Cute/funny things kids say while @ Disney!

How can you not love Disneyland through the eyes of kids??!!!

We took our first family trip last year in Oct. When we got home from our trip and I was putting my DS5 to bed, he started crying. I asked what was wrong of course. He was upset because if Disneyland is the place where dreams come true, then that meant now that he was at home his dreams wouldn't come true!!!!!!! He was SO upset about it.
How can you not love Disneyland through the eyes of kids??!!!

We took our first family trip last year in Oct. When we got home from our trip and I was putting my DS5 to bed, he started crying. I asked what was wrong of course. He was upset because if Disneyland is the place where dreams come true, then that meant now that he was at home his dreams wouldn't come true!!!!!!! He was SO upset about it.

Ups! I bet marketing department never so that one coming!!! LOL

It's like when my DS6 told me in january in secret by whispering: "mommy, I think there is a person inside Mickey Mouse". I don't like it when kids come to a common sense stage and restle with the magic of things!!!:sad2:
couple years ago when i announced to the kids we were going to Disneyland again( i always says guys were going to see the mouse) my little one said. " mom mickey mouse lives too far!" lol it's usually about a 5 hour or so drive so to him it's forever! We now leave approx 2:00 am so he sleeps most of the ride there.
ok so mine might seem a little strange---about 5 years ago we had already talked to our DDs (then 6 and 9) about having additional siblings - so we are at DCA on the fun wheel of death and for some reason we decided to try the moving gondola for the first time (I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN) -- and on our first 'fall' our DD6 screams 'I feel like i am having a baby!' i have no doubt it echoed through the entire park i was so embarassed yet laughing hysterically at her terrified face!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl2: That is so great!

One time I was getting off of Star Tours and a lil boy next to us asked his dad "daddy, did we really just go into space?" I thought that was the coolest thing.

My son asked that the first time we visited, too. :)

My story is actually on the plane trip to DL a couple of years ago. This was the first plane ride for both of my kids. At the time, my dd was 6 and my ds was 3. My attention was focused a bit more on my ds, who was sitting next to me. My dd was sitting across the aisle with my inlaws. As the plane took off and we made that first lurch into the air, the plane was very quiet, until my sweet, quiet dd let out a big "wooHOOOO!!!" She was so excited to be taking her first plane ride, and loved the takeoff. Everyone around started laughing. It still makes me smile to think about it now. It always reminds me to enjoy the trip, not just the destination!

What a great thread!
We are going in 2 weeks and DD4 tells everyone about our trip. Her 2 favorite parts about going to DLR:

1) Having dinner with Little Mermaid ....and.....

2) There's a refrigerator in her room!!!:rotfl:

Usually #2 is the first thing she mentions!!

On our last trip, we didn't tell the kids where we were going, just threw them in the car at 2 am. As we got to Anaheim DD6 was hungry and I told her to read signs to find a place to eat. We are driving down Disneyland Dr., in front of the Disneyland Hotel, and she says...."Man there's a lot of Disney signs here!!". I had to keep a straight face until she realized where we were!!! I'm so glad I got that all on video!
My youngest (she was 22 months old) went last year for the first time and one of her favorite rides was Pirates of the Caribbean. To this day she calls it "Row-Ho-Ho-Ho A Pirates Like For Me". Now, I just have to find a CD with that song on it. :-)
Not DL, but WDW, anyway. My oldest DD and I were looking at our pictures from our trip in January, specifically her with Mulan and Mushu at the Chinese pavilion at Epcot. She says, "Mom, that's just a person in a Mushu costume, right? But that's the real Mulan." I just said "Yes, it is."
My granddaughter and myself were in line to see the princess. The line was very long. After about 45 minutes. When the lady in front of use asked my graddaughter how she liked school. She said she loves school after she got this behavioral problem undercontrol. She is an honor student. Did not know where that came from.
We were at DW. My three year old daughter looks up at me while walking from Fantasy Land to Toon Town and says, "Daddy, sorry for spending all your money."

