Denise's New Focus on Fitness-Friends and Support Welcome!

We're snowbound! So far about 14 inches and 20-25 expected. DH did some grocery shopping on Thurs. after work, so we're all set. Yesterday he worked 1/2 day so we went to Bahama Breeze for lunch (perfect before a snow storm) then to see "Up In The Air" with George Clooney. We had a $10.00 BB card (got it for leaving my business card) and free movie tickets, so I was a cheap date.

I managed to get 16 bags filled the other day, so I feel good about that. I just need to gather more things before I finish the rest. They look nice with a welcome card, stickers and bows.

Amy, this is the same storm as DC is getting, and they may be hit just as hard as we are.

Tracy, I agree with you about spring. Its tough being here some days in the dismal winter. I really need to get myself out of the house every day even if I just go to the library or go to the park and read if the day is sunny. It really does make a difference.

My Mom is in Florida at my brother's until Wed. She certainly picked the right week to escape!

We're about ready to have breakfast, and later DH is making a white seafood pizza. Yum!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Forgot to mention that I'm doing petty well managing my side effects this time. I'm fatigued and having some mouth issues, but other than that the discomfort is minimal. I'm feeling very thankful!!!!!!
Denise, I am glad you guys have provisions to keep you inside this weekend and out of that weather! One thing about it, at least its a weekend. I hear you on getting out of the house every day. If I have a day where I don't, even if I enjoyed it, I'll often end up feeling depressed and blah by day's end. I hope this storm clears out soon and you can have some sunny days next week. I am ready for spring and I know you are too!

So glad the side affects are minimal. Do you get thrush in your mouth? That is what my mom always used to get and it was very uncomfortable. You just hang in there with all of that and I am sending some good thoughts and prayers out your way. And I'll hope for some warm weather to melt all that snow too!:goodvibes
I'm glad to hear that the side effects have been minimal for you, Denise. :hug:

I'm sorry to hear about the snow. :( We got about 6-10" here. That's good that you have provisions to get you through the weekend. Sounds like a great time to watch a good movie or to curl up with a good book. :goodvibes

I hope you have a nice Saturday! :goodvibes
Just wanted to pop by quickly to tell you what's going on with DH. He's been dealing with eye/vision problems for several years now and over the weekend he developed another problem. We spent Monday afternoon at 2 different eye drs. The first was his optamologist (sp?)who then referred him to a retina specialist. Turns out he has a detached retina and has to have emergency surgery today at the Wills Eye Hospital in Phila. I can't believe this is happening! I'm thankful that we have access to such great hospitals in Phila. but this involves downtown parking garages and some distance walking. Our son is going to take us over there so I won't have to walk as far and he'll be able to sit with me while Gary is in surgery. The dr. is optimistic about being able to re-attach the retina, but his vision may not return to normal. Gary works for a government defense contractor and builds electronics with the use of a dual microscope. He's really concerned that he might not be able to do his job when this is over.

Please say a prayer for us today!!!! Thanks for listening.
Praying for both of you, Dee! Hopefully your DH will recover fully & quickly! And I'm glad you are managing the effects so well. My sister swore that the key was believing that she was going to not have the bad side effects & keep going. Hopefully next treatment will go a bit quicker.
Hi friends!

Things have settled down a little bit here. Gary's surgery was successful as far as the re-attachment of the retina goes, however it will be weeks before we know about his vision. He had a follow-up yesterday and the doc said things look good. He has to go back on Monday for the second follow-up with the doc. who did the surgery and see what he thinks. All this was going on while we had another snowstorm from Tues. night into Wed. We got about 12 more inches on top of the 24 inches we got on Sat. He's not able to lift more than 20 lbs. due to the pressure it causes, and I have absolutely no energy or stamina right now, so our neighbor was kind enough to take care of the snow car included.

Thanks to all of you who were thinking about us during this ordeal! I will be so happy when summer is here and I have some energy to enjoy getting out of the house.
Hi Denise,

Sending a gentle :hug: your way. You've had a lot going on this week! :hug: I'm glad to hear that your DH's surgery went well. We will keep him in our prayers.

