"Didn't you see our first movie? We drive..." An August 2012 TR The new TR is up!!!

So four updates are comin' at y'all right now. I have one more that I have to write for this day (so hopefully I will post that later tonight) and I am hoping I will finish this thing up tomorrow! It's a lot at one time, and I'm sorry about that. I just want to get this thing done so I won't have two TRs going on at once because I am sure I will get the two trips mixed up.

And oh! Almost forgot!
:woohoo:TWO DAYS UNTIL DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:woohoo:

I find out that I'm married to Hercules

August 19th

It was our last day.

Queue the tears.

I didn’t want to leave. All I wanted to do was stay in Disney. Yes, I know I would be back soon enough, but I just didn’t want to think about the long drive home. It was going to be torturous, I knew it.

So we got up at 6:30, early, but it was our last day and we were trying to cram in as much as we could. And trust me, we did. I mean, we went to three parks this day.

So we loaded some stuff in the car and had to take two trips because we had so much stuff.

I was just heartbroken to leave the Wilderness. Seriously, I just wanted to stay there forever and never leave. Its home to me.

Can I just live at the Wilderness Lodge forever?

I wasn't going to let that get me down though. I had so much to look forward to this day so I was going to try not to cry.

We checked out and then I had a temper tantrum in the lobby. There I was, on the floor, crying, screaming, and banging my hands and feet. Mum had to drag me to the car, with a few CMs, because she couldn’t pick me up to throw me over her shoulder.

Actually that never happened, but I was so sad that I almost acted like a 5 year old and had a temper tantrum. Oh wait, I am five. Nevermind then…

We hopped into the car, I cried, and we drove to the Magic Kingdom. Yes, we were driving this morning. Something we had only done like twice before.

And of course, we got lost.

We were driving around parking lots and then we ended up somewhere else, and I don’t even know.

We never went through the MK sign so even if we weren’t AP or DVC members, we wouldn’t have had to pay. I don’t even know where we ended up going, but we ended up in the Heroes parking lot and found a spot in Aladdin 36. To remember it, I took a picture.

I refused to take the tram so we got in line for the monorail. We will never do that again.

We only waited for like 2 minutes to get on the monorail, went a little ways, and then stopped. For about 10 minutes. I was mad. I wanted to get to MK. The stupid voice guy came over and said we were waiting for “further traffic clearance.” FOR 10 MINUTES?! What was there, a squirrel on the track?!

Then we started going. THANK GOD.

Oh wait, nope.

We were seriously like 10 inches away from the MK station and then we just stopped for “further traffic clearance.” GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I wanted to see the Welcome Show! And plus, we had somewhere to be!

We could see the train from the monorail with all of the characters on it. Mary Poppins was waving to us and then she turned around and started having a conversation with Stitch, with all of us watching them. Some little girl yelled out “Mary Poppins is talking to Stitch!” Why yes, yes they are.

I looked down at my iTouch and it read 8:59. We weren’t going to see the Welcome Show. Awesome. I just wanted to get off the monorail and walk right down the middle of Main Street USA.

Then as if a miracle happened, THE MONORAIL STARTED MOVING.

We were let off and I sprinted to the gates. Mum was yelling at me five miles away. I could hear her yell “SLOW DOWN!!!” I got my bag checked and put my ticket in the machine thingy and caught the tail end of the Welcome Show.

I would have liked to see more of it, but it was the stupid monorail’s fault!

Mum caught up to me and we headed inside with everyone else. Mum and I like to pretend we are in a cattle of cows so we go “MOOOOO!” It’s quite fun.

Main Street <3


Hi happy Disney horse!


Then happy Disney horse did a giant crap right in the middle of Main Street USA. It was nasty. All of a sudden, five zillion CMs came out of nowhere and cleaned up the crap.

I’m sure you all needed to know that.

So enough of about the happy Disney horse’s crap. We have more important stuff to discuss!

My friends, it was time.

It was time to meet the one, the only, MERIDA.

I was so excited. You would have thought I was meeting Walt Disney for cryin’ out loud. No, I was meeting the best princess in the earth. If you haven’t seen Brave, I don’t know what you have been doing with your time. Well I do know you have been reading this masterpiece, but you guys NEED to see Brave. It is my favorite Pixar movie. It’s amazing.

If you didn’t know, the Merida meet and greet is on the right of the castle. It’s where the Rapunzel meet and greet used to be.

We got in line and we were the 4th family there! BOO YA! The little girl up in front was wearing a Merida dress. She was adorable!

The view from the line. Can’t get much better than that.

In line to meet Merida! I am SO excited!!!

I was about to pee myself, I was so excited.

At about 9:15 we were led in. I couldn’t contain my excitement.

I was about to die at this point.

While we waited, I admired the queue. It’s so pretty!



