Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I agree, and not even just economic impact people that could afford to pay why would they when so many other places out there much closer to the full experience. We are going to Dollywood in Nov, while I know its a smaller park they are actually starting to bring back indoor shows with their Christmas season. People that are able to are gonna find new places to travel and some may find they like it and won't be back at Disney as much also.
Yep, especially for international travellers who have either been exploring parts of their own countries or visiting new countries that they are allowed to visit. Many of those people would have gone to USA annually kinda out of habit previously, now they might have new regular destinations in entirely new countries.
I agree, and not even just economic impact people that could afford to pay why would they when so many other places out there much closer to the full experience. We are going to Dollywood in Nov, while I know its a smaller park they are actually starting to bring back indoor shows with their Christmas season. People that are able to are gonna find new places to travel and some may find they like it and won't be back at Disney as much also.
I was at Islands of Adventure yesterday doe only an hour and a half and only walked from the entrance, turned right, through Seuss Landing and on to Wizarding World, so not even half the park and saw the storytelling with the characters at Seuss, saw Gloria the hippo from Madagascar m&g at lost continent and at Hogsmead the Frog Choir was about to perform. It can be done and it can be done safely, shame on Disney for cutting this deep.
Are the powers that be at Disney going to release any kind of statement about this massive entertainment cut? Or is the original statement about the 28,000 employees all we are getting?
Investors and media really do need to go in hard on Disney on this. They're more likely to listen to them and big bad publicity than to actual visitors
I was at Islands of Adventure yesterday doe only an hour and a half and only walked from the entrance, turned right, through Seuss Landing and on to Wizarding World, so not even half the park and saw the storytelling with the characters at Seuss, saw Gloria the hippo from Madagascar m&g at lost continent and at Hogsmead the Frog Choir was about to perform. It can be done and it can be done safely, shame on Disney for cutting this deep.

I agree! Its hard to wrap around what Disney is doing TBH, a company that use to be the industry leader is falling to last place.

We have been doing Legoland lately since we have young kids and they had their 2 shows for Halloween, distances meet and greets that were adorable and they are starting their new Waterski show in Feburary. Will have their fireworks around christmas.
I was at Islands of Adventure yesterday doe only an hour and a half and only walked from the entrance, turned right, through Seuss Landing and on to Wizarding World, so not even half the park and saw the storytelling with the characters at Seuss, saw Gloria the hippo from Madagascar m&g at lost continent and at Hogsmead the Frog Choir was about to perform. It can be done and it can be done safely, shame on Disney for cutting this deep.
I agree also. Disney can absolutely do this safely. Very saddened to learn this morning of all the notices that went out to so many performers last night :(. I figured Disney would be calling some of them back to work over the next few months, not this.

When we were in FL in August, went to both WDW and UO. Universal managed to have numerous shows/characters in the street even back then. Lots of streetmosphere at Studios, along with the Bourne Show. We also saw Spiderman and another superhero at IoA and at least two HP shows. It sounds like UO has added more since.
This is a real blow to me, we will still go on our planned trip as it’s paid for and we have APs and I will still go on my 50th anniversary trip I booked, but other then that I’ll just monitor what’s going on.

I really don’t get monsters inc, it’s all behind the scenes right? Is there a reason they couldn’t distance? I understand it’s indoors but I don’t understand how that’s harder to distance them the frozen sing along

My planned Nov/Dec 2021 trip is absolutely on pause right now. Not going back to this version of Disney World.

I don’t blame Disney completely for all of this. I have no doubts that the Parks are more in survival mode than we all thought. Look at Disneyland for crying out loud. That park might not open next year.

Look at the projects paused.

This is a unprecedented time, but it’s all a bitter pill.
Dont forget, of all the front line cast, Entertainment is easily the most well compensated. When you are counting pennies, the guy who makes $10 is more valuable than the guy who makes $10.50. Id have to guess the throughput of say toy story vs indiana jones is likely higher for that same rate of return, so thats likely why there are entertainment cuts. Its short sighted, but ultimately how executives think.

Bigger picture though, their product and tickets are devalued to the extreme. A day ticket is no longer worth $120. A hotel isnt worth $500 a night. A soda isnt worth $4. And on down the line.
I was at Islands of Adventure yesterday doe only an hour and a half and only walked from the entrance, turned right, through Seuss Landing and on to Wizarding World, so not even half the park and saw the storytelling with the characters at Seuss, saw Gloria the hippo from Madagascar m&g at lost continent and at Hogsmead the Frog Choir was about to perform. It can be done and it can be done safely, shame on Disney for cutting this deep.

