Cheating on Mickey with Harry Part 1

Wednesday, April 19th - Later That Morning

Universal Studios OR Where the heck is everybody?

We enter U.S. and it's like a ghost town. It's eerily empty and I almost feel that we have stepped into a "Twilight Zone" episode. Where is everybody? Oh, I know exactly where they are! I'm exaggerating, of course, but the crowds are much, much lighter here. A few people here. A few people there. You can run down the street and not have to worry about eventually colliding with people (My son tried this ;)). We finally stop for coffee, orange juice and muffins and take it outside the shop. It also feels that it's easily ten degrees cooler here than it was in IOA. :confused3 Perhaps I'm just giddy with the caffeine and low crowds. It's almost as if we have U.S. to ourselves and I love it!

We walk for awhile ... Just walking with no real plan. Even though I've never set foot in U.S. before, things are looking familiar. I'm getting a New England beach town vibe and I know that wherever we are, the Jaws ride isn't too far away.

Now, "Jaws" is a movie that gets a lot of play in our house, as it's one of my husband's top ten favorite movies. In fact, the only reason he agrees to go to Martha's Vineyard is because "Jaws" was filmed there. It was out of character for him, but my husband once happily climbed aboard a coach bus for a two hour plus tour of the Vineyard and places that had anything to do with the filming of "Jaws". But of course he laughs at me anytime I suggest heading up to Maine for a similar tour involving Stephen King movies. :confused3

The line has a 5 minute wait (A.K.A. It's practically walk-on). And ... The ride is hokey. It's cheesy and campy ... Not that cheesy and campy is always bad. I suppose for the younger set or those with a genuine fear of water and sharks, the ride can be intimidating. I was expecting high thrills and chills. It's good fun, though, and we all have some laughs. In my opinion, I wouldn't wait for this ride if it's 30 minutes or more. It's just not worth it (My opinion, again).

Now, the sequence of the following rides are in no particular order. Because of the light crowds, we were running nilly-willy from one attraction to the other:

Men In Black: I loved this. Think Toy Story Mania, but better (IMO). I received a horrible final score, but only because I was having so much fun spinning and looking at everything. ;) There is a Locker Situation for this ride, but not as bad as FJ.

Beetlejuice Music Revue: More hokey, cheesy fun, this time with Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan jokes thrown in. Definitely a PG-13 kind of show. My daughter rolled her eyes more than once during the show. I thought my husband would be giving me The Look during this show (You know, that "Are You Serious?" look), but he loved it. And I'm sure the Zombie Girls and their skimpy costumes helped, too. ;)

Terminator 2: Ugh. Whose idea was this? Too loud and I really wasn't paying attention. My husband and son loved it, though. Not too far away was a gift shop where you can snap pictures of various movie props, including "Alien" and "Terminator".

E.T.: Cute. Very cute, though I was expecting a tad more (specifically more "scenes" from the movie). Fittingly, you board a bicycle ... And that's where the plot line left me. Are we saving E.T.? His planet? No matter. I loved the music, though, as I always do when it's composed by John Williams. You give your name to a Team Member as you board the ride and at the end, E.T. welcomes you home by name.

The Simpsons Ride ... Another ride makes my all-time favorite list

I had a feeling I was going to like this ride, but I didn't expect to love it as much as I did. I'm coming to find out I'm a Simulator Ride kind of gal and this is one simulator ride that doesn't disappoint. It also has one of the funniest pre-shows I have ever seen. You also laugh all during the ride, thanks to Homer Simpson. I sort of previewed this ride on YouTube. I couldn't see much, but the comments were full of high praise. Because this ride has a rollercoaster scene, my son thought it was an actual rollercoaster. He freaked out just before the ride began and my husband and he were escorted out. My daughter and I rode, loved it, laughed ourselves silly and told my son he would have nothing to worry about. We hopped in line again and my son and husband loved it. Definitely our favorite ride after FJ. :goodvibes

Our stomachs are rumbling, so we head to the Beverly Hills Boulangerie for lunch. Delicious sandwiches (We all ordered tuna salad with lettuce and tomato on croissants). They also come with potato salad, strawberries and a slice of cantaloupe. Delicious desserts, too. My husband bought a black an white cookie (More "Seinfeld" memories) and it was on the money. Guests seated around us had a slice of cheesecake and a luscious-looking kiwi tart. Great view, too, as we sat outside to eat. A parade passed by and we could see the Betty Boop shop/I Love Lucy tribute museum (!) across the street!

