Disboutiquers Part 7 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

I decided to do a non-disney outfit today since I have not sewn in over a week. I don't want to get out of the habit!!


I think that I am going to try a cinderella applique. I am going to look for fabric this weekend. I thought I was finished sewing for our trip but I had to change our Crystal Palace ADR because MK is closing early on Oct 4th. So now we are going to 1900 Park Fare. Has anyone been? Thus the need for a new princess outfit for the trip!
That is so cute. I agree with a PP I love this fabric combination.

Wow ladies. I have spent hours the past few days reading this thread. You all are beyond amazing and inspiring!

I have never sewn before, and didn't even own needle and thread for minor fixes. But your customs are so incredible I wanted to try, in a small way, to CASE something from here. A few days ago there was an adorable white shirt with black buttons making Mickey's head.

I got a black tshirt for my dd8 and some lime green buttons (she loves green), thread, and some needles. Many thumb-pricks later, and some frustrated grumbling, and leftover glue tackiness I have a shirt made. It's my first ever sewing project! I never even got to take home ec in high school. I'm so excited I immediately put my dd in the shirt and snapped a picture so I could come and introduce myself, in awe, to all of you!

That shirt is too cute. I too love :love: lime green.
Grrr I had a GREAT multiquote going and IE ate it when I went to feed the baby! :sad2: I knew there was a reason I use Firefox instead most of the time!!!

OK on the room Ty for all the compliments. It really means a lot coming from you ladies. I would love to do stripes or dots on the other 2 walls or even a bold color but I am afraid of getting a baby who is withdrawing and having no "calm" area of the room to put that child in. We have decided to just finish out the words, hopefully tomorrow. Then hanging some art (I am waiting till everything else is up and done to buy) and shelves. DH and I are fighting about where to put shelves and the executive decision to make part of our living room a toy area lol. I know it is going to end up in there because we only take littles but he is holding on to having older kids and not using his noggin for something other than a hat rack. ;)

BTW I will not be going to anyones house to paint dots lol. :rotfl: Well I take that back if you thrown in a Disney trip I might be persuaded lol. My house currently looks like a tornado swept through it because I have hyperfocused on Dots for the past week. :rotfl: Hopefully by the end of next week I will have a finished product picture. :D I think I will probably just sit back and look at it forever lol.

Lisa BEAUTIFUL! As always you never cease to amaze me.

Love the buzz hat too cute!

And I lost your name but oh that little red head girl is just soooo sweet! She really takes away from the clothes because she would be just to stinking cute in whatever you put her in. The clothes are precious too but I think you could put that child in a potato sack and she would still be adorable. :)

Twob4him I LOVE that fabric! Your DD is so cute too. She looks so much like my DD's best friend since 5th grade. Makes me smile everytime I see her pictures. :) They could be sisters.
Ok - first question - I have a Singer pretty basic machine model 2662 - i lent it out to my SIL and it came back without the bobbin cover plate. I have tried the website and Joann's and searched the web but have been unable to find a replacement. does anyone know where I can get one? I have been using clear tape to cover the bobbin (i have two pieces stuck together over the opening so there is no sticky side over the thread) it i the only way I can sew right now.

second question - Singer's website has a ruffler foot - is it worth the price of $50 +s/h? I bought material to try making pettiskirts for my girls and I will be making ruffles for the first time over the next 2 weeks - practice material first then for the petti's but saw this and didn't know if it would be worth it.

third question - I have been trying to go through the pages here because I saw it once and loved the idea but haven't been able to find it again - someoen had a website link to a girls out fit 18m-3t with the little mermaid on it that was a shirt and skirt with a purple tulle petti under the skirt, the shirt was a halter type shirt. Anyone know what page it was or around what page?

Thanks for you help - I finished today making little covers for the straps on my DD#3's carseat that have extra fluff to tem so when she falls asleep hopefully her head won't fall so far forward. I am still working on covers for DD#2's carseat and one fro DD#1 who is in a booster - I want to make a cover for the strap that you can attach a pillow to for our car trip. I will post pics when I am done.
It has been forever since I posted on here. Wow there's a lot of posts! :)

Here's one of my latest creations. This is definitely my most favorite time of year for creating. Love Halloween!

Cute! Would you believe I have never seen that movie! I think I need to go watch it!

I copied a cute tank top/swing dress from Walmart for DD10. I finally got to use the Alexander Henry fabric I got on sale! :thumbsup2



IT is so great! Ok I found the fabric I want to make a purse for me out of!

I thought I saw it at Joann's?

