Could the reopening be pushed back?

I can tell you things have changed drastically here regarding masks. Since the county by county face covering mandates in public spaces have gone into effect over the last week or 2, the compliance is very much at or near 100%. About a month ago, you'd be hard pressed to see more than half of people in a grocery store wearing them. Now? Completely different environment. I'm sure there are the scattered few making a "statement" by not wearing one, but I can assure you the vast majority of us here in FL are taking the uptick in cases very seriously.
Where are you? I’m in Indian River County and we are anywhere between 0 and 50% with masks. I do not wear one unless forced.... Basically at work.
At VBR, I’m seeing almost 100% compliance. There have been a few coming up from the beach that haven’t put them on right away. For the most part though it’s been good. I thought wearing the mask in FL heat would be miserable but it hasn’t been that bad. A little uncomfortable, yes, but we’ve adjusted pretty quickly. CMs have been wonderful. They are keeping everything sanitized. Having a great time and so glad we decided to come!
Went to the VB Walmart today to pick up our grocery order and DH went in for few things. He said it was about 50/50 on the masks.🤷🏻‍♀️
Yes, Vero, or at least some VB stores, are “claiming” it’s a rule. It may be a city rule, but it’s not a county or state rule.
My wife couldn’t get into stores in VB without a mask.
I don't see the problem with wearing the masks while going into stores for the short term. I certainly hope this won't become the new norm as I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life having to wear a mask every time I went anywhere. I think people should just do what they can to help NOT spread CV19 whenever possible. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of mask wearing but for the short time I'm willing to comply.

The bad part of wearing masks is some of the bad actors during the riots aren't easily identified because of the mask. Probably the one time they follow the rules, probably because they see the advantage in doing so.... :sad2:
I don't see the problem with wearing the masks while going into stores for the short term. I certainly hope this won't become the new norm as I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life having to wear a mask every time I went anywhere. I think people should just do what they can to help NOT spread CV19 whenever possible. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of mask wearing but for the short time I'm willing to comply.
So who decides what the "short term" is? We went on vacation to Japan in 2005 and people routinely wore masks if they had a cold - yes, as a matter of courtesy so as not to infect anyone. I remember thinking how "strange" it was, and even snapped a picture of a man sitting far away in a park still wearing his mask, because I thought it was so odd and unusual. In retrospect, I think he just forgot he was wearing it. Now, 15 years later, it is mostly the new norm here. My kids, in fact, are the ones who've adjusted the fastest, and we don't even have to remind them when we go out. Yes, of course it's not as comfortable as going without, but so is not wearing pants, or a shirt, or a bra ... For me, any day at Disney World with a mask and social distancing is better than a day without Disney.

The bad part of wearing masks is some of the bad actors during the riots aren't easily identified because of the mask. Probably the one time they follow the rules, probably because they see the advantage in doing so.... :sad2:

I could link to several news articles that indicate that the protests did not give rise to a surge, but that would be getting "political." But that statement is not something that I (and probably at least some others) can leave and accept as true. NY State contact tracing is at 100%, there were massive protests in NYC and statewide, including some riots, there is a massive protest outside City Hall right now that isn't making the news because ... people are wearing masks and socially distanced. Which doesn't make the news. Our + rate is around 1% with many, many tests (around 70k per day). Protests have been going on for over a month, every day, and the numbers are still declining.

