Debt Dumpers - 2019

One of my personal goals is also to loose weight. I find that I do best when I stick to a guided plan. I lost a ton of weight in college when I was on Weight Watchers and I am thinking about joining it again right after I get back from our WDW trip. I would love to be down to my goal weight by our second WDW trip in October.

I'm using My Fitness Pal, which has a lot of the same features as WW but is free!
This is my issue as well - kicking the sugar is hard! I have a goal of losing 50 lbs by late August for my trip to Paris. I know it can be done but the snowy days of winter sure make it hard!

You're telling me. And my husband has gotten super into the Great British Baking Show and now wants to bake everything!! (Un)fortunately, he's a very good baker...

One of my personal goals is also to loose weight. I find that I do best when I stick to a guided plan. I lost a ton of weight in college when I was on Weight Watchers and I am thinking about joining it again right after I get back from our WDW trip. I would love to be down to my goal weight by our second WDW trip in October.

A coworker is doing WW now and has seen a lot of success. She posts so many of her meals on Instagram though that it would be cheaper for me just to copy what she posts on there :rotfl:
My goal was to lose 40 by the time I need to buy my dress (or now, submit my final measurements), which is in April. Since Christmas I'm down 24lbs. I won a month of free boot camp classes, so I'm interested to see how that goes and I joined in another diet bet with my facebook mommy group. I also do YouTube videos (fitness blender) 4 times a week and when it gets a little warmer, will resume running with the girls in the stroller.

Now that I'll be getting stuff paid off and a big chunk of money available, I can finally start buying quality whole foods instead of just something cheap that will feed us. We're getting a new propane tank next week and I'm ready to start back grilling 4ish times a week.
I'm using My Fitness Pal, which has a lot of the same features as WW but is free!
That's what I'm using. Also in the would like to drop some pounds camp. I thought about Nutrisystem, it's a little pricey but more so I know myself enough that I'd be one to get the meals in and think 90% are gross and then be mad I spent all that. I need to put weight/strengthening into my schedule, can't ignore losing muscle mass as we age and I think it helps with shape, not just cardio. I was lazy last week and didn't do much, but that's ok it happens sometimes there are just those weeks where I have migraines, don't feel like doing anything, or just plain busy. Back on it this week and back to yoga twice weekly.
One of my personal goals is also to loose weight. I find that I do best when I stick to a guided plan. I lost a ton of weight in college when I was on Weight Watchers and I am thinking about joining it again right after I get back from our WDW trip. I would love to be down to my goal weight by our second WDW trip in October.

I do weight watchers and when I actually follow it, it works really well. The new free style program makes it super easy
That's what I'm using. Also in the would like to drop some pounds camp. I thought about Nutrisystem, it's a little pricey but more so I know myself enough that I'd be one to get the meals in and think 90% are gross and then be mad I spent all that. I need to put weight/strengthening into my schedule, can't ignore losing muscle mass as we age and I think it helps with shape, not just cardio. I was lazy last week and didn't do much, but that's ok it happens sometimes there are just those weeks where I have migraines, don't feel like doing anything, or just plain busy. Back on it this week and back to yoga twice weekly.

Yep, strength training helps a lot! I get more of that in the spring at work. Harder to fit it in during my time off! This week I'm struggling with major hunger and sugar cravings. Leading up to that wonderful time of the month. TMI, sorry! :laughing:
I have a goal of losing 50 lbs by late August for my trip to Paris.

Ooooh Paris how exciting! Are you doing Disneyland while you're there?

