DISing Weightloss Club

Hi guys! It has been quiet on this thread hasn't it?

I've been having an ok week - no major binges but not perfect eating either. We are meeting my aunt/uncle at their beach timeshare this weekend so I'm sure seeing myself in a bathing suit will be good motivation.

Have a great week everyone!
Hi Everyone,

Just got back from my work trip to San Fran, and I am happy to report I did not gain. Which with the way my company eats and drinks I am very surprised. We did do a lot of walking while there so that helped. Back to Jazzercise tonight.
I've been quiet because I was at my cousin's and didn't weigh in. I've been trying to get back on track after last week, which was bad.
I've been quiet this week too...

I'm doing a half marathon Sunday and that's where my focus has been this week. Which means I've been nervous. Which means I've been eating terribly!

I will get back on track next week.

I will also start Bikram yoga next week. I'm a little nervous about that, but my knees NEED a break from running!
I have a lot going on at home. But I am trying to not eat cause of stress..But it is very hard sometiems! Seems like everyone needs a picker up this week!
I too have had a stressful week and it has been so hard to not eat badly!!:confused3 Two more days until weigh in...please be kind scale....

Hang in there everybody, at least we are all in this together. :grouphug:


No more diet pop for me..ugh...i have a kidney infection so i am drinking cranberry juice by the gallons and trying to filter it out! Hopefully i feel better tomorrow because i need to be motivated to straighten up the house some for my mom and to do some exercising! I hope everyone is doing good!
Wow...I'm the first one today?! Okay well I lost 3.4 pounds! :cool1: I wish everyone lots of luck!!

Have a great day!!:banana:


I just weighted in at 188. Which means I am down a 1.5 lbs:banana:

Now I am going to eat my Fiber One Cereal and do my work out tape. Let's see how long this last:lmao:

Good luck everyone today
Wow...I'm the first one today?! Okay well I lost 3.4 pounds! :cool1: I wish everyone lots of luck!!

Have a great day!!:banana:

Great Job Heather!!!! :banana:

I for one had a really, really, BAD week (too many work parties :rolleyes1 ) and I'm scared to death to weigh in this morning... :guilty:
Great job so far everyone!

I was the same this week - still at 185. I really haven't been working too hard at it this week so I'm not surprised. I'm happy I didn't gain. :)
Great job everybody! I am down 1 pound this week which means I am one pound away from being under 200! Slowly but surely is going to be my motto. :goodvibes
Looks like this has been an ok week after all. Maybe we should keep our mouths shut (so to speak) more often. I bet that would help me with my food intake:lmao:

I did Turbo Jam this morning and I have to tell you I can feel it in my arms already. Tomorrow is going to suck and I have sooooooooo much to do. Oh well, it is worth it right!!

Have a great week end all
Thanks Rob! I know all too well about those work parties I had two this week myself...it was killing me to not eat all the goodies people brought in. There is always next week so hang in there!!

Great job to wirki, lifelong dreamer ( I can't wait to get under that 200 mark myself!!) and mkluvsmickey!!!


Bye for now!
Good Job, Y'all!

I am not so good. I'm up 2.4! It's my TOM, so I'll be better next week. Sorry if that's too much info.
I missed my weigh in yesterday again. I stepped on my scale and it was definately wrong. I don't remember the number it gave me... but it was bad. I found it sitting in a pool of water.
I should be tarred and feathered...lol. i ate very bad things this week. I admit it! I have no scale to get weighed on but I did see my DR this week and found out what I weigh and it's about 10 lbs less than last time, I guess thats decent!
Hi guys! It's been quiet around here - I hope that means everyone is having a great week!

I just worked out for the first time since JANUARY 12!!! (I keep a journal) I am sure to be sore tomorrow. Hopefully I can keep it up this week.
Hi all!
I started a new program at the Y and weigh in on mondays, so I'll just be a few days behind everyone else. I'm down 2 lbs...I'm excited. It's so hard, especially now that it's getting warmer (at least here in NY) to avoid the snacks that go with the season...I won't list them...it'll just make us hungry! lol
Congrats to those that lost this week, that's really awesome!


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