DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Top O the Mornin Dads! Not much of real interest around here other than just dealing with work and some scares with COVID including one warehouse team member testing positive a couple of weeks ago but luckily our safety protocols we had zero spread form the individual that tested positive. He is doing o.k. by the way. I too miss some of the guys that used to frequent here but keep in touch through other channels so all good. Hope all are doing good and stay safe gents!
Morning all.

Just got back from our second last soccer game of the season. It was freezing, in fact the temps were just above the freezing mark. I did something to both calves last in last Sunday's game and I thought they were fine but couldn't run at all, hurt when I tried to push off. We only had 11 guys so I offered to play keeper for the rest of the game. Finished with a 2-1 win and a clean sheet for my 70 minutes so I think I'll retire now.

Have a great Tuesday all.
Nice on the clean sheet especially while injured
Afternoon all. Yesterday, there was rumors around my 2 weeks notice, and I even had a few approach me. I confirmed it. Today, HR sent me an email and asked to do an exit interview. I'm heading in 30 minutes early to do so.

Actually… that’s two slightly different bits of pointless foolishness. We did open and close a thread in a single day just to prove that we were goofy enough to do such a thing (and just to celebrate the leap year on Feb 29th of 2012). The chemically enhanced posting challenge that killed off the original thread number: XIII (figures) was in 2011.

Can you believe it’s been near on to 10 years?

Wow. Time flies.

Oh man, there was drama with that too. So much drama.

Yeah, that is the problem. I'm not on the FB group much anymore for the same reason.

No, it was their and our loss...


I think that's what I love here....we may not all agree, but we don't argue (much) about stupid stuff. Occasional disagreements, but no actual arguing that I've seen.

An argument is just a discussion. In order to participate, you have to be willing to think and consider that you actually may be wrong.

Personally, I don't thonk that's the kind of job where two weeks notice is typical or people walking off the job is rare. Obviously, you don't want to compromise your integrity, but then again you've received none, so I wouldn't fault you. Loyalty is earned and doesn't sound.like they've done squat to earn it.

You're right on everything above. Still, treat others how you want to me treated. I am definitely not perfect. As I profess to be a Christian, I should try to live that way.

Morning, Gents! Hope everyone is up and doing well this morning. I woke up on this side of the flower garden, so I'm doing pretty good. So I found out at work yesterday that my boss gave his notice. That came as a bit of a surprise, but at the same time it didn't. He always said that he was looking out for the next job that would pay better, but not even after a full year on the job? I guess he considered this his "Shoulder Job," something to hold him until he got a better offer....which is something I would have done. Anyways, things are well, so not much to tell. Have a great day and we'll chat later.

Well, it's been nice to have that boss that took you back a few times. Hopefully, the next one will work out until you get another offer.
Glad for your success, but sorry to hear about your calves.
Sorry to hear about your calves, but congrats on the game.
Nice win, poor calves.
So I found out at work yesterday that my boss gave his notice.
Gonna take his place?
Given the various hours you end up keeping, I'm surprised that you can single out any one series as unacceptable.
Oh I've known for quite some time... nothing sucks more than a midnight shift. Especially more than one in a row.
It'd be just a mite odd if I were seen trying to drag my near 20 year old desk-top P/C, keyboard and monitor into the john...
I say give it a try.
I've told you once...
No you didn't!
This morning was the first proper frost of the year with noticeable white roofs on the shaded side of the houses.
maybe do some hiking on the Skerwink Trail which I have never done but always wanted to. Apparently it was named one of the "Top 35 hikes in North America and Europe" by Travel and Leisure magazine.
Wow! That sounds great!
In 2020, they wouldn't think anything of it. Social distancing.
Or maybe I could claim it was an obvious demonstration of my dedication to the job.

Wonder if they'd buy that one...
How could they not??? It's not like they'd be watching over your shoulders.... wait... maybe they would? :scared:
Today, HR sent me an email and asked to do an exit interview. I'm heading in 30 minutes early to do so.
Oh, this should be good.
In order to participate, you have to be willing to think and consider that you actually may be wrong.
That frame of mind is in very short supply these days.
An argument is just a discussion. In order to participate, you have to be willing to think and consider that you actually may be wrong.
Michael Palin: "An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition."

John Cleese : "No it isn't..."

No you didn't!
Yes I have...

