Dis Dieters, weight loss and support. January 2010 week 4 page 18 post 264

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<font color=deeppink>I need a cup of tea and a big
Apr 7, 2004
Happy New Year to you all :thumbsup2 hope it turns out to be a successful one for us all

If you had made a resoloution to lose weight this year then this is the thread for you, everyone is welcome to join in and contribute....don't be shy ;)

I will be weighing in on Wednesdays and will be following the Weightwatchers plan and hope to lose about 6lb :)

What about you ?
6lb?!? I need to loose about 60 lbs! I'd like to join in. I lost 30lbs with WW 19 months ago and then spent last autumn putting on 12lbs. I need help!!!

I'm in Nat! :wave:

I also weigh in on a Wednesday night but i'm on Slimming World....i'm not looking forward to weighing in this Weds as I have had almost two weeks off, i'm just hoping that I haven't put it all back on. :lmao:

So far I have lost 13.5lbs but i've definately had a gain over christmas ;) I'm starting again tomorrow morning (I have already packed a big box of all the left over crimbo biscuits & sweets for hubby to take to work tomorrow :lmao:). I have lots to lose but am just going to plod along & not stress myself out with any targets. Hopefully slow & steady will win the race. :)
6lb?!? I need to loose about 60 lbs! I'd like to join in. I lost 30lbs with WW 19 months ago and then spent last autumn putting on 12lbs. I need help!!!


;) ive been still attending ww till last month Pam, will you be going to classes or doing it yourself ?
Nat, I'm doing it myelf with the support of my DH (who lost 37lbs) and DD who also lost a stone. We have all the cookery books, points charts, etc., etc., so we will be doing this on our own (well, with your help of course!).

I'm actually dreading Friday morning, as I have my annual check up with the Diabetic Clinic (I'm Type 2) and I know I'll get a lecture - I deserve it.

yip im here , this is the year i will lose it

I lost nearly 3 stone last year , then put it all back on

I offically start tomorrow

I would really like to loose 2 stone by October, I have been going to the gym and my trainer is testing me every few weeks so fingers crossed! Good luck to everyone too! xx
I'd like to join in too please? I was going to join last year's thread, but couldn't quite get myself motivated!

I finally joined ww in september and have lost 37lbs so far, though i haven't been weighed for nearly 4 weeks and I'm expecting a gain on Friday:rolleyes:

I have another 50lbs to lose and I'd like to be almost there by the time we go to WDW in June.

Lorna x
I officially started my new lifestyle today: went for a long walk, all up hill and down dale. I worked up a sweat and felt much better for it.
yip im here , this is the year i will lose it

I lost nearly 3 stone last year , then put it all back on

I offically start tomorrow


I would really like to loose 2 stone by October, I have been going to the gym and my trainer is testing me every few weeks so fingers crossed! Good luck to everyone too! xx

I'd like to join in too please? I was going to join last year's thread, but couldn't quite get myself motivated!

I finally joined ww in september and have lost 37lbs so far, though i haven't been weighed for nearly 4 weeks and I'm expecting a gain on Friday:rolleyes:

I have another 50lbs to lose and I'd like to be almost there by the time we go to WDW in June.

Lorna x

I hope we can keep you all motivated this year :thumbsup2
I'm in again, would really like to lose 70lbs by August :yay:

Good luck everyone!! :banana:
I'm also in ...... and a lot more motivated this year. Need to lose at least 21lbs by September (Disney Cruise) and I am going to do it by monitoring calorie intake and increasing exercise - maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. Good luck to everyone trying to shift those pounds .... I don't imagine it will be easy, but this year I am determined to get back below 10 stone !!!!!!! Will weigh in today so I have a start figure.
Good luck everyone, I will be joining either next week or the week after, Im off into hospital tomorrow for an operation, so with a bit of luck, esp as I cant eat and drink after 12 tonight and the nerves Im going through right now I may have a good start:):)
And I'm back too. :wave:

Been very half-soaked since last summer and the pounds have crept back on :sad2: so would like to make 2010 the year I lose that final stone AND KEEP IT OFF!!! ::yes::

I've got a really bad cough/cold at the mo but, once that's gone, I'll be back to the gym (haven't been with any conviction since the summer) as that helps to ooomph my metabolism. I shall be following my usual high protein/low carb diet as that tends to work for me and I will weigh in on Friday mornings...

Good luck everyone!!!
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