DISappearing PEEPS Volume 2

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okay......i have to vent to you all since you're the only ones that will understand. remember my neighbor who recently found a cancerous tumor on his tongue? well, ray works with a good friend of theirs and today she told him that his wife's work sent them and their kids to disney world when he found out he had cancer. now they know what a disney freak i am and amber (the wife) and i even talked about me helping them plan a trip when their youngest (DD2) is about 4 years old. so i'm kind of OFFENDED that they didn't come to me with this WONDERFUL news of this disney trip and ask me to help them plan it!!!! is that wrong? i just live for planning disney trips (i know......sad!) and they know this and didn't mention it to me. i feel bad for getting ticked about it because, one, i know it's silly and, two, they've been through a lot. but i could've made their trip SO MUCH BETTER!!!! i'm just expecting them to say, "yeah....we went to disney world and it was awful because we couldn't get in anywhere to eat and every park we went to was crowded." then i'll want to say, "i wish you'd have told me because i could've helped you with ALL OF THAT!!!!!!!!!" :sad2:

aww..i can understand what you mean dawn..i would feel a slight diss myself..but do you know how quickly they went on the trip..like one day the woman went into work adn the next week they were off to wdw..then i can understand why they might not have even had time to talk to you about it..but otherwise, its their loss they didnt have such an expert guiding them on their trip..i bet they will come to you if they go again though!!! :thumbsup2

Eh! I couldn't find it...DARN!

I ran into this little ditty. From the best movie EVER!

I totally used to think Afternoon Delight was ICE CREAM....


HAHAHHA me TOO! i totally thought afternoon delight was dessert in the middle of the day or something totally innocent like that...ah to be an innocent thinker again...:rotfl:
PEEPS!!!! I got 95 lbs on my squats and i repped it 12 times!!!! wooo hooo!!!! :woohoo: and all the little boys were skeert!:laughing:
Allie- looks like alabama isnt scaling back as quickly as I thought I could. I'm with you - I gotta get busy- one of my team members has lost 6 pounds already and me- the drafted captain has only lost 3- this captain doesnt want to go down with the ship- its TOO COLD for swimmin'

The girl that recruited me has already lost 7 lbs.! Now to my defense, I don't have as much to lose as she does. I need to lose about 15 more lbs to be where I would like to be, but she has much more than that to lose. I think if you have more to lose, it comes off faster. I hope I didn't offend anyone with that comment, because I didn't mean too. :hug: Oh, and I have a life preserver, if ya' need one. ;)

okay......i have to vent to you all since you're the only ones that will understand. remember my neighbor who recently found a cancerous tumor on his tongue? well, ray works with a good friend of theirs and today she told him that his wife's work sent them and their kids to disney world when he found out he had cancer. now they know what a disney freak i am and amber (the wife) and i even talked about me helping them plan a trip when their youngest (DD2) is about 4 years old. so i'm kind of OFFENDED that they didn't come to me with this WONDERFUL news of this disney trip and ask me to help them plan it!!!! is that wrong? i just live for planning disney trips (i know......sad!) and they know this and didn't mention it to me. i feel bad for getting ticked about it because, one, i know it's silly and, two, they've been through a lot. but i could've made their trip SO MUCH BETTER!!!! i'm just expecting them to say, "yeah....we went to disney world and it was awful because we couldn't get in anywhere to eat and every park we went to was crowded." then i'll want to say, "i wish you'd have told me because i could've helped you with ALL OF THAT!!!!!!!!!" :sad2:

Maybe she didn't want to bother you with it. It is her loss, if she CHOSE not to consult with you. If I get to go again, I promise, I will let you plan mine. It about drove me nuts just planning mine and DD's trip. I consulted someone who I thought would help, and she never responded, and she even offered. :confused3 I realize some of my planning happened through the holidays, but I thought she would at least send me a note saying she was swamped. I don't know if I offended her with all my info, or not.

