Debt Dumpers - 2019

YES!! :teeth: I'm attending a conference in the area and plan to spend one night at the Disneyland Hotel at the end of the trip, which comes as a package deal with two days of park tickets! My sister is planning to do the entire conference and trip with me also. She's a baker so we also plan to do some "research" on bakeries in Paris after the conference.

I'm really excited to be able to combine two of my favorite things (my work and Disney) in one trip again like I was able to do in China!

I'm jealous of all the "research" you'll be doing. DF and I were just talking about wanting to do Paris for a long weekend one day.

It’s amazing how well kids do! We are on our fourth fracture :sad2: I usually have to remind my kids to give the broken arm a break. Like, ‘Buddy, don’t hang from the monkey bars with the casted arm you broke three weeks ago.’ At one point our ortho was worried about my DD’s innervation because during a x-ray check they had removed the cast and my DD used the broken arm to boost and hold herself on the elevated counter so she could see the x-ray too. Both the ortho and I had a mild panic with that one. Kids really are amazingly resilient! Hopefully your DD’s fracture can be healed with casting alone and you can avoid surgery. Keep us updated!

Kids! Oi! She woke up this morning all spitfire and has been climbing on everything! I have to keep trying to remind her she has a booboo arm and to just relax. It's like trying to corral a herd of cats. At least she's in good spirits and didn't want the heavy drugs this morning, just regular Tylenol.
My mother in law gave me Nutrisystem for Christmas one year. It was awful. So very gross, and then I just wouldn't eat it and skipped meals. I ended up getting sick because I refused to eat the gross stuff and refused to get off the plan. It's probably great for people without tastebuds.
Lol! Exactly my thoughts on what would happen if I bought the meals. And then I'll be mad at myself looking at the freezer or cabinet about wasting money! I try out lots of different frozen meals but buy just a few at a time, like Lean Cuisine, Healthy Start, WW etc. etc. I end up hating some and tolerating others. Canned stuff or packaged meals that are non-frozen, I don't like unless it's some Campbell soup!
YES!! :teeth: I'm attending a conference in the area and plan to spend one night at the Disneyland Hotel at the end of the trip, which comes as a package deal with two days of park tickets! My sister is planning to do the entire conference and trip with me also. She's a baker so we also plan to do some "research" on bakeries in Paris after the conference.

I'm really excited to be able to combine two of my favorite things (my work and Disney) in one trip again like I was able to do in China!

Hooray!!!! I read your Shanghai TR the other day instead of doing any of the things I was supposed to do and no regrets! :D
Is it true that fruits are zero points on WW? As in, you can eat any amount?

This was true back when I did WW in college and that was quite a while ago, so probably they kept that the same. I did make a rule for myself that I was only allowed one banana per day, even though it was 0 points. I could eat a banana with every meal since I like them a lot, but I found that if I had more than one, I just didn't loose as quickly. I didn't limit other fruit though.
This was true back when I did WW in college and that was quite a while ago, so probably they kept that the same. I did make a rule for myself that I was only allowed one banana per day, even though it was 0 points. I could eat a banana with every meal since I like them a lot, but I found that if I had more than one, I just didn't loose as quickly. I didn't limit other fruit though.
I like bananas for the energy, but to replace snacking if I can with grapes or strawberries that would be good and easy to put in a bowl and be available. That's the one thing with snacking that I will actually do, otherwise I'll go for something I shouldn't like Cool Ranch Doritos :sad2:
Is it true that fruits are zero points on WW? As in, you can eat any amount?

That's one of my biggest problems... I'm allergic to so many fruits! I can eat strawberries and peaches... :( And I'm not into eating raw vegetables as a snack at all, so my snacking options end up very limited.
16 pounds! That's great!

And also motivating me to put down this bag of chips, ugh.
No kidding. I just keep eating :( I did WW for a few months last year and lost 9 pounds which I have gained back plus probably 3-4 more. My problem is that I don't like bananas, mushrooms, asparagus or yogurt and can't eat citrus so a lot of the zero point produce is off limits for me. Also I was getting to the point where I was obsessing about what went into my mouth and I refuse to do that. But I am trying to use what I learned for my lunches (hard boiled egg, chicken breast, fruit, usually a cheese stick, etc.). This week has not been good though but I am giving myself a break bc it's my birthday coming up and we're heading to Williamsburg this weekend.

In other news, electrician came today and now we have light! Slowly but surely things are moving along. DH needs new glasses and contacts that is next on the list. It never ends.
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Hooray!!!! I read your Shanghai TR the other day instead of doing any of the things I was supposed to do and no regrets! :D

Oh, yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll have to write one up for the DLP trip also!

