DIS DLP meet - the planning stage!


<font color=blue>Loves parades<br><font color=purp
Sep 12, 2004
Me again!! :wave2:

It seems there is interest from several people about the possibility of a DIS meet. :wizard:

So far there is interest from:
Joanne UK

plus families/partners of course! :grouphug:

And I have also received PMs expressing interest from several people who I shan't name until they know whether they can come! :)

So it could definitely be worth it! :cheer2:

Since the general consensus seemed to be to meet on a Sunday in September in the Midlands, I propose:

Sunday September 11th, in Nottingham, for a meal, drinks (family friendly of course!), maybe a quiz!

I am only picking these so as to move plans forward, no-one expressed any opposition to any particular date/location/activity and I thought if I suggested something specific, we may get somewhere, even if it's just that these plans definitely AREN'T suitable for people - then we can rule them out!
So date/location/activity are definitely changeable, just making suggestions to give a bit of focus to our plans (could I be a sergeant or what?! :rotfl: )

Please respond people!! :flower:

PS - I know Nottingham is extremely convenient for 2 of us but I'm not just being cheeky! If it's agreed to hold it in the Midlands, then it makes sense for it to be a city where one of us lives, and since I suggested the whole thing, it'd be a bit unfair for me to dump the organising onto someone else. There seemed to be no opposition to Nottingham, but if it's not convenient, let me know!!!

That date is fine with us. Were you thinking of the meal being lunch or dinner? Personally I would prefer if it was lunch as DD has school the next day and it's roughly 31/2 hour drive for us.

Maybe others could also suggest if they would prefer lunch or dinner?

Brilliant!! Well done babe. Anything's fine with me - really looking forward to it already!!! :Pinkbounc
As far as I know the date is fine with me. My big problem is going to be getting there. The train will take me FOUR hours, to arrive in Nottingham for 1.30 pm - just brilliant!!! :rolleyes: It looks like I may have to bring Ol and the girls after all!! :teeth:

And I have also received PMs expressing interest from several people who I shan't name until they know whether they can come!

Ooh, secrets and intrigue!! How exciting!! :hyper: :teeth:
Count me and Si in. :flower:

we are in notts, so any time and place is ok with us. :)

Joanne - Amy has just had her fifth birthday, and Zoe will be exactly 23 months on the day of the meet!! What about Amber and Emily - is it about a one year difference between our children?

Verity - so I may get to meet you and Simon after all!! :)

Amber will be 5 in November and Emily will be 3 the same month. So all nice and close in ages - hopefully they'll all get along!

Hi everyone,

Just to say I definitely won't be able to make this I'm afraid, but I do hope you all have a lovely time!

I will be expecting photos you know :teeth:


PS What a star Rhiannon is for doing all the organising :)
Awww, that sounds lovely!!

I was thinking of a late lunch, probably 1 or 2, this will give people with long jouneys time to get there but also means we won't be going on too late for those who have to be back for school/work the next day. Obviously this can change depending on others who are travelling.

So everyone is happy so far with the suggestions?
Miffy2003 said:
PS What a star Rhiannon is for doing all the organising :)

:blush: What a nice thing to say Karen!

I was hoping I wasn't being too persistent but it seems there's interest, these things just need a bit of pulling together!

Becky, it definitely makes sense to bring along Ol, Amy and Zoe, otherwise it'll be a nightmare journey! Plus we all want to meet them of course!! Also looking forward to meeting Joanne, Jason, Amber, Emily, Verity, Simon and "bump", plus anyone else who can come along!! Not forgetting diberry of course!!! ;)
Miffy2003 said:
Hi everyone,

Just to say I definitely won't be able to make this I'm afraid, but I do hope you all have a lovely time!

I will be expecting photos you know :teeth:


PS What a star Rhiannon is for doing all the organising :)
That's a shame Karen - it would have been nice to meet our star moderator lady!!!! Maybe another time?? Yes, have to agree Rhiannon is a star for doing this (though I suspect someone not a million miles away might get roped into helping!!!) But I wouldn't even have attempted it so good for her!! :banana:
diberry said:
!! Maybe another time??:

Definitely Di!

I've met Verity and Simon a few times before so I'm sure they can tell you all about me if you want :teeth: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

It's just a bit too far for a day trip for us (not to mention the fact we will have only just got back from WDW!)
Miffy2003 said:
Definitely Di!

I've met Verity and Simon a few times before so I'm sure they can tell you all about me if you want :teeth: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
OK I'll make sure I get them to dish the dirt!!! :rotfl: (Though I'm sure there isn't any!!!!! ;) )

It's just a bit too far for a day trip for us (not to mention the fact we will have only just got back from WDW!)
Oh definitely - I wouldn't contemplate a day trip of that length especially with two little girls. But it'll be something to look forward to in the future.
I've just realised you're down to single digits today too Karen!!! Wooo Hooo!!! :thewave: :rockband:


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