Then I saw the wee bears. And crapped myself. THEY ARE ADORABLE OMG. It is SO sad that they took them away! Shame shame, Disney!
I couldn’t stop watching them. They make the funniest expressions and they laugh all the time.



It’s scary when you get a picture of them when they blink!



I’m sorry, but they are the cutest things EVER! Merida would talk to them, and they would laugh at whatever she said. I was dying in that queue.

As if I hadn’t already died enough, it was my turn to meet Merida.

I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug. I told her I was SO excited to meet her and she said the same about moi! AHHHH! I LOVE YOU MERIDA!!!! She also said that she loved that I had some red streaks in my hair.

Then she asked moi my name and this is the point where I almost fell on the ground because I was going to die for the 1000000 time that day.

I told her my name is Meg and she was like “Like, Meg, from Hercules?” YES!

Then she said the best thing ever to me.

“Are you married to him? That must be a very complicated relationship!”




I was dead.

I told her that yes, I was indeed in fact married to Hercules!

So here are the awesome pictures that the Photopass Photographer took.

I was in complete awe.

I don’t even know what was going on here, but it’s not like I care because OMG MERIDA!


It looks like one of the wee bears is eating Merida’s head.




It was the best character interaction we have EVER had and I left that meet and greet on cloud nine.

If you are wondering, they also have archery and coloring there too for the wee kids!

Dying right now. Merida just said I'm married to Hercules. #iloveher

After we met the wonderful Merida, we headed into Fantasyland!​
A not so crowded morning in Fantasyland

After the best meet and greet ever, we went into Fantasyland and I tried the pull the sword from the stone. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough muscle to do so.

Then we grabbed FPs for Peter Pan’s Flight for 10:05-11:05.

And as you can see, we got surprise FPs for Mickey’s Phillharmagic! Lucky me getting to see another show in blurry 3-D! I was so excited!

Then we headed over to Pooh because it only had a 10 minute wait! The crowds were dead in Fantasyland that morning!

We had a great ride, like always. Nothing else to really say about it, except to post the pictures I took.

It’s Mr. Toad…and a really bright light.

Actually, I think we got stuck around the rain scene, so I took this picture.

“The cutest Piglet EVER!”

Next, we used our FPs for Mickey’s Phillharmagic, which was pointless because there was no line.

We were led into the theater and, I know this is a shocker, but people actually moved down to the end of the row! I know! Maybe they finally got sick and tired of hearing the CMs yell at them.

It was a blurry show, as always, but I love singing along. I’m sure the people around me love it too.

It was to use our FPs for Peter Pan, so we walked over there and got in line.

Off to Neverland!

There was the CUTEST baby…actually no. NOTHING is as cute as the wee bears! So there was this baby who kept smiling at us that was in front of us. She also had a very cute Minnie shirt on that Mum loved.

We only waited a few minutes and got on our ship thingy.

Since the line is like 5 hours long, we hadn’t been on PPF for years. I liked it, but Peter’s face is totally demented in some scenes and why is Wendy the only one wearing real clothes?

We decided it was then snacktime, so we went to the Main Street Bakery aka Heaven.



There was a long line, but we didn’t care. Well I didn’t anyways. I would do anything for a chocolate croissant!

Then I heard this:
A guy just said "Today is going to be a healthy day!" Dude, you're in the Main Street Bakery for crying out loud!

People are weird.

Once it was our turn, we ordered, and then found a table.

My usual.

Mum got the famous cinnamon bun, which was delicious. She said it was very filling though.

After we finished up, we headed to Frontierland.

I saw Donald on the way in his wonderful Frontierland themed outfit!

Where would we go?

Big Thunder Mountain of course!

My AP wouldn’t work at first for some reason, but the CM there (who was sweating through his shirt) came up and helped.

We got FPs for 11:45-12:45.

I also pin traded with sweaty CM.

It was 11 at this time, so we still had 45 minutes until we could go on BTMR. So I suggested that we go see the Big Bear Tambourine again, but Mum wasn’t up for that idea. I don’t know why because she loved the show the other night.

So we browsed in some shops and a CM gave us a sample of a sugar cookie. SOMETHING FREE IN DISNEY OH MY GOD.

Then she talked us into getting a peanut butter cookie.

I LOVED this candy in there!

So funny!



The shootin’ arcade was right near there, so we paid, and let me tell ya, Mum did a heck of a lot better than I did. She actually hunts deer and that’s why she was so good.

I’m kidding.


Next, we headed into Adventureland.

We both needed to use the bathroom, and let me tell you, Mum complained to everyone in there. She was yelling “THIS PERSON MISSED THE TOILET.” I guess there was pee all over the stall.

That’s my mother for ya.

I pin traded with a CM (NO, not in the bathroom) after we got out. She LOVED the Pooh pin I gave her.

We also saw Captain Jack Sparrow outside!

It was almost time to use our FPs for BTMR, so we headed back into Frontierland.

I am reunited with the old monorail voice guy!

