"Didn't you see our first movie? We drive..." An August 2012 TR The new TR is up!!!

Your countdown update of the day:
:dance3:6 DAYS UNTIL DISNEY!!!!!!!!:dance3:

Our rainy morning in Epcot

August 18th

We got up at eight on this fine Saturday morning. Our second to last day…

We were thinking about the next day and how crazy it was going to be (foreshadowing) and we didn’t think we would make it to our 12:30 ADR at Teppan Edo. So we check WDW.com to see what was open for later that day. And what came up? Two words: Le Cellier. Like, seriously? I mean, people are always going crazy about Le Cellier ADRs, and then we check one day before and we get one. It was at 5:50, so we thought that was a good time, so we got it!

We were out the door at 9:30, which in my opinion is WAY too late, but I didn’t want to spend another day with Ms. Grumpy Gills so we “slept in.”

And like usual, a bus was waiting at the bus stop that said EPCOT on the sign. So we ran as fast as we could go. Well, I did anyways.

There were these adorable little kids on our bus that were all wearing Brave shirts. LOVE.

We got to Epcot at about 10, and it was already raining out. Lovely.


Since Mum can’t run to save her life or dodge crowds, I took our APs and ran for the Land in the pouring rain. My poncho kept flying everywhere and I probably crashed into five people, but who really cares?

I got into the Land without killing anyone and went down to Soarin’, which already had a 2 hour wait.


I got us FPs for 1:10-2:10.

I headed back up to the second floor and found Mum, surprisingly. I thought she would be still trying to get to the Land in the rain, since it takes her five years to walk 10 feet.

We headed back out into the rain and walked over to the Seas to do Turtle Talk with Crush, duh.


While waiting for Turtle Talk, I brought Mum over to Mr. Rays Pop Quiz so she could see how hard it is. She picked advance, which was just ridiculous. How were we ever going to get the advanced questions right?! Well, Mum got them all right. Me, not so much. I told Mum to send her certificate to her email, but she didn’t. So I think I did it for her, because I thought she need a certificate for the wonderful job she did.

We were let into Turtle Talk soon and I think we sat towards the front. Who knows though.

It was pretty much the same show as last time, but it’s always nice to see it, because Crush is awesome and all. But really, no one is as awesome as moi.

One of the dudes on the floor asked Crush how many kids he has. Crush said he has 65. Wow
He said that when the turtles are born, that if they are in cold sand, they are dudes. And if they are born in hot sand, they are dudettes. “So that’s why dudettes are really hot…”

When we got out of the show, I had my poncho wrapped around me and I was pretending to be a dinosaur. Don’t even ask why. I was running around like a crazy person with my poncho wrapped around my head while going “RAWR!!!!” I am such a freak. You people must wonder sometimes “I think she should go see a doctor…”

So we stopped in the gift shop before heading out (note: I was still pretending to be a dinosaur). I thought I saw Mum so I went up to her and went “RAWR!” But to come to find out, it wasn’t Mum. So after I noticed that I accidently rawred at Mum’s doppelganger, I ran (still with my poncho around my head). I found the real Mum and I was like “let’s get out of here!” before Mum’s doppelganger found me and yelled at me like “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”

…and it still hadn’t stopped raining yet when we got outside. So I put my poncho back on my body instead of around my head.


We decided to check out the Art of Disney store to get out of the rain, and to look around at all of the stuff that I want to decorate our house with.

They sell the best things in there, like this.


After we looked at all of the stuff that we can’t afford, we got in line for Spaceship Earth.






Sorry for all of the SE spam. I am kind of in love with it like I am with flying elephants.

Oh, forgot to say, the line for SE was 20 minutes. Yeah, 20 minutes for an attraction that is usually a walk on.

I can't get over how long the line is for Spaceship Earth right now.

It was ridiculous.

And we did wait for about 20 minutes. I don’t even know why it was that long.

When you are on SE, look at the radio announcer’s microphone. It says WDI (Walt Disney Imagineering…) on it.

(my awful picture of it)


I LOVE this part of the ride. It’s so cool.

I know you all want to see our lovely faces in the future.

Well here ya go!




Attractive, I know.

Once we got off, we saw our beautiful faces on the screen.

And then I went up to one of those screen thingys and sent our picture to my email, so then we came up again on the big screens, so everyone could see us again, since we are so amazing.

I guess I really like space.

