Current photo of Castle while being refurbished

Sounds about right. The scaffolding would need to come down for the walk through to open in the next few days. I guess the tarp would still be up, though...?

On my way to the MatterCam!
Sounds about right. The scaffolding would need to come down for the walk through to open in the next few days. I guess the tarp would still be up, though...?

On my way to the MatterCam!

I checked out the Mattercam too and couldn't see the tarp. I wish someone who is there today could post a picture.
It was windy today though so probably why they took the top down. The gold is still up and the castle is still pink so I highly doubt it's down for good
I don't see any more gold trimming in that instagram picture (except for that one spire to the right that has always been gold-ish since the beginning) and the castle looks to be a lighter pink (as opposed to the deep Pepto Bismol hue it has had since the 50th), which is more in line with its original shade of pink.
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The tops are all still gold when I checked earlier. The sun is just washing the instagram photo out so you can't see that all the tips are still gold and that the castle is still the same color pink.
Even with just the scaffolding down, I think it looks much better. Hopefully it stays down and not just because of the wind. *wishful thinking*
I really did not have a problem with the tarp at all, while visiting last week. I took a look at it and thought it looked quite nice just like in the pictures on this website. Only better of course because I was there in person. Double woot and a bag of sunchips!
I won't mention my disgust with the snooty hootey club. Lmao!
There was still scaffolding on the backside of the castle today. I did not look for it on the front.
I have a feeling they realized they covered it too early and that it wouldn't take 6 months to refurb and add some diamonds lol


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