We got in line for BTMR and only waited for about 10 minutes.

The people in front of us tried to get into the FP line with invalid FPs. I mean, it said right on it “NOT VALID.” The CM wouldn’t let them on and of course, they didn’t speak English. Or they did the whole I-am-pretending-I-can’t-speak-English thing.

Two words: Stupid Guests.

What I'm doing right now: Sweating. And getting on Big Thunder Mountain.

After we were done with BTMR, it was time to head out of the park.

Seriously, the grass is PERFECT.

BUT, before we left, I had something to do.


I was so excited.

So I found the closest CM, paid my $10 (yes, $10. It’s Disney PEOPLE!), and got a red Mickey balloon.

I was so happy.

I skipped down Main Street with my balloon and tried not to hit people with it.

I turned around, looked at the Castle for one last time during the trip, and headed out of the park.


Before we headed back to our car, we headed over to the Poly!

We got on the monorail and it was PACKED. So we had to stand up and I didn’t listen to the “hold on to the bar thing if you are standing” spiel. So I ended up almost falling on someone that was sitting down. Oops…

Then it was like a miracle because EVERYONE got off at one stop, so we had the monorail car to ourselves!

I was very happy with my balloon, as you can see.

Mum wasn’t because I kept hitting her in the head with it.

Our empty monorail car!

It was Balloon’s (that was his name. Original, I know) first AND last ride on the monorail. How special!

We got to the Poly and headed right down to Captain Cook’s.

Skipping through the poly with my Mickey balloon.
It was awesome.

Hidden Mickeys on the way.


We got our dole whips, paid, and found a table.

My dole whip! HEAVENLY.

The dole whips at the Poly taste SOOOO much better than the ones at Aloha Isle. I don’t know why though. Maybe the Stupid Guests, singing, and long lines cause it to not taste good.

This is the life.

After we finished our dole whips, we headed up to the monorail station and got on the Avenger-rail!

Once we started going, I almost peed myself. I flipped out. I cried. I didn’t actually cry, but I almost did. I looked at Mum and I was like “OHMYGOD!! IT’S HIM!!!!” She looked at me like I had two heads.
IT WAS THE OLD (and AWESOME) MONORAIL VOICE GUY!!!!!! I was freaking out. He is still on the Avenger-rail, which is monorail Red.
It was a very amazing moment.

I didn’t want to get off because I wanted to listen to the old monorail voice guy all day, but we had to get back to the car.

Once we got back to the TTC, Mum said “Let’s take the tram!” even though our car was like two feet away, so it was just pointless. I mean, we could’ve walked to our car. I understand that our feet hurt but I just wanted A/C ASAP.

The tram dropped us off at the other end of the Aladdin lot so we had to walk forever. It was awful.

It was then time to head to Old Key West. I put the address into our GPS and it decided to take us off property and have us take five zillion u-turns. I love our GPS.


We decided to just shut our awful GPS off and follow the purple signs, which was much easier.

We soon arrived at Old Key West and parked the car.


It just got interesting from here on out.​
The fun begins at Old Key West

So we parked our car at the front and walked into the lobby.



And then we waited.

And waited.

And we kept on waiting!

We waited for about 20 minutes just to check in! It got ridiculous.

And why did we wait so long?

Because the CMs were busy making animal balloons.


We just wanted to check in and get to our room and check out the resort a bit!

FINALLY, a CM called us up to the desk. This CM was no Connie AT ALL. We didn’t get the amazing service like we did at the Beach Club or the Wilderness Lodge! AT ALL! This CM was pretty rude and didn’t ask if we needed bell services or anything. And to make it worse, SHE DIDN’T EVEN GIVE ME A BALLOON ANIMAL. She spent 20 minutes making them and never even gave one to me. I just wanted the WL CMs back!

The awful CM said our room wasn’t ready yet, and boy, she was right! Foreshadowing…

So we waited around in the lobby and I took some pictures.



Oh look! All of the stupid balloon animals!

We went into Olivia’s and checked out the DVC Members wall. I thought that was very cool!

I did like the fence outside!

At exactly 2:22, we got a text saying our room was ready…well actually it wasn’t.

So we got into the car, and headed over to building 30. We had room 3024.

On the drive over, we noticed the bus stop was very far from our building. Awesome!

We parked in front of our building and dragged all of our stuff up the stairs.

I got up to our door first and I just stood there.

There was a basket of dirty sheets, towels, etc. sitting in front of our door. Mousekeeping just left it there and didn’t bother taking it or anything.

And it just kept getting better!

We walked inside and I thought it was very hot in there, and so did Mum. It was like we never even went into a room that had A/C. Oh wait. That’s because our room didn’t have A/C. I ran over to the thermostat and it was almost 80 degrees in there. Yes, you read that right. 80 DEGREES! So we put the fans on as high as they could go. That didn’t help at all.

This is ridiculous.