We headed back outside, and of course, it was still pouring out. So it was time for Mum to cave in and get one of the $8 ponchos.​
You know that D23 magazine I bought you tonite...the one that cost $16 ridiculous dollars? Well, I think I will be returning it tomorrow before you have the chance to crack it open. Why? you might ask....
Perhaps you should stop saying how I can't run, walk 10 feet, etc. I believe I walked 60 miles that week. And drove YOU a loooong 23 hours down to WDW in the first place.
Just sayin' :scratchin
Great photos! I've never been on SE and it looks so fun!!!

Six days till Disney?!?!?! You mist be EXCITED!!! I'm so jealous! Are you missing school for it?

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
You know that D23 magazine I bought you tonite...the one that cost $16 ridiculous dollars? Well, I think I will be returning it tomorrow before you have the chance to crack it open. Why? you might ask....
Perhaps you should stop saying how I can't run, walk 10 feet, etc. I believe I walked 60 miles that week. And drove YOU a loooong 23 hours down to WDW in the first place.
Just sayin' :scratchin

NOOOOOOOO!!! Don't take my D23 magazine away from MOI! I LOVE YOU MUM YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!!

Great photos! I've never been on SE and it looks so fun!!!

Six days till Disney?!?!?! You mist be EXCITED!!! I'm so jealous! Are you missing school for it?

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

You should go on SE! I love it.
Yes, well FIVE DAYS NOW!!! I am SUPER EXCITED. Yeah, I will be missing three days of school, but it's not like I care since I will be in DISNEY!!​
Your countdown update of the day:
pixiedust:5 DAYS UNTIL DISNEY!!!!!!!!pixiedust:
Even though it will be FOUR DAYS UNTIL DISNEY in like 10 minutes...

"Soarin', flyin', there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach..."

Now all of you probably have that song stuck in your heads now. You're welcome.

So we went into that little store near Spaceship Earth so Mum could get a poncho, since she did not like our Wally World ones one bit.

It was craziness in that store. Everyone was buying ponchos. Ponchos were flying through the air, CMs were yelling “A KIDS SIZE OR AN ADULT SIZE????” and Stupid Guests were everywhere, but that’s 24/7 at Disney.

Mum got her lovely $8 poncho and put it on. It totally messed up The Hair. When Mum’s hair gets messed up, it’s like the whole world is going to end. I wonder if Prince (not so) Charming gets like that…

So as you can see, Mum was very happy with her new $8 poncho.

I don’t know why she wasn’t happy with it. I mean, it has Mickey on the back!

Oh wait. It messed up The Hair. That’s right!

We ran across Future World into Club Cool. It was time for the best drink ever, aka BEVERLY!

Don’t you all love it?

People who like Beverly are on drugs. I’m sorry.


We got our cups and drinked (is that a word?) around the world! Not in World Showcase, that is.

Then it was time.

To chug down a cup of Beverly.

Mum went first. She just loves that stuff so much, as you can see below.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Then, it was my turn.

I just loved it.

Seriously, Beverly gives you THE WORST after taste EVER.

After we had our soda, we headed into World Showcase to find some lunch. We got to Mexico and didn’t want to walk any further because 1) the rain and 2) we are so lazy, well at least I am. So we went to La Cantina de San Angel, which is the outdoor quick service place. Yes, outdoors.

I went to go find a table that was soaking wet under the big canopy thingy outside. I found a table in the middle of it that wasn’t going to get our butts too wet.

There was a big white birdy walking around trying to cover from the rain.

There is a wonderful view from there of World Showcase. I would like to go back there and take some pictures when it is actually sunny out.



The top of the canopy thingy.

Mum arrived with our food in about 10 minutes.

I got the Tacos de Pollo, whatever that means. And yes, I take Spanish.

The Tacos de Whatever were good, but a little too spicy. And there was only chicken in the tacos, so it was pretty plain. 3/5

Mum got the Tacos de Carne.

She said that the meat in the tacos was really dry and salty. 2.5/5

Then we noticed there was seating indoors, so we grabbed all of our stuff and found a booth inside where it wasn’t rainy and gross outside.

The ceiling inside, because I’m sure y’all want to see a picture of the ceiling.

The inside area.

They had some really cool lanterns hanging from the ceiling. I loved them!

After our lunch, we headed back into Future World to use our Soarin’ FPs.