The I Love Lucy tribute museum is a must for any Lucy fan ... Or any fan of vintage television in general. My daughter fell in love with Lucille Ball on this trip and we have been happily watching I Love Lucy episodes together ever since.

More rides/attractions in no particular order:

Shrek 4D: Very cute. The seats move up and down, water sprays (I believe smells, too) and there were lots of laughs from the audience.

Jimmy Neutron: Another fun, simulator ride. The kids loved it, given their love of anything Nickelodeon. Sorry to hear that this ride is leavning. :(

At one point during the day, we were stopped and asked if we would like to step inside a wonderfully air-conditioned builing, watch and rate a TV show intended for the fall line-up and make $10. We were a bit hesitant, but achy feet and sweaty bodies finally won out. We watched a show (Whitney ... Quite, quite funny, though a bit raunchy at times) and then answered questions (All via a computer). Voila! $10 each ... That we of course blew on souvenirs later that day. While we did this, the kids were seated with other kids and were watching some Potter film. "Half-Blood Prince" maybe?

Souvenir Time!

I first buy my MIL a mug. It's black, depicts Hogwarts, and the gold worlds "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" appear when liquid is added. Cool! I buy myself one, too, as well as a plain-looking black mug that just says "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" in gold letters. You know by now how much I like my coffee! ;) My son chooses a Ron Weasley wand, his favorite HP character (Mine, too). My daughter chooses a Gryffindor tie. I talk my husband out of a broomstick (He has great plans for a Movie Room ... Someday). He holds up a plastic Goblet of Fire (For the yet to be constructed Movie Room) and I say yes. I buy two HP postcards and a Gryffindor luggage tag. I have my own plans for a Harry Potter display in the future Movie Room. We try on robes and Gryffindor scarves and take pictures. My son is the only one of us suffering from Red Eye in the pictures and we teasingly call him "Slytherin" for the remainder of the day.

And so another day ends. One more day left. :( We head back to the hotel, stopping at the largest McDonald's I have ever seen. Well, the McD's with the largest menu I have ever seen. There's all the regular fare that Morgan Spurlock ("Super Size Me") warned us about, plus dozens and dozens of other items: Salads, deli sandwiches, hot entrees.

I am surprised you liked The Simpsons as much as you did. I personally found the queue area better than the ride itself. I think it is old skool simulation and when you compare it to a Spidey or a FJ it doesn't come off very well.

I wish I had bought enough souvenirs to create a movie room of HP stuff. All I bought this year was a Gryffindor scarf and a few keychains. I did plan to buy various shot glasses, but I couldn't see any.

And MIB I think spins too violently. I get scared when it spins because I think I'm gonna fall out. I stop shooting until it stops spinning, as I just have to hold on! :eek: And I'm a thrillride fan! I have never got more than 300,000 on that ride, although pressing the red button before any of the others in your ride vehicle will earn you a bonus 100,000 to your total score.

Loving the trip report, really well-written. Seems like you had a good time, and especially good to hear you loved FJ! Best theme park attraction in the world! :thumbsup2
Thursday, April 21st

We're off to a late start this morning, thanks to swimming and hanging around the pool the night before. This has been our first Florida vacation where we've been able to swim and sun ourselves (February is always hit or miss and November proved to be downright chilly), so we wanted to make the most of it. Besides, I know we'll be wanting these hot and humid days once we return to the Nutmeg State. Late April in Connecticut can sometimes be like late February.

Due to the lateness of the moring, WWOHP is just not an option (Even though we're all dying for one more ride). I think of The Line and I know that WWOHP is probably pure bedlam today. I just can't, can't, can't.

We head to U.S. and straight for The Simpsons Ride. When we find a ride/attraction that we all love, we ride it over and over and over and over and over again (Like BTMRR, Dinosaur, Mickey's PhilharMagic). :worship:

Yikes. There is a long wait today. U.S. is considerably more crowded today, too. We decide that we'll come back later and hopefully be able to ride a time or two (Or three ... ;)).

Since it's almost lunchtime, we decided to pay the Beverly Hills Boulangerie another visit. Watch out Columbia Harbor House (Magic Kingdom): We just might like these tuna sandwiches a bit better! I have a coffee with my lunch (You knew it was coming), as today is the longest I've gone without caffeine. While we're eating, Lucy and Ricky (Yes, that Lucy and Ricky) are strolling around, posing for pictures with guests. The costumes are wonderful, especially Lucy's blue polka-dotted dress! Ricky looks great, too, and I have a half thought about giving an impromptu performance of Eddie Murphy doing Ricky Ricardo: "It's just so ridiculous!" I think the better of it, though. Lucy, deep in character, compliments my son on his Harry Potter Lego tee-shirt (A green one this time, featuring Harry and Draco playing Quidditch). Lucy goes on to say that "Little Ricky" has turned her on to the books and she loves them. Ricky tells us that he hears FJ is phenomenal. We give him a brief synopsis of the ride, stressing how wonderful and unique it is.