Oh, and right when we walked in, I was holding my Mickey balloon and it kind of hit the fan and popped. An hour after I got it. There went $10 down the drain.

So I took some pictures of our room while Mum called down to the front desk to tell them that it was 5000 degrees in our room. The CM kept telling her to just press some button on the thermostat to make it cooler in there. Well, Mum did like 100 times and nothing happened. So the CM said someone would be down to fix it.

So, this was our kitchen.

The bathroom.

OKW has two beds instead of one, unlike the rest of the studios in other DVC resorts.

Other side of the room.

As you can see, I already threw my stuff everywhere.

Our porch. With plastic chairs.

We had a pretty good view actually!

So I laid down on one of the beds and tried to get cool, but that didn’t work. I turned on Stacy and tried to go on the Internet, but the WiFi was total crap where were. So I wrote in my journal instead.

A half hour went by.

No maintenance people had come yet. So Mum called down again and told them it was like we were on the sun and told them to send someone up. But the CM said we didn’t have to be in the room when they came. THANK THE LORD.

So Mum got some things together and I put our parking pass in our car. When I was coming back up the stairs, these older people next to our room couldn’t get into their room because they didn’t know how to use their room key. Super Meg, to the rescue!! I showed them how you just put your KKTW card in front of the thing and it magically opens! They thanked moi and I headed back to the Sun aka our room.

When I got back, the temperature went up even more. Awesome.

Seriously though, Mousekeeping was in our room getting it ready for us, and they didn’t realize it was 80 degrees in there?! So technically, our room wasn’t even ready.

We had to get out of our room, so we decided to walk to the bus stop. We were crossing our fingers that someone would come and fix the A/C so we wouldn’t have to change rooms at 10 o’ clock at night.

It didn’t even feel that hot outside because it was 100000 degrees in our room already. That is just bad, seriously.

We walked down to the bus stop, but on our way, a CM drove up to us in a golf cart and asked if we wanted a ride. Why thank you kind sir! Finally, a nice CM at OKW! We told him that we were heading to Epcot and he said we would love Le Cellier.

We thanked OKW’s only nice CM, got some lemonade in our mug at the quick service place, and waited for a bus.​
Joining in! Loving your TR!! Ohh, you just made me want a balloon so badly. I don't even care that I'm 17 lol. I would probably cry if mine popped. I'm going to Disney for Thanksgiving, too. I'll be there the 21-26!
Joining in! Loving your TR!! Ohh, you just made me want a balloon so badly. I don't even care that I'm 17 lol. I would probably cry if mine popped. I'm going to Disney for Thanksgiving, too. I'll be there the 21-26!

WELCOME! I always love new readers :goodvibes
Balloons are awesome and I will still keep getting one until I'm 100 :thumbsup2
I almost cried when mine popped. It was so sad.
Have fun! I hope you have a great trip!​
Close but yet do far. We are at Fountains condos, waiting for dd and dm to get ready. Moving to riverside royal rooms tomorrow. Hurry, I have to get to a park any park!
Well guys, less than 24 hours from now I'll be on a plane heading to the happiest place on Earth. I don't think I have ever been this excited. I am freaking out and this day is just DRAGGING so far. I decided I am only going to post this update today and put our drive home when we get back from Disney.

Just a reminder, follow me on Twitter (@LifeDis) and Instagram (jacksallydis) to follow along on my trip!

And if any of you are down at WDW and you see me, feel free to say hello! I promise I won't bite.

I'll talk to y'all real soon!

Our last night in Disney hanging with CMs

A bus came in about 10 minutes for Epcot, so we hopped right on!

We arrived at Epcot, and being moi, I went picture crazy.




You can never get enough of Spaceship Earth.

In Future World, I had to buy a new pen at a little stand because I lost mine that I was using for my trip journal.

Then, we went into Innoventions to see if the Great Piggy Bank Adventure was busy. I wanted to do it, but I didnt think we would make it to our ADR with the long wait. So we chilled in the wonderful A/C because we hadnt gotten much the whole day.

After a little while, we went into Club Cool to get some ginger ale, since its free and all, and we were thirsty.

We headed into World Showcase and made our way to Canada. I pin traded outside of Le Cellier for a Mickey rice krispie treat once we got there.

Then we checked into Le Cellier.

We made our way down the little path and past the beautiful gardens.

We got inside and it was PACKED in there with people who had ADRs and then a bunch of Stupid Guests that came in and asked if there was a spot for a party of 6. Just look around people for your answer! Dont they see all of us standing there waiting? Dear God.

We waited about 15 minutes before we were called.

We were led into the British Columbia room and were seated at a small table in the center of the room.


Our waitress, Kara, came over and told us about British Columbia and then took our orders.

She also brought our heavenly pretzel bread over.

To start off I had the famous cheddar cheese soup.

It was so good, especially when I dipped the pretzel bread in it!

Pretty soon our entrees came over.