It is very slow in the office today and winter is kicking my butt. Foggy with a feels like temp of 10. More snow on Saturday evening which means that on Sunday morning, when the temps are forecast to be in the single digits, I'll be doing snow removal at work. :sad: On the bright side, that means more calories burned... trying hard to find silver linings to our winter this year but it is getting tough.
I'm jealous of all the "research" you'll be doing. DF and I were just talking about wanting to do Paris for a long weekend one day.

I'm really looking forward to it. Planning for it is one of the things getting me through these winter months! My work is paying for my conference registration, airfare, hotels and meals for that week of the trip and my sister and I will split the cost of hotels, meals and transportation for the last few days... or possibly up to a week. I'm toying with the idea of taking a train to Bern, Switzerland between the conference and DLP as well since that's on my bucket list. Feel like I need to do what I can with this opportunity! I need to get it all budgeted out though and see if it's realistic to do.
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I'm really looking forward to it. Planning for it is one of the things getting me through these winter months! My work is paying for the conference registration, airfare, hotels and meals for that week of the trip so my sister and I will just need to cover hotels, meals and transportation for the last few days... or possibly up to a week. I'm toying with the idea of taking a train to Bern, Switzerland between the conference and DLP as well since that's on my bucket list. Feel like I need to do what I can with this opportunity! I need to get it all budgeted out though and see if it's realistic to do.

Switzerland is so very beautiful. I haven't been to Bern, but other parts of the country. It is definitely one of the favorites so far. If you can swing it, I would definitely go. It is great to maximize this opportunity, especially since work is covering the airfare. That is often the limiting cost factor for international trips.
Federal return was deposited this morning. $3870 went to paying off a credit card. $1500 went to my kids sports for the year ($750 to each one). And we are shopping this weekend for a few things we've been putting off. State should be in this week as well and will go towards another credit card leaving a small balance. Then hubby will get his bonus next month to pay off the rest. I'm so ready to get out from under all this debt!
Chiming in on the diet topic...My personal goal is also to lose a few pounds which I'm pretty sure I haven't succeeded in doing. I was doing really well with exercise/diet in January and then I got sick and lost all motivation. I've debated WW before and it may be something I look into again. "Diets" for me are generally difficult since I don't eat eggs or any kind of fish. I like a lot of veggies and most fruits, but I also like bread way too much. *insert sigh here*
Switzerland is so very beautiful. I haven't been to Bern, but other parts of the country. It is definitely one of the favorites so far. If you can swing it, I would definitely go. It is great to maximize this opportunity, especially since work is covering the airfare. That is often the limiting cost factor for international trips.

I agree, I really want to maximize this opportunity and Switzerland is right up there with Japan and New Zealand on my bucket list of places to visit! What parts of the country did you visit?
Chiming in on the diet topic...My personal goal is also to lose a few pounds which I'm pretty sure I haven't succeeded in doing. I was doing really well with exercise/diet in January and then I got sick and lost all motivation. I've debated WW before and it may be something I look into again. "Diets" for me are generally difficult since I don't eat eggs or any kind of fish. I like a lot of veggies and most fruits, but I also like bread way too much. *insert sigh here*

So that is exactly why I think WW works well for me. I could never cut out bread or rice or other carbs. With WW, you can eat whatever you want but you can't eat as much as you want of it. It really teaches and reinforces the idea of portion control rather than saying there are "good" foods and "bad" foods. That model never works for me.
Chiming in on the diet topic...My personal goal is also to lose a few pounds which I'm pretty sure I haven't succeeded in doing. I was doing really well with exercise/diet in January and then I got sick and lost all motivation. I've debated WW before and it may be something I look into again. "Diets" for me are generally difficult since I don't eat eggs or any kind of fish. I like a lot of veggies and most fruits, but I also like bread way too much. *insert sigh here*
Yeah, bread and carbs in general are my downfall, and WW does not like carbs. Although I did find a "skinny" wheat bread at Aldi that is just 1 point per slice. The one thing I have stuck with is walking. I do 30 min (1.6 miles) on the treadmill twice a week at work during lunch and walk with a friend on the weekends. We walk farther but slower so it's not really a cardio workout for me.
Federal return was deposited this morning. $3870 went to paying off a credit card. $1500 went to my kids sports for the year ($750 to each one). And we are shopping this weekend for a few things we've been putting off. State should be in this week as well and will go towards another credit card leaving a small balance. Then hubby will get his bonus next month to pay off the rest. I'm so ready to get out from under all this debt!

That's a huge return, wow!


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