On the way there, I saw a DVC guy who had a Yeti pin that I wanted so I went up to trade with him, but a little kid beat me there and got MY Yeti pin! Loser. And then the little kid forgot MY Yeti pin so I ran after him to give it to him, since I am a good doobie, even thought it was MY Yeti pin. He thanked me and then I headed back over to Mum. I looked at the DVC guy’s pins but I didn’t see anything I liked. He noticed we were DVC members because of my lanyard. I actually do advertising for DVC with my lanyard. So he gave me a new DVC pin instead with Daisy on it, and I think Donald…I could go up and check in my pin book, but I am way too lazy and tired to do that.
We talked to DVC Guy (that’s his name) and he wasn’t too pleased that we were from MA and he was from NYC.
We talked for a while about DVC in general and the Grand Floridian VILLAS, which will probably be like 30 points a night.
After about 20 minutes we decided to head over to Soarin’. Seriously, DVC Guy could have talked to us for HOURS. Well, who wouldn’t want to?!

We arrived at the Land, and hopped in the FP line.


We only waited about 10 minutes and then we saw the pre show video. Seriously, I love Patrick. That guy is awesome. I love seeing him on TV for some car commercial or something and I yell out “THERE’S PATRICK!!!!” And Mum is like “Who???”

We got seated in the second row, which I am not really a fan of since all you can see is feet. Imagine if someone was wearing sandals so they had to take them off and their feet really stunk. That would be awful. I would hope the wonderful orange smell would help.

“Thanks, for Soarin’ with us.” I hope you all said that like THIS.

Then since we were in the Land, it was strawberry shortcake time! From our favorite quick service of course!

That was supposed to be sarcastic.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t as busy as the day before and we were actually able to find a table.

Then, it was time to eat this puppy.


Seriously, that stuff tastes like heaven. I just love it. If you haven’t had it, GO NEXT TIME YOU ARE AT EPCOT, just not during lunch or dinner rush hour, which we do all the time.

After we were done, we headed out of the Land and made our way towards Figment. No, not to ride it because it drives Mum up a wall. And no not Captain EO. Mum loves Michael Jackson, and made me see it on our last trip, and I really didn’t want to see her dancing and trying to sing along.

Actually, we went over there to push kids on the ground.

Well at least I did…​
Oh, you reminded me that we are going to have to go get some more Beverly in a few days!!! You think it would be too mean to pretend it's the Best. Soda. Ever. and have everyone else take a big swig of it? :rotfl:

Btw, tacos de pollo are CHICKEN TACOS. Considering that was ALL that was in it, I figure you should probably know that one.
Those tacos were nasty. I think the only reason I would have to go back there would be for a margarita!
We love Patrick, too, and of course Soarin' is my favorite ride ever. Did you ever see The Emperor's New Groove ??? My kids always say, "there's Kronk!!" when we get to the front of the Soarin'queue. We love Kronk. So funny.

We leave for WDW on EARLY Wednsday so we hope to see you. I will be in a scooter and wearing the black boot of torture. I will have a lime green Mickey Head sign on the front of my scooter so if you see us, say hello !!

I keep wondering if I follow you on Twitter. I think I do, but I can't place you. My twitter name is @cuatdisney.

Anyway, if we don't see you have a great trip !!

Oh, you reminded me that we are going to have to go get some more Beverly in a few days!!! You think it would be too mean to pretend it's the Best. Soda. Ever. and have everyone else take a big swig of it? :rotfl:

Btw, tacos de pollo are CHICKEN TACOS. Considering that was ALL that was in it, I figure you should probably know that one.
Those tacos were nasty. I think the only reason I would have to go back there would be for a margarita!

OHMYGOD WE HAVE TO!!!!! That is going to be awesome! :lmao:
Oh, really? Yeah, didn't understand that I guess...

We love Patrick, too, and of course Soarin' is my favorite ride ever. Did you ever see The Emperor's New Groove ??? My kids always say, "there's Kronk!!" when we get to the front of the Soarin'queue. We love Kronk. So funny.

We leave for WDW on EARLY Wednsday so we hope to see you. I will be in a scooter and wearing the black boot of torture. I will have a lime green Mickey Head sign on the front of my scooter so if you see us, say hello !!

I keep wondering if I follow you on Twitter. I think I do, but I can't place you. My twitter name is @cuatdisney.

Anyway, if we don't see you have a great trip !!


Haha I haven't seen Emperor's New Groove in a really long time!
I HOPE I SEE YOU TOO!!!! I will be on the lookout!
I don't know if you follow me on Twitter, but my name is @LifeDis. I will be doing a ton of tweeting on this trip, so send me a request! :thumbsup2
I hope you a have a great trip too! Can't wait to hear all about it :goodvibes
Your countdown update of the day:
:cheer2:4 DAYS UNTIL DISNEY!!!!!!!!!:cheer2:

I become the Teenage Kid Pusher Downer of Epcot

So there we were, heading out of Future World to World Showcase for the rest of the day. And it actually stopped raining at this point! How wonderful!