To bring this back on track - now that there are multiple states imposing a quarantine on travelers returning from an ever-growing list of states, at what point does this play into decisions (or not) to delay reopening? I am not sure that it will, but it will surely cut down on numbers (and $) from the Northeast. Maybe that doesn't affect WDW since there will be enough $ coming from elsewhere, but it surely will cause them to have to keep the reduced ## down, which is in the long run not good for them financially, either. The other concern, of course, is CM safety. If there's community spread, then what happens to CM who are getting it in the community? (I'm not even talking about the incident at DS which is on a whole 'nother level re: safety concerns for CMs)

We run into a holding problem in a few weeks, and I am concerned that our long planned WDW trip (which has already been downsized) is going to have to get pushed into 2021. Luckily we are only at risk of losing 12 banked points. It could be worse.
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I think EVENTUALLY there will be more common sense rules when it comes to masks. There is no spread outdoors, so I think the requirements will be relaxed there first, but required indoors for the forseeable future. BUT...COVID cases are spiking now and everyone is understandably concerned. Masks are required all over Disney property, so masks it is. It's either that or we all stay home.
What concerns me is what NY is doing. FL imposed the travel restrictions on them, and now NY is slowly doing it to everyone else. I believe they added CA to the list this AM. If FL follows suit, there goes our trip.
So who decides what the "short term" is? We went on vacation to Japan in 2005 and people routinely wore masks if they had a cold - yes, as a matter of courtesy so as not to infect anyone. I remember thinking how "strange" it was, and even snapped a picture of a man sitting far away in a park still wearing his mask, because I thought it was so odd and unusual. In retrospect, I think he just forgot he was wearing it. Now, 15 years later, it is mostly the new norm here. My kids, in fact, are the ones who've adjusted the fastest, and we don't even have to remind them when we go out. Yes, of course it's not as comfortable as going without, but so is not wearing pants, or a shirt, or a bra ... For me, any day at Disney World with a mask and social distancing is better than a day without Disney.

I could link to several news articles that indicate that the protests did not give rise to a surge, but that would be getting "political." But that statement is not something that I (and probably at least some others) can leave and accept as true. NY State contact tracing is at 100%, there were massive protests in NYC and statewide, including some riots, there is a massive protest outside City Hall right now that isn't making the news because ... people are wearing masks and socially distanced. Which doesn't make the news. Our + rate is around 1% with many, many tests (around 70k per day). Protests have been going on for over a month, every day, and the numbers are still declining.

To bring this back on track - now that there are multiple states imposing a quarantine on travelers returning from an ever-growing list of states, at what point does this play into decisions (or not) to delay reopening? I am not sure that it will, but it will surely cut down on numbers (and $) from the Northeast. Maybe that doesn't affect WDW since there will be enough $ coming from elsewhere, but it surely will cause them to have to keep the reduced ## down, which is in the long run not good for them financially, either. The other concern, of course, is CM safety. If there's community spread, then what happens to CM who are getting it in the community? (I'm not even talking about the incident at DS which is on a whole 'nother level re: safety concerns for CMs)

We run into a holding problem in a few weeks, and I am concerned that our long planned WDW trip (which has already been downsized) is going to have to get pushed into 2021. Luckily we are only at risk of losing 12 banked points. It could be worse.

I don't agree that the recent protests and riots have nothing to do with the resent surge in CV19. To many pictures of crowds not doing what they were suppose to do. Also what I meant was by wearing the mask they aren't as easily identified...

That is a good question, who decides? Right now it seems our governors have that power. I live in NJ and I have to say I'm not real happy with all of his decisions. The latest being not allowing indoor dining indefinitely due to some outside bars not following the rules. I believe he should have fined and shut down the offending locations and allowed the rest to move forward as planed. I feel bad for the independent restaurant owners who were on track to open tomorrow 7/2 to only fine out on Monday 6/29 that they can't open now...bad move Phil.

Also I thought the reason people in the Asian countries that wear masks as a norm wore them due to pollution issues. Is that not true?

I have no idea if the opening will be pushed back. I'm glad I don't have to make that call. If they do open each one of us has to decide for ourselves if we feel it is safe to go. We know the rules and what we have to do, if you don't like the rules and don't think you can abide by them then don't go.
My kids, in fact, are the ones who've adjusted the fastest, and we don't even have to remind them when we go out.