How could they not??? It's not like they'd be watching over your shoulders.... wait... maybe they would? :scared:
Don't have a long enough extension chord :rolleyes:

Actually, watching over one's shoulder would be the general point for the entire layout of the building.
Well, except for those that have actual offices.
Of course, that's the same folks that had offices in the previous building, but in this one they all tend to keep their doors shut. Funny, that...
Hey, Gents! Another beautiful day in the neighborhood yesterday. I spent all day at my desk working on a project where I electronically assign a location to floor stock. I like when that happens because I plug in my headphones and listen to music all day, and do the occasional Disboarding. Well, I got news regarding the bank job I applied for: I didn't get it. Due to my lack of banking experience that doesn't surprise me. However, considering how the recruiter and the market lead, the first guy I interviewed with, both liked me, I thought I had a really good chance. I guess I was wrong. Oh well...that door closed. Now on to the next one. That's all I've got today. Have a good day, gents.


There are a number that I do miss seeing around over here.
But the different platforms suit different folks in different ways.


It's gotten chilly around these parts too.
This morning was the first proper frost of the year with noticeable white roofs on the shaded side of the houses.
But it's a nice sunny Fall day and supposed to get to 10C later.
I'll be on days off for a week starting tomorrow so I am hoping to get out and enjoy some of the Fall weather.

As much as I love summer, Fall is my favorite time of the year.

and maybe do some hiking on the Skerwink Trail which I have never done but always wanted to. Apparently it was named one of the "Top 35 hikes in North America and Europe" by Travel and Leisure magazine. Hopefully the weather stays nice for the weekend.

https://www.alltrails.com/trail/can...y used for hiking, walking, and trail running.

Sounds nice.

Top O the Mornin Dads! Not much of real interest around here other than just dealing with work and some scares with COVID including one warehouse team member testing positive a couple of weeks ago but luckily our safety protocols we had zero spread form the individual that tested positive. He is doing o.k. by the way. I too miss some of the guys that used to frequent here but keep in touch through other channels so all good. Hope all are doing good and stay safe gents!

Nice on the clean sheet especially while injured

That's good that they had something in place.

Afternoon all. Yesterday, there was rumors around my 2 weeks notice, and I even had a few approach me. I confirmed it. Today, HR sent me an email and asked to do an exit interview. I'm heading in 30 minutes early to do so.

I'm sure you'll be honest why you're leaving, even though it sounds like nothing will change there.

Well, it's been nice to have that boss that took you back a few times. Hopefully, the next one will work out until you get another offer.

It has been nice having him as a boss. He's told me that he's been in my position before, and as a result he's tried to find ways to keep me there. I've made a good impression on the Director of Operations, and he's told me that he's happy I'm in this job, so maybe he'll push to make it permanent.


Gonna take his place?

I wish, but I don't have enough experience to take his place, that I do know. However, if I can talk to the Director of Operations about my position, he's told me that he's happy I'm in the position, I might be able to make something of this position....because I'm obviously not going anywhere for a while.
Right now I have plans to visit a friend this weekend on the Bonavista Peninsula (about 3 hours drive from my home) and maybe do some hiking on the Skerwink Trail which I have never done but always wanted to. Apparently it was named one of the "Top 35 hikes in North America and Europe" by Travel and Leisure magazine. Hopefully the weather stays nice for the weekend.

https://www.alltrails.com/trail/can...y used for hiking, walking, and trail running.

Looks like a great hike. Do you use the All Trails app?

Nice calves.
Morning all. Called Retirement Board yesterday who denied my employment, citing that I have to wait 3 months. They said my new employer would be a participating agency and a letter was sent to me on 10/9. I haven't received it yet. Now, will the job be held for me until December 2? And, there is a regulation that if you return to a participating agency, then a % of your retirement money is withheld. Well, I'm not paying anyone to work. I hope the letter arrives and there is an appeals process. Then, went to the exit interview yesterday. They asked if I wanted to re-consider. I thought about it, but decided against it. Thankfully, I've managed to get thru without myself or anyone else being injured, and no tainted product going out. What happens the next time? I'll ride out these two weeks and start looking for something when the time is up.

In Disney news, saw where the Governor California is sending a "team" to Walt Disney World to study how they are keeping guests safe so that his team can share that information with Disneyland. Hmmm, if only the staff at WDW and DL worked for the same corporation and could share information. Another example of government efficiency working to protect people.

That frame of mind is in very short supply these days.

