Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

okay here is what I did today.

The Monster Hight Shirt for the girl, she is going to wear it with the pirate skirt I made for our trip.

and this is an 18M shirt I had lying around here that I decided to just add to the etsy store. I have some strange sizes here I am just going to applique and list and try to bring in some money.

now to read some tutorials or browse on pinterest a bit.

Very cool. Love the Candy Corn T.

I pay for the domain name. I renewed it (before it expired), but switched from enom to GoDaddy. It just took a few days to get everything switched, so the site was spotty for a few days. It should be working for everyone now. If not, just wait a few days.

Ah, I thought maybe you had forgotten about it, or didn't get an email about it's expiration, or that you thought we didn't need it anymore. Glad you're back and it will be working properly again.

My whole family (Mom, Dad, brother, Heather, cousins, aunts, uncles, and their families) went camping this weekend. We had such fun (although, I froze my tushy off in the tent on Friday night!).

So, we are sitting around the campfire and talking about the pictures that people take of themselves in the mirror and post on Facebook. My cousin and I both said that we had never posted a picture like that, so my cousin said, "Let's go in the (public) bathroom and take our picture!" So, I said, "Ok, let's go!" We jumped up and grabbed all the ladies and girls that would come with us (from our group) and proceeded to take this lovely picture:


And, then Heather was roasting ONE hot dog on a two tine stick. So, my cousin told her she was "waisting tine". We figured we needed a picture of that too, so we took this picture and titled it "Just Wating Tine" on Facebook

Ok, so it's not as funny if you weren't there, but that's the kind of stupid fun my family has while camping. :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Sounds like an awesome silly weekend. And I'm with Nini, hope you don't put mustard on those hot dogs.
Oh - I can't remember where I left off posting here with my outfits that I've been making for my competition with myself... I don't think I've posted any of these yet.

And I apologize some of your are seeing these twice (or more because of Facebook) - but I know that not everyone is following my PTR. :lovestruc







Nini my heart bleeds for all the difficulty you are going through with the school. I really hate that they are not willing to work for a viable solution for Mr. D. It sounds like they would rather have the easy way for them.

So I am at work making lists of some things I want to work on later. I found even more small 18month shirts in my stash. Going to work on those first I think.
Warning: lots of pictures (and they are not the greatest shots)

My daughter's skirt for Hoop Dee Do review. I wanted to make her a Jessie shirt but she said no. :sad1: A few days later I asked her if she wanted a Bullseye shirt and she looked at me like I was crazy. She thought I meant a shirt with the Target logo. I guess I'm the only one who has Disney on their mind 24/7. Any other ideas for a cute shirt to go with this skirt?

This is my first Insa. My DD will wear it to Epcot where we have a late breakfast with the princesses and then I'm hoping we get to meet Marie (one of her favorites). I knew she wouldn't want to wear the Belle shirt all day and I know this fabric doesn't scream "France" but my little picky one is not big on pink. I bought this fabric with no plans so I wanted to use it up. I'm hoping to make a non-Disney t-shirt and some PJ shorts so my DD can get lots of use out of this set.
Belle version:


Marie version:


Just the skirt / front:

Back of the skirt

Thanks for all the inspiration. I enjoyed making the Insa skirt and never would have attempted it with out all the cheerleaders on this site. I also cut a little hole in the Marie shirt that I still need to fix but that might not happen until the car ride to WDW.
Warning: lots of pictures (and they are not the greatest shots)

My daughter's skirt for Hoop Dee Do review. I wanted to make her a Jessie shirt but she said no. :sad1: A few days later I asked her if she wanted a Bullseye shirt and she looked at me like I was crazy. She thought I meant a shirt with the Target logo. I guess I'm the only one who has Disney on their mind 24/7. Any other ideas for a cute shirt to go with this skirt?

