Celebrities who love WDW?

I grew up and went to college in LA-- have probably visited DL 100+ times. I agree with other posters who say that they are usually in their own disneyfied world while visiting the park(s). the only time I have ever noticed celebs is when they are with the plaid vested CM escorts hopping to the front of the line-- a major tip off that some famous person is close by. I find it ironic that they can use their celebrity status to get the front-of-the-line perks, but heaven forbid that people recognize them or "bother" them on their trip. We only noticed you because your plaid vested entourage got you to the front of the line on the Matterhorn!
I don't know if he loves WDW but we saw Joe Piscopo (from SNL) at breakfast at CRT several years ago with his family. Hmmm.....maybe he just loves princesses?
I saw this article in today's NY Times and thought of this thread! It's about a rookie pitcher. He sounds like a great guy, has never been to WDW but for his 1st family trip is bringing another family (picked by his local high school) that can't afford a trip. Here's the first paragraph:

If everything works out for Joba Chamberlain — and life has been a dream lately — he will start and finish this season with a trip to Disney World. That is where athletes go after winning a championship, and it is where Chamberlain is going this weekend, with a family from Nebraska in tow.

The rest of it is here:
gk90, gotta love those stories!

I have another one; a few years back we were staying at BCV and checking in. I was in the bathroom, and when I came out, my DH said, guess who just walked by me in the lobby? Kurt Warner! Apparently he was staying in one of the suites and was leaving that day.
miley cyrus aka HANNAH MONTANNA was there recently

i love hannah montanna. when i teach my kids at dance they are always yelling for me to put on hannah montanna
We were in MK on December 2 2006, on one of the days they were pre-taping the "ABC Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade" which airs on Christmas morning.

There were a BUNCH of stars milling around. They were technically "working" but we saw Regis and Kelly, some TV actors I didn't recognize, some castmembers of High School Musical, and Beyonce.

Call me naive, but I always thought it was live!! I had no idea what a canned production it is to put together this TV show. They film over several days, re-filming several takes, sometimes filming only on one float or dance routine over the course of several hours!
I grew up and went to college in LA-- have probably visited DL 100+ times. I agree with other posters who say that they are usually in their own disneyfied world while visiting the park(s). the only time I have ever noticed celebs is when they are with the plaid vested CM escorts hopping to the front of the line-- a major tip off that some famous person is close by. I find it ironic that they can use their celebrity status to get the front-of-the-line perks, but heaven forbid that people recognize them or "bother" them on their trip. We only noticed you because your plaid vested entourage got you to the front of the line on the Matterhorn!

Anyone can pay for VIP service-I know a family that paid for the service. The dad is very impatient and he made a deal with his wife, if he was going, he would not wait in line for anything, so she handed him the bill for VIP service. He showed it to everyone when they returned from WDW.
Let's see, it's been a few years back when I was a CM, but I saw Reba McEntire there with her son. She had on no make-up, a baseball cap, and her hair was in pigtails, but she looked great. I wasn't sure it was her until she said something to her son. There's no mistaking her voice. She was waiting in the standby line a Space Mt. and it had like an hour wait at the time. I once heard her say in an interview, many moons ago, that she loves to take her son to Disney, and if anyone approaches her for an autograph that day she says, "I'm just Shelby's mom today."

I also saw Jada Pinkett Smith on Halloween in '02 over in Tomorrowland. Will wasn't with her, but I heard that he'd been in the parks with the family earlier that day. She was there with the kids and what appeared to be a large group of her family. Their kids are cute!:cutie: She didn't have an escort, but my manager asked another CM and I that were working a candy station for MNSSHP to escort her over to the Speedway, because guests were starting to crowd them. She thanked us for our help, but said that it wasn't really necessary and that she and her family didn't want any special treatment. I told her that it was our pleasure and that we just wanted them to have a normal vacation like everyone else, but without any curious onlookers hassling them.

I know one reason that Disney encourages famous people to have an escort is for their's and other guest's protection. I know it sounds odd, but remember the Beatles. It's the same concept. They don't want someone to look up and say "Oh my goodness, there's insert celebrity's name here!" Then there's a mass stampede of guests running that way to get a picture, autograph, piece of their clothing, etc., and some poor child is trampled in the process. I think when people see the VIP escort with them, they get the idea that it's not ok to go up to the famous person and try to get an autograph or picture.
I once saw Hugh Hefner and the "ladies" coming out oth the Haunted Mansion with a tour guide.

Bridget and Holly (especially Holly) are HUGE Disney fanatics which make them A-OKAY in my book! Holly even wants to marry Hef at WDW but I don't think he'd go for it!


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