I wanted to stop and take a few pictures near Figment because I just love the fountains over there.

Just add the monorail to this and youll be all set!

Mums favorite pavilion.


Cute little Disney duck!

It looks like he is smiling. I TOLD YOU GUYS BEING A DISNEY DUCK IS AWESOME! That is what I will be in my next life. A Disney Duck.

I took one last picture&

And then I turned around, and became the Teenage Kid Pusher Downer of Epcot.

I guess I turned around too quickly or something, because the next thing I saw was a kid on the ground in back of me. Yes, I pushed a kid down in the middle of Epcot. Maybe I wasnt the one who pushed the kid down& Maybe it was the happy Disney Duck and he was hungry and bit the kids leg and the kid fell down.

I DONT EVEN KNOW! Im trying to make things up here so it doesnt look like I push kids down in public all the time!

He actually tripped on my leg and then my leg hurt for a while after that. THANKS KID!

So technically, I didnt push the kid down. It just sounds like that.

I was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO DO THAT ARE YOU OK OH MY GOD! I started freaking out and I was saying I AM SO SORRY! over and over again. Then I noticed the family didnt speak English. All they saw was my mouth moving and their kid on the ground. I seriously felt so bad. I mean, I didnt mean to push some kid down in the middle of Epcot. It was the happy Disney Duck&

So the kid got up and I stood there still saying I AM SO SORRY OH MY GOD!

Then the family just walked away and Mum was like Real nice! You just pushed some kid on the ground! Thanks a lot Mum.

So we stood there for a few seconds while I was still freaking out. I saw the whole family walking ahead of us pointing at me! They kept saying something and just kept pointing at me. It wasnt my entire fault, you losers! Your kid needs to watch where hes walking! Or I need to watch where I put my leg so I dont trip people so they fall to the ground&

I am such a nice person.

We actually saw the family later that day and I basically ran for the hills. I didnt need them to be pointing at me again!

I didnt want to be near them walking so I ran for that store at the entrance of World Showcase with all the Duffy stuff in it to take cover. The Disney police were going to be after me soon!

I was still freaking out so I tried to look at all the great Disney merchandise to get my mind off of what happened.

While we were in the store, I magically grew a beard.

We stayed in there for a while because I didnt want to catch up to them and have the whole family point at me and yell something in whatever language they spoke.

After we took cover, we went outside and headed to the land of Canadians.

Once we got to Canada, we headed back towards Le Cellier to check out the gardens.

There was a happy Disney bunny back there!


I just love the gardens. They are beautiful!




Then we made our way back out into&I dont know what to call it. The main part of Canada?

I love the fence in Canada.

I think we looked in one of the shops in Canada, but who knows. Great notes I take&

Then we got to the UK and we actually got to look around this time since I didnt have to pee myself.



And in the back there is hop scotch with Mickey balloons. DISNEY IS JUST PERFECT.




I have an obsession with the UK pavilion lately. I love the architecture in the pavilion and it transports you to like a little Mary Poppins-esque town. I love it.

I also traded for a Pooh pin in the UK.

Oh, look. Its the land of hot guys, and we were going there next.
Since I am so awesome, I decided to post another update for y'all. You're welcome.

Meeting Henry and pick a pearl!

We got into Heaven, excuse me, France and looked around for a while&and yes, we did see if there were any hot guys around&


We went into the perfume store to see if my lover boy was there, but no such luck. There werent ANY hot guys at ALL. Such a bummer. Instead it was some old woman who was trying to sell us perfume that was probably an outrageous price. I thought only hot guys were in World Showcase and Norwegians that pick the wrong pins off of your lanyard&

A few more pictures of HeavFRANCE&



&and then onto Morocco!


We finally got more time to explore Morocco. We always breeze right by it and never get the chance to look around. Seriously, the pavilion is amazing. So much detail in everything&I wont get started on detail! Pinkie promise!






We looked around in some of the shops for a while. There are so many unique items to buy!



I wonder if it would actually grant you three wishes&

And no, I didnt buy one to find out.

Its so cool how it looks like a little marketplace in there. I JUST LOVE DISNEY GAHHHHH.


Before we headed how of Morocco, I had to take a picture with my good friend Henry the Camel. Its always a tradition for me to take my picture with good ol pal Henry (I just made that name up on the spot by the way, but Henry suits him well). Our tradition started last year and I NEED to get a picture with Henry on every trip!