It looks so amazing at Seuss Land, we are thinking of using some of our May vacation to visit IOA.

Perhaps Disney felt emboldened by everyone lauding them for being so safe and conservative compared to other parks, and they thought that they could do these cuts with little to no repercussion and everyone would just assume it's for the safety of the people due to Covid? Or that they had "no choice" due to Covid and we would all just accept it?

Obviously they were wrong about that!
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It all really makes me wonder if Disney is in worse shape financially than we all realize and is beginning to panic? In the extreme could we be looking at bankruptcy?
My planned Nov/Dec 2021 trip is absolutely on pause right now. Not going back to this version of Disney World.

I don’t blame Disney completely for all of this. I have no doubts that the Parks are more in survival mode than we all thought. Look at Disneyland for crying out loud. That park might not open next year.

Look at the projects paused.

This is a unprecedented time, but it’s all a bitter pill.
Totally agree, I’m not blaming them, but I also can spend my money elsewhere till I feel it’s well spent here. It’s really sad, and I feel for everyone involved.
This is all so sad, I like many have been and seen the shows over the years and keep coming back because it is what makes WDW so special and different from other theme parks. That being said Bob Chapek and the current management team are doing what they believe is for the best in the short term for the Corp and the stock holders. It really does not matter what the rest of us think they should do, because it is their decision and they made it. You know what the real Irony of this is? 10 years from now Disney + will have a documentary of the behind the scenes story of how Bob Chapek saved Disney.
I’m not trying to defend Disney but I think they’re trying their best given the circumstances. Theme parks in Florida are blessed that they’ve been allowed to open. California’s lack of concern for its working class will have tragic results and it’s affecting cast cuts throughout the company. Disney will survive but parks like LEGOLAND may not. It’s not just entertainment that got cuts this week. Part timers throughout the park were also let go. Bellmen, Skyliner cast, etc. Management was also cut. I don’t know what Disney has plans for since I’m not in that loop but I’m sure they’re analyzing this from every angle. My heart goes out to the thousands of cast members who’ve lost their roles. But I’m equally grateful Disney has been able to put tens of thousands of cast back to work. It’s a personal decision for each potential guest to make as to whether they’re ok with Disney’s limited experience and feel it’s worthwhile to visit at this time. There’s no right or wrong feeling to have right now. Our world has been turned upside down and how each person reacts to it is very personal.
It all really makes me wonder if Disney is in worse shape financially than we all realize and is beginning to panic? In the extreme could we be looking at bankruptcy?
I analyzed their financial reports for their fiscal year 2019 for my accounting class this summer. They seemed fine financially so while I don't think they're close to bankruptcy, I do think having Disneyland closed still is putting a huge financial strain.

I doubt this has anything to do with safety because they could just have the actors wear a mask as Universal does but oh well.
Investors and media really do need to go in hard on Disney on this. They're more likely to listen to them and big bad publicity than to actual visitors

well, Investors will have a chance shortly once the earnings come out - though I suspect they will more feel positive about all these cuts to reduce epences and firm up the bottom line, increase confidence in their ability to pay the debt they have taken on to help with cash flow, etc.
Ours was Evie Starlight. She sat down with our family at the Brown Derby several years ago, and gave my daughter (an 8 or 9 year old at that time aspiring actress) a great pep talk - full of inspiration, confidence, and lots of humor - didn't break character once. These actors and actresses were our favorite reason to visit HS and were/are talented beyond compare.

I wish the best for them and sincerely hope that management will realize that their most loyal customers attend for the 'magic.' I'm not a teenager anymore and can only ride so many rides before my neck hurts and my meclizine wears off, lol.

Oh, and Geaux Tigers :)
Jack Diamond told me that my DS (1 at that time) “was a good looking boy” & gave us his card in case we wanted to sign him up for “show business” 😂. He also said a bunch of other funny things to other ppl at our table. Never broke character. We still have his card 😊.
Geaux Tigers!
lol, all this while SWO just put an audition notice through their 3rd party entertainment co for a holiday show at the Nautilus Theater.
Disney could've cut the entertainment offerings, I think we were all expecting CoH and CoMS to be cut for good, but they could've gone to less shows for FotLK and FNtM, LF still baffles me, they have like 4 actors in there only at a time, they could've gone where they offered these things maybe only on certain days, they did that with F! for about 2 years I believe
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