After lunch, we happen to run into our Line Friends from yesterday (Lovely woman and her three daughters from Ohio). She has just come from WWOHP (Pure bedlam, I was right) and she looks haggard. We fill her in on The Simpson and Men In Black while she tells us to definitely check out Twister and Disaster! She also talks up The Mummy, but I just nod and smile politely. Ummm ... No. Haven't quite worked up the nerve yet. Just the mere mention of The Mummy ride and my son gets a look of pure terror on his face. We'll skip it this time around.

We head towards Twister. Ugh. Bill Paxton. I should have known. Now, he's not a bad-looking guy and he's a fairly good actor. But I hate the sound of his voice. I don't know what it is about his voice (others have called it "sexy"), but to me it's like nails scraping across a blackboard. The attraction is ... Okay. I'm being honest ... I wasn't that impressed. Afterwards, I will have fantasies of making this attraction over: Re-vamp it into a dark, ride-through ride of impending doom. Really sell the "twister" aspect of it.

We seek out Disaster! next. This is fun and I'm nudging my husband to raise his hand to volunteer. It's a no go. It's a lot of fun (a lot of laughs), though, especially when you see the finished, disaster movie product. And look! There I am on the subway/train doing my "Home Alone" scared face. ;)

We head back to The Simpsons. Luckily, the crowd has thinned and we're able to ride twice. Sweet! We contemplate what to do next and in our contemplating, we're growing increasingly cranky. The Last Day of Vacation blues are setting in. We decide to call it a day, at least at U.S.

I'm Just Wild About Harry BUT ...

I'll admit that it's hard to be so close to WDW and not think about it, even for a few moments each day. For the most part, my husband has been very good in his Universal to WDW comparisons. Sure, there were a few "This isn't the way Disney does it" moments (Some of them even coming from me), but we have loved Universal this week. Still, I see that my husband is blue that we've had nothing to do with the Mouse this week. As a consolation prize of sorts, we head toward Downtown Disney to get our Disney fix.

We browse in a few shops and stop to take a few pictures outside of the Lego store. We sit for awhile and contentedly watch people go up in that hot air balloon. Lastly, we visit the World of Disney store and my husband surprises me with a Mickey Mouse tea pot that I've been covetting for some time now. :love: He presented me with the matching spoon rest and dish towels for Christmas. I just need the salt and pepper shakers and I'll be all set! ;) At home, I've kept my love of Disney (and Mickey) confined to a teeny tiny half bathroom and my stovetop.

At this point, the vacation is just about over and we're exhausted. We decide to head back to the hotel to swim for a bit, get some dinner (CiCi's Pizza this time; Not my favorite but the kids think they've died and gone to Pizza Buffet Heaven), and rest up for our long drive home.

Final Thoughts

So, I cheated on Mickey with Harry ... And I loved every minute of it! We all did, including my husband. Mickey knows he will forever have our hearts, but Harry deserves some of our time and attention, too. Universal was wonderful ... It is wonderful and we will be back. The WWOHP truly blew us all away and there's really no way to properly describe it without giving it the full credit and justice that it deserves. Unique is the word that keeps coming to mind again and again. Sadly, other than the DIS and certain groups on facebook, there's nowhere else I can share this WDW/Universal love. Family and friends just don't GET IT (especially WDW) and we have to keep our love and devotion under wraps.

But This Is Not The End of The Story

We couldn't stay away for long so ... We have booked another trip to Universal! We'll be there on August 1st! :banana::banana: We're excited beyond belief for the final Potter movie come next month (More so because of our upcoming trip and the fact that this will be the first Potter film that we see in the theater). Geeks that we are, we have already planned the whole Harry Potterpalooza Weekend out

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my Trip Report. Thank you for the kind comments, as well. :) Again, I apologize for the delays. This is the first Trip Report I have ever written and I had a great time doing it. As I've said in the past, there is a different vibe on the Universal boards. Not that the Disney People aren't great (They are), but I find that the Universal threads tend to be a bit more patient and a bit more relaxed and down-to-earth. As more than one Universal poster once wrote to me: Come to the Dark Side ... We have cookies. If this is what the Dark Side is all about, I'm in. And your cookies are delcious. ;)
Wow awesome souvenirs!:cool1:

I bet the movie room will be so great. I have one too, small but his sounds awesome.