This is my first Insa. My DD will wear it to Epcot where we have a late breakfast with the princesses and then I'm hoping we get to meet Marie (one of her favorites). I knew she wouldn't want to wear the Belle shirt all day and I know this fabric doesn't scream "France" but my little picky one is not big on pink. I bought this fabric with no plans so I wanted to use it up. I'm hoping to make a non-Disney t-shirt and some PJ shorts so my DD can get lots of use out of this set.
Belle version:


Marie version:


Just the skirt / front:

Back of the skirt

Thanks for all the inspiration. I enjoyed making the Insa skirt and never would have attempted it with out all the cheerleaders on this site. I also cut a little hole in the Marie shirt that I still need to fix but that might not happen until the car ride to WDW.

Love the Hoop De Doo Revue skirt so pretty. Not sure about a design for it except maybe a Cowboy Boot.

Love the Insa I would love to try one but it scares me.
Back of the skirt

Thanks for all the inspiration. I enjoyed making the Insa skirt and never would have attempted it with out all the cheerleaders on this site. I also cut a little hole in the Marie shirt that I still need to fix but that might not happen until the car ride to WDW.

Everything looks great. Love the fabrics of the skirt, and the little ruffle panel at the back.

Chiara - no need to be afraid of the Insa, the basic pattern is actually VERY easy. It is a great skirt for embroidery too, as the 4 panel show off designs very well.
Warning: lots of pictures (and they are not the greatest shots)

My daughter's skirt for Hoop Dee Do review. I wanted to make her a Jessie shirt but she said no. :sad1: A few days later I asked her if she wanted a Bullseye shirt and she looked at me like I was crazy. She thought I meant a shirt with the Target logo. I guess I'm the only one who has Disney on their mind 24/7. Any other ideas for a cute shirt to go with this skirt?

This is my first Insa. My DD will wear it to Epcot where we have a late breakfast with the princesses and then I'm hoping we get to meet Marie (one of her favorites). I knew she wouldn't want to wear the Belle shirt all day and I know this fabric doesn't scream "France" but my little picky one is not big on pink. I bought this fabric with no plans so I wanted to use it up. I'm hoping to make a non-Disney t-shirt and some PJ shorts so my DD can get lots of use out of this set.
Belle version:

Marie version:

Just the skirt / front:
Back of the skirt

Thanks for all the inspiration. I enjoyed making the Insa skirt and never would have attempted it with out all the cheerleaders on this site. I also cut a little hole in the Marie shirt that I still need to fix but that might not happen until the car ride to WDW.

Either you've been really busy sewing the past few days or you've really been lacking taking pics! You are just whipping out the outfits.

The Hoop de Doo skirt is so cute! My dd would likely just want a horse appliqued on it in the painted horse fabric. A horse shoe might be cute too. A cowboy boot like Chiara suggested would look cute as well.

I love the Insa and really like the versatility of being able to switch the shirts. Next time we go I want to spend more time at Epcot and dd will get a Maria shirt as well -- that's a really cute Maria applique too ~ where is that one from? Isn't the Insa easy? For some reason I thought it would be a bit hard as well, but I really like it and it's also great for applique. I think my dd likes the twirly patchwork or stripwork skirts better, but she liked the Insa I made her since it was with horse fabric.

All right ladies, I wanted to sew all day today but had to grocery shopping -- our outside frig is very much on the blink so I can't keep any frozen foods in it and therefore can't stock up like I usually do so now I am running out of things quickly. So shopping is done, but we are also having company on Wed and I need to clean the house. I don't want to clean tomorrow b/c tomorrow is our Anniversary and I am hoping dh takes the day off work (he was able to last year but was at a different command). And I don't want to put everything off until Wednesday. Grrr!! I think I will see if I can get the downstairs cleaned in one hour and then sew. I'd probably be able to do it faster if the playroom didn't have toys scattered about. Wish I noticed that yesterday and I would have made the kids clean it -- or maybe I'll just save that room for them to do tonight. I want to get started on my BG.
Love the Insa I would love to try one but it scares me.