And I lost your name but oh that little red head girl is just soooo sweet!
Am i the only one who instantly thought of Charlie brown and 'That little red headed girl' from the Peanuts shows!!!! :lmao: I adore the Peanuts!
Ok - first question - I have a Singer pretty basic machine model 2662 - i lent it out to my SIL and it came back without the bobbin cover plate. I have tried the website and Joann's and searched the web but have been unable to find a replacement. does anyone know where I can get one? I have been using clear tape to cover the bobbin (i have two pieces stuck together over the opening so there is no sticky side over the thread) it i the only way I can sew right now.

second question - Singer's website has a ruffler foot - is it worth the price of $50 +s/h? I bought material to try making pettiskirts for my girls and I will be making ruffles for the first time over the next 2 weeks - practice material first then for the petti's but saw this and didn't know if it would be worth it.

third question - I have been trying to go through the pages here because I saw it once and loved the idea but haven't been able to find it again - someoen had a website link to a girls out fit 18m-3t with the little mermaid on it that was a shirt and skirt with a purple tulle petti under the skirt, the shirt was a halter type shirt. Anyone know what page it was or around what page?

Thanks for you help - I finished today making little covers for the straps on my DD#3's carseat that have extra fluff to tem so when she falls asleep hopefully her head won't fall so far forward. I am still working on covers for DD#2's carseat and one fro DD#1 who is in a booster - I want to make a cover for the strap that you can attach a pillow to for our car trip. I will post pics when I am done.
Did you actually call Singer they might be able to get you one but they might not be available online.

third question - I have been trying to go through the pages here because I saw it once and loved the idea but haven't been able to find it again - someoen had a website link to a girls out fit 18m-3t with the little mermaid on it that was a shirt and skirt with a purple tulle petti under the skirt, the shirt was a halter type shirt. Anyone know what page it was or around what page?

i saw this on another thread and thought it might be the one you are looking for
please help me make a decision, we leave for disney in 3 days and we have ressies for 1900 park faire. i dont have a custom for this meal and i am tempted to get some fabric and make one, but my mom bought my daughter some really cute dresses and i think she is hoping i will put her in a little cinderella one she bought her. what should i do?
please help me make a decision, we leave for disney in 3 days and we have ressies for 1900 park faire. i dont have a custom for this meal and i am tempted to get some fabric and make one, but my mom bought my daughter some really cute dresses and i think she is hoping i will put her in a little cinderella one she bought her. what should i do?

Is your mom going on the trip? If so, I would say yes. BUT if she isn't going to be there....I would do the custom and have her wear Cindy for something else!
please help me make a decision, we leave for disney in 3 days and we have ressies for 1900 park faire. i dont have a custom for this meal and i am tempted to get some fabric and make one, but my mom bought my daughter some really cute dresses and i think she is hoping i will put her in a little cinderella one she bought her. what should i do?
If your mom is coming put her in the dress she bought her. If she isn't maybe ask her if she minds if you make her a outfit and where her dress for something else.

I have this cute pirate fabric I bought to make something for Kyle I was thinking about pants. The fabric is blue I have a blue solid I could put with it but part of me is thinking getting some kind of red pirate fabric to go with it or even a skull fabric. Would that be to pj'ish?

I was going to use my CarlaC easy fit pants.

Oh and yesterday I found this cute Tink fabric and this prefect material to go with it for some Carla C pants for Nikki! I am so excited to try another one of her patterns!!!!!!!!!

You guys were right I wouldn't regret it!

Need to make my mom another purse 1st. Can you say she is addicted to purses!
Cute idea! I have the same issue with Nik and pants. The best place besides home made pants would be Old Navy slim. They fit Nik well. Actually the best place is Justice Just for girls. Nikki's FAVORITE store. Problem is it is very$$$ So she only gets one or 2 outfits from there a season and thankfully mema likes there stuff so she gets them for her ! LOL The store runs small anyway then if you get the slim they are perfect! You can get good deals though. They are owned by the same people who own Limited Too.

Thanks! I don't really have a problem finding jeans for her, even Target has slim sizes but they don't seem to make slim sizes in knit pants, which is what she really likes. I think I can just modify CarlaC's easy fit pattern to be more like yoga pants I can just make my own.

I am not ready for Limited Too and Justice Just! The clothes in there are cute but seem so much older! I know I don't have much time left though.

Cute! I bet you are just hoarding that fabric, I would be!

I love the swing top with leggings look! She looks beautiful.

Cuteness! We used to live in Pensacola and we would spend hours in Hobby Lobby (but we were looking at the scrapbooking stuff mostly). I can't imagine how much more I would spend in there now that I am sewing.

I got a black tshirt for my dd8 and some lime green buttons (she loves green), thread, and some needles. Many thumb-pricks later, and some frustrated grumbling, and leftover glue tackiness I have a shirt made. It's my first ever sewing project! I never even got to take home ec in high school. I'm so excited I immediately put my dd in the shirt and snapped a picture so I could come and introduce myself, in awe, to all of you!


That is cute! Really great for your first project, and your daughter is a doll too.

my husband forbade me from taking anymore of his tshirts:laughing: :rotfl2: for my sewing projects , but now you got me thinking that he got too many of them and might not notice two or three missing ones:laughing:

BTW pockets are really easy to do , you'll be surprise!!!

Well, my husband acted a little upset when I took one of his button down shirts and made a dress out of it, but I had literally never seen him wear it. He is such a pack rat; he has clothes he wore in high school in his closet!