::yes:: It's sad that the media will just display to people shouting at each other and consider it an argument.

Not really....we know you're wrong. :lmao:


Michael Palin: "An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition."

John Cleese : "No it isn't..."

:lmao: Well, there you go.

Hey, Gents! Another beautiful day in the neighborhood yesterday. I spent all day at my desk working on a project where I electronically assign a location to floor stock. I like when that happens because I plug in my headphones and listen to music all day, and do the occasional Disboarding. Well, I got news regarding the bank job I applied for: I didn't get it. Due to my lack of banking experience that doesn't surprise me. However, considering how the recruiter and the market lead, the first guy I interviewed with, both liked me, I thought I had a really good chance. I guess I was wrong. Oh well...that door closed. Now on to the next one. That's all I've got today. Have a good day, gents.

Sorry to hear about the bank job. At least you have your current job in the meantime.

It has been nice having him as a boss. He's told me that he's been in my position before, and as a result he's tried to find ways to keep me there. I've made a good impression on the Director of Operations, and he's told me that he's happy I'm in this job, so maybe he'll push to make it permanent.

I wish, but I don't have enough experience to take his place, that I do know. However, if I can talk to the Director of Operations about my position, he's told me that he's happy I'm in the position, I might be able to make something of this position....because I'm obviously not going anywhere for a while.

It's nice knowing you have a source in steady income, even if you are considering other options. Was the thing against your current place just the temporary status?
Top O the Mornin Dads! Good Luck Norm with all the things you are dealing with on the work / retirement front. Working on the LEGO Disney Train and Station set and getting close to completion. First LEGO set I have built in years when DS was younger and actually enjoying it a bit. That's all I got this morning so enjoy getting over the half way mark and stay safe!
In Disney news, saw where the Governor California is sending a "team" to Walt Disney World to study how they are keeping guests safe so that his team can share that information with Disneyland. Hmmm, if only the staff at WDW and DL worked for the same corporation and could share information. Another example of government efficiency working to protect people.
Saw that too, not sure what to make of the CA Governor. Also saw reports that they already visited WDW like a mystery shop thing? Like "we're gonna uncover" things?
Wow! That sounds great!
I’ve heard good things about the trail. I’m really looking forward to it. Weather right now says 16C and sunny which is pretty good for mid October in these parts.

Well, I got news regarding the bank job I applied for: I didn't get it.
Too bad, it’s hard to know how things will go after an interview. Good that you have something in the meantime.

Looks like a great hike. Do you use the All Trails app?
No I didn’t even know there was one. I’m not very phone savvy. I don’t often think about apps. I’ll have to check out the All Trails app.

Hmmm, if only the staff at WDW and DL worked for the same corporation and could share information. Another example of government efficiency working to protect people.
Yes that, or that thing called YouTube that has videos from every Disney blogger on the planet showing the COVID safety measures.
No I didn’t even know there was one. I’m not very phone savvy. I don’t often think about apps. I’ll have to check out the All Trails app.

