Debt Dumpers - 2019

I don't have any issues with them when they are wet, they get a little slippery, but it's not too bad. I wore them on our last trip to DL a few weeks ago and it rained on us pretty much the entire day. You could always bring a small towel with you to wipe them off after a thunderstorm. These definitely don't feel like walking on a sponge to me though.
Well, no need to buy any. I was rummaging through my things here trying to find things I need to take (we have moved since last year and all our closets are tiny here, so things are every possible place), I actually found Skechers flip flops. I forgot I bought them for a cruise last year! I had taken several pairs of flip flops and mostly wore my Teva sandals last vacation (which I wanted to try since I read rave reviews-unfortunately for me kept getting cut by the buckle) Anyway, they are fine and will take these Skecher flip flops and see how they do walking in parks for a long morning! I now need to just get a pair of slides and thinking about a park bag.

Any park bag suggestions? I don't want to carry my large backpack. I have a fanny pack I again can't find after moving since it's mainly just for vacations and it's tucked away somewhere here, but it's on the small side and would like a little larger. I have a running belt I actually love to use, even for walks around here, but the running belt barely carries more than my phone, sometimes you may have things like map or papers. I saw someone recently on a trip to Mount Vernon with a Kavu sling, I was thinking is there a nice, NON leather small backpack, sling, or fanny pack anyone recommends?
Mine's not really debt dumping related. But... Flew out last night from Denver after the bomb cyclone hit and our airport was shut down for a day. Original flight was canceled. So they gave me the option of flying to Los Angeles last night otherwise I would have had to wait till Saturday for the next available flight. They told me my hotel would be covered here in LA. Got here at midnight, stood in line for an hour at customer service to find that no the hotel was not covered. So... being the financially savvy individual that I am I just spent the night in LAX! Good thing the Starbucks opened at 4:30 a.m. here!
I did pretty well on last year’s financial goals. I had surgery and was out of work for 3 months, so that slowed me down. Goals for 2019

Pay off surgery- $7000 left with no interest until June ( it is adding up, so if I don’t pay it off it will be expensive.)
Pay of son’s tuition-$5000 left for Spring, payment plan until April, and he is a Senior!
Pay off $4000 in cc debt

Since the tuition and surgery have to be paid off in April and June, I should be able to get the cc paid off during the later part of the year. Last year I paid off DH’s car. That helped immensely, we have 4 cars and no payments. The boys have old cars though, so repairs can knock a hole in our budget sometimes.

Update- I paid off my son’s tuition last month. Today I paid off my surgery. Credit card is up to $5000 because I had to buy a new washer and dryer. I have paid off travel and hotel for my family to go to my son’s graduation. I only have to save for the graduation dinner. I am starting a new job in May. It will be full time. Between that, the surgery paid off and no more tuition, I think that we will be doing pretty well. I hope that on next year’s thread my goal is to pay off the house. That will probably be 2020-2024 though.
March is turning out expensive after all. Buying clothes and shoes for two kids that need a ton of things because I haven't bought in a while. This should get through to next spring I hope for the short sleeve and shorts anyway. Plus they needed some cleats and things for sports. Anyway, way over budget as I had to get more than just shirts and shorts, but also running shoes, swimsuits, pajamas, socks, underwear, and light jackets, and I'm done and don't want to look in a kids clothing department until late fall or look online either. I still need to get some athletic slides for me, and would like some flip flops that can be worn around the parks, if I can find anything that works and doesn't hurt. I give up on trying to find a bathing suit!

I know it's a more expensive option, but I have had good luck with swimsuits from Lands End.

So after we ate with abandon at WDW, we came home on Sunday and joined Weight Watchers. We both have about 30 lbs. to loose. DH and I are both serious about loosing the weight and so he said that he would join with me, for which I am so thankful. It is much easier to stick to the plan when you have family support. DH has jumped fully on board and has been tracking his points. We went grocery shopping on Sunday and he had his phone out scanning everything the whole time.

We are now on day 5 and I have been doing well. Keeping within my points range and not feeling hungry. DH has complained a bit that when he packs a salad with chicken for lunch it isn't enough and it leaves him hungry, so I told him that he needs to pack himself extra zero or low points items for snacks, like a piece of fruit. I think it will be a bit of an adjustment for him, but I am confident that he will stick with it and figure out what works. If not for his own sake, then for mine and DD. He talks about how he wants to have a long life to spend with DD. Not that he is obese or anything, but he will definitely benefit from loosing weight.