I got the roasted free range chicken.

It was delicious except the sauce it had on it was a little spicy. 4.5/5

Mum got the filet mignon with potato pavé.

She enjoyed it, but it wasnt worth $42. It is the most expensive thing on the menu! 4/5

We didnt bother getting dessert because we had already spent a ton already and plus we were full.

Le Cellier
Food: I enjoyed my meal a lot and so did Mum, but it is a little on the pricey side. 4/5
Atmosphere: We were very surprised that it was extremely loud in there. I wasnt expecting that. And it is very dark, which Im not a huge fan of. 3.5/5
Service: Kara was our server. She was very nice, nothing spectacular or anything. 4/5

Overall, Mum and I both like Le Cellier but we wont go on every trip. Its not a must do for us. I just want to go to Food & Wine so I can get unlimited amounts of the cheddar cheese soup at the Canada booth.

After we left Le Cellier, we headed over to the International Gateway to catch a boat. I texted Alicia during dinner and we were planning to meet up at Hollywood Studios.

Alicia is doing the DCP right now and she is working in costuming. She just got accepted to be a princess and I am so happy for her! She is leasha_loves_disney here on the DIS and she has some awesome TRs and I totally recommend reading them!

So we decided to get a boat from Epcot and go over to HS. A boat was already there so we got on and waited about two minutes. A CM then came on the boat and said we had to get off because there was a thunderstorm coming and lightning was in the forecast, so they were shutting the boats down. GREAT! Now what were we supposed to do?!

So we got off the boat and walked over to the Boardwalk to see if they were going to run buses to HS because the boats are the only way from there to get to HS. Or you can walk. But we really didnt want to because our feet hurt so bad.

We ran into the Boardwalk lobby and asked a CM about the buses and they said that they will send a bus if the boats stopped running. Woman, THE BOATS ALREADY STOPPED RUNNING!

I was worried that they werent going to send a bus so I told Mum that we should just walk over. We stepped outside and it immediately started to downpour. Well then.

So we headed down to the bus stop and I crossed my fingers that a HS bus would be there.

A Magic Kingdom bus pulled up.


Still nothing.


I texted Alicia saying we might be late. And plus Mums phone was almost dead.


Then, I saw it in the distance. IT WAS A HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS BUS. Thank the lords up above!

We got to the park at about eight because of the five zillion stops our bus made at all of the Epcot resorts. That is the only thing I dont like about the Epcot resorts is the transportation.

So once we got to Hollywood Studios, we went straight to Starring Rolls because thats where I was meeting up with Alicia. She also brought 3 of her roommates with her! They were all so nice.

Once we said hi, we headed down to Sunset Blvd. When I told Alicia I had never been on the Tower of Terror, she flipped out. Mum is a big baby and wont go on with moi. ToT is Alicias all time favorite ride and she wanted to bring me on with her.

We got to ToT and it only had a 10 minute wait, not even! The rain mustve scared everyone away or something.

On our way into the queue, I gave Alicia the pin I bought her the other day and she LOVED it. It was a ToT pin, of course!

So Alicia and her roommates had princess crowns on, and once we got to the line, the CM had a flick card in his hand. He looked around at all of us and decided I was the most trustworthy to hold on to it because I didnt have a crown on. So I took it and we flew right through the queue because it was dead in there.

Then, I started to feel sick. Like I felt like I was going to throw up. I told Alicia when we got into the library and I sat down on the floor with her and took a few deep breaths. I knew I felt sick because I was nervous. I hate that dropping feeling. It feels like my stomach is dropping when we are in elevators or anything. And you are all probably thinking WHY were you going on this ride?

After we watched the little video and I took a few deep breaths, I told myself everything would be fine and it would only last a few seconds.

I started to feel better once we got seated in our elevator and everything. I am pretty sure we sat in the second row.

I put my bag on the floor and held on to the seat in front of me for dear life. It was time.

The next thing I knew my bag was in front of my face because we were dropping so fast, but I LOVED it. It didnt make me feel sick at all, which I was surprised about!

After we got off, I told Mum all about it and how she should really give it a chance. That never happened.

We went up to the FP machines and got FPs for ToT for 9:05-10.

Next stop was my all time favorite ride, the Rockin Roller Roaster, starring Aerosmith!

On our way over, it started POURING. So we ran for the line as fast as we could to cover from the rain.

One of Alicias roommates had never been to WDW before, shes only gone to Disneyland all of her life. So, she had never been on RNRC. Boy, was she in for something!

We waited all of two seconds to get on and a CM told us that it was a two hour wait with a very serious look on his face. Alicias roommate believed him and she was like WHAT?! The CM then goes Im kidding& And then we told her not to look at the limo while it takes off while we were waiting so she wouldnt get freaked out.

We were seated towards the back and I sat with Mum. She had to hold on to her hat the whole time so it wouldnt fly off. I dont know why she didnt put it in her bag&

After RNRC, we went over to the Great Movie Ride. The line was so short too.