HAHAHHA me TOO! i totally thought afternoon delight was dessert in the middle of the day or something totally innocent like that...ah to be an innocent thinker again...:rotfl:

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who thought that. :lmao: I remember my neighbor and I trying to scrape sticks and stones together to make sparks.....:rotfl2: Feel free to laugh at my expense. :rotfl2:
Dawn- i hate it that you feel so dissed...maybe there is something there that you didnt know about...i felt the same way when my coworkers went to Disney and all but flat out told me that they didnt want my advice.
aww..i can understand what you mean dawn..i would feel a slight diss myself..but do you know how quickly they went on the trip..like one day the woman went into work adn the next week they were off to wdw..then i can understand why they might not have even had time to talk to you about it..but otherwise, its their loss they didnt have such an expert guiding them on their trip..i bet they will come to you if they go again though!!! :thumbsup2

Maybe she didn't want to bother you with it. It is her loss, if she CHOSE not to consult with you. If I get to go again, I promise, I will let you plan mine. It about drove me nuts just planning mine and DD's trip. I consulted someone who I thought would help, and she never responded, and she even offered. :confused3 I realize some of my planning happened through the holidays, but I thought she would at least send me a note saying she was swamped. I don't know if I offended her with all my info, or not.

Dawn- i hate it that you feel so dissed...maybe there is something there that you didnt know about...i felt the same way when my coworkers went to Disney and all but flat out told me that they didnt want my advice.

it could've been a last-minute thing, but they live across the street and they have my phone number. i mean, amber coulda called me! and it's not so much that i feel dissed.....i'm just hurt that they didn't share it with me. i LOVE disney so much and when anyone gets to go (especially if they have kids going for the first time) i'm so happy for them. i just want to share the experience of getting excited about an upcoming trip with them. and i totally understand about not wanting someone else to plan your family vacation for you, but i totally would have just given them some tips, i.e., make your ADRs, use child swap and fastpass, which parks to avoid on which days, the supercool service they provide where they take anything you buy to your hotel for you. newbies don't know these things and without them disney CAN be miserable! i want everyone to FEEL THE MAGIC, damn it! :laughing:

oh, and allie, i'll TOTALLY plan your vacation for you! i was a travel agent in another life, i think.

PEEPS!!!! I got 95 lbs on my squats and i repped it 12 times!!!! wooo hooo!!!! :woohoo: and all the little boys were skeert!:laughing:

:woohoo: :thumbsup2
Well, I think I am down .8 lbs. I can't remember my exact weight last week. I'm so confused, what with gaining from the Chicago trip. BUT I think I'm now .2 lbs away from where I was when I left for that trip. Hopefully, by next week, I'll be below that weight! :)

So, yesterday I went in for my annual exam, and my doctor asked me if DH and I were planning to have kids. When I explained that we were thinking about possibly moving out of the area and wanted to make that decision first, she asked where we were thinking of moving. When I told her Florida, talk soon turned to Disney. Apparently, she has a conference coming up there at the Contemporary. We ended up talking about Disney the ENTIRE time! :laughing: By the time she left the room, she was planning to go down there 2 days early in order to have more time, and she asked if she could call me if she had more questions! :lmao: And as she was leaving, she said we'd have a lot to talk about next time and that she should note on my chart that I'm the "Disney freak". When I told her that was my email address, she said, "No, it isn't!" and laughed when I said, "Yes, it is." :rotfl: It was the most distracting and funniest annual exam EVER!
Well, I think I am down .8 lbs. I can't remember my exact weight last week. I'm so confused, what with gaining from the Chicago trip. BUT I think I'm now .2 lbs away from where I was when I left for that trip. Hopefully, by next week, I'll be below that weight! :)

So, yesterday I went in for my annual exam, and my doctor asked me if DH and I were planning to have kids. When I explained that we were thinking about possibly moving out of the area and wanted to make that decision first, she asked where we were thinking of moving. When I told her Florida, talk soon turned to Disney. Apparently, she has a conference coming up there at the Contemporary. We ended up talking about Disney the ENTIRE time! :laughing: By the time she left the room, she was planning to go down there 2 days early in order to have more time, and she asked if she could call me if she had more questions! :lmao: And as she was leaving, she said we'd have a lot to talk about next time and that she should note on my chart that I'm the "Disney freak". When I told her that was my email address, she said, "No, it isn't!" and laughed when I said, "Yes, it is." :rotfl: It was the most distracting and funniest annual exam EVER!

thats too funny!!!:rotfl:

i want everyone to FEEL THE MAGIC, damn it! :laughing:

oh, and allie, i'll TOTALLY plan your vacation for you! i was a travel agent in another life, i think.