Good luck on weight watchers! I think you will find it really doable for the most part (I say as I'm eating a bagel that is clearly not within my plan!). We leave for Disney in 10 day and I am hopeful to be motivated when I return to get back on the wagon! There are some jack links turkey snack sticks that are 1 point for 2 sticks that are good snacks.

We are now 10 days out from our trip and the desire to spend and already check out is STRONG! Had two days off of work due to a blizzard so no money spent there. Husband has been working a lot of overtime- some he signed up for and some he had to do due to the blizzard so the impulse to eat out and just slack off is strong! Trying to stay strong!

Last month I had suspicious spots cut off- the bill is almost $800 between testing the doctor doing it! UGH!
Any park bag suggestions? I don't want to carry my large backpack. I have a fanny pack I again can't find after moving since it's mainly just for vacations and it's tucked away somewhere here, but it's on the small side and would like a little larger. I have a running belt I actually love to use, even for walks around here, but the running belt barely carries more than my phone, sometimes you may have things like map or papers. I saw someone recently on a trip to Mount Vernon with a Kavu sling, I was thinking is there a nice, NON leather small backpack, sling, or fanny pack anyone recommends?

I have a Disney Vera Bradley crossbody bag that is specifically for Disney trips. The style is called hipster. I like it because it is lightweight, but it still carries a decent amount. And because it is a crossbody, it always keeps my hands free. I don't see Vera Bradley on the Disney Store anymore, but any regular Vera Bradley hipster would work just as well.
Mine's not really debt dumping related. But... Flew out last night from Denver after the bomb cyclone hit and our airport was shut down for a day. Original flight was canceled. So they gave me the option of flying to Los Angeles last night otherwise I would have had to wait till Saturday for the next available flight. They told me my hotel would be covered here in LA. Got here at midnight, stood in line for an hour at customer service to find that no the hotel was not covered. So... being the financially savvy individual that I am I just spent the night in LAX! Good thing the Starbucks opened at 4:30 a.m. here!
That's terrible about the flight and needing to stay in the airport! I've had that happen, not fun.
I know it's a more expensive option, but I have had good luck with swimsuits from Lands End.
I don't mind trying a more expensive option on swimsuits, that's usually better as I'll say some of the swimsuits they sell at the more popular stores, are meant for some shape of ladies that are runway model bodies and age, or teens even more so! When I was a teen or young 20s, could fit anything no problem it's not always the weight but changes in general as we age that some of these suits, just no!
So excited we paid off Hubby's credit card 2 months early! Onto paying off my car (hopefully by end of year). DD and I leave for WDW in 10 days. I have gift cards and cash set aside so we are all set for our vacation. Its amazing how much "extra" money you find when you do not eat out at all and stick to your budget. :cloud9:
@Dentam I'm so sorry about your flight troubles. I hope the rest of your trip is easy breezy.

@jen7233 I've had really good luck with swimsuits at ...I have issues in regular stores finding a bikini top that will fit my chest, but I love the Ashley Graham line at swimsuitsforall. They have a wide variety of one pieces and two pieces.
Good luck on weight watchers! I think you will find it really doable for the most part (I say as I'm eating a bagel that is clearly not within my plan!).

I did WW back in 2004-2005 and lost a bunch of weight, so I know how to work the plan. The weight had slowly crept back up, especially after the wedding and when pregnant. My employer does voluntary health checks every two years and I had mine done last month. I have always been well within the normal range for everything, but I was into the warning zone for cholesterol and I am hoping to get pregnant again late this year, so I want to be in better shape for that. Plus we want to purchase our life insurance policies before I get pregnant. Being at a lower weight will save us 10s of thousands of dollars over the life of a 30 year term insurance policy, so there is a big motivation there too.

I don't mind trying a more expensive option on swimsuits, that's usually better as I'll say some of the swimsuits they sell at the more popular stores, are meant for some shape of ladies that are runway model bodies and age, or teens even more so! When I was a teen or young 20s, could fit anything no problem it's not always the weight but changes in general as we age that some of these suits, just no!

I like the Land's End swimsuits too. I need good chest support and these suits are great for that.
@Dentam I'm so sorry about your flight troubles. I hope the rest of your trip is easy breezy.