Both DH's bills came in for his x-ray and MRI- between the two of them we'll just about hit the $500 deductible, so while it stinks that we'll have to pay OOP for those the good thing is we're at that magic number and now cost will go down significantly for anything they decide needs done. And we got a 10% discount for prepaying so hooray!
We're getting a new propane tank next week and I'm ready to start back grilling 4ish times a week.

i can lose/maintain so much easier during grilling months-portion control is a breeze (just cook what is an appropriate serving) but with our high temps not getting above freezing and lows in the single digits we won't be grilling anytime soon:sad::sad: so i pulled out my south beach cookbooks and i'll start making dinners from it again.
i can lose/maintain so much easier during grilling months-portion control is a breeze (just cook what is an appropriate serving) but with our high temps not getting above freezing and lows in the single digits we won't be grilling anytime soon:sad::sad: so i pulled out my south beach cookbooks and i'll start making dinners from it again.

I've been really utilizing my crock pot these last couple weeks. Left overs have been going directly into the freezer in individual portions for lunches, instead of the fridge where it will eventually get tossed.

In other news, my tax refund finally posted! Tomorrow I'll head over and pay off my furniture and then put a chunk back to go towards the lawyers once I get the agreement in the mail (it was mailed out yesterday). I'm feeling very relieved this morning.
I'm using My Fitness Pal, which has a lot of the same features as WW but is free!

I have tried using MyFitnessPal several times for tracking, but I have never quite had the same amount of luck with weight loss when using it. I am willing to spend $20/month if it gets me going in the right direction.
A coworker is doing WW now and has seen a lot of success. She posts so many of her meals on Instagram though that it would be cheaper for me just to copy what she posts on there :rotfl:

I do weight watchers and when I actually follow it, it works really well. The new free style program makes it super easy

Thanks for the positive feedback on the current program! This makes me more inclined to go this route. I am hoping that I might be able to convince DH to do it with me too. That would make it a lot easier for meal planning and such.
Ooooh Paris how exciting! Are you doing Disneyland while you're there?

YES!! :teeth: I'm attending a conference in the area and plan to spend one night at the Disneyland Hotel at the end of the trip, which comes as a package deal with two days of park tickets! My sister is planning to do the entire conference and trip with me also. She's a baker so we also plan to do some "research" on bakeries in Paris after the conference.

I'm really excited to be able to combine two of my favorite things (my work and Disney) in one trip again like I was able to do in China!
Thanks for the well wishes. We got transferred by ambulance from our local hospital to the big Children's hospital 45 mins away, but ultimately didn't need immediate surgery last night and she was handling the pain well enough on oral meds (the way she was screaming when we got there, they though she might need iv pain meds), so we got to come home around 1am.
Tomorrow we see the pediatric orthopedic surgeon to really get a good look at it and make sure we still won't need surgery and then cast it. The wrist break isn't bad, but the one near her elbow is concerning.

She's being a little champ this morning. We had to put the trike and other ride on toy in the garage because she ran out and was trying to ride the trike one handed. I can't see that ending well at all. She's been bribed to sit down with new Fingerling blind bags and "mom's drink" (aka a sip of my Pepsi).

Pretty sure we'll hit our deductable with this one and can't wait to see the bill for all of this. Kids, Sheesh. Lol. First of many future injuries I'm sure.

It’s amazing how well kids do! We are on our fourth fracture :sad2: I usually have to remind my kids to give the broken arm a break. Like, ‘Buddy, don’t hang from the monkey bars with the casted arm you broke three weeks ago.’ At one point our ortho was worried about my DD’s innervation because during a x-ray check they had removed the cast and my DD used the broken arm to boost and hold herself on the elevated counter so she could see the x-ray too. Both the ortho and I had a mild panic with that one. Kids really are amazingly resilient! Hopefully your DD’s fracture can be healed with casting alone and you can avoid surgery. Keep us updated!
I thought about Nutrisystem, it's a little pricey but more so I know myself enough that I'd be one to get the meals in and think 90% are gross and then be mad I spent all that.

My mother in law gave me Nutrisystem for Christmas one year. It was awful. So very gross, and then I just wouldn't eat it and skipped meals. I ended up getting sick because I refused to eat the gross stuff and refused to get off the plan. It's probably great for people without tastebuds.


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