I found patrons quite a bit friendlier at IOA. Several nice conversations. Only one at WDW and one person who bit my head off for no real reason.
I take that back had two others at Epcot and DHS.
I loved your trip report! It is nice to see that someone else has cheated on Mickey and lived to tell about it!:woohoo:

As you see in my ticker, our first cheating experience (I call it "drinking the Kool-Aid") will be a surprise this summer! When you get to Orlando, we will be leaving to come back home. :(

Thank you again for giving me a WDW lover's first time reivew on "The Dark Side"!

Oh yeah, an 80's Movie Theme Park would be AWESOME! :rotfl2:
That was one of the best TRs I've read. Thanks so much for taking the time to write it with such detail and wit. :thumbsup2

Glad to hear you're coming down again this year.
As you see in my ticker, our first cheating experience (I call it "drinking the Kool-Aid")

Oh yeah, an 80's Movie Theme Park would be AWESOME! :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: I love that ... "Drinking the Kool-Aid"

Who do we have to talk to, to make this 80's Movie Theme Park a reality? ;)
I found patrons quite a bit friendlier at IOA. Several nice conversations. Only one at WDW and one person who bit my head off for no real reason.
I take that back had two others at Epcot and DHS.

Yes, I found the patrons to be more friendly, too. There's a relaxed, laid-back and more down-to-earth kind of atmosphere (Exactly what you want and need on vacation). Things that often send people into a tizzy at WDW, were met with an, "Oh, well ... Stuff happens" kind of attitude at Universal. :goodvibes
Yes, I found the patrons to be more friendly, too. There's a relaxed, laid-back and more down-to-earth kind of atmosphere (Exactly what you want and need on vacation). Things that often send people into a tizzy at WDW, were met with an, "Oh, well ... Stuff happens" kind of attitude at Universal. :goodvibes
Yup and that's because so many people plan themselves to death over a trip to WDW. I know it's a lot to do but's a vacation people! You are supposed to relax and enjoy yourselves on vacation...right? Universal isn't as big as WDW and I'm glad. I get a kick out of people who are going to Universal for the first time and can't get over the fact that they can not make ADRs nine years in advance and don't have to wait and wait and wait for buses to take them around. :laughing:
What a great job on your trip report! I so enjoyed traveling along with you! Want to share some of your families ideas for your Harrypooloza? My ds and I are going to the midnight release...I promised him if he finished reading the series this spring I would take him...he fulfilled his end and I bought the advance tickets last week!
Loved your TR. I'm going to the DIS WWoHP party in December and I've been debating about spending the day at US. After reading your TR I'm even more excited for Harry Potter and I think I'm going to plan a day at US.
Loved your TR. I'm going to the DIS WWoHP party in December and I've been debating about spending the day at US. After reading your TR I'm even more excited for Harry Potter and I think I'm going to plan a day at US.

:thumbsup2 :goodvibes
Thanks for the TR. When there were 3 HP books out my sister kept telling me I would love them and I was in a "too cool for anything cool" phase and refused to try them but once I did I was in love too, and waited at midnight for the books and will be going to the last movie at midnight too. I love that your family fell in love with that world too :love:

I hauled out my old VHS copy of "The Worst Witch", a sort of female version of Harry Potter, made in the mid-1980's.
Oh my god I love that movie. I envy you your copy of it!!!

On this particular day, my husband is sporting a blue UCONN Huskies tee-shirt. Husky fans and fellow Nutmeggers will stop and talk with my husband for the remainder of the day and at Three Broomsticks, it's no different. We meet a young Team Member who hails from Stamford, Connecticut and we have the "How Much Does I-95 Suck?" discussion.

That said, Forbidden Journey is still literally breaking down a few times every day, each time causing delays in the queue of perhaps upto an hour
Wow!! I had no idea it was breaking down that much.

Thanks for sharing your TR. At this point we could never go down there and JUST do universal, but we are really looking forward to going back there in September.
One of the best TR's I have read! Love your writing style. Sounds like you had a blast - thank-you for coming to the Dark Side!
Awesome trip report! I am more excited than ever for my trip in August/September.

We are eagerly awaiting the last installment of the movie too. Nothing beats the books but this last installment looks amazing.

(On a side son surprised me with a day trip to NYC to see the Harry Potter exhibit. I can't wait!)


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