We all squished into one row. Im surprised we all fit. Our guide said that she never had princesses on her tram (is that what its called?) before.

I pointed the hidden Minnie in the mural out to Alicia since she had never seen it before. And then she pointed out the Mickey and Donald in the hieroglyphics.

And like always, we had the Gangster scene.

After we got off the GMR, we went back over to ToT to use our FPs, which was pointless because there was no line anyways.

Before we even started dropping, some guy was freaking out and screaming. Alicia leaned over to me and said Good thing this wasnt your first ride.

And I held on for dear life again.

When we got off, we wanted to see our ride photo, but they never even took it! Instead up on the screen was these two little girls holding hands and under them I said IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE. Not weird at all, especially for ToT&

After ToT, we decided to go see Fantasmic. The first show go cancelled because of the rain, so everyone left because they thought the second show was going to get cancelled, so NO ONE was there! It was CRAZY. I mean, there is always a crowd of people all the way down Sunset and now, nobody was there. Whole sections in the place were empty! We never seen Fantasmic because its always packed and it was so awesome to see it with like nobody even there. We are VIPs, Im tellin you.

It was only sprinkling out, but that wouldnt stop us! The benches were wet but we laid down our ponchos so everyone could sit on them and not get there butts soaked.

We talked to Alicia before the show started. She was telling us about her job, and at this time, she wasnt sure what she was doing exactly yet because she just got there. But she thought she was going to be dressing the princesses and being doing their hair and makeup. She was telling us all about Traditions and how she was bawling her eyes out, her roommates, and how she wants so much Disney merchandise but people were telling them that they need to save money for food. That is the problem I am going to have when I do the DCP, especially because I want to do the Fall program so all of the Halloween and Christmas stuff will be out. I tell Mum she is going to have to send money down to me for all of the merchandise I will want.

Then Alicia offered us her CM discount on a room for our Thanksgiving trip. We told her we have DVC, but my aunt and uncle were going to stay off property and they could use it, and we all know how scray off property is. Yes, my aunt and uncle are coming with us to Disney along with other people&

So Alicia got them the CM discount at All Star Sports and I couldnt thank her enough. She did not have to do that at all. They are so happy to be staying on property!

The show started soon after and it was awesome. I loved it and it was truly and an amazing way to end our last night in Disney.

After we got out of the theater, we headed to the park exit, and we said bye to Alicia because she had to catch a bus because the CM buses only come every so often.

We headed to the OWK bus stop and there was only one other person there.

We had NO clue what bus stop to get off at so we had to ask our driver and he pretty much dropped us off in front of our building.

We walked into our room and the A/C was WORKING!!!!!!! Mum saw fingerprints on the ceiling so they must have had to take the whole thing apart, and plus there was dust everywhere. Thank GOD it was working or we wouldve had to change rooms at 11 o clock at night, which would NOT have been pleasant.

We got in bed and I just started crying. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I didnt want to leave AT ALL. We had such a great vacation and I just didnt want to go back home.

Overview of the day

It was great up until the rain at night
No crowds in Fantasyland
Getting my Mickey balloon!
Getting to meet Alicia and going on ToT with her!
Leaving the Wilderness
Having it be our last day ):
Our room at OWK
My balloon popping
The boat not working

And Im sorry for the lack of pictures in this update! I just wanted to enjoy our last few hours in Disney and I didnt want to scare Alicia with my crazy amount of picture taking.​

You are all probably jumping up and down right now with joy because you are all so happy to read the last two updates.

Now you can all cry again.

So, y'all are probably wondering how our trip was.

I have one word for ya:

I don't know what else to say.

Actually, I have a lot of things to say, but that will be in the TR.

The TR should be interesting to say the least.

And so y'all won't have to be searchin' for it when I start it because I will post the link soon. I would like to start it tomorrow. We'll see if that happens.

So anyways, enjoy the last two updates!

The end of our week at Disney

August 20th

We woke up at about 7:30 and got ready.

It was actually really cool in our room. Shocker, I know.

I'm heartbroken. We leave today :(

And I am NOT looking forward to driving the 22 hours home.

I wore one of my Jack Skellington shirts because I thought it showed my emotions well. Jack’s face is all over the shirt crying, yelling, and smiling, which I wasn’t doing that morning, but whatever.

We headed down to Olivia’s for breakfast because we had an ADR for 8:30, but we didn’t even need it because it was so dead in there.


This was the view from our table.

I really liked the way it was decorated in there!

Mum and I both got the Olivia’s breakfast. It comes with eggs, potatoes, a biscuit or toast, and your choice of ham, sausage, or bacon.

I got scrambled eggs, a biscuit, potatoes, and ham.

Mum got toast, scrambled eggs, potatoes, and bacon.

Everything was delicious, and it was the cheapest thing on the menu, so Mum liked that.