My 2 year old - whom I was concerned about keeping the mask on - yelled at me the other day. He had taken his mask off for a drink of water and I handed him the bottle. When he was done, I took the bottle away and did not remember to re-secure his mask. He gave me an earful. "msk. nee help. MSK. MAAAAAAAAAASK. HELLLLP MAAAAASK" Immediately after hooking it over his ear. "Dank ou." tantrum over.

I'm probably more concerned with him than he is. To him, it's quickly become the normal based on what he knows. I remember picking new shoes for school, my kids will most likely pick new masks for the school year..
My 2 year old - whom I was concerned about keeping the mask on - yelled at me the other day. He had taken his mask off for a drink of water and I handed him the bottle. When he was done, I took the bottle away and did not remember to re-secure his mask. He gave me an earful. "msk. nee help. MSK. MAAAAAAAAAASK. HELLLLP MAAAAASK" Immediately after hooking it over his ear. "Dank ou." tantrum over.

I'm probably more concerned with him than he is. To him, it's quickly become the normal based on what he knows. I remember picking new shoes for school, my kids will most likely pick new masks for the school year..
I'd be ok with them having to wear space suits of it got them back into school. Just Sayin'

That's an awesome story - thank you. Kids are way more resilient than we give them credit for.
That is horrible. In general, how could someone be so rude to another person....makes me sad

It is. I don't even know how you could be so horrible to a person who has come back to work so you could enjoy yourself.

I really hope Disney does the right thing by the CMs. The increase in cases and infection rate in FL is too high and there is going to be several people in the parks each day that are infectious. I hope this opening isn't a huge mistake.
Also I thought the reason people in the Asian countries that wear masks as a norm wore them due to pollution issues. Is that not true?

In Japan, a large percentage of the population is allergic to the cedar pollen that comes down from the hills. Thus, mask wearing there is considered common.
It remains to be seen how strictly Disney will enforce the mandatory mask policy
If it was me, I would prefer that anyone who violates the policy is asked to leave for the day, with no possibility of returning
Yes, it is harsh, but it is the only way to force compliance
Day... if they refuse to comply trespass them.
The bad part of wearing masks is some of the bad actors during the riots aren't easily identified because of the mask. Probably the one time they follow the rules, probably because they see the advantage in doing so.... :sad2:
This is totally and completely off-topic and should not be posted here. We are talking about Disney re-opening and this a politically charged comment. I will not respond with my own political rebuttal to this post.
Where are you? I’m in Indian River County and we are anywhere between 0 and 50% with masks. I do not wear one unless forced.... Basically at work.

Pinellas county. Hillsborough (Tampa), Pinellas (St. Pete/Clearwater) and Pasco all have mask mandates in effect for indoor public spaces. Also, Orange County has been in effect for a couple of weeks. It seems the counties with the major metro areas, at least, have the mandates in effect.
We've had the mask required order in place since April 17 here in NY. Sure there was some resistance and there still is a little. But sensibility kicked in and even those that resisted are now quiet as we see what has happened down south and out west -- and with our spread rates still under control -- it is clear that it works. But I am glad I did not try to reschedule my WDW trip for July or even the fall now, because it's not safe to travel on packed planes to a place where perhaps 50% will be wearing masks. I can only hope that it will be next year before my 300 points from this year expire.
I saw today on the news that college students are having COVID-19 parties and trying to get sick for money. They collect money at these parties and the first person to get sick gets the pot. This is exactly why the cases/numbers are up...they think this virus is "fake". The numbers were starting to go down and now this. We have a trip planned in early October and are playing the waiting game but more than likely will wind up cancelling. :(
I saw today on the news that college students are having COVID-19 parties and trying to get sick for money. They collect money at these parties and the first person to get sick gets the pot. This is exactly why the cases/numbers are up...they think this virus is "fake". The numbers were starting to go down and now this. We have a trip planned in early October and are playing the waiting game but more than likely will wind up cancelling. :(

October is over 90 days away. Think about where NYC was just 90 days ago. So much can change in that time.


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