I am so thankful that your neighbor was able to help out with snow removal. :goodvibes You guys got a TON of snow!:eek:

I hope you have a nice weekend. Please try and take it easy, okay?:hug:
Denise, I am so sorry I missed what has been going on with you and Gary. I am so glad the surgery went well and that your neighbor and son have been there to help you both. I am saying prayers that Gary's sight returns to normal. You guys have had so much on your plate lately. Hang in there! :hug:
Wow, Where have the days gone? Gary had his 2nd follow-up visit and the surgeon said the healing process looks good. DH was able to return to work on Tues., but did not drive. He's depended on his car pool buddies for 3 days. He is working 1/2 day today since its our day to drop off the welcome bags at the Ronald Mc Donald House. I was really nervous about him driving early this morning.

I had an appt. with my new gyn/onc. yesterday. Let's just say this visit was a real eye-opener to hear about my situation from a new perspective. This doc does not pull any punches, but it was in a good way. He wants me to postpone my next treatment until I have some imaging done and my medical onc. agreed with him. So I have to arrange all that this morning. How I wish this was all done and over with!

Lauren and Scott are going to visit with us on Sat. and Sun. DS-Steve and DW-Sue will also come by. We haven't been together since the holidays. I really need to have some happy times!!!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll try to get back here again soon.
Denise, sending some hugs out your way.:hug: I am glad you found a doctor you like that has some concrete suggestions and all but I can imagine its stressful too.

I am so glad Gary continues to improve. I would have been nervous too seeing him drive but we women excel at being nervous!

I am so happy you have your kids coming this weekend, and I am betting some Scott Therapy will be the best thing you can get! Happy times are good for the body and soul and enjoy the weekend!
I'm glad to hear that Gary is doing well and recovering nicely. :goodvibes I'm also glad to hear that you are happy with your new doctor. :goodvibes We'll keep you and Gary in our prayers. :grouphug:

Have a wonderful time with your family this weekend!:goodvibes
Hope you are having a good weekend!

Glad the new Dr is ok. Hard to deal, but sometimes I think their being direct would be good, although tough.

Hang in there! Hugs & prayers!!
We had a nice weekend with our family! Everyone was here on Sat. and we enjoyed a nice dinner together.I just feel really guilty that I had to depend on everyone else to pull things together and do the clean up. This fatigue is really getting to me. I don't feel like leaving the house cause I know I don't have the stamina to be on my feet for more than 10 minutes at a time. Its very frustrating!

I had the CT scan yesterday so I'll give my doc a call tomorrow for the results. I'm very apprehensive this time around and I don't want to hear any more bad news. I try not to think negatively, but on the other hand, I have to be realistic. I've really had enough of this!!!!!

I started a new book today and so far so good, its kept my interest. I won't finish a book anymore if I don't like the first 50 pages. There is just so much good stuff out there that I shouldn't have to waste my time on a book that doesn't interest me from the start. It's raining here today and we could get more snow on Thurs. and Fri. Just what we need -not!

My taste seems to be back to normal for this cycle. I'd love to have something really flavorful for dinner tonight, but I'm not sure what. Something Italian would probably hit the spot.I'll have to work on that.

Enjoy your day ladies! How many days left until spring?
Denise, do not feel guilty for allowing others to pick up things while you are fighting this very important fight! You'd do the same for others, and heck, your day is coming. If I know you, as soon as this treatment is over and you are feeling back to normal, you'll be a bundle of energy and ready to do what needs to be done wherever it needs to be done! :goodvibes

I am so glad you enjoyed your time with family.

I am praying for good results from that doctor. You wouldn't be human if you didn't have apprehension. :hug:

Now you have me thinking of Italian food!:rotfl:
Sending prayers for your CT Scan results, Denise. :hug:

I'm glad that you had a great time with your family this weekend!:goodvibes

Hope you have a good day today!:hug:
Glad you were able to enjoy your visit this weekend. Please allow others the blessing of doing things for you! It blesses them as much as it blesses you....sometimes more!!

Praying that you got ok news today from the dr. Hang in there & be strong!!
Hi Denise, just checking in to say hi! Hope things are well, do you have treatment this week? I am betting you got snow and I am also betting you are ready for spring!:flower3:


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