I really shouldve bought that hat. It looks so good on moi.

Our next stop was Japan!



We headed into the Mitsukoshi store so I could do pick a pearl!

We got in line and I got lucky number 11. I was paying attention to everyone else before me so I could learn the number 1-3 in Japanese and then I could impress the CM with my awesome skillz (cool cats like me write skillz with a z).

Once they called LUCKY NUMBER 11! I headed up to the front and picked my pearl. Now, heres a tip to anyone who is going to do pick a pearl: PICK THE UGLIEST OYSTER. The ugliest oysters have the prettiest pearls in them, or in my case, the biggest pearl&

I had Minae as my&what are they called? Professional Pearl Presenter People? PPPP? I dont even know&

And I did impress Minae with my skillz. When I said 1-3 in Japanese, she was like WOW! And I cant remember what they even are now. I guess my skillz only last for so long.

Opening my (ugly) oyster&

My pearl was hidden inside of the oyster so Minae had to look around for it.

There it is!

Me, smiling for the crowd.

So Minae cleaned my pearl off and then it was time to measure it. And she just kept going, and going, AND GOING with my pearl in the measuring thing. It was HUGE. FINALLY, it fell through the measuring thing and it was 8 ¼ mm! My last oneIm not getting into that story againwas like a 6!

Celebrating my pearl with the drums!


Me with my pearl :-)

After I got my pearl, I looked at the setting I tried on the other night and my pearl wouldnt even fit into it because it was so big! So I found another one that I liked and they had my size in it so I got that ring. They said it would be ready in 30 minutes.

The girl that went right after me was like 7. She got this amazing grayish-blackish pearl. I LOVED it! The PPPP who was taking care of her said that only 5% of people get pearls like that. LUCKY DUCK! She just stood there like sooo? She didnt even think it was cool or anything. I wish I couldve gone up to her and took the pearl away from her.

I am such a nice person. Seriously.

After we were done, we headed outside to walk around the World some more!​
So three updates are comin' at cha. I am trying to get this TR completed in the next two days, if I can. If not, I will finish when we get home from Disney, which I will be leaving for in :banana:THREE DAYS!!!!!:banana:

I also wanted to post my Twiiter and Instagram names now, so if anyone wants to follow along while I'm at the happiest place on earth, you can! So my Twitter name is @LifeDis (you will have to send me a request) and my Instagram name is jacksallydis.

I hope you guys enjoy the updates!

Karamel Kuche aka HEAVEN!

After we did pick a pearl, we headed over to the American Adventure and I pin traded with a DVC woman. I don’t know what struck up the conversation, but she was saying that she got married at the Yacht Club and had the reception afterwards at the Boardwalk. Foreshadowing…

Next, we traveled to Italy and went into some store and I got gifts for my grandmother and aunt and uncle.

We looked around for a but in Italy and drunk people were everywhere, drinking around the world of course. Some people had hats that said Drunk #1, Drunk #2 etc. THIS IS NOT UNIVERSAL PEOPLE! But really, I think the drinking around the world thing is getting a bit crazy.

I snapped a few pics while we were in Italy.



I don’t understand the statues, but whatever.


Next, (if you know your World Showcase countries) is Germany, which is dessert lovers Heaven. Two words for you: Karamell Kuche. Excuse me, Heaven. Forget drinking around the world! Eating around the world is 50000x better. Seriously.

But before we got an amazing snack, we check out the little train in Germany. It is so cute and I love looking at it!


Just look at all of the little details!

I know what you are all saying, “WE WANT CARAMEL!” I know, I know. Enough of the little trains and villages that moi loves so much.


Mum was excited.

Mum, you’re welcome.



I am getting so hungry right now.

Mum asked the cashier how she could possibly work there because you have caramel around you all day long. She said she didn’t even like caramel. I wonder what is wrong with people sometimes. Seriously, she’s missin’ out!

We took our snacks outside and sat on a bench.

Mum got some caramel popcorn, that I was very jealous of since I can’t have popcorn with my braces. But I can have some on DECEMBER 8TH BECAUSE THEY ARE COMING OFF!!! I’m not excited at all.

She also—yes, she got two things. Piggie—got a caramel apple oatmeal cookie. Say that five times fast.

I got a chocolate cookie drizzled and filled with caramel. It was heavenly.

We took a break for a little bit so I could write in my trip journal. While I was doing that, Mum struck up a conversation with the man sitting next to us. She was probably flirting with him. He was saying that his last name was Disney and he was freaking out a CM because of his last name and that he spoke fluent German. I WANT MY LAST NAME TO BE DISNEY WAHHHHH.
He also told Mum that he gets two months off every seven years (paid) on top of vacation. Mum was very jealous.