It's a pretty good hiking app. I just started using it this summer and it has a lot of information. I had some Google credit to use so I updated to the full version. It lets you setup messaging if you are hiking along so people get messages about where you are.
Well, I got news regarding the bank job I applied for: I didn't get it. Due to my lack of banking experience that doesn't surprise me. However, considering how the recruiter and the market lead, the first guy I interviewed with, both liked me, I thought I had a really good chance. I guess I was wrong. Oh well...that door closed. Now on to the next one.
Well, crap. But... onwards and upwards!
Lovely wet Wednesday here.
Nice calves.
Stop staring at my legs, mister, unless you plan on buying me dinner.
Called Retirement Board yesterday who denied my employment, citing that I have to wait 3 months. They said my new employer would be a participating agency and a letter was sent to me on 10/9. I haven't received it yet. Now, will the job be held for me until December 2? And, there is a regulation that if you return to a participating agency, then a % of your retirement money is withheld. Well, I'm not paying anyone to work. I hope the letter arrives and there is an appeals process. Then, went to the exit interview yesterday. They asked if I wanted to re-consider. I thought about it, but decided against it. Thankfully, I've managed to get thru without myself or anyone else being injured, and no tainted product going out. What happens the next time? I'll ride out these two weeks and start looking for something when the time is up.
Your life is too complicated. I need to lie down now.
In Disney news, saw where the Governor California is sending a "team" to Walt Disney World to study how they are keeping guests safe so that his team can share that information with Disneyland. Hmmm, if only the staff at WDW and DL worked for the same corporation and could share information.
Working on the LEGO Disney Train and Station set and getting close to completion.
Cool! Photos when done?
I’ve heard good things about the trail. I’m really looking forward to it. Weather right now says 16C and sunny which is pretty good for mid October in these parts.
Nice! This time of year anything that doesn't include rain or <gasp!> snow, is a good thing.
Morning, Gents! Well, another day in the history books, and two more to go for the weekend. This post might be a little long, so I apologize now. Well, I had a long talk with the wife about the job situation yesterday, and I've decided to stop looking for full-time work and start, re-start(?), my drive to get certified as a Medical Coder. I know I should have been working towards certification all this time, but having lost my job back in January of 2019 made me shift my energies to finding full-time work, and thus lose sight of my career change goal. Now that I'm back at my temp job, in a job I don't mind doing, which is inventory control and working in the stockroom, and NOT the warehouse, I'm comfortable and happy where I'm at. Is it the job I want to spend the rest of my life at? No, but it's a job I like doing and will do until I get my medical coding thing going....and maybe even after, it's really hard to get a job as a coder when you're just beginning, so I thought of maybe trying to do it part-time until I get enough experience to try and find a full-time job. And this is...how shall I put this...me not rocking the boat. I had a good job that I had had for 10 years when I decided I wanted more of a challenge. I then got a new job at a long established firm with a tough reputation. Well, that job change turned out to be the wrong move and I got let go. So, I'm falling back into what's comfortable and not rocking the boat. I was brought back, when they didn't have to bring me back, and that tells me that this is where I need to be right now. Yes, this is a temp position, but the Dir. of Operations told me the other day that he's glad he brought me on because I'm already finding and correcting problems, and they want to make this a full-time position. If they do make it a full-time position, then I'm a shoo in for the position because I already know their inventory system and how things work...and no one to train. So this job will be 100% inventory/stockroom and not the warehouse...especially after my boss leaves at the end of next week, so no more cross training in other areas. So in the long run, I'm comfortable with my decision. Of course, that's not to say I won't have bad days, but over all, I'm happy. Ok, that's it from me. Sorry for the long post, but had a lot to say. Now on to convincing the wife to let me plan us a Disney trip...after COVID, of course. :teeth:

Morning all. Called Retirement Board yesterday who denied my employment, citing that I have to wait 3 months. They said my new employer would be a participating agency and a letter was sent to me on 10/9. I haven't received it yet. Now, will the job be held for me until December 2? And, there is a regulation that if you return to a participating agency, then a % of your retirement money is withheld. Well, I'm not paying anyone to work. I hope the letter arrives and there is an appeals process. Then, went to the exit interview yesterday. They asked if I wanted to re-consider. I thought about it, but decided against it. Thankfully, I've managed to get thru without myself or anyone else being injured, and no tainted product going out. What happens the next time? I'll ride out these two weeks and start looking for something when the time is up.

Sorry to hear that. If you do have an appeals process, I'd take it. Let us know how that goes.

In Disney news, saw where the Governor California is sending a "team" to Walt Disney World to study how they are keeping guests safe so that his team can share that information with Disneyland. Hmmm, if only the staff at WDW and DL worked for the same corporation and could share information. Another example of government efficiency working to protect people.

I haven't kept up with it, but to me it doesn't make sense. It sounds like the Gov. of California doesn't really have a plan, and rather than trying to listen to what Disney and Universal are doing in Florida, he's just keeping the parks closed. I could be wrong, but that's how I see it from my cheap seats.

Sorry to hear about the bank job. At least you have your current job in the meantime.

Thanks, and yep...glad for work right now.

It's nice knowing you have a source in steady income, even if you are considering other options. Was the thing against your current place just the temporary status?

Exactly! And even though it's a temp job, they do want to make it full-time. The thing against my current place was partly due to it being a temp job, but more because I didn't like what my supervisor wanted to do with the department. He wanted everyone to be cross trained in all jobs in the department, which I agreed with him. If someone is really busy, have someone shift over to help out. The problem is, he wanted people to shift jobs every few weeks. This would make no one an expert in their area, and thus make it more difficult for someone to answer really tough complicated things/questions that can and do pop up because they don't have the corporate knowledge for that area. Now that my boss is leaving, and thus that is now off the table, I'm comfortable where I'm at. And my current position is almost 100% inventory, and will be 100% inventory after he leaves...at least I hope it stays that way.