:woohoo: :thumbsup2

Girl you are a trip!:laughing:
So, yesterday I went in for my annual exam, and my doctor asked me if DH and I were planning to have kids. When I explained that we were thinking about possibly moving out of the area and wanted to make that decision first, she asked where we were thinking of moving. When I told her Florida, talk soon turned to Disney. Apparently, she has a conference coming up there at the Contemporary. We ended up talking about Disney the ENTIRE time! :laughing: By the time she left the room, she was planning to go down there 2 days early in order to have more time, and she asked if she could call me if she had more questions! :lmao: And as she was leaving, she said we'd have a lot to talk about next time and that she should note on my chart that I'm the "Disney freak". When I told her that was my email address, she said, "No, it isn't!" and laughed when I said, "Yes, it is." :rotfl: It was the most distracting and funniest annual exam EVER!

this is so funny! i love running into people how appreciate my passion for disney! the other day i had an attorney in court who had on a pooh tie and we started talking about disney - he's a freak too! all the bailiffs were looking at us like we were crazy! :lmao:

Dawn, you are so precious!!:lmao: :lmao:

you're more precious! :cutie:

You're hired! Now if I could just convince DH to let me go again. :rolleyes1

well, you just say the word and i'm so your girl! just go to my pre-TR (linked below in green) and you'll see how i live for planning!!!
i want everyone to FEEL THE MAGIC, damn it! :laughing: oh, and allie, i'll TOTALLY plan your vacation for you! i was a travel agent in another life, i think.

:woohoo: :thumbsup2

Oh how I wish I was the tag fairy!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Checking in at last. I've been to mad at my self to post today! I am up 2 lbs. I knew I shouldn't have joined the dang Valentine's Day challenge. I always do well until I join one of these challenges and then I completely blow it. Aron, please take my name off of the challenge! I know I should really try Twinkie's brilliant idea of cutting down on how much I eat and moving more, but maybe if I take myself out of the challenge and use the Twinkie guide, I can actually get my first # to 1 before I go to WDW 7 weeks from tomorrow. I'm thinking about joining weight watchers to get a jump start, but I hate to pay $$$$ for that and I really don't like the meetings! UGH! Sandy can you send our wagon around to pick me up?
okay......i have to vent to you all since you're the only ones that will understand. remember my neighbor who recently found a cancerous tumor on his tongue? well, ray works with a good friend of theirs and today she told him that his wife's work sent them and their kids to disney world when he found out he had cancer. now they know what a disney freak i am and amber (the wife) and i even talked about me helping them plan a trip when their youngest (DD2) is about 4 years old. so i'm kind of OFFENDED that they didn't come to me with this WONDERFUL news of this disney trip and ask me to help them plan it!!!! is that wrong? i just live for planning disney trips (i know......sad!) and they know this and didn't mention it to me. i feel bad for getting ticked about it because, one, i know it's silly and, two, they've been through a lot. but i could've made their trip SO MUCH BETTER!!!! i'm just expecting them to say, "yeah....we went to disney world and it was awful because we couldn't get in anywhere to eat and every park we went to was crowded." then i'll want to say, "i wish you'd have told me because i could've helped you with ALL OF THAT!!!!!!!!!" :sad2:

Uh Huh! They are going to have a sub-ok time without your planning! You must make them listen to you!

Sorry, I get "passionate". But really. When people I know DONT have my help, they come back and I ask SIMPLE questions, and they have NO idea what the sam hill I'm talking about. Like, "Did you do rope drop"...HUH???? or, "What'd you think of Insert any ride *here*?"...."We didn't go on it" Which makes me grab them by the lapel and foam at the mouth and shake them violently. :rolleyes1 "WHAT? YOU DON'T HAVE A PASSPORTER???? ARE YOU INSANE?!"

Sorry, Dawn, You must intervene!!!! ;) (make us proud):rolleyes:

Originally Posted by punkin413 View Post
i want everyone to FEEL THE MAGIC, damn it!

OHHH TAAAG FAIRY!!!!! I've got a hot one for ya!
edited to add: Pixie Dust thunk of this witty remark before me. DOH!
Found my way over. It has been a long week. Did not weight this morning. Here is a pic of Joshua after Katie's swim practice and then a pic of Rebekah and Joshua. I was snapping pictures of Rebekah after her bath and Joshua came in and said, "I say cheese too" so he joined her for some shots.


such a sweet pictures!

PEEPS!!!! I got 95 lbs on my squats and i repped it 12 times!!!! wooo hooo!!!! :woohoo: and all the little boys were skeert!:laughing:
WooHoo!! Great job!

Kind of "freaked me out" when I tried to go to the peeps page, and it said I didn't have "permission to access the page!" Glad I found y'all! I didn't lose any this week - or last - or last- or the last! I'm still recovering from the holidays and year-end work schedule. I only gained about 5 pounds altogether, but I don't seem to be turning around and heading the other way very quickly.

