"Did Pluto Just Give You A Lap Dance?" 10 days of Naughty & Nice!

looks like you are going about the time we leave to come home this year...we almost didn't get to go this year...was told in June I had ovarian cancer...had surgery July 9th...guess what...no cancer!:cool1: somebody up there was looking out for me...my Doctor was/is dumbfounded:confused: still shaking his head...I had people praying for me that I've never even met and when they opened me up it was all benign... was out of work 2 months...husband is in paramedic school and working every spare minute, so what the heck...gonna treat ourselves to 8 days at our "Happy Place" we'll be there Dec 11-19:woohoo:

That is awesome news. Congratulations GO TO DISNEY:worship:

I hate that Dan did another number on himself while there, I knew what was coming when you said he had rested his head against the window. This is totally something my daughter would have done, (this is why I knew what was coming, I'm on constant look out for what variable my daughter can get herself into :rolleyes:)

Don't be fooled Dawn tries to sound like she cared but she laughed so hard:rotfl2:, the tampon should have been for her:boat:. She let go with so much urinary tract force that I thought I saw shamu :fish:swim by in the aftermath. But that could have been a delusion from the pain :faint:I was in or the blood dripping through my eyes into my grape slushy.



:idea: Hey! That's a thought! It would save me some money from buying the Brazilian Secret. "There goes that greedy biotch again thinking she can by pass keeping up with Jones's to save more money for Disney! :snooty:
She's such a non-conformist!"

Revolution, Baby!!! Revolution!!! I conform to no one!!!

Correct me if I am wrong but if you wear this....Would you become a conformist?:rolleyes::rolleyes1

Correct me if I am wrong but if you were this....Would you become a conformist?:rolleyes::rolleyes1

:rotfl2::rotfl2: It's probably unfair to have put that here, only Dawn truly knows why I say anything about being a conformist in part, and the other part about saving money came from the PTR when she mentioned about the serving size of a pickle spear. LOL Sorry you kinda had to be there. If everyone is lost I apologize. And no to your question...you would not be a conformist if you wore one of those....psst...Dan...Play along..it's funnier that way. ;) :laughing:
Treyner's fan club :rotfl:

Let's see...I'm pretty sure the guy advice you gave me is to run away from the type of guy I'm attracted to and pick the opposite. So I'm going to say I'm attracted to the guy whose the opposite of Treyner and take your advice and run away from him and say hello Treyner!! :wave2: Your mom gave me some guy advice that somehow led me to you! :confused3 So I'm just sucking it up and going with it...


It's like a push-up butt bra!

I can honestly say I've never contemplated adding to my behind...it's well cushioned.

I thought the same thing about the push up bra! So would it give me butt cleavage?:rotfl2:

I honestly don't know a single person who has ever wanted to "add volume" to their butt. Mine is voluminous enough!
My sister has been eyeing butt-bras. She has more than enough in front, but absolutely nothing in back - she refers to her backside as her buthigh, b/c her butt is so flat it runs right into her thigh. :lmao:
I thought the same thing about the push up bra! So would it give me butt cleavage?:rotfl2:

I honestly don't know a single person who has ever wanted to "add volume" to their butt. Mine is voluminous enough!

Ditto! Hence my story of me being all bent over if I put one of those darn things on! :rotfl: Hiking up my hiney would be a bad, bad, bad............bad thing!! :laughing:
Maybe you could use one of these! :rotfl:
www.GetBrazilianSecret.com <---Be sure to watch for about a minute, I promise it's worth the laugh! :laughing:

HEY! That looks cool! I could use that extra push up! :thumbsup2

yes.....Treynor is a hottie. :woohoo:

LOVE the Osborne lights! I can't wait to see them next month...the kids are going to be so excited by them!

OUCH on Dan's head!!
I swear guys I am ripping this house apart looking for those darn CD's. Perplexed and so frusterated!:headache::sad2:
I swear guys I am ripping this house apart looking for those darn CD's. Perplexed and so frusterated!:headache::sad2:
I can imagine the frustration! One, it's something you want and can't find and TWO: It's your MEMORIES FOR GOSH SAKE! :eek: I DO hope you find those darn CD's and FAST! :yay:
I'm sure you've thought of this, but did you ask Carsyn and Baylor if they have seen the CD's? I just have this gut feeling one of them was looking at the pictures and left the CD in their computer or something.
We have a laptop that has a broken plug inport - can't get a new battery because we tried and thus type of computer needs to be plugged in to charge the battery. One might be stuck in the CD slot there.

But there is a whole box missing. Carsyn made this awesome video for Treyner when he graduated and put tons of pics in it and I can't find tthis huge box of old CD's etc.

I have totally tore apart my office - have 2 boxes left to go through and then I am gonna cry.

There was stuff brought out to the garage as well and I am just praying that between moving Dan's stuff in and re-arranging everything it is somewhere.

I thought I found it yesterday and it was Treyner's 8th grade graduation. So funny!
Don't cry - you'll find it! At least you are getting to find some other fun memories along the way. They are around somewhere laughing b/c you can't find them.

At least that's the way I look at it when I can't find something. :laughing:
You'll find them Mama, don't worry.
I know there somewhere where you least expect them to be, since y'all moved so many things around with moving Dan and renovating maybe their in some boxes you thought were something else. :confused3

Wish I could be there to help you. :hug: I'm really good at finding things, everyone in the family hates it that I just know where things are....they can take weeks looking for something and somehow I find it right away, want me to fly out? :3dglasses I got my x-ray vision glasses, five bucks, and my exercise ball what else do we need? We could have a really good time! :woohoo:
We can stay all hopped up on our sparks diets, go to the Y on five hours of sleep, and in the mean time I'll make sure everywhere you go that there's a bottle of your favorite water, I'll have all of commerce in on it so they can hand you a bottle as you come into any of the stores, and then...maybe you can help me find the illusive hairs that keep popping up that are to dam* hard to find cause I can't see anything up close any more??? <all part of the inclusive package of almost turning 40>
What ya say? Huh!? Huh!? :banana:


Are you laughing yet? ;)
Treyner's fan club :rotfl:

Let's see...I'm pretty sure the guy advice you gave me is to run away from the type of guy I'm attracted to and pick the opposite. So I'm going to say I'm attracted to the guy whose the opposite of Treyner and take your advice and run away from him and say hello Treyner!! :wave2: Your mom gave me some guy advice that somehow led me to you! :confused3 So I'm just sucking it up and going with it...

Must have missed some posts so I'm replying now. Better late than never!!!

I say "go for it!" Treynor is a cutie, you are a cutie, and Dawn knows what's good for her baby boy! :goodvibes

You should get to see them....the lights are up and able to be seen as of today! :banana: Nov. 10th- Jan. 4th, at least that's what I read in an article about the lights. :)

Then you'll fit right in around these here parts of the Disboard. :upsidedow

Sorry to be late responding to you! Thanks for the info on the lights. I am so looking forward to seeing them! :cool1:

LOLing about fitting in. I see that I am fitting right in! :thumbsup2
Hey Dawn- I just finished reading your trip report and I gotta tell you this was the best TR ever! You are so funny and smart. I am sorry for everything your family has gone through with the tradgedy last Halloween- but you all have really risen above all of that. You all love each other and that is so obvious. That is what is important and what I treasure with my 18 year old daughter every day. Thank you so much for sharing- I can't tell you the good it did for my soul!!! We are heading to Disney in 8 days and seeing all your pictures was a great way to get excited. You and your family are AWESOME.

I laughed at "Were you born stupid" till I cried.

I love your family's sense of humor!


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