In the area we were sitting in, tons of kids were feeding the happy Disney ducks. And if I recall, there was a big sign right in front of me that said “DO NOT FEED THE HAPPY DISNEY DUCKS.” Actually it just said “DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS.” I wish it said happy Disney ducks.

After I finished writing, we got up and headed towards China.

On our way there, I noticed there were signs and these big grass barriers to get ready for Food & Wine.

I WISH I COULD’VE JOINED YOU. One day I will go…

When we got to China, we looked at the little koi pond for a few minutes.




I guess we went to NorVAY next because I have a picture from there.

Then we headed over to Japan to pick up my ring. It looked awesome! I loved it. The girl that checked us out was the one that helped us the other night. She told me she saw someone with the exact same Mickey Waffle ring that I had on. I didn’t think my appearance changed that much in four days…

It was almost time for our ADR, so we headed back over to Italy to check in.​
Via Napoli

So on this fine Saturday night, we were headed to Via Napoli! I was excited. We had SUCH a great lunch there last year, and we couldn’t wait to go back.



We went inside and checked in.


We were led in in a few minutes and got seated at a VERY little table. We looked around and noticed how many FEMALE servers there were. I was a little upset at the lack of men in the restaurant, but I wasn’t giving up any hope on who our server would be. I had my fingers crossed, which was pointless.

We have a waitress. #whatthecrap

That’s right my friends. A waitRESS came over. Meh. I was so hoping for a very nice looking guy, like we had last time at Via Napoli. I even got my picture with our waiter last time. I wasn’t getting a picture this time around. ):

So sadly, our waitress was Silvia, and I couldn’t understand a word she said because she talked so fast and had a thick Italian accent.

Mum and I both ordered the blood orange aqua frescas.

Those things are awesome!

This was the view from our squishy little table.

Oh look, the only male waiter in the whole restaurant.

Seriously, there was only two guys working and the rest were females. That’s such a shame. I said to Mum that they probably took all the guys away because of the women who went crazy for them, just like what happened with Flynn Rider, excuse me, Eugene. They took him away because all of the women going up to meet him. That is awful.

Since I was so disappointed that we had a female server, I went up to take a picture of the awesome ovens. They’re so cool!

Oh look, guys who aren’t servers. THEY PROBABLY MADE ALL OF THE MALE SERVERS MAKE PIZZA. Such a shame.

Once I got back to our table, our food got there in like two seconds. I mean, we ordered like 5 minutes ago and we already got our food!

So Mum and I split spaghetti and meatballs and also a margherita pizza with onions.


The spaghetti was good, but we were not fans of the meatballs.
And surprisingly, I was a little disappointed with the pizza. Last time, the pizza was EXCELLENT. I raved about it for months after that. This time, it just didn’t live up to my expectations. Maybe it was because it came out so fast? Or because it was so busy? I was very sad because I was looking forward to having it again so much, and once I had a piece, I was like “Well this isn’t great…” It was a bummer.

For dessert, we split the zeppoles.

They were very delicious, except they were a little burned. I love the homemade whipped cream and the chocolate sauce that comes with it.
And if you don’t know what zeppoles are, they are like little fried dough balls with ricotta cheese in the middle.

We paid and then headed out.

Via Napoli
Food: Like I said, the food was a little disappointing. I was so looking forward to it, but oh well. Maybe the food would’ve tasted better if we had a male server. Just sayin’. 3.5/5
Atmosphere: It gets very loud in there, so don’t be expecting a quiet Italian restaurant. 4/5
Service: Silvia was our server and I have to take off a point for not being a guy. I’m sorry, but I have to. But otherwise, I had a hard time understanding her. She was just ok. 3.5/5

I hope the next time we go back to Via Napoli we will have a better experience. It just didn’t live up to our last meal there.

We headed outside and I took a few pictures of Italy.




We made our way towards Future World and I noticed a character meet and greet going on so we hopped in line.​
Meeting Duffy the Demon Disney Bear...and Kyle

Right near the store were we hid in earlier after I, um, you know, pushed that kid down, Duffy’s meet and greet is there. Actually Duffy’s real name is Duffy the Demon Disney Bear. My friend Alicia made up that name because she HATES him, and you will actually meet Alicia very soon in this TR…

So we got in line and only waited like five minutes.


It looked a lot like Christmas around there!

Mum did NOT want me to take a picture of her.