Working on the LEGO Disney Train and Station set and getting close to completion. First LEGO set I have built in years when DS was younger and actually enjoying it a bit. That's all I got this morning so enjoy getting over the half way mark and stay safe!

Well that's cool. Take pics when you're done.

I’ve heard good things about the trail. I’m really looking forward to it. Weather right now says 16C and sunny which is pretty good for mid October in these parts.

Take pics and share them please!

Too bad, it’s hard to know how things will go after an interview. Good that you have something in the meantime.

Yeah, it is tough to know how things will go in an interview. And I knew going in that me not having any banking experience was going to be a big factor, but I was hoping that my outgoing personality, and the ability to talk to anyone, would have been a big help. And maybe it was, but it still wasn't enough. I'm ok with it now, I have something, and as you read from my post, I'm going to stay with it as long as I can.

Yes that, or that thing called YouTube that has videos from every Disney blogger on the planet showing the COVID safety measures.


Well, crap. But... onwards and upwards!

Yep, onwards and upwards! (turns page in my book of life) To myself, "Oh look! A new chapter. Awesome!"

Moist? :teeth:

Stop staring at my legs, mister, unless you plan on buying me dinner.

If he does buy you dinner, insist on something more than McDonalds.
Last edited:
Morning All,

beautiful Fall morning here, too bad I'm stuck in the office. Not much else today, hope you are all staying safe.

Have a good one!

Morning, Gents! Well, another day in the history books, and two more to go for the weekend. This post might be a little long, so I apologize now. Well, I had a long talk with the wife about the job situation yesterday, and I've decided to stop looking for full-time work and start, re-start(?), my drive to get certified as a Medical Coder. I know I should have been working towards certification all this time, but having lost my job back in January of 2019 made me shift my energies to finding full-time work, and thus lose sight of my career change goal. Now that I'm back at my temp job, in a job I don't mind doing, which is inventory control and working in the stockroom, and NOT the warehouse, I'm comfortable and happy where I'm at. Is it the job I want to spend the rest of my life at? No, but it's a job I like doing and will do until I get my medical coding thing going....and maybe even after, it's really hard to get a job as a coder when you're just beginning, so I thought of maybe trying to do it part-time until I get enough experience to try and find a full-time job. And this is...how shall I put this...me not rocking the boat. I had a good job that I had had for 10 years when I decided I wanted more of a challenge. I then got a new job at a long established firm with a tough reputation. Well, that job change turned out to be the wrong move and I got let go. So, I'm falling back into what's comfortable and not rocking the boat. I was brought back, when they didn't have to bring me back, and that tells me that this is where I need to be right now. Yes, this is a temp position, but the Dir. of Operations told me the other day that he's glad he brought me on because I'm already finding and correcting problems, and they want to make this a full-time position. If they do make it a full-time position, then I'm a shoo in for the position because I already know their inventory system and how things work...and no one to train. So this job will be 100% inventory/stockroom and not the warehouse...especially after my boss leaves at the end of next week, so no more cross training in other areas. So in the long run, I'm comfortable with my decision. Of course, that's not to say I won't have bad days, but over all, I'm happy. Ok, that's it from me. Sorry for the long post, but had a lot to say. Now on to convincing the wife to let me plan us a Disney trip...after COVID, of course. :teeth:

Sounds like a good plan to me, good luck.
Morning all. 7 more days of sauce production to go. In the meantime, finally some good news. The job will hold my start date to December 2. Apparently, I'm good enough to wait for. Now, just have to see about the retirement/ money thing. Tennis this AM. Have a good day.

Top O the Mornin Dads! Good Luck Norm with all the things you are dealing with on the work / retirement front. Working on the LEGO Disney Train and Station set and getting close to completion. First LEGO set I have built in years when DS was younger and actually enjoying it a bit. That's all I got this morning so enjoy getting over the half way mark and stay safe!

Thanks. Good luck with the Lego set.

Saw that too, not sure what to make of the CA Governor. Also saw reports that they already visited WDW like a mystery shop thing? Like "we're gonna uncover" things?

Not sure what the political motivation is here, other than governmental control. He could easily just blame it on Disney.

Yes that, or that thing called YouTube that has videos from every Disney blogger on the planet showing the COVID safety measures.

