"Chill out Dear...we are going to your Happy Place"

After we walked out of Tink's Treasures, DD rode the carousel. Everytime she would come around and see me or DH, she would wave and yell.
"Hi Daddy! Hi Mommy!" And I mean EVERYtime.

Next up was Dumbo. DD picked the color. Good Girl! :rotfl:

As we got on the Dumbo ride, DD's ears fell off and into the pit below. I told the CM who was checking the belts and he actually got a pole and fished them out of it. DD's tears were stopped immediately, and I thanked him profusely.
When we got off Dumbo, we went straight to Mary Poppins who was standing by the carousel.


After visiting with Mary Poppins, we went on Snow White's Scary Adventures. It was a test of DD's fear level, and she passed with flying colors. :banana:

This is what she looked like while waiting in line. Is this the face of a tired youngun' or what?

After the ride, we stopped by the sword for a picture.


Then we went into the Philharmagic. That was an awesome show!
After the show, we decided that we needed to go back to the room for a nap for DD and a trip to the DMV for me and DF. On the way out, we stopped to see Santa and also got a picture with Gideon. While DD was visiting Santa, I was doing a survey on merchandise with a CM.


Here we are on the bus ride back to the ASMo Resort. Now THAT is a tired bunch! :lmao:


DH stayed behind to cancel the rest of the cards that were in my pouch. Never did find that pouch. :sad2: That was one picture and $15 I didn't plan on for my vacation. :rotfl:
I'm enjoying your report. We were also at CRT that morning. We finished our breakfast a little earlier than you so I missed seeing your lime green ears. Wasn't Magic Kingdom great that day? There were hardly any crowds.

I can't wait to read more of your report.:)
I remember seeing two people with lime green shirts on, but wasn't sure if they were DIS members or not.
After our naps, and my trip to the DMV, we went to the buses and headed to the MK for the MVMCP. Wouldn't you believe it! It started to rain as soon as we went through the tunnel under the train station. :sad2: We didn't have enough ponchos for all of us, but mom had brought some white kitchen trash bags to cover the seat of the stroller with. That wouldn't help much, so I decided that I would tear a hole for my head and two hholes for my arms and wear it like a waterproof shirt. True redneck style. Ahem, I was a bit big for it so it was a tight fit, which just caused my DM to bust out laughing, and we decided to rip it off and send DAd after pnchos. After getting the ponchos and bringing them to us, we walked from under the tunnel. We noticed that Mary Poppins, Bert, and Mr. Penguin were greeting under the awning to the right, so we ran over to them and got our fastpass pictures with them. We didn't have the autograph book with us! Can it get any worse? Oh yeah, i left my camera at the stroller. So much for that photo. We were told that Goofy and Max were greeting inside, so we walked inside and got our pictures with them too. (The photopass photos that we got that night were not the best photos, so I ended up not buying them.)

When we walked outside, the rain had stopped and CMs were entertaining kids in the road with a game of red light green light, while they waited for the parade to start. We decided to walk further down main street after we heard an announcement about a rain delay. We browsed shops along the way. When we got closer to the castle, I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. Could it be? Was that an LGMHPC? It was!!!! My first LGMH sighting! I told my mom to wait, that I had spotted another DIS member and ran back after the woman with the green! She must have thought I was crazy! I tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to her LGMH and asked "Do you DIS?" (Side note: DH had asked me NOT to wear the ears that night.) It looked like she didn't quite understand what I was talking about, so I reached in my hip pouch and took out a MH and wrote my DIS name on it and handed it to her. She said, "You do DIS!" For the life of me, I do not know the woman's DIS name, but she did give me a card that she said they had been giving to CMs. Attached to the card was a small candy cane. Whoever you were, I must thank you. I gave that candy to my daughter when I caught back up to them.
After I left her and caught up with my family, an announcement was made that the parade was about to begin, so we found a spot to watch the parade. The pictures of the parade did not turn out very well. The humidity from the rain kept fogging up my lens. (I will edit in photos later when I have more time.)
After the parade, we got our hot cocoa and cookies, and sat near a character greet to have our snack. After our snack, we saw no lines at Small World and went to ride it first. The only wait we had there was while someone on an ECV loaded onto a boat. After Small World, we heard the fireworks starting. We sat down and watched them from the same place we had our snack earlier. After the firewroks, we braved a line for the Peter Pan ride. The wait was not bad, maybe 15 minutes or so.
After Peter Pan, we headed over to the other side of Fantasyland and saw the dance party! I thought I would never get my daughter away from there! :scared: Gideon, Pinnochio, Geoppetto, and the two female mice from Cinerella, I don't remember their names, were dancing with the kids. After about an hour of dancing, or more, we left the dance party and headed toward the Winnie the pooh ride.
We saw Winnie the pooh, Piglet, Rabbit and Tigger all greeeting just outside of Pooh's Playful Spot, so we went there first. I could not keep my daughter in line, so I stood in line to get my fastpass photo, while DM and DF took her into the play area. After my photo, chasing my daughter around the play area, and putting dry clothes on her, we headed over to the Winnie the Pooh ride. We missed riding the ride with the characters by 5 minutes! This was a cute ride, and we got to ride it 3 times in a row without getting off! After that ride, we headed over to toontown. We toured Mickey's House and Minnie's House. DD saw Goofy's barnstormer and insisted that we ride it. I was exstatic! This would be the first time my daughter had ridden on a rollercoaster! (The carnival Chinese Dragon coaster doesn't count.) There was absolutely no lines and probably 6 people on the ride. I talked her through her first time, telling her how to scream and laugh through the turns and drops. When we came to a stop, the CMs asked if we wanted to ride again, and we said yes. He told us to just stay seated and he let us go again. This time DD got a little braver, and she held her hands up in the air like mommy. She laughed and screamed and begged to go again. They let us move to the front and go again.! this happen about 2 more times, and when I finially told her we had to get off to go do something else, they gave her a frequent flyer card!
After that, we toured Donald's boat, and then went to the teacups. I thought my daughter wouldn't like the spinning considering she told me to stop spinning the dinosaur spinning ride and the carnivals. She told me to spin faster and that she wanted to help. We were spinning so fast, I thought that I would have trouble walking and holding down my food afterward. And I am the adrenaline junky in my family! As we were making our way to the front, it was nearing time to end the pary, we hit the Indy Speedway before they shut it down. There was probably about a 5-10 minute wait, and DD and I were in our seats. She steered while I pushed the gas. Let me tell you, it was a bumpy ride! :rotfl:
We got off and headed to Main street. All this time, DH has been hangin out on this side of the castle catching the show, 2 parades, fireworks, and his cigarettes! He said that even though he didn't ride any rides, he still had a good time. (Yeah, enjoying the lack of my ever changing mood swings!:lmao: )
We stopped to play in the snow, and headed back to the room for some much needed sleep.
speaking of sleep, I am hittin' the hay. I will try to upload some photos from that night, later.



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