Glad you started another place, Wendy! - I was missing y'all!
Hang in there- you can do it. We are all in the same boat. I am feeling discouraged too. I did weight watchers before- attended the meetings and all. To me the meetings were corny but they were helpful and gave you that booster shot that you need every once in a while. So it might help to go for a month or two. Then once you get the hang of the program you can go alone and do the online meetings. BIG HUG!!! Dont be so down on yourself- Peeps are here for you!:lovestruc
YAY!!! a newbie! Tell us about yourself!
Feel free to ask any questions on how we roll. Be sure to take your measurements and weight today so you'll know how you did next friday (our weigh day)

You ARE hot!!!! :hug: But you'll be hotter than Animal Kingdom in July soon!!!

OK, UM I have read your Trip Reports, so I know you are all sorts of crazy, but you want me to POST MY WEIGHT!??!!?!?!! EEEEEEEEEEK!
I am :blush: 144 pounds.
About me:
Dh is gone right now (he's been gone for almost a month and will be gone another 2 weeks) so I am doing everything. The house is suffering, the activities for the kids are suffering, and my workouts are suffering. Also, I do REALLY well during the day staying on my POINTS (Im doing WW online) but at night I love to curl up with a few glasses of wine. Then I start snacking. :headache: I know it's wrong, and I know I need to find a new way to relax.
Any sort of 'eating' here is impossible to know how many calories it has. I buy most of our food at the US Comissary, but you can't live in Europe and eat American crap only! It always amazes me that the people here are not fat, because they don't put their nutrition info on the packages. There is NO High Fructose Corn syrup. Not even in Coke (no Pepsi here UM). Just Sayin.

welcome! i'm sure you know this but weigh-ins are on fridays. so weigh yourself today so you can compare it next week and see how much you've lost (hopefully!). i joined this thread at the beginning of march last year. we went to WDW at the beginning of may and i'm thinking i had lost close to 20 pounds by that time. so your 15-pound goal before you go to WDW in april is totally doable!

Thanks Punkin!

Thank you for the warm welcome guys! I'm sure this will help me to hottness. :woohoo:
Found my way over. It has been a long week. Did not weight this morning. Here is a pic of Joshua after Katie's swim practice and then a pic of Rebekah and Joshua.

Your kids are adorable!

Sorry!!!! It's just I have OCD about empty spots on a spread sheet. I'll just make numbers up!!!! :eek:
Make 'em pretty numbers while you're at it.

If THAT doesn't work, try the "Put Your Fork Down Diet" or there's always the "Does My A$$ Look Fat in these Jeans" diet.
You made me think of the Subway commercials. we like the one where the guy tries to Xerox his behind for the expense account.

okay......i have to vent to you all since you're the only ones that will understand. remember my neighbor who recently found a cancerous tumor on his tongue? well, ray works with a good friend of theirs and today she told him that his wife's work sent them and their kids to disney world when he found out he had cancer.
I think disney is like religion. I think everyone would be so happy if they did things just like I do, but others don't see it that way. :confused3 We find hustling around to get to ADRs stressful, and usually eat at CS so we can get on more rides. I'm sure some folks think that's a "Disney sin." And making it to rope drop can be stressful, too. So maybe this family just wanted to do things in a more leisurely way, in light of what else is going on in their family. I'm sure they didn't mean to snub you. And it may be that everything was prearranged for them, so they felt they had nothing to plan.

I knew I shouldn't have joined the dang Valentine's Day challenge. I always do well until I join one of these challenges and then I completely blow it.
I skipped it this time, because I seem to sabotage myself when I join in. It's just my nature.
I'm glad you're here. Grab a hand up onto the wagon, and hold on tight, 'cause this weight loss thing is "the wildest ride in the wilderness" (and not nearly as fun as BTRR)
GEEZ! All these pages in just one day??? I am trying to catch-up as fast as I can!!

I am a samer this week...gotta love AF! Better than gaining!

Thanks for letting me know about this thread. I definitely would have been lost!!!! :confused3
Hi.. all.

I am so sorry that I let you go. This has been such a hard year. Just thought I would check in and let you all know I am still alive.

Hard to believe it has been a year since my life changed so drastically. I think of ya'all often. I do still love ya!!

Good thoughts to those that need them. and always, always... Disney Dreaming!!

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