She has no idea!
It wasn't exactly in Disneyland but we were on our way to WDW. My little sister was 6 and it was her first plane ride (well we flew to Peru but she was only a year old then). We were up in the sky and she asks, "Where's God?" :rofl

@ Disneyland we rode the matterhorn and she said "That ride almost made me lose my scream!" hahahah
A few years ago we were exiting adventureland and I heard a little girl say- Daddy, I wanna go on Carrots of the Pirabbean. So now that what our family calls that ride.
My DD and DS said the same thing after Star Tours during our first trip to DL..."Did we really go into outer space???" :rotfl: I just shrugged my shoulders and said "What do you think?" They were a bit mystified! :rotfl2:
We took our first trip to Disneyland in 2006. DD was 7 and DS was 5. When we told our kids we were going in a few months, DS asked why we couldn't go sooner. We explained that among other things, it costs a lot of money and we needed to save up for our trip. He got very serious and said, :idea:"Oh, you mean like a hundred dollars?"

While we were there, my grandparents had paid for one character meal for each child. My daughter picked Ariel's Grotto. She was thrilled to see the princesses! When Jasmine got to the table DD said, "I have all three of your movies!" When Jasmine asked which one was her favorite, DD replied, "Ariel's." :rolleyes1

When Snow White arrived DD passed on a message from the Evil Queen (seen the day before in Fantasyland) that she was looking for her. After a rather lengthy conversation about the Queen, Snow White asked, "Do you think she just wants to say, 'Sorry about that apple, Snow'?" My daughters eyes got really big and she looked a little confused. She shook her head and said, "No....I don't think so."

Isn't it great to see the world through the eyes of our children!
I just remembered another one. After we had gone to MTTMM DS asked us when we were going to move now that they made us citizens of Toontown.
This happened at home, but still Disney related:

My 6 year old daughter and I watched Dumbo flying during the fireworks on youtube. As soon as we first caught sight of Dumbo she started saying how cute he was but the best part is she was crying!! I started crying, too - this is common for me to get teary-eyed about Disney things, but this was her first happy cry ever!

It does a mother proud that her first happy cry was over something at Disney
What a great thread!
You know the funny stick figure signs on every ride...the stay seated ones? When DD was 4, she interrpreted them to mean "hold hands and no crazy dancing" so on every ride when she saw the placard, we had to hold hands becasue they are in the picture!

This reminds me of we went to DL with our younger cousins, who were 9 and 3 at the time. We were on IASW and my DC3 saw the "no dancing" signs and informed me, "No dance. Yes sit," and would repeat that over and over, "No dance, yes sit." It was so cute! :cutie:
I just thought of something kinda related. But it was me (well I guess I'm still a kid technically) who said it.

So we went to DL for a day this past December and we took my little cousins (3 and 5) for their first time. I had told my DC5 that there was a "jungle ride" because he loves animals and stuff. So we're in the park, we go to Fantasyland and then he starts asking if we can go to the jungle ride. I'm like...uhh (quick, think on your feet because no good DISer goes to JC before Fantasyland or Toontown in the early morning)

"The tigers are sleeping right now, so we have to go there later"

And he just accepted it and we went to see Mickey Mouse. :laughing: Ah, gullible 5yos.
I have a really funny one. I was shopping in the Emporium at night and it was packed as usual. I overhear a kid throwing a fit so I listen in. This kid was about 3 or 4 I guess, sitting in a stroller and yelling at his mom in a very articulate and grown up voice he sounded 8 or 9. " I want a sword. Allllllllll the other kids out there have a sword, BUT me." The mom explained to the boy that he had gotten a lot of other things and that she wasn't going to buy him a sword. So a cast member tries to reason with him and he replies "I have a mean mommy. She doesn't care about if I get a sword that I have always wanted my whole life." They both started busting up and laughed it off. Hilarious!:rotfl2:


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