@jen7233 I've had really good luck with swimsuits at ...I have issues in regular stores finding a bikini top that will fit my chest, but I love the Ashley Graham line at swimsuitsforall. They have a wide variety of one pieces and two pieces.
Ashley Graham was a few years ahead of me at school lol
Ashley Graham was a few years ahead of me at school lol

That's pretty awesome lol. I don't remember where I first even heard of her from, but i started following her on Instagram. I love her swimsuit line and her intimates line that addition Elle carries. Both are a little on the pricey side, but everything ive bought has lasted, so for me it's worth the money.
Flight is delayed but looks like we'll be leaving soon. Heading home to celebrate my 40th birthday with my family. I told myself if something happened with this flight being cancelled or severely delayed I'd just head over to DL instead. Ha!
That's pretty awesome lol. I don't remember where I first even heard of her from, but i started following her on Instagram. I love her swimsuit line and her intimates line that addition Elle carries. Both are a little on the pricey side, but everything ive bought has lasted, so for me it's worth the money.
I didn't know her personally, but they ran a few articles a year on her in the school newspaper. Always fun to see someone from NE make it big :D
My husband and I have decided to take on a pretty aggressive debt reduction plan this year. Goal is to eliminate just under $15K in student loans (3 loans total) and $6k in credit card debt. We took our tax return and applied it to one of my three student loans so I am now down to just under $11k and down to two loans. I just got an email yesterday that we will be getting our STIP bonuses on June 7th. My best guess is I will get my full bonus, I have had good reviews and I know my company is doing well. If that is the case my loans will be under 4K and down to one loan. I just had major back surgery and owe $3k for that, but I am on an interest free payment plan for the next two years, and I am fairly positive my HSA will cover all of it. Just have to make sure the monthly amount is available in the HSA. My Husband is in charge of the CC debt as that is his credit card, and has not been charging on it, and has been paying $600/month on it. While I think this amount of debt to pay down is aggressive, I have looked at our budget and identified several areas of "waste" we can get rid of. After my student loans are paid in full, we will go after his. My goal overall is to be debt free by the end of 2020. I figure if we can pay off these two things in 2019 we can easily free up over $1k a month to then contribute to his student loans. That extra $1k will be crucial because I want to sell my condo and buy a house in 2021, I live in the North East so housing is VERY expensive for what little you get.
Mid-month update: My DH's paycheck went in today and I was able to sock away an extra $150 in various savings accounts (in addition to the automatic $100 that goes into savings). I currently have 4 savings accounts: Main savings, travel savings, bill savings, and car savings. Once we get rid of our credit card debt and/or build up more of a main savings I plan on looking into a high interest savings account. I'm not quite ready to take that plunge just yet. I was also able to pay $50 towards our biggest credit card debt, which has brought that down to $2150. This is still set to be paid off within the next 4 months, barring any emergencies come up. Our newest credit card debt is the best buy card when we bought our ipad last weekend. This card is sitting at $442 and right now i'm budgeting to pay it within the 12 months for the no interest. I will probably just pay it off once I pay off my other credit card.

I've also finally started walking on my lunch/breaks at work again. After getting sick back in January I couldn't find the motivation to get started again. It's not much, but it's something for now. :) Happy Friday all!
Got 2 more of the bills from Pi's arm fiasco. One is just over $100 and the other is $30. I'll be paying those when we go for follow up appointments next week with our HSA account.

Our car is thru a buy here, pay here place. I went in to make my payment and the lady asked how I was doing. I mentioned it had been a rough couple weeks with missing work and the ER/doctor visits and she actually moved my payment for next month to the end of the loan to give me breathing room. I am so happy for the little break in that payment so I can catch up on a few other things instead now. The new schedule has me completely paid off by March 2020. So, only one more year left!

I've stayed away for weeks because I am behind. I am sad and behind. In good news, our gym membership has expired and saves us over $300 this year. Long story, but it's a good thing to let go. I redid my tax deductions this year, in order to avoid paying state next year, and bring home $60 less a month. I am going to power through and adjust our sails because it'll be nice to not pay state next year. Still on target to pay off one card in August. Next is the car in November. And the unexpected vacation reimbursement in December. If I can just keep looking forward...

I'm not going to lie. It's been a hard season of choosing to be a good steward of our money. I want to kick my younger self in the teeth for doing this. This will pass, if we stick to the plan. But today, I am weary.

That said, I'm not looking for cheerleaders. Just wanted to pop in and express to the regulars and the lurkers that we all have days/weeks/months of feeling beat-up. Push through. It's better to dump the debt!
I hope that on next year’s thread my goal is to pay off the house. That will probably be 2020-2024 though.

just want to say that once we were able to focus all our efforts on paying off our home it went MUCH faster than we anticipated. i think it was being able to pull up a mortgage calculator and plugging in what just an extra $10 or $20 i had at the end of the week to see how it would impact us long term if applied. seeing that those dibs and dabs cut days, then weeks, then months off the loan was a tremendous incentive.


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