"Did Pluto Just Give You A Lap Dance?" 10 days of Naughty & Nice!

Hey Dawn- I just finished reading your trip report and I gotta tell you this was the best TR ever! You are so funny and smart. I am sorry for everything your family has gone through with the tradgedy last Halloween- but you all have really risen above all of that. You all love each other and that is so obvious. That is what is important and what I treasure with my 18 year old daughter every day. Thank you so much for sharing- I can't tell you the good it did for my soul!!! We are heading to Disney in 8 days and seeing all your pictures was a great way to get excited. You and your family are AWESOME.
That was such a kind response and I totally suck since I have not been here with all the time spent getting ready for this trip! I can't wait to hear about your tiome there!

I laughed at "Were you born stupid" till I cried.

I love your family's sense of humor!
Thank you so much! This next TR will be even better as I will take notes as I go! Hope to see you on that one as well!
You're leaving soon for another trip! Yay! :dance3:

My gosh girl! I leave tom!

I still cannot find pics for the last 3 days here - but Treyner's girlfriend at the time of the trip - has pics and will be back during Christmas break and she said she will give them to me so I can finish this one!

I promise it will be done by New Years! Then I will start the trip we leave for tom!
My gosh girl! I leave tom!

I still cannot find pics for the last 3 days here - but Treyner's girlfriend at the time of the trip - has pics and will be back during Christmas break and she said she will give them to me so I can finish this one!

I promise it will be done by New Years! Then I will start the trip we leave for tom!
I've been missing you on here! That's too bad that you can't find your pictures, but at least Treynor's friend still has them! How lucky!

I cannot believe that you are leaving tomorrow. That's so awesome. I know you guys will have so much fun.

Looking forward to the new TR and finishing up the old one!
still lurking :rolleyes1 I can't help it! But I will be here waiting for the end of this **awesome** trip report.

Safe travels for you and your family on your caribbean beach vacation :grouphug:
Awwww heck....MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Dawn is not feeling well so your regularly scheduled broadcast :happytv: has been hijacked by a slightly deranged grumpy :banana:

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

More zaney adventures from our Disney Superheros to follow shortly. Please stay tuned!
Thanks Dan! Be sure to give our best to Dawn, sorry to hear that she's not feeling well again....do you think it's something that will pass quickly?
Be sure to tell Dawn that I got her Christmas card and thought it was a nice surprise. Happy to hear that she's finally finishing the old report so she can move onto the new one. :) Hopefully it will be with a title that won't get her thrown off of the Dis boards. :laughing:
Thanks for the update Dan, tell Dawn we hope she's feeling better soon! Can't wait to hear about the latest trip!
Feel better Dawn....can't wait to hear about your trip last week!
Hope you are feeling better and are on the road to recovery! Can't wait to read about your latest trip!
Hope you are feeling better and are on the road to recovery! Can't wait to read about your latest trip!

Hi guys! I started my new TR cause my PTR got sent to completed without me asking...I justgot the pics to finish up this TR - should get to that this weekend.

Thank you all for being worried about my health...feeling better but when you read all the stuff about Treyner - you will no why my ticker may fail soon enough from stress form that boy!

Hope to see you on the new site too! Link below!:)
Um... I think I have mine. Buried in a chest of board games in my basement, but it's there. =)

You have one!!!! Must send pictures!!!! I never knew another one existed in the world!
DURAN DURAN Simon LaBon was to die for. Saw them in concert in the early eighties and it was a sea of estogen. Thousands of screaming females and me one of them, then we met them, at a holiday inn up the road from our house, in swim suits heading to the pool. :hippie::hippie::love::love: I was totally in love, that was before Dan but ohhhh what a memory. Still love their music guess I haven't grown up.
You have one!!!! Must send pictures!!!! I never knew another one existed in the world!

As soon as I unearth the chest, I will. Right now, it's got a ton of stuff stacked on top. We Duranies have to stick together, after all. =)


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