"Chill out Dear...we are going to your Happy Place"

We visited the leaping fountains and I told him about the time when we were kids and thought we could catch them. I told him about the people laughing as we got soaked trying to catch the tubes of water. :lmao: We headed around the world showcase and watched illuminations as we walked. That was a chore. It was soooo dark. :eek: After finishing the world showcase walk and illuminations, I showed DH the languages on the sphere and the sidewalk. We caught the monorail to the TTC, after walking to the buses and finding out there wasn't a bus to DTD. We transferred to the resort monorail and rode the monorail over to the Grand Floridian. I practically dragged my DH into the lobby to see the gingrbread house. :rotfl: He thought it was a beautiful resort lobby, that's as far as we went before feeling poor, and turned around and headed to their bus stop. That was a great bus stop, T.V. and benches! The bus came around, and we hopped on and rode it to DTD. We walked around Pleasure Island and the West side, and got back on the bus and rode back to the resort. It was really a relaxing evening.
The next morning, we went to the AK. DH and I rode Kilimanjaro Safari first while DD went with DF and DM to see some characters. DH decided that it wasn't what he had expected. It was a pretty long wait to get on it first of al, then it was a very rough ride. The most disapointing thing was the animals weren't very active that day. It was hot out, so I guess they were all trying to cool off in the water and shade. DM and DF came up to us and DD said that she wanted to go on the Safari. We opted out and said that we would walk around while they went on the Safari. We hunted down the smoking section between Africa and Asia, and sat down. DH smoked, while I relaxed and we talked. After his cigarette, he was paged on his phone by DF, so we headed over to meet them. On the way, we saw De Vine. I got a few pictures of her. She is AWESOME!!!!!
We met up with DF, DM, and DD, and we gave DD a pair of binocculars and canteen from one of the shops for being good the night before. DH decided to go back to the resort and rest, while we toured AK. DM, DF, and DD went on the train to the conservation station, and I ran to get a fast pass for Mt. Everest. When I got there, they were covering up the last machine. They were out! Oh well. I headed back to the train and hopped on. When I got there, they were listening to a guy make up song on a guitar about the kids. It was very cute. He said to stick around, that there was another show in a few minutes, so we did just that. The "pet" show was next. A CM came out with a tortoise. She showed the technique of targeting, where the animal is trained to come to a specific point on command. It was pretty cool. Then they brought out a blue tongued skink. My daughter got really excited when they asked if the kids wanted to pet it. She immediately went up to it and pet it on its back.
After the show, went walked through the building, and got pictures and autographs with Jimminy Cricket, Rafiki, and Pocohantas. DD was insitant that we sit and watch the movie, so we watched it and then headed out the door. When we stepped outside, I noticed this guy look at us then start walking our way. I noticed that he had a paper in his hand, and my heart started to flutter. He was with the dream team!!!!! She stooped down and asked DD if she would like to answer a trivia question for him. That if she did, he would give her a free ice cream from the ice cream cart near us. She shook her head yes and he asked her what three characters helped to promote their conservation effort in the conservation station. I got all excited and said, "You just saw all of them Marie!" He looked up, smiled, and looked at Marie and told her her mommy could help her. I fed her the names of the three characters, and he took her over to the cart and she insisted on a frozen banana instead of an ice cream. The guy let her do it too. I got a picture of them together, and called my DH and told him. My DF wanted to know what the big deal was with it being an ice cream, and I said it really didn't matter, that we had gotten a 1 in a million chance! We headed out to the train and rode out to the park.
We walked to Asia and DF and I went on Mt. Everest while DD and DM rested on some rocks. We walked right on!!!! Absolutely no wait!!!!! I loved this ride! At first I was thinking how dull it ws, until we went backwards and went in a different direction than we had come in. Then things got interesting. Definitely a great ride! We walked out of Asia, met up with DD and DM and headed to It's Tough to Be a Bug. Every one of us loved this show. Even my DD! I loved when the bugs left at the end. Definitely gets you out of your seat. After this, we headed back to the resort. DH and I decided to celebrate our Anniversary that night because EMH for DS was the next morning, and we all wanted to go back to MK before we left WDW to go home.
When I got back to DH, I ended up getting upset and depressed because we had no ADRs, and just about everything was booked. :sad1: I took a shower and :sad: cried, while he made a phone call. He got us a ressie at the Nine Dragons restraunt, in.......EPCOT.......noticing a pattern here? :rolleyes:

I decided that if he went through the trouble of getting ressies, then the least I could do was cheer up and have a good time.
We rode the bus EPCOT, and went to Nine Dragons. We were seated, and I started to chat with the woman sitting at the table next to us. She and I chatted about our families and how often we come to WDW, and other Disney vacation related things. They wished us a happy anniversary and left, and DH and I sat back and enjoyed our meal. We heard a loud bass boom and noticed the darkness outside. Illuminations was starting! There were hardly any people in the restraunt, so we could see the fireworks through the window on the other side of the room. (About 15 feet away.) I took one picture form our seat, and then.....some women get up and stand with their faces plastered to the window right in my shot! To top it off, at the end, she yelled loud enough to scare the living daylights out of someone. I mentioned how rude it was to DH and took a pic,with the flash, of their rear ends in front of the window. :rotfl: It didn't phase them one bit.
We headed out, and sat down in a smoking section on the way out of World Showcase. We got up after DH's cig, and headed to get a photopass pic of us in the archway of lights. We then went back to the resort.
The next morning, I was awakened to Mickey and Stitch calling me to wake up. I had almost forgotten that I had scheduled it for the EMH morning at DS that morning. Careful not to wake up DH, I got up and got ready for a morning in DS. When I was ready, I went to DM and DF room and knocked on the door. OOPS! I had forgotten to tell DF that we were going to the EMH at the studios! I waited while he got ready, and we headed to the food court for a refill on coffee for me, then to the busses.
We got to the park, and there were a handful of people there. It really was a handful when you consider the amount we were used to fighting for the big rides. When they let us up to the rope, we waited with the rest of the TOT thrill seekers. The announcement was made, and they dropped the rope, and we followed the CM to the TOT. We walked right on! There was a little boy with his Dad sitting next to me all worried and asking questions about it, and I told him that if he wanted to, he could hold my hand. It was awesome! During the scene in the dark, I felt a small hand slip into mine, and I held on like he was mine. I screamed and laughed when I noticed my lanyard leaping up in the air. When we got off, he was being comforted by his Dad. I slipped over and congratulated him on how brave he was. I told him that now he could go back and tell his family just how he conquered his fear in the TOT. He got a grin on his face, and his Dad thanked me. I told him I was used to it, that I had a four year old, and I had enjoyed it. I love this ride! My DF remembered that they had programmed it to switch it up every time, so we went on it a gain to test out the next scenario. When we got off, I noticed my stomach doing flip flops, and stood to the side and fought down that horrible sensation to loose my coffee. I told my DF that I hadn't had breakfast, just coffee, and that I thought the tower had shook it up. I stopped at the snack stand just outside and got me a bag of chips and some water. After I snacked on them, I was feeling much better.
After the TOT, we headed over to the R & R coaster. We had never ridden it before and wanted to try it out. All I can say is it is a rough and loud ride! DF had a headache after that one. We got off and I was searching for a pin back I had lost, when I saw some more LGMHPCs!!!! I didn't get their names. I think they said that they were new to the DIS, and that I was their first DIS sighting! Awesome! I gave them my LGMHPC, and we went on our way. I put the pin that lost the back into my hip pouch, and we headed over to Star Tours. We walked right onto this one too. I do think this ride is pretty funny. We walked outside, and we ran into a storm trooper! I got my picture with him, just for my DB, who likes Star Wars. After Star Tours, we hopped on the Great Movie ride, since the park had opened. I really do like this ride. I like how they switch out the drivers. After that, we went back to the buses.
We rode the bus to the MK and DM was going meet us there with DD. When we got to MK, There were a TON of people everywhere. We began to wonder what was going on. We got on the phone with DM and found out that her bus was broken down, and it would be a while, so we told her to stay put, that we would see her in a bit. We headed back to the resort.
We got back to the resort, and we decided to take the van back to MK. We went out to the van, and my remote door lock was not working.:confused3 I opened the door with my key, got in, put the key in the ignition, turned the key and........nothing....not even a click, or the annoying dinging sound when the door is open and the keys are in the ignition. :eek: We went back to the rooms and took a nap while DH got to work on charging the battery. After the battery was charged, we got ready to go downstairs to the van, but stopped. There was a FIGHT going on downstairs between a man and woman about who had paid for the trip and how it was supposed to be a vacation....yadda, yadda, yadda. There were actually punches thrown between the two!!! :scared1: We called the front desk, and waited while security took care of the problem. We didn't want to have DD's magic ruined by a fist fight between a couple. We finally were able to load up in the van and go to MK.

By the time we got there, it was already getting dark. We road POC, IASW, the TTC, Stitch, and Buzz. On the TTC, I told DM about everyone not being sure if the "Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow" had been removed, and she said that she had never noticed it before. We listened for it, and sure enough! It is still there! We went over the bridge and stopped halfway to look at the castle. It was a beautiful sight! As we walked through the gates, the CMs saw mine and DHs anniversary buttons and told us Happy Anniversary and asked how many years. DH said 6 looong years, and we all laughed and left.
We packed up and left the next morning. We stopped by my grandmother's one last time and checked out our photopass pics on her pc before we left.

This trip was definitely a learning experience! I have learned to make sure your have EVERYTHING before you leave, and to take notes! I hoped you enjoyed this TR. I will come back and add pictures in a few days. I am going back to WDW for a birthday trip for my friend, Dawn and a DIS meet. Be on the lokout for that TR when I return. It will be even better than this one I am sure.
I am so excited that you get to go back to DW..... I can't wait to see the pics of your dd especially after BBB... I know dh's don't understand but I do you were given a real special treat with the ice cream or in your case frozen bananna...:rotfl2: A true one in a million dream come true.... Have fun on your trip and I can't wait to hear more of your adventures...
Great tr Jaime! Sounds like you had such a great trip. Can't wait to hear about this trip---hoping you have a very magical time!!!:grouphug:
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Hope your next trip is great!


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