KY government blocked the Internet from state computers for certain websites, YouTube being one of them, to promote work efficiency. Not sure if CA does that, but it would add to the absurdity. Of course, you could just use your phone like everyone else does.

Your life is too complicated. I need to lie down now.

::yes:: Me too. September and October have been terrible transition months.

Morning, Gents! Well, another day in the history books, and two more to go for the weekend. This post might be a little long, so I apologize now. Well, I had a long talk with the wife about the job situation yesterday, and I've decided to stop looking for full-time work and start, re-start(?), my drive to get certified as a Medical Coder. I know I should have been working towards certification all this time, but having lost my job back in January of 2019 made me shift my energies to finding full-time work, and thus lose sight of my career change goal. Now that I'm back at my temp job, in a job I don't mind doing, which is inventory control and working in the stockroom, and NOT the warehouse, I'm comfortable and happy where I'm at. Is it the job I want to spend the rest of my life at? No, but it's a job I like doing and will do until I get my medical coding thing going....and maybe even after, it's really hard to get a job as a coder when you're just beginning, so I thought of maybe trying to do it part-time until I get enough experience to try and find a full-time job. And this is...how shall I put this...me not rocking the boat. I had a good job that I had had for 10 years when I decided I wanted more of a challenge. I then got a new job at a long established firm with a tough reputation. Well, that job change turned out to be the wrong move and I got let go. So, I'm falling back into what's comfortable and not rocking the boat. I was brought back, when they didn't have to bring me back, and that tells me that this is where I need to be right now. Yes, this is a temp position, but the Dir. of Operations told me the other day that he's glad he brought me on because I'm already finding and correcting problems, and they want to make this a full-time position. If they do make it a full-time position, then I'm a shoo in for the position because I already know their inventory system and how things work...and no one to train. So this job will be 100% inventory/stockroom and not the warehouse...especially after my boss leaves at the end of next week, so no more cross training in other areas. So in the long run, I'm comfortable with my decision. Of course, that's not to say I won't have bad days, but over all, I'm happy. Ok, that's it from me. Sorry for the long post, but had a lot to say. Now on to convincing the wife to let me plan us a Disney trip...after COVID, of course. :teeth:

Sorry to hear that. If you do have an appeals process, I'd take it. Let us know how that goes.

I haven't kept up with it, but to me it doesn't make sense. It sounds like the Gov. of California doesn't really have a plan, and rather than trying to listen to what Disney and Universal are doing in Florida, he's just keeping the parks closed. I could be wrong, but that's how I see it from my cheap seats.

Thanks, and yep...glad for work right now.

Exactly! And even though it's a temp job, they do want to make it full-time. The thing against my current place was partly due to it being a temp job, but more because I didn't like what my supervisor wanted to do with the department. He wanted everyone to be cross trained in all jobs in the department, which I agreed with him. If someone is really busy, have someone shift over to help out. The problem is, he wanted people to shift jobs every few weeks. This would make no one an expert in their area, and thus make it more difficult for someone to answer really tough complicated things/questions that can and do pop up because they don't have the corporate knowledge for that area. Now that my boss is leaving, and thus that is now off the table, I'm comfortable where I'm at. And my current position is almost 100% inventory, and will be 100% inventory after he leaves...at least I hope it stays that way.

Well that's cool. Take pics when you're done.

Take pics and share them please!

Yeah, it is tough to know how things will go in an interview. And I knew going in that me not having any banking experience was going to be a big factor, but I was hoping that my outgoing personality, and the ability to talk to anyone, would have been a big help. And maybe it was, but it still wasn't enough. I'm ok with it now, I have something, and as you read from my post, I'm going to stay with it as long as I can.


Yep, onwards and upwards! (turns page in my book of life) To myself, "Oh look! A new chapter. Awesome!"

Moist? :teeth:

If he does buy you dinner, insist on something more than McDonalds.

There is something to be said about having a stable, secure job that you enjoy enough to continue working in. I'm not looking for any more challenges at this point. Hopefully, you can get the job as a permanent, and then you have the medical coding thing if you want to make that transition.
So, I'm falling back into what's comfortable and not rocking the boat.

Seems like a sensible plan all around.

Morning all. 7 more days of sauce production to go. In the meantime, finally some good news. The job will hold my start date to December 2. Apparently, I'm good enough to wait for. Now, just have to see about the retirement/ money thing.

I love it when a plan comes together.


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