the kid that plays Cole on One Life to Live - can't remember his name at the moment. Anyway, he walks by me and I just smiled at him (he knew I had recognized him) and he smiled back. He's really cute!

But I would LOVE to meet (or just see) JBJ - just once! :love:
I know that Wayne Brady is a huge Disney fan too.

He used be a cast member at either DL or WDW (before his singing and acting career), and he was part of the 50th celebration ceremony at DL.

Wayne was Tigger at the same time a friend of mine was Pluto!:goodvibes


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