They also had a GIANT pin board in there and I got the last Orange Bird pin I needed for my collection. Yay!

We paid and then headed out.

Food: The food was delicious and we both enjoyed our meals. 5/5
Atmosphere: It was very quiet in there, probably because there was like only 2 other people in there. I loved the decorations also they have! 5/5
Service: Stoyan was our server and he was excellent except he was a little hard to understand sometimes. 4.5/5

Overall, we loved Olivia’s. I am sure we will be back if we stay at OKW again!

We got in the car at about 9:30 and started driving. I was so sad. I didn’t want to leave at all. It’s just so sad.

Then I saw this.

WAHHHHHHHHHHH! ): ): *cries*

These Disney billboard signs are killing me.
It was awful.

Our ride was pretty uneventful, until we got to St. Augustine. And we all know what’s there!



We headed inside and spent an hour in there. Yes, and hour. It’s not like we cared that we just spent hundreds of dollars at WDW or anything. We needed MORE Disney merchandise.

We have a sick obsession with Disney merchandise, well at least I do anyways.

We spent about $70 in there and got a fleece jacket with Mickey and Minnie on it, matching crew necks (we do NOT wear them on the same day. That would be weird), a Christmas shirt for moi, a mouse pad, and a Christmas shirt for my cousin. The fleece jacket was originally like $65, so not bad my friends!

Spent over an hour in the Disney outlet. We aren't crazy at all.

After we were done, we headed back on the road and went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. If you weren’t expecting that, you have a problem.
I didn’t take food picture because I am sure you guys have seen enough of chicken at the beginning of this TR. You are all probably sick of me talking about chicken. If you aren’t, I LOVE YOU!

I don’t really have anything to say about our ride. It was awful to say the least. I basically tweeted the whole time.

South of the Border is in 92 miles. I'm excited. #not
We didn’t stop. If you wanted to see more pictures of the most awful place ever…wait. That’s Universal. So the second most awful place ever. So yeah, if you wanted to see pictures for some crazy reason, I’m sorry.

Stopping for a Krispy Kreme donut. At least this will make me happy.
And then we got lost trying to find the Kripsy Kreme shop, and then we finally found it and it was in the ghetto.

Mmmm, Mcdonalds. SO much better than our dinner last night at Le Cellier. #thisfoodisnasty

My stupid iced tea from Mcdonalds tastes like water. And it's not in a red cup that says Disney Parks on it. #BRINGMEBACK

Such a great dinner we had.

We got to the hotel in North Carolina around 10 and checked in.

The guy at the front desk at our hotel asked us if we just came from Disneyland. I didn't know we were in California!
The biggest pet peeve of mine.

And then the non-CM said when he went to Disney, everyone was WAY too happy. He should be happy he didn’t end up with a black eye.

They had free cookies in the lobby and they weren't soft like at the Wilderness Lodge :(

We got to our room and I took a few pictures for y’all, even though you probably don’t care.


Stacy isn’t even on when I turn on the tv :(
It was heartbreaking.

Mum then took her shoes off and oh my dear god. I am not saying that because they smelled or anything. They were SOOOOO swollen, that it hurt to walk. The last time she had swollen feet like that was when she was pregnant with moi. She looked online for what caused her ridiculous swollen feet and it said if you have done a lot of standing or walking, I think. Well then that would be why.

Before we went to bed, we looked online to see if there were anymore Disney outlets on the way home and found one in Virginia. BOO TO THE YA! And we also found out that they were opening one up near us soon and we went to it last month and it was AWESOME!

We went to bed at about 11 without Stacy playing in the background on the tv. It was awful​
More driving/wrap up

August 21st

We got up at seven this morning, got ready, and headed down to breakfast. A woman was wearing a Mickey balloon shirt down there that I LOVED.

We headed back on the road after we checked out and drove to the Disney outlet in Virginia.

Stopping at another Disney outlet. I don't think we have bought enough this trip...

They had a lot of Disneyland stuff there on clearance, which I was surprised about, but whatever.

Mum and I both got sweatshirts and I also got a Mr. Pricklepants stuffed animal, because let’s be real. Mr. Pricklepants is AWESOME.

There was a Forever 21 RIGHT NEXT TO THE DISNEY OUTLET, so we had to go! I found a Lion King Shirt in there and a Snow White crewneck that is so comfy!

We have Disney bags piling up to the roof of our car. #notkidding #obsessedwithdisneymerchandise
Seriously, WE DID!

We stopped at Chick-Fil-A for lunch again because I had to get my fix for the very last time this trip. It was heartbreaking, but I would live.

And I didn’t take food pictures again.


I slept for like 2 hours after we got back in the car. I wasn’t tired or anything…

The NYC traffic wasn’t that bad by the time we got there.

We got home at 10 and made like 12 trips to the car to get all of our stuff. It was ridiculous.

Finally home. I just want to sleep now.