I think I will try the pockets. Megan has some shorts with little half circle pockets that are shirred at the top. I think maybe I could pull that off. You don't want to make a tutorial for me for girl pockets, do you? ;)

If your mom is coming put her in the dress she bought her. If she isn't maybe ask her if she minds if you make her a outfit and where her dress for something else.

I have this cute pirate fabric I bought to make something for Kyle I was thinking about pants. The fabric is blue I have a blue solid I could put with it but part of me is thinking getting some kind of red pirate fabric to go with it or even a skull fabric. Would that be to pj'ish?

1) I agree, if the mom is there wear what she bought.

2) Pictures please! I am trying to visualize but my brain is fuzzy.
Anyone seen Curious George fabric anywhere? I found some on :wizard: but most of it is pretty expensive. Just wondering if it's expensive because it isn't in any stores. I could swear I saw some at Joann's.

I bought mine at joanns, I also got flannel george
thanks girls thats what i figured mom is coming on the trip and the dress is really cute, so i will let my obsessive compulsiveness go and let dd wear a store bought dress when she meets cindy, hey theres always next year.;)
Wow ladies. I have spent hours the past few days reading this thread. You all are beyond amazing and inspiring!

I have never sewn before, and didn't even own needle and thread for minor fixes. But your customs are so incredible I wanted to try, in a small way, to CASE something from here. A few days ago there was an adorable white shirt with black buttons making Mickey's head.

I got a black tshirt for my dd8 and some lime green buttons (she loves green), thread, and some needles. Many thumb-pricks later, and some frustrated grumbling, and leftover glue tackiness I have a shirt made. It's my first ever sewing project! I never even got to take home ec in high school. I'm so excited I immediately put my dd in the shirt and snapped a picture so I could come and introduce myself, in awe, to all of you!


Good job on the shirt. And wlecome to our little addiction...i mean community. Now go out and get yourself a sewingmachine because your going to learn to sew if it kills all of us. Honestly, its really addicting here and contagious. Have a good time, and don't be afraid to post more photos of that pretty lil girl of yours.
Okay guys today is my daughter, Chianna's 9th birthaday. She is with my mom now but when they bring her home is when all the fun starts. We will have over a couple of friends, swim, eat chocolate cake and ice cream and then go to dinner where she wants to. Im afraid my time here is going to be limited. You all do your best not to post that much so that I don't have a lot to catch up on now, ya here. lOl... anyhow, have a good day.
Thanks! I don't really have a problem finding jeans for her, even Target has slim sizes but they don't seem to make slim sizes in knit pants, which is what she really likes. I think I can just modify CarlaC's easy fit pattern to be more like yoga pants I can just make my own.

I am not ready for Limited Too and Justice Just! The clothes in there are cute but seem so much older! I know I don't have much time left though.

2) Pictures please! I am trying to visualize but my brain is fuzzy.
They are a bit older but if you weed through they have some really cute stuff. That is what we do. I figured as long as she still likes the ruffles and the stuff I make she can have a few big kid stuff she is 8! LOL In Fact i made a peasant top to go with her minnie skirt tat I made her and her cousin for chef Mickey's and she said mom the shirt needs a ruffle! So Her shirt ad her cousins got a ruffle! So let there be ruffles! :goodvibes

Let me know how that pattern comes out in knit! I might have to try that! I haven't made that one yet but have 2 projects planned! I think Mcall's (Hillary Duff pattern) has leggings. I bought it because I can never find leggings that fit Nik except for Justice ones!

I will post pics tomorrow or Monday with the fabric. We are headed to Navy Peir in Chicago for a work function for George. The air and water show is happening so I really need to go get ready:scared1:

Okay guys today is my daughter, Chianna's 9th birthaday. She is with my mom now but when they bring her home is when all the fun starts. We will have over a couple of friends, swim, eat chocolate cake and ice cream and then go to dinner where she wants to. Im afraid my time here is going to be limited. You all do your best not to post that much so that I don't have a lot to catch up on now, ya here. lOl... anyhow, have a good day.
HAPPY BDAY Chianna!!!!!!!!!
Okay guys today is my daughter, Chianna's 9th birthaday. She is with my mom now but when they bring her home is when all the fun starts. We will have over a couple of friends, swim, eat chocolate cake and ice cream and then go to dinner where she wants to. Im afraid my time here is going to be limited. You all do your best not to post that much so that I don't have a lot to catch up on now, ya here. lOl... anyhow, have a good day.

Happy Birthday Chianna :cake:
Cuteness! We used to live in Pensacola and we would spend hours in Hobby Lobby (but we were looking at the scrapbooking stuff mostly). I can't imagine how much more I would spend in there now that I am sewing.

We had one recently open about five minutes away. Since I started sewing a few weeks ago we have gone many time. My DS says "not Hobby Lobby again for fabric!" The selection is not huge but they have them grouped which is so nice.


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