I have to second what Tricia said -- the Insa is very simple and straight forward. And it is great for appliques. My only problem with my current one is I have a trim for the underskirt but can't find something that works for the overskirt -- this in a skirt I started two months ago. I better figure something out!
Right now I am trying to decide if I want to get a 4 x 4 hoop for my 770 so I don't have to switch machines. Decisions Decisions.

Okay so maybe I will look for the pattern? I have decided I am going to try one new pattern a month out of my collection of patterns.
Right now I am trying to decide if I want to get a 4 x 4 hoop for my 770 so I don't have to switch machines. Decisions Decisions.

Okay so maybe I will look for the pattern? I have decided I am going to try one new pattern a month out of my collection of patterns.

I LOVE my 4x4 when doing the small onesies...truthfully that is the only thing I really use it for, but I can't imagine trying to do a small onesie on a 5x7.

Of course, when I bought my 4x4 it also came with a 5x7, a 2x2 and a large ginormous thing that I still haven't figured out how to use!

Right now I am trying to decide if I want to get a 4 x 4 hoop for my 770 so I don't have to switch machines. Decisions Decisions.

I LOVE my 4x4 when doing the small onesies...truthfully that is the only thing I really use it for, but I can't imagine trying to do a small onesie on a 5x7.

Of course, when I bought my 4x4 it also came with a 5x7, a 2x2 and a large ginormous thing that I still haven't figured out how to use!


I have decided that it would really help speed things along if I have a second 5x7 hoop and since I'm having another little girl in January, maybe a 4x4. I also have the PE 770. Where did you guys find good, compatible hoops for this machine. Thanks!
I have decided that it would really help speed things along if I have a second 5x7 hoop and since I'm having another little girl in January, maybe a 4x4. I also have the PE 770. Where did you guys find good, compatible hoops for this machine. Thanks!

I got mine on ebay...there are several sellers who have them. They are all pretty much the same....new in a box. They also have some on Amazon...same thing, new in box.

I think I got mine for $75...or maybe it was $50. I also got the cap hoop for $30...and have never used that one either!

DD7 has decided she wants to be Alice for Halloween. (We got to meet Alice in Disney :) and I think that has impacted her choice!)

So, I was thinking about the costume. I am thinking the Precious Dress for the main dress. Does this sound right? Does any have any thoughts on the apron to go over the dress?

Super excited to do this one!

K, got a couple more things done on the weekend.

First an upcycle for a co-workers daughter. And it's Disney related, something I very rarely have. It's a Marie cutie.

IMG_7947 by tricialee22, on Flickr

and then a Bench cushion and Pillows I did for my Aunt.

IMG_7950 by tricialee22, on Flickr

Love everything posted.

Think I am going to do an Agent P shirt this afternoon. Also in talks for making a birthday present for my cousins son and it will be a paying gig so that is good right?
Sorry, I haven't posted in awhile. I have been so busy w/homeschooling starting up again, being pregnant, hving migraines, etc.

I did find out we are having another girl! We r excited but have been amazed at how people act like it is a disappointment since it is not a boy and we already have 2 girls....kind of hurtful. I will need even more sewing time now.

I have a few questions:
My oldest dd wants to b Jessie for Halloween. I know some of you have made Jessie costumes. I would love to see yours again if you wouldn't mind posting. I need to figure out how to do the shirts and pants.

Also, I have had a chance to catch up on all of the pages yet so maybe you have already posted some, but has anyone started making some cute halloween inspired outfits yet? I guess I am looking for some inspiration.
Sorry, I haven't posted in awhile. I have been so busy w/homeschooling starting up again, being pregnant, hving migraines, etc.

I did find out we are having another girl! We r excited but have been amazed at how people act like it is a disappointment since it is not a boy and we already have 2 girls....kind of hurtful. I will need even more sewing time now.

Congrats on another girl! We too are having a girl...and I've had people ask me if we are going to have a third since we already have two girls. We have no plans for a third, I mean we haven't even had the second yet!!!


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