Once it was my turn, I gave Duffy a big hug and then he saw my Pooh shirt. Oh boy, Duffy does NOT like Pooh. He kind of walked away when he saw my shirt. He was MAD. Duffy thinks he’s all that, seriously. I’m sorry Duffy, but there are MANY more Disney bears that are way more famous than you. Yes you have a whole store and all, but do you have a ride like Pooh does? I don’t think so!

So, I made this.

(picture credit goes to the person that took this picture)

Even though Pooh acted like a big poop last year to me at the Crystal Palace, I always got his back. Duffy is not going to take Pooh’s fame away!

So after Duffy got over my shirt, the Photopass Photographer asked me if Duffy is my favorite character. Nice way to put me in an awkward situation! So I stood there like “Ummmm…” Like what was I supposed to say? No?! So I said he was one of my favorite characters, which is a big LIE! I didn’t want to say “No, ok, let’s just take the picture now.” I was trying to be nice. So then he asked me who my favorite character was. Dear GOD. So I just said Jack Skellington and then the Photopass Photographer said “Well you can only meet Jack at DisneyLAND!” No, really?! DUH. Well except that one weekend at DTD where the line was 3 hours long. I just wanted to take the picture and go and not have the Photographer play 20 questions with me.

Here are my pictures with Duffy.

I don’t even know what was going on here.

I should have yelled “GET YOUR BEAR HANDS OFF OF ME!”

Duffy looks so innocent…


After my not so wonderful meeting with Duffy, I wanted to go to Mousegear to buy a few more things. When I was checking out, my American Express gift card wouldn’t work, but I don’t know how much was on it. Or the CM was swiped it wrong, since nothing is ever my fault. That kid ended up on the ground because of the happy Disney duck. I’m just sayin’.

After we were done shopping, I went into crazy picture mode.

I warned you.





Before we headed to the entrance, some kid noticed my lime green Mickey head and said he was on the DIS. His name is Charliebrown, so wherever you are Charliebrown, HELLO, and it was nice meeting you for all of two seconds!

And now on to more pictures taken by yours truly.



Mum went to package pick up (to get my ring so I wouldn’t lose it in a bathroom again) while I waited for the monorail to go by so I could get a good shot. The monorail never went by, of course.




I am sorry for all of the Spaceship Earth spam. I am kind of obsessed with it.

We exited the park and a Wilderness Lodge bus was pulling up so we sprinted so to catch it. Well I did anyways.

Once we got back to the room, we packed for a bit. I couldn’t believe we only had one more day left!

I took a picture of my beautiful pearl ring when we got back.

It looks A LOT bigger in person and this picture doesn’t do justice. I should’ve taken it from a different angle.

We brought some stuff to the car so we wouldn’t have to put everything in it the next day because we were heading to our last resort of the trip.

Mum got an empty suitcase from the car to put some stuff in once we got back to the room. But we didn’t go back to the room right away so she was dragging it around for a while, which didn’t look weird at all.

So there we were walking around—with the suitcase—the beautiful WL lobby, trying to enjoy every last bit of it.



We went over to the pin station and I bought a pin. Then I looked over at the DVC desk and was kind of in shock. I went up to Mum and told her to look over. We were both like “OH MY GOD!” It sounds like Mickey Mouse was there or something, but it was just a person. Now this person was talking to some woman, so we waited to go over and say hi.

I know you are all wondering who was over there…
Well last year when we were on the Dream, we met Kyle. He was on the ship as the DVC person and we talked to him like every day and he helped us when we got stuck in Disney last year (getting stuck in Disney was awful…) and he was just an all around awesome person. And we was just chillin’ at the DVC desk, talking to some woman. I never thought we would see him again! It was just so weird.

So we waited till he was done talking to the woman and headed over to the DVC desk. I thought Kyle wouldn’t remember us. I mean, I know we are VIPs and all and are extremely memorable, but I thought it was going to be awkward. So we slowly made our way up to him and he was like “HEY!” He remembered us :-)

We talked to him for what seemed like forever. We talked to him about our vacation and our plans for the next day and I was telling him about meeting up with Alicia, who by the way is a CM, scratch that. She is actually a real life Disney princess princess: He asked how I knew her because I am a lot younger and I told him I met her on here and he said he has been on the DIS before, so he might read this. Whatever!

We told him that we would be staying at Old Key West for one night and he said either people love, or hate it, but he thought that we would love it. We shall see…

Kyle noticed my camera and remembered that I liked photography so I showed him some of my pictures that I had taken and he loved my ones from the Top of the World Lounge.