Just opened up my email to find this.

We are awesome. Just sayin'.

We went to bed at about 11 and slept for like 12 hours. We were so tired.

Fast forwarding to the next day…

I decided to take pictures of all of the merchandise we got, well most of it anyways. I might have posted a few of these, and if I did, just scroll by them!

So first off are all of the pins I got over the course of the trip.

The three shirts I got at the park.

My Haunted Mansion pillow, which you might have seen when I posted the real life update of my room.


The fleece Mum got at the outlet.

Shirt and crew neck I got at the outlet. Mum has the same crew neck so I don’t think you guys need to see two pictures of it.

Mouse pad from the outlet.

Shirt for my cousin.

Mickey plate, magnets, and a Frankenweenie pin from Mousegear.

Mum got this bag at Mousegear.

Antenna toppers.

This is the plate Diego signed.

And the little pamphlet thing we got from Dine with an Imagineer.

Sweatshirt I got from the Virginia outlet.

Mum got this sweatshirt from the Virginia outlet.


The art I bought from Shag.


Mum’s purse that she got at WDW.


She gets SO many compliments on it!

And I think that’s all I have pictures of!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of my readers that have followed along on this crazy TR. I love the comments you guys leave all the time and they cheer me up. I know I kind of rushed this thing at the end, but I didn’t want to have two TRs going on at once, so I hope y’all understand.

Before I wrap this thing up, I just wanted to leave a few thoughts on our whole trip.

We saved A TON of money at the Disney outlets, which made the drive all worth it. We calculated it up and saved about $400-$500! So if your are driving down, make SURE you stop there! And we saved a lot with Tables in Wonderland! So, it was $75 to buy it and we paid it off AND saved $60.89 on top of that! If you are thinking of getting it or you dine at a lot of places and want to save some money, GET TiW!!

It was probably the best trip we have ever taken to WDW. First of all, we got to stay at three resorts, we had some DISmeets, we did SO many new experiences, and at some points, we truly were VIPs. I will never forget this trip, as it was such an amazing one, even though we did drive down, which was awful.

So, I think that’s pretty much it! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I hope I see some of you soon on my next TR!

:mickeyjumSee ya real soon!:mickeyjum
I loved your TR !! Thanks for sharing all of your merchandise photos !! I need to get to the Disney outlet someday.

I am still kicking myself for not saying hello to you at Animal Kingdom on Friday. I could see you and your mom through the crowd and you were holding a small child's hand and you were all turning away to head up to Rafiki's Planet Watch. There were like 3,567 people between us and since I knew from Twitter we were staying at the same resort in the SAME section, I thought for sure we would get a chance to meet. But no ..... didn't happen. Very sad.

Maybe next time !!!

Can't wait to read about your Thanksgiving trip !!
I am so sad to see your August TR end - I had SO much fun reading it! And I can't wait to read all about your "interesting" trip. I moved from Fredericksburg, VA to the Los Angeles area this summer and have yet to visit Disneyland (maybe on Christmas day since all of my kids will be in Virginia and the son I'm living with now will be in New York for Christmas). You'll have to share where the Disney Outlet is in Virginia as I never have been there and I lived there for 10 years :lmao:
I loved your TR !! Thanks for sharing all of your merchandise photos !! I need to get to the Disney outlet someday.

I am still kicking myself for not saying hello to you at Animal Kingdom on Friday. I could see you and your mom through the crowd and you were holding a small child's hand and you were all turning away to head up to Rafiki's Planet Watch. There were like 3,567 people between us and since I knew from Twitter we were staying at the same resort in the SAME section, I thought for sure we would get a chance to meet. But no ..... didn't happen. Very sad.

Maybe next time !!!

Can't wait to read about your Thanksgiving trip !!

Why thank you very much! I am very happy to hear that you loved it and that you followed along through all of it. And YES you have to go to the Disney outlet!
Awwww :( I wish I could've met you too! Yeah, it was CRAZY in AK that day, and I can understand why you couldn't get to me with all of the people in the way. I know! I thought since we were right near each other at SSR that we would've bumped into each other or something. Some day!
Hope to see you on my Thanksgiving TR :goodvibes

I am so sad to see your August TR end - I had SO much fun reading it! And I can't wait to read all about your "interesting" trip. I moved from Fredericksburg, VA to the Los Angeles area this summer and have yet to visit Disneyland (maybe on Christmas day since all of my kids will be in Virginia and the son I'm living with now will be in New York for Christmas). You'll have to share where the Disney Outlet is in Virginia as I never have been there and I lived there for 10 years :lmao:

I know, I was sad to see it end too because I just wanted to keep on writing! But there will be a TON to write about for my "interesting trip" TR.
I'll try to get the address for the Virginia outlet. I didn't write it down but I'll google it.
And I am so jealous you live so close to Disneyland! Do you, um, have room for one more person to live in your house? ;)


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