He was saying how he got married in Disney and how him and his wife had their ceremony at the Yacht Club and the reception at the Boardwalk…Mum and I looked at each other and we were like “WE MET YOUR WIFE EARLIER!” It was so strange! He then showed us a picture of them with Mickey and Minnie on their wedding day.

Kyle was telling us all about how he gets to go on a bunch of cruises out of New York. JEALOUS. Mum really needs to start selling DVC.

We talked to him for what seemed like forever. Kyle is seriously the nicest person ever and it was so nice to talk to and see him again. Maybe we will bump into each other another time!

Before we headed on our way, I pin traded with Kyle and got a pin that is the shower curtain at AKL! I had seen it everywhere and never knew what it was. Thanks Kyle for telling moi!

We decided to take a picture together, in front of the DVC sign of course!

I look awful.

We then said goodbye and went down to Roaring Forks to get a cookie and also some milk for the morning.

We headed back to our VILLA. I organized some of my pins, went online, and watched a few loops of Stacy before drifting off to sleep at about 11 o’ clock, for our last night at the best resort in the world ):

Overview of the day
Rainy for most of the day, but it got a lot better in the afternoon
The weather getting better
Karamell Kuche <3
Pick a pearl!
Seeing Kyle!
Our lunch in Mexico
The happy Disney duck biting that kid’s leg…
Being disappointed with Via Napoli
Having to pack ):
Our last night at WL *cries*​
A) As I have said, I am totally jealous that you will be in WDW soon!! I wannnnaa go!! *whines*

B) I heart World Showcase So. Much.

Def need some caramel deliciousness right now!! And I am making reservations at Via Napoli for next year. My kids will LOVE those ovens. So cool. And you need to experience F&W- we went two years ago and the food was great.

We are actually big Duffy fans. Don't worry, Winnie the Pooh will always be my FAVE, but we love Duffy. We surprised my youngest son with Duffy when we got home in Sept- my sister flew and got home earlier than we did driving and she put Duffy in his bed for us. He found it when he went to bed that night- Disney magic! lol We actually didn't get to meet him because of the monsoon conditions from the hurricane that we experienced on our Epcot days. :(

Cool that you ran into Kyle and his wife! I pray that my boys get married in Disney! lol

Have a great time this week!!! Will be checking out Twitter for lots of updates!
LOL at your "Haters gonna hate" photo. You are too funny. OK. I am following you on twitter and instagram.
A) As I have said, I am totally jealous that you will be in WDW soon!! I wannnnaa go!! *whines*

B) I heart World Showcase So. Much.

Def need some caramel deliciousness right now!! And I am making reservations at Via Napoli for next year. My kids will LOVE those ovens. So cool. And you need to experience F&W- we went two years ago and the food was great.

We are actually big Duffy fans. Don't worry, Winnie the Pooh will always be my FAVE, but we love Duffy. We surprised my youngest son with Duffy when we got home in Sept- my sister flew and got home earlier than we did driving and she put Duffy in his bed for us. He found it when he went to bed that night- Disney magic! lol We actually didn't get to meet him because of the monsoon conditions from the hurricane that we experienced on our Epcot days. :(

Cool that you ran into Kyle and his wife! I pray that my boys get married in Disney! lol

Have a great time this week!!! Will be checking out Twitter for lots of updates!

You can come in my suitcase! You will just have to pay for your own bag! ;)
I am in love with Karamell Kuche. It's HEAVENLY.
Yeah, the ovens are really cool! I think your boys will love it there!
And omg, I want to go to F&W SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad.
I have to say, Duffy is really cute, but just not my favorite. Pooh will always be my fave bear <3
And that is awesome! I love Disney magic :goodvibes
I know, it was so cool to see Kyle again.
THANK YOU! I am SO excited. And don't worry, I'll be tweeting a ton!

Also, you can never have too many Spaceship Earth pics.

And I need to buy into DVC!!

Seriously! I am just in love with SE.
YOU NEED TO! DVC is the best thing ever, especially if you go to WDW every year!

LOL at your "Haters gonna hate" photo. You are too funny. OK. I am following you on twitter and instagram.

Haha, thanks!
Thank you for following along on Twitter and Instagram! :thumbsup2
Duffy, what are you doing?! What has Pooh ever done to you!!?

I know, right?! Duffy needs to knock it off!

Loving your trip report. So entertaining :) bet you'll have some fun stories when you get back from your new trip.

Oh trust me, my next TR is going to be a lot crazier than this one